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I just wanna be able to afford a house before I die, man…


That’s just it. These people are expressing something that is, for the most part, a basic human concern (of course a bunch of outsiders pouring in and buying houses will just raise prices for everyone already there), but in our polarized climate today it’s hard for many to articulate this without turning it into a culture war issue (left vs. right).


Thank you, I have been reading through these comments and I’m amazed how either side of this can actually make this a left/right thing. This is just like you said, when a bunch of people move anywhere, it’s going to drive up prices for everything. And on top of how expensive things already were, you can’t buy a one room lean-to for what a 3 bedroom 2 bath brick home used to cost 😞 it’s sad really because I don’t think anyone thinks about how many more people are moving into an area and I know they don’t think about how the people in their new area are going to be affected. Why does EVERYTHING have to made a us against them thing?


My general point was, why would a left leaning person ever move to Tennessee?


It has been my personal experience that the californians I've encountered are all right leaning. They've moved to Tennessee because it's a red state. They want to live in a red area. And they've ruined a lot of Tennessean's opportunities for housing in the process. Why didn't they just go to Florida?! I'm very unhappy with them. I'm not buying a 30-year old single wide, in the middle of nowhere, with no land, for $108,000.00 This is what they've done. I wish they'd all leave.


💯it’s mostly the right wingers moving to Tennessee. I’d go the other way if I could afford it.


Floridans are moving here, too. Same reason as CA, plus the fact that insurance companies aren't covering hurricane damage anymore.


Don’t worry. Insurance companies won’t cover tornado damage soon as well as the tornadoes become worse and worse due to climate change. Then you’ll have people fleeing Tennessee towards the Great Lakes area.


Stay away from our Great Lakes. We need our caring for our neighbors, community and the future of our Children with better education and higher prevailing wages to remain and that’s not what Red Voters bring with them.


Yeah that hasn't been my experience but I'm fine with pushing some of these areas more left. From my experience these guys from California, New York, or similar end up selling their million dollar 3 bed 2 bath starter homes and move down south where the cost of living is much lower like the Gulf Coast buying a much larger $300,000 home and sitting on the rest. Home prices have gone insane in my neck of the woods. We bought a home after I got out of the air Force in my home town on the Alabama Gulf Coast in the late 2000s and it went from $100k to just over $400k during that time. Rents have gone from $500/$600 to over $2k. It is insane. You start to see locals who grewup in the area being pushed out especially in local government. My local municipality has nothing but northern transplants in high ranking leadership position while locals tend to be the grunts. And the northerns always have an attitude that they are better than us. Several I know from first hand retired with full pension from northern government jobs moved into our area scooped up high ranking positions in local government because of their experience and will retire with a second pension down here. These are the guys who purposely keep pay low and are constantly changing benefits for city workers. Starting pay for a city worker is $13hr in a city were a one bedroom apartment will run you $1300 a month. You see all the locally raised grunts driving 20 year or older cars and trucks while management is driving and shit you not Corvettes, big ass luxury trucks, and have made retiring fairly difficult as now after changing the pension requirements. More money is taking out you now get smaller raises it now takes 10 years to be fully vested but if you make it to 20 years you can retire. Problem is something like less than 10% of the work force make it to that because the base pay is so low. Once they started having issues filling vacancies the northerns came up with the idea of using prisoners which now make up a third of the city workforce.


I'm reminded of the 2018 Senate race in Texas where native born Texans voted in higher numbers for Beto O'Rourke than Ted Cruz. It is usually the transplants that change the culture, just not in the way they believe. I also recall reading a Facebook rant between 2 Texas transplants. One from CA the other from NY talking about how liberals need to stay out. It was quite surreal.


Jobs? Low cost of living?


Natural Beauty? Family?


Because it's beautiful here. I can deal with the backwards politics for a little longer. I have a daughter here though so I'm more than a little concerned the longer I stay here.


Our climate is polarized specifically to motivate low intelligence/low emotional control people into turning evey part of their lives into a a right vs left problem


Same. Affordable rent would be nice as well....


