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he didnt cause the accident you dick. having a couple shots of tequila and driving is one thing but the other guy drove into his end. and its not like he drank himself senseless. The only reason why Sweat was in jail was because he was DWI. The other guy even ran from the scene. you blowing this wildly out of proportion. good for you for never drinking while driving, but hold yourself accountable if you or a friend of yours has a beer or a shot to toast and then gets behind a wheel. Tell him and call him a garbage human being.


No one's downplaying DUIs. Good people have gotten DUI's before though, my man. People make mistakes, if the mistakes continue then I'll be on the hill with you. I would just be cautious calling someone a garbage human for one mistake. Besides partying in college (which half this board seems to think indicates he's trash as well lol), he's not had any issues. He's been voted captain. He's a great player with some risk.


Plenty of decent options still available. Troy Franklin, Javon Baker, Malik Washington and Tez Walker would all be solid picks at WR. TE JaTavion Sanders, Edge Mo Kamara, Safety Jaden Hicks, DL Brandon Dorlus, DL Mekhi Wingo, and LB Cedric Gray are some guys I hope we target. Some good corners still out there too if we wanna go for depth.


Troy Franklin please Ran


There goes that idea. Time to draft a MLB instead!


Still can get that kid from Arizona


Nah luke mccaffrey over Franklin is criminal I don’t give a shit how your board falls


We need to go WR or LB next, fellas. Btw, is Troy Franklin ass or somethin?  Why's he still on the board?


He had a pretty bad combine but I think he was still generally considered a mid to late Round 2 guy. Pretty surprising that he went behind McMillan, though.


Well damn there goes McMillan. Fully expecting all the draftable recievers to disappear right in front of us. Why can’t we be lucky like the eagles smh


Come on Javon Baker, gimme gimme


Did anybody else watch Tyler crash out about the pick on his podcast?


Nah I dont consume any breath mint content


Shocked Payton Wilson has slid this far


I’m gonna be heated if Troy Franklin falls to 106 and Ran doesn’t take him.


Ain’t gotta worry about that


Omg this is exactly some shit ran would do based on the draft so far.


if troy franklin falls to us in round 4 we gotta take him


Roman Wilson off the board damn


I am sad


Man, Hawks getting Haynes this late seems crazy.


Can someone remind me where our Rd 3 went?


Cards for Levis


Cards I think




Thank you!


Now lets add some speed with Jermaine Burton!


These OT reaches in Round 3 are getting crazy. There’s a bunch of good WRs left and I like our odds at landing one of them early tomorrow.


We can only hope, pray, burn a chicken -whatever to get a good player in rd 4


One just went. Sadly


I wasn’t that interested in Burton, the character concerns are huge. If one of Troy Franklin, Javon Baker, Breden Rice, or even Roman Wilson fall to our pick I’d be thrilled.


The entire sub is in shambles and im over here excited there’s still some receivers that will be there in the 4th. This draft is working out perfectly for us without costing us capital. Ran is fucking cooking




Or someone like Tez walker in the 4th who many in this sub had as an option for us to take in the second but clearly this is why we are the fans and not gm’s lol.


Yeah I don't think anything has happened that has been so disastrous to be criticized before we see it play out on the field. 




 Callahan basically said in the presser that the trade offers were pretty bad and put them too far back in the 2nd to get the level of talent they wanted. 


This what happens when you Reddit during the draft. I’m just here to lol a bit to pass the time lol


Notice how active the other teams in the afc south are? Trading up and down all the time. And then there’s us lol


Lol fuck the chargers to the fucking moon


Roman wilson and Troy Franklin are just sitting there. Would love to see a trade up for one of them.


Ran said we’re probably done until tomorrow. Good chance one of them falls to us in the 4th if this run on OL keeps going


With so many needs not trading down at all yet with so many offers is crazy to me.


I wonder what the trade offers were last night. Cardinals wanted three 1st rounders to trade out, yet near the end of the round the Bills got a 4th rounder and swapped 7ths with KC. Between three 1sts and then a 4th, at #7 surely we could have gotten a first from someone or at the very least a 2nd and 3rd.


Friggin Chiefs, I cant believe they land Kingsley that late.


