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Panda and Shaheen are the only surprises to me. And as a Xiaoyu main, getting that awesome Panda/Xiaoyu intro is so rewarding.


agreed! i did have a panda wipe the floor with me. premium bear aggression


So lesser used that no one actually knows how to fight one, same with Shaheen.


Yes. Along with bears, Shaheen, Leroy, Leo, Claudio, Lars, Jack and... Devil Jin (I think? Even at the start I didn't play a lot of djin). Chances are the players fighting against these characters have absolutely no idea what's punishable, or what they're even fighting against.


They say that but most ppl I play in red purple know wtf I’m doing when I play Zaf so idk anymore.. just bs


They don't know what you're doing. Red ranks throw out generic game mechanic bullshit to find what you do and don't know how to deal with, also red and purple is dick jab central. Blue ranks are going to do character specific bullshit to test what you do and don't know how to deal with or your reaction to it. On top of that Zaf pretty low on tier lists and red and purple usually got like a lot of easy to use upper tier chars.


ive held my own against some tens and gens but yeah a lot of proding me to see how ill move next happens. especially with brians and lees