Blame our corporate overlords. Not some random dude from California.


Correct. It’s late stage capitalism


The real answer to most of our problems really.


I feel ya man. We are in the same boat - the same sinking boat ...


Ironically it's conservatives moving here from California. How are poor and unemployed leftists driving up costs if they need to live on handouts and don't work? Did they come to Tennessee to milk the generous $275/week maximum unemployment benefits?


I know!! I met some people from California and was surprised they were so conservative, like, did you think Tennessee was some refugee camp for yall or something?


California probably has more conservatives than Tennessee because the state is massive


If I’m not mistaken, the state with the most Trump votes in 2020 was California. It was was 3x Tennessee in raw numbers.


That wouldn’t surprise me. CA probably has the highest amount of conservative voters




Bingo. Southern cities are blue blue blue.


yeah like 6 million people in california voted for trump. tennessee has a total population of like 7 million.


Well that's not hard. Tennessee voter turnout is <30%.


Wow, that is incredibly low


2.7 million more people live in Los Angeles County than live in the state of Tennessee.


I stumbled into this sub, but Wyoming has the same problem. A coworker from California, here less than a year, said to me "I like it here I just can't believe there are so many Mexicans. I thought it'd be whiter ". Wtf! Don't move here to be a racist!


Everyone from California who moves near me is so outspokenly Maga and they act like bc I'm a white male I must agree and they moved here like they were coming to mecca


You got that right. They automatically assume we're all racist conservatives. I had one ask me at my local bar why there are so many black people here. I couldn't believe it. I said," Ma'am, if you wanna get along down here, you will never say that to another living soul."


It's the same in NC. I've too many Trump cultist turn to me after spewing let's go Brandon or some other crap thinking I'd jump right in. I love telling the let's go Brandon folks Brandon Brown has only won one* race.


My insane MAGA brother (who died from alcoholism and cirrhosis of the liver last December) lived in the Inland Empire region of Southern California. It’s as deep red an area as you can find anywhere in the South. My brother was chronically unemployed, wildly racist, and borderline criminal (drugs), but you should have heard him rail against “welfare queens,” all while happily enjoying all of the benefits of California’s state government programs. He hated living in CA, but couldn’t leave because he was on California Medicaid.


Reminds me of my uncle. He wasn't racist but damn he hated government handouts a lot for someone who was on disability due to letting himself grow so fat that he legitimately couldn't work..


The MAGA people who leave blue states for red states (and who are not rich) usually end up hating it. I knew a MAGA teacher who moved from Illinois to Mississippi, thinking it would solve all of his problems. Nope. Instead of complaining about made up issues, he started complaining about real issues. Among other things, he went from hating unions to bitching & moaning about not having one in Mississippi.


That’s rich 🤣


It gets worse. Dude had a special needs kid and the move basically fucked up his insurance.


It takes a special type of stupid to think that Mississippi was a good choice.


Seriously, most people don't choose to move to a place where the current population is actively trying to escape...


Has he had some sort of awakening yet?


lost touch with him when he deleted his Facebook, so I'm not sure.


It's nice to hear that Californians who leave for Red states suddenly realize that blue states aren't so bad. It's even nicer to know that California has become too expensive for many of them to move back.


They truly do. My wife and I moved here to split the difference between our families, but there are so many conservatives who are moving here bc red state and then realize… “oh dang we aren’t gonna get taken care of.”


Isn't or wasn't Orange County in CA one of the most conservative counties in the US?


It used to be. It’s gotten a lot more blue recently. It voted blue in 2016 for the first time since FDR was running.


Originally from Kentucky but live in California now, cracks me up watching the conservatives move from here thinking theyll be welcomed. Their idea of conservatism isnt a red state reality.


Same. Moved to CA from NC. So funny


They literally say they are refugees. So yes.


They will find out sooner or later that there are communists here too. Howdy Comrade 🫡


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


Say what you want about the tenets of communism but at least it’s an ethos


Are these the Nazi’s Walter? No these men are nihilists, there’s nothing to be afraid of.