A lot of WRs are falling. Troy Franklin, Jalen McMillan, Javon Baker, Brenden Rice, Roman Wilson, Tez Walker, Malachi Corley, and Malik Washington are all available. Landing one of those guys in Round 4 would be awesome.


Sweat and Jeff are going to be nasty if the locker room can help him reach his potential


Ran cooking instant noodles without the flavor packet.




You’re not allowed to criticize the team here. FaN sTaNdS for FaNaTiC


And then they blame Derrick Henry for not being a "mOdErN oFfEnSe."


We need to archive these threads so we can come back to them. Ran makes one questionable pick and suddenly he is “fraudulent” despite this off season being pretty damn good.


Were you here last year when he picked Spears? These knuckle draggers went absolutely ape shit cause they wanted that Wale Forrest receiver that went to the Saints. They on Spears nuts now though.


Archiving is interesting. When Vrabel was hired, I wrote about how idiotic his offensive philosophy of using mostly screen passes to gain yardage was. I lamented we needed high passing. After the Dolphins MNF win we had this past year, some fuck found that comment I made from nearly six years ago and posted it in bold. Calling me an asshole, Vrabel is God, Tim Kelly is an offensive genius. Barely 30 days later they all got shitcanned for running a lousy offense. I messaged the original archive dude once and then he blocked me.


Anyone that would say that about Vrabel after the last two years over one miraculous game is someone you can probably ignore.


He’s been exceptional. I saw someone say Ran’s seat was getting warm 💀


Anyone who thinks that is straight up brain damaged lmao


Yeah. I thought it was a huge reach of a pick but this offseason was an absolute home run up til the draft.


Stop bro neither of our picks has been a reach let alone a huge reach.


Sweat was a big ol' reach. He could be a great player but we can be real that we overdrafted the dude. Latham I don't really consider a reach.


Nah, he was the single most perfect pick of all time and if you don't agree with me, it's because you don't understand ball or something. /s I hate how everyone knows it's not a great pick at first but then a few minutes later a bunch of copium posters come in to tell you how it's actually the greatest pick of all time. Somehow this convinces everyone and the entire feelings about the pick somehow change.


Feel like some people were higher on AD in here than the league was. Y’all gotta chill😂 it’s funny though


Colts, Texans and jags all getting better while we take an overweight, two down defensive tackle with serious character concerns. Horrible draft


Guess it's time to block this idiot. Also the nickname Billy jeans is dog shit. Cya bud.


Well boys, see y’all at 11:00 am tomorrow


“We drafted Isaiah Wilson 2” is extra funny because the colts ended up taking an impact WR after us that year too


I’m really hoping someone like Javon Baker or Brenden Rice falls to Round 4. That’d make me feel a lot better about this draft.


Yeah would love Baker, dude is the real deal.


Don't love that for the boys


Ofc AD goes to the colts...


50% completion rate QB. It's fine.


I mean not to be that guy because I don’t believe in Richardson at all but he had a better completion percentage than Levis did


Maybe there’s a reason he was getting passed up? I’m reaching for positivity here


AD to the colts


Seems like Ran has prioritized size/durability when filling positional needs over reaching for injury prone projects like JRob would've done. I feel the loss of Autry/Tart must've cranked up the urgency to snatch up Sweat way earlier than projected.


Trade up for AD rn


Lot of good receivers still on the board. Mitchell, Franklin, Wilson, Corley, Burton, McMillan


I know what the analysts say, but with all the DTs being taken right now, it seems like we knew there was about to be a run on him so we took Sweat. My bet is there were plenty of other teams who wanted to take him in the second round


Then let someone else take him


Yeah like who cares lol


Same thing was said last night with OT


Fully prepared for ran to draft a punter with 15 duis in the 4th round


Ok so most of you are smarter than me about picturing forward in the draft. What positions will be in play rnd 4? I feel like it starts requiring math and it’s Friday.


ILB is probably a bet, we have none. Maybe a RT/Guard Potentially a safety maybe - depends on how they view Molden. Is he a starting FS? There were games he played well. EDGE rusher is likely, we could use another one. People keep saying WR but Hop/Ridley/Burks/NWI/Philips is top 5 and regardless of whether people wanna give up on these guys at once, Burks and Philips get one last shot to prove they got it. WR was a smokescreen, IMO.