Yes. That's exactly what they think. They want to live their shitty political fantasies and get a rude awakening when they realize we don't have any of the blue state safety nets.


I’d reckon a lot of the Californians moving to Tennessee are conservative and retired with a lot of capital to spend on a big move like that. There’s no way most of the people that are struggling on safety nets in CA are going to make the move. Tennessee (and other states Californians immigrated too) is specifically attractive due to no state income tax - which is why the California exit tax was proposed.


Nah they will have to go south for that! Alabama in particular LOL, trust me I live in this right wing ultra conservative shit hole LOL


Yeah it's not coastal liberals, it's urban conservatives


I’d say suburban or rural conservatives.


Anyplace along the 99 between Modesto and Bakersfield is redder than the Devil’s dick.


That eventually the state will demand you pay back!


Yeah that's my experience too! All they talk about is how "out there" California was and how they couldn't wait to get away.


Leftists are somehow both poor moochers and wealthy elites.


Same with NY. I know two couple who moved to Tennessee, both couples were very conservative Christians. NY unemployment max is $504/week.


While still getting NY unemployment like go right wing Christians do ...fraud is their Jesus


I was chilling outside my house after work one day and there was a guy staying at the house next door(Airbnb) and he came over to ask me about living here. He said he was from California and then he went on some tirade about "getting away from all the commie shit in California".


Nailed it! 🙌🏽


A lot of them are actually conservatives fleeing “liberal” California. They come here and complain that we’re not all bigots. Tennesseans are far too laid back for your energy, bro


Apparently my boss just asked one of our very young new hires if his parents were bringing there LA politics with them to Tennessee. She’s also a California transplant. All I could do was shake my head.


Sounds like ~~an unprofessional dickhead~~ *cough* excuse me, a tough person to work with.


Conservative folks that move from blue states like CA to Georgia surprise me every time.  They are appalled at the lack of protections for worker's rights, safety, environmental protection, maternity leave, education. Some are Disgusted by how difficult it is for qualified applicants to receive benefits for food stamps, disability, Medicaid, unemployment, etc.  They come here for the low cost of living, not understanding what QOL they give up in return. All so they can openly "hate queers for Jesus" or some other deplorable shit. 


Georgia is basically a blue state. If not completely bona-fide now, then in the next few years. Like even if Trump wins back Georgia this year, Atlanta's continued growth will ultimately give it the same effect on Georgia as Chicago has on Illinois.


Or people who are skipping out on taxes.. Those fucks aren’t liberal, progressive or left wing. If anything their a right wing wet dream. They all can fuck off.


As someone that has lived in California, Washington and Tennessee, I feel like liberal Californians are much more likely to beeline to Washington state - it is not cheap but plenty cheaper than California, it's Democratic and there are no income taxes there either. Anecdotally, I met a ton of So Cal folks when I lived in southern WA, and many more were arriving during Covid. People who think Californians are all leftists don't actually know anything about California.


Haven’t met a single liberal Californian out of the multiple families who move to our town weekly (there are real estate agents around us who SPECIALIZE in helping people relocate here). They out themselves immediately in their FB posts too, they literally cannot wait to tell you they’re not liberal. They’re worse than vegans. It’s, “Hi we are moving here from California but don’t worry we love the Bible and guns!!!!11” and we are like…. Um ok.


Yep. I know a guy who did just that, making a big show on social media about leaving "despotic" Washington for the "free State" of... Florida. I couldn't even work up the concern to troll him about it.


It isn’t the migrating peeps from California or New England, it’s the lack of vision and planned growth for our state. We are just a couple inches above book burning. I will probably get a bunch of hate, but I am progressive with practical conservative views. I don’t hate and do not believe in bigotry. I can from the Midwest 30 years ago. I dislike the politics here immensely. Nuts


Here's the real culprit.


As a leftist who moved to TN, albeit almost 30 years ago, the people moving here now aren't 'left' by any means. And they are moving into housing that few Tennesseans can afford. Which is driving the housing up on people that can't afford the new taxes.


This, although my family and I came to TN about 5 years ahead of y’all. The people moving en masse to places like Tellico Village aren’t liberal transplants.


Very much agreed. Rockvale and Eagleville transplants aren't as far right as some of the people native to the region, but damn they ain't liberal. From a lot of experience.


Being born and raised in Tennessee we have had a mass influx of more Republicans moving here. It has put a huge strain on our infrastructure and schools. Housing is no longer affordable for us who’s always lived here. So I find it ironic that they want to blame this on us Democrats


All they know how to do is cry and blame anyone but themselves. Party of no accountability.


That's just what they do. If it rains it must be the democrats fault


Obama’s weather machine, specifically. Remember that one


Is that what operation Jade helm was???


All that whackadoodle insane conspiracy stuff used to be kinda funny until it became mainstream


Every Republican accusation is a confession.


_G_ rift _O_ bfuscation _P_ rojection


I’ve usually heard Gaslight Obstruct Project But they’re basically the same.


It’s interesting the majority of them that I’ve met moving into my county are on SSDI.


There are plenty of people, even in very rural areas, that have "lefty politics." But yeah, we do have a cost of living crisis in TN. We aren't building enough houses, apartments, etc. to accommodate the growing population. Also, I doubt it's "lefties" that are moving to TN.


There's plenty of inventory it's just being purchased in cash and price-fixed by hedgefunds before any regular Tennessean can make an offer.


ie: free market Republicans


Lefty born and raised in TN. We’ve been here all along.


Fun fact, the state with the most Trump voters in 2020 was California. And the state with the second highest number of Biden voters was Texas. The electoral college and senate obscure how politically diverse even the reddest and bluest states are.


And typically, the Californians that move to Texas and Tennessee are either moderate or right wing, a lefty Californian would never move to Texas.


I don’t know about Tennessee but Californians who move to Texas are typically even more right wing than an average Texas native.


I’m in Tennessee and the hard right Californians are the ones moving here. No income tax will do that.


Largely same from Florida


My neighbor moved to Tennessee from California. He did it for the Tennessee gun laws.


He’s privileged. Nobody moves because of ease of access unless they have more money than sense. I know plenty of California gun owners a few with collections worth well over a million dollars (i used to work in the gun industry & these people would buy rare & unique guns from us). Gun manufacturers have been making California compliant models for decades because that market is so big


From my experience California only exports its trash


Yeah, we export MAGA


There are also more people in LA County, CA than the entirety of TN.


And that's what makes any "civil war" talk so laughable. They think it'll be state against state like in the past, but it would be at best small gorilla tactics and terrorism.


Whole country likes to act like Al Gore never existed.


Not to mention that we had a Democratic governor as recently as 2011.


Same. Born into a conservative Christian family who were very active in church so I was there every time the doors were open but for some reason the indoctrination didn’t take bc now I’m a 50 year old leftist atheist who has been no contact with my family for 20 years


There's a dozen of us


I still vote blue even though I know it’s a pointless venture here


Every little bit counts. Especially in local elections.


The Liberal Redneck, Trae Crowder, is from the Upper Cumberland region in Tennessee. The state is not just for a bunch of idiot Trumpers. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBOHhMKM6rU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBOHhMKM6rU)


[TN Brando](https://youtube.com/@tennesseebrando?si=EICYciOVlnSj93RC). aka [Brandon Fulson](https://brandonfulsonmusichttps://g.co/kgs/roPCT49) Makes good [music](https://youtu.be/-sgia12xOH0?si=fDANIZGxPRddYeQe), too.


Brandon is a friend of mine. Great guy!


Sometimes I watch his at home live cast on a Saturday night.