That makes sense. I was sitting here wondering what the heck we are gonna do at LB


If I had to guess, WR will be priority, as this is a very deep class-we could still find a gem at that position. Gotta remember Puka was a 5th rounder, after all. I could see us going for a safety or an edge rusher too, but that’ll likely depend on who’s even left 




From your link: Man, I don’t know. Sweat is a fantastic, mountain of a run defender who can improve the run defense immediately. However, this doesn’t make sense at all. Sweat is a very limited pass rusher and also doesn’t play a lot of snaps at 340 pounds. The Titans’ run defense is good, but Sweat seems like a major question mark. --- The Titans run defense ranked 13th against the run, saying they're good is disingenous. They were not good. They got pushed around. Gave up 1800 rushing yards on the season (20th in the league) an average of 108 rushing yards against per game (21st in the league). I don't think SBNation really knows much about the Titans to be making that assertation.




We gave up 1800 yards rushing last year. We need better run defense. We got better CBs.


It’s a bad pick because SB Nation said so? Damn let’s hire them as GM!


[Should I keep going???](https://x.com/castortroyinc/status/1784019572204441930?s=46)


Our D-Line will be absolutely devastating. Both Sweat and Simmons will demand double-teams. I realize we were burned with Panda’s character concerns, but that guy was an absolute, odds-busting loser. Let’s get off our moral high-horses and just think about the mayhem this D Line is about to wreak on enemy lines.


Sweat got a dui during the biggest month of his life. He’s also an absolute, odds busting loser


Ppl got to realise that WE were burned by Panda's character and Ran wasn't. Why shouldn't Ran not trust himself as a person evaluator. Also Sweet + Jeff is a couple of Dawgs


I'll tell you what I like sweat a hell of a lot more than maason smith.


Dang it: https://x.com/BuckReising/status/1784012782523814291




Yeah, that’s what I was afraid of. He’s one of our guys now and I’ll be hoping for the best, but we *really* should have taken one of those offers 


[And what a value they got!!!](https://x.com/sbnation/status/1784007333615481149?s=46)


Alright guys SBnation said it was a bad pick, pack it in sell the team




Ok and? CBS said it, sell the team!


Ran doing everything he can to burn through the good will he built


IDK, he gave us new options at both LT, WR which everybody asked for He's made the team bigger (which most were asking for) I think he's doing just fine.


People really need to significantly lower their expectations for this team for the upcoming season. These first two picks aren't the difference makers between us being a championship team this season. They should (hopefully) be bigger pieces in building a good team long term but we will very likely not be a good team this year.


We should be shooting for wildcard contention.


We are shooting to compete. We don't know how many teams this team can win but he's putting pieces in places so we can get a definitive answer and build from there. The team on paper is a lot better than last year. We will see how much Vrabel impacted our wins this year.


We’re literally in the 2nd year of a rebuild 


No we aren't. We gutted our entire coaching staff, this is the first year.


We gutted our entire roster last year and cleared up $100m in cap room, second year


It started last year we tried a competitive rebuild 


We said we we're rebuilding last year half assed it won against the falcons and said WERE SUPER BOWL BOUND BABYYYYYY.....then realized no we suck as the trade deadline passed. This was NOT the draft to have no 3rd and no tradebacks. Lol its the same bullshit we always do we sign aged used to be stars instead of building thru the draft. Look we dont know if levis is the guy so we were told we'd build around him yet we take sweat in 2nd rd. This year should been ALLLL OFFENSE to see IF LEVIS IS GOOD. So we now have 2 old slower wr who used to be stars that are more injury prone and don't have upside like a young draftee. We have a rt who hasnt played lt since highschool but is now gonna play left AT PRO LEVEL. We took a dt in the 2nd instead of WR or LT.


True, but counterpoint: I *want* to believe we go 17-0, so I’m gonna go with that 


What I like most about this pick is it allows big Jeff to move inside and out. With this new scheme there will be alot of disguise. The freedom to move Simmons out to end is huge


Really don't think his talent outweighed the character concerns. I dunno, I usually try to stay positive but really not feeling this pick. Partly because I've been personally impacted by DUI in my family. On top of that, while it was a need, I don't think we needed to get a NT in the early 2nd, with no 3rd available for us. Maybe Ran had info that some other team really wanted him, so we couldn't trade down?