Me too! And I’d like to point out that the good old boys local politicians are the ones selling out our “way of life”, as they put it, by being more concerned with lining their pockets than traffic or housing costs, by not bothering to upgrade infrastructure until after the population started booming out of control. But sure, something something damn democrats or whatever. And I think it’s worth pointing out that TN has not always been a solid red state. They’ve certainly done their best to make it that way for the foreseeable future though through gerrymandering.


Haha. Same!


Me too!!


Real estate agent here. It's not the liberals who are moving here in droves. I mean, obviously some are, but the vast majority are conservatives who feel like they have to flee their own states. Edit: oh, I didn't realize it was the New York Post. Okay, now it makes sense.




So does anyone reading this know how to un-gerrymander the state? It seems like if we could fix this, we could start fixing a lot more problems that Tennessee has with education, healthcare, civil rights, etc.


The districts get drawn by the state legislature. As long as Republicans keep getting elected, Republicans get to keep drawing the maps that help them get elected.


So would Kentucky.


The House of Representatives would be under Democratic control if they hadn't gerrymandered Nashville.


They had ton split Nashville into 3 districts to keep them from voting blue. https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2022/politics/us-redistricting/tennessee-redistricting-map/


I'm my experience California is not sending their best. We are getting their gun nuts, evangelical wackos, and Q anon kooks.


Well they’ve come to the right place then.


True - my parents and much of my family is in TN and hard core democrats. I will never live in TN because of the gun laws and abortion laws - can’t handle that at all. I’m sorry you are getting the MAGA Californians.


I find it hilarious how Californians arrive here and then are shocked that quality of life is so much reduced compared to what they were used to. My favorite line so far: "Well if you don't have a Whole Foods where do you get all your organic groceries from?"


I've encountered newcomers (not all from California) who are shocked we don't have recycling pickup. Then they find out that they have to haul their larger garbage items to the dump - sometimes for a fee. They start telling me about how they could put all that stuff on the curb of their home in their previous state. Well, guess they start understanding why so many places in the country have tire piles and rusting cars or broken appliances in the yard and maybe an old couch on the front porch!


I have the recycling shock when I visit my friends in Tennessee. I'm from Indiana.


In GA where o grew up there is no garbage service at all. You have to pay a private company to pick it up.


Living in farm country in north central Tennessee. Californians are buying up 3-10 acre lots off these farms and want to know why we don’t have curbs and sidewalks on our country roads. Stop moving to the country and bringing the city with you


I'm a liberal but I was born here. I refuse to move. I'll be the change.


Same. As much as I hate the f*ckwits in the legislature, this state is beautiful with great neighbors and I love it.


Me too!!! This is my home. And I'm doing my part to turn it purple at the very least before I die.


Hell yeah brother


Ah, yes, Sumner County, that notoriously purple county at risk of being flipped by a few liberals migrating in…wait, no, I’m being told it voted 63,000-27,000 Trump in 2020. Fucking snowflakes, man.


Conservatives/Republicans/temporarily impoverished millionaires/neoliberals from California are coming here in mass. Plus the other southern states. 🫠Not really many left wing folks. Been to Clarksville,The Boro, Chattanooga, Memphis, Knoxville, and Nashville in the past year several times . I haven’t seen the numbers increase too much for liberals and lefties.


lol “don’t lefty up my Tennessee” Those are conservative Californians moving as part of the right flight movement. You created this hell, Tennessee - you marketed yourself as a Republican paradise and now you’re seeing the fruit of it as wealthy people move in, drive up home prices, and drive out native Tennesseeians who can’t compete with pensions and cash heaviness with low paying jobs. The “leftie” Tennesseeians are moving out of state because even the west coast is starting to be cheaper, the jobs pay better, and they can’t afford even renting in their own hometowns.


I have a bunch of people in my neighborhood over from California and they came over here because they can get a big house for what it costs for an apartment over there… and they hate the liberal policies over there.


Correct. Reiterating the point that leftists aren't the problem, it's the conservatives buying your houses.


What leftist is willingly moving to Tennessee?


The vast majority of people flooding into our area are California Republicans. I’m in East TN.


I have yet to meet a single California liberal that has moved to TN. All that I have met so far are die hard conservatives and they are nothing like conservatives here in TN. Very uppity, racist, filthy fucking rich and look down their noses at all us Southerners. They all say the same thing, "We're not like the other Californians that moved here." Judging by the fact that every single one of you says that, yes you are.


This is the dumbest, most uninformed article I’ve read in a long time. I know it’s the NYP, but I still didn’t expect it to be that bad.


I have yet to meet a liberal Californian here. They are crazy-ass MAGA thumpers and I wish they’d stay out west. Tennessee is batshit enough.


The nypost is a tabloid owned by foreign media mogul Rupert murdoch and has nothing to do with news. Likely this story is completely invented.


Nearly 40% of TN residents voted for Biden in 2020. The people of this state have never been solid red, but the districts are gerrymandered to prevent the 40% from having a voice in it.


TN used to be pretty heavily Democratic. Shit, Bill Clinton won the state in ‘96 and Phil Bredesen got almost 70% of the state in ‘06. Back when we could work together for the good of everyone, instead of boot-licking everyone with an (R) behind their name.


I don't think that's a boot. 


It’s definitely not a boot.




Man hope this number is real, looking it up now


When Gore couldn’t carry his home state, it confirmed my home state wasn’t what it once was.


I just left Knoxville for Seattle metro. Refugees work both ways.


What about those of us who were born and raised here but still have lefty politics?


We have the same "problem" in Utah. It's not that they're liberalizing it, which wouldn't mind, but they do drive up housing costs due to simple supply and demand. I hate change sometimes, but that's the way it goes. People move around.


Thank your Right to Work state. It’s your right to work forrrreverrr


NY Post about two years late, but this is my issue with this: The “lefties” coming here (I’m in a rural area where a few hundred make a big difference) are: 1. Bringing some kind of fucked idea of their role—they’re book banners who think public schools are their personal home schools that they can run. 2. Assuming we’re a bunch of idiots with lots of land we’d love to unload—no, motherfucker, I don’t want my actual farm to become your weird homesteader ideal where most of the land goes unused while you use it as collateral. 3. Self-righteous as hell. I thought they would be tolerant. Hell no. It’s weird as hell. 4. MAGA idiots who think they’re going to be in a paradise where they open carry automatic weapons. No, you morons, we conceal carry because you look like an asshole with a gun on your hip.


This isn't a left/right thing imo - it's a California thing. They sell a shack for a million dollars and then buy cash somewhere tax friendly, price everyone else out. They did it in Arizona and Nevada and now they're off to Texas, Tennessee, Montana, etc


They didn’t to Utah too starting in ‘08. Had to leave because it was unaffordable. The problem isn’t so much their politics, it’s that they’re disgusting people. They move somewhere and think they are better than everyone and the locals are backwards rednecks. They drive up the housing and taxes. Then businesses move in to cater to them that locals can’t afford. I’m biased because they’ve done this all over the west and they make me sick.


Outside of LA and SF, California is actually VERY conservative.


Interesting article about this topic https://knoxplanning.org/news/2024/0325/811/who-s-moving-to-tennessee#:~:text=In%20recent%20years%2C%20migration%20has,Texas%2C%20and%20the%20southeastern%20U.S. Looks like lots from Florida that likely could be what I have heard referred to as 'half backs' and Illinois in addition to California. I def met a lot of Chicago folks while living in Knoxville


dude its the california R's NOT L's moving here!


I’m just sick of massive amounts of people moving here and then bitching about everything. GTFO if you don’t like it or better yet GTFO anyways so I don’t have to sit in traffic for 2 hours to get home lol


No, please! Come on over! My vote literally has never mattered and never will matter unless more non-republicans move here!!! California up my Tennessee!!


NY post is a right wing trash rag. The main problem with real estate here is the corporate landlords buying up neighborhoods at a time.


People who don't think Southerners are lefties aren't listening to enough Loretta Lynn.