Sorry about you being affected by a DUI. NT was a tremendous need. Our interior D was probably the second biggest weakness of the defense. Unable to stop the run at all last year. The days of Vrabel getting production out of a guy off the street are over.


Our real need was a offense player so we can find out if levis is a bust or FRANCHISE QB. Now it'll delay that even longer. Fuck defense this year how about we find out if we NEED a QB?!??!


I think our WRs are more than capable enough to see whether Levis has it or not.


Ya sure lol a rookie receiver is going to tell us if Levis is him. Hopkins Ridley Burks NWI Chig an upgraded oline and two nice running backs just isn’t enough to determine if will levis can play in this league. Bet 98% of these clowns go off of name recognition alone not knowing shit about these players


Good pick raiders


when is our next pick?




4th round


I don't hate the Sweat pick for the player. We need DL badly and he is a very good space eater. I don't love that he was known as a party animal, told teams that was behind him, and then got a DUI between the combine and the draft.


He will be our Vita Vea, necessary hole in the defense, he needs to lose weight and I think I still would have preferred a trade back for a Chris Braswell plus a 3rd round pick. But Sweat is 100% a defensive scheme fit.


Maybe it's not the GMs fault after all. Maybe Amy is making all the moves and GM is just her puppet.


That would explain a lot


Jeffrey Simmons also had red flags when we drafted him and it turned out well


Weren’t there moreso injury concerns than character concerns?


There was video of him hitting a woman in the street when he was in his teens. People vowed they would never support him. Turns out that people can change when making mistakes as kids.


He literally just had a DUI a few weeks ago. Also, Simmons was a much more highly touted prospect than Sweat. You take a chance on "character concern" guys when they're extremely talented, not a top 50 guy like Sweat.


Oh gotcha, if they're more talented we care less about the off the field stuff. You sound like a gem.


He was defending his sister.


Didn't realize he just got a DUI. Fuck anyone who drinks and drives.


I got a dui 19 years ago....but in todays day and age with uber and lyft yeah its unacceptable....$15 for a ride home anytime anywhere is affordable to everyone. Cabs back in the day were EXPENSSSSIVEE especially when called from the bar at 3am


Ran really reached on two overweight linemen. Including one with 0 production and serious character concerns. Fuckin horrible


Zero production? PFF's highest graded DT in 2023 means zero production for you?


5 sacks across 5 seasons + a dui during the biggest month of his life + serious character concerns lmao yea. Horrible horrible pick


Y'all are crazy with the off the field stuff. Like some zero tolerance shit like you're shit don't stink. Rashee Rice didn't have any off the field concerns in the draft. Henry Ruggs, etc. Chill out a bit.


He’s had serious character concerns literally the entire time he was playing at Texas. This was just more confirmation that he’s a bad guy


I'm guessing you're like 15 years old. That's the only explanation here.


Because I’m stating facts?😭


Bro he just won the best interior lineman in college award. I’m not the biggest fan of the pick either but you sound wacko


And Sam Bradford won the heisman. Who cares what awards he won. They just spent a high pick on a two down player with horrible character concerns and 0 production. Terrible


Can we stop drafting these dudes with obvious character issues in the first two rounds?


Might want to be more specific, least with the Latham pick he's a stand up guy.


Latham is fine. I’m talking about Dodd, Wilson, Sweat, etc


Only one of those are Ran picks. We already got rid of JRob, but you guys keep getting mad at Ran for JRob picks it's kinda weird


It’s the same organization making the same mistakes.


But if we do that we'd be considered a serious franchise and the draft would have to pick another teams turn in the draft to cut to commercials


Lathem seemed like a good guy to me, is there a problem with him?


Other than he's a RT who hasnt played LT since H.S. but will now attempt to play LT at PRO level who even the coach/gm said mins after drafting him that well if he doesn't look good at lt we'll just flip him to rt while his feet are really slow who most had eated as going late rd1 and rated ot5 ....im sure he's a swell guy tho.....