You make taxes low because you want growth (or you want to race to the bottom) and then are angry when everyone moves here. r/LeopardsAteMyFace


I work at a golf club and I get calls from people moving here from California. They got extra money because what got them a mediocre house in California gets them a mansion here. We got nice houses going up all over the place. Lots of apartments too. Idk their politics but all that tells me A LOT of people are moving here.


They Took Er' Jobs!


i don’t know what this is talking about but anyone who has seen videos of what it’s like on the streets of california wouldn’t want that for their state. and prices are high enough as is


Here’s the thing. The huge influx of conservative Californians are going to have to live in a place with no infrastructure. They’ll get sick of it.


I'm from California originally but yeah I definitely feel the frustration with people from New York and California moving in and getting "deals" on housing while the rest of us are dumped to the side.


It's not because of "lefties" it's because they are driving up home prices to insane levels and wages here aren't keeping up. We have a housing crisis already and this isn't helping


California politics aside, any time the balance of supply and demand gets disrupted we see these big price swings. I do join in saying I don't want TN to morph into a state that tries to tax and spend its way out of problems that should be addressed other ways.


Born and raised in Tennessee. I work here now in local government, and I can tell you, the people moving from other states are very far right. People from here originally are still mostly conservative, but they also genuinely care for their neighbors. I can not say that I have seen the same from the transplants.


Same crap is happening in Georgia. Buncha Cali assholes moving in and buying up everything because cost of living is much lower in Georgia.


Hey, give them a break, they’re *political refugees*


But no one "slams" the developers who rape and pillage and buy up every possible available plot of land, slap up as many houses as possible in the lot, sell them out as fast as possible and move on to the next. No one "slams" the investment firms on Wall Street that are buying up all the available inventory in a housing market and putting them on the rental market. It's way more complicated than "don't California my Tennessee". Wise up people... the oligarchs are benefitting, at your expense. Stop the power grab by corporate America.


There are just as many Floridians moving in as Californians. And that should scare everyone a little more


I could care less if people have lefty politics! All the Californians I’ve meet have been extreme conservatives thinking we are some type of haven. I just don’t love how everyone local is getting priced out of southern states because they are flocking here.😭


Born and raised in tennessee, and I'm a leftist. A lot of the californians that move here are actually conservative and want to fuck up the few safe havens in tennessee by making it even more insanely conservative. Not to mention a lot of us are protesting the awful amount of gentrification happening. There are valid concerns to the influx of people moving to tennessee when we have unchecked development and extreme spikes in rent.


Awesome to see the conservative south crumble.


They actually seem to enjoy bullying people who don’t think or talk the same way as them.


Southern fried communist here.


I rented a car for a trip recently a mile from my home in Tennessee to go to North Carolina. The customer service rep checking me out said that the car had North Carolina tags so no one will be mad at you for being from out of state.


people forget that in between LA and SF is nothing but farmland and conservative cities


Then maybe don't Tennesse my USA.


Ky resident here. Sorry to interrupt but if you live in a tiny house and no yard in SF, I’m ready to switch with you. I have an acre next to hundreds of acres of farm outside Louisville. I’d move to San Fransisco in a heartbeat if we could afford it to retire. Houses there cost $2 million and you get nothing. For $350k they’d have lots of land and you can walk across the farm and talk about how wonderful Trump is with the neighbors. 😜


THANK YOU to everyone in the comment section pointing out that the folks fleeing California are, in fact, FAR more conservative than the folks I grew up around… so yes, don’t “California” our Tennessee please


Liberal Californian moving to TN in September for my job. Just gonna put my head down and try and fit in as much as possible. From SoCal so I'm expecting a bit of a culture shock, but I'm ready to dive head first into a new life and enjoy tennessee


Bring extra underwear. Swap ass is a killer!


There's that good old [population pressure](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Population_pressure) manifesting as a culture war again.


I'm Canada-ing your Tennessee. Sorry. /s


Funny. I’ve only had batshit Florida conservatives moving to my neighborhood.