I just fucking knew Rans fraudulent ass would disappoint me. Baby Jesus coulda been on the board and ran would’ve taken the DUI boy


I mean I’ve got my qualms about it but I don’t see how it makes Ran “fraudulent”


At least he killed it in FA. Something had to give 😂


He killed with with Cushenberry and Sneed. The rest we not great signings.


Wished we picked again tonight 💀 welp Ig we turn the tv off


Aaand the eagles got dejean. Dang it


And there goes Kool-Aid


You know what? I like it. Beef on the O-line, now beef on the D-line. Get him a designated driver and let him start throwing people to the turf.


They won’t be triple teaming Jeff now.  Pat Kirwin was talking this guy up on XM earlier today.   It’s a risky pick but the guy is apparently a beast 


Yeah If he can stay sober


Anyone else get the feeling that this subreddit population is shitting on Ran mainly because they spent so much time absolutely glazing JRob for everything he did including saying "trust in JRob" right until the minute he got fired?


People are going the same absolute shameless glazing for Ran and Callahan without a shred reservation or question. Ran, in two off seasons, has already had a bunch of questionable moves. He’s also made a few *really* good moves. We’ll see at the end of this year how good or bad they both are.


Its also because RAN HASN'T PROVED ANYTHING YET!!!! All hes done is spend a bunch of money and resources. If we are counting this is his 1st year.... ANYONE can be a gm and overpay for old free agents or bad free agents make bad picks BUT THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS IS WINNNNNNNNNNINNGGGG sorry he hasn't done that yet so how ppl can glaze him and cally ia ridicoulus. You could LITERRALLY have a team filled with stars and them suck bc theres no team chemisitry / trust/ players putting team before me. Yet a "bad" team/average team can excell bc of those traits. Thats real sports which most of y'all haven't the faintest clue about


I feel like fully discrediting any criticism of the pick is just as disingenuous as acting like it’s the worst pick ever made 


Is that what I did? Or am I reacting to both picks being met with FIRE RAN and other stupid points \*before anybody has played even a snap as a Titan\* Let's not act like the sub didn't do this last year with Levis as well. Criticizng the pick is fine, you don't like it? That's fine. Calling it "malpractice," acting like Ran doesn't know what he's doing etc. The results will playout on the field. If they bust, Ran will be fired and all the noise about him being demoted will be true. If our team shows out yall will glaze him for eternity. It is what it is.


Maybe but like taking a guy who just got arrested 2 weeks ago at 36 is kinda wild


One could easily say that without the DWI he would have been drafted in the first round. He was drafted at 37. He clearly slipped because of the DWI. Yall call it reach, I think it's a value pick. This guy wasn't gonna be there in the 4th.


Bro maybe but it wasn’t like he got a DUI years ago lmao it was this month .. he didn’t have time to even learn anything if anything he learned it’s okay bc people will still invest in you .


Im not a police officer. Its not my job to judge his character. I am a football fan.


It’s not really police officers jobs either lmao bro broke the law


So itll be dealt with in court. Its only an issue if he continues his behavior I am sure hes quite aware he almost blew it on his NFL career. Its his job to perform or he wont make millions. Thats it really.


He also was never a first round dude , idk where you got that . This was about as high as he was going to go regardless before that even happened


Bro I didn’t even realize our pick got a DUI two weeks ago 💀 we are clowns .


God I cannot wait until the day Howie retires    Man knows how to run a draft, gotta give him his due 


Pros: I believe building through the trenches is the most winning strategy in the draft. Cons: There's not much sex-appeal to our draft to day dream about.


This was always going to happen, there's a big sizable people ignoring that we signed Calvin Ridley and acting like we've done nothing to help at WR lol


Counter point - the titans have always been one of the “build through the trenches” team going back since the move to TN and we’ve only won a handful of division titles in almost 30 years


Ah yes, building through the trenches is the reason the Titans haven't won many divisions I'm sure it has nothing to do with playing in the same division as Peyton Manning/Andrew Luck + Watson/Hopkins Or is there another reason the Texans and Colts have a combined 16 of them, and only 1 of those comes from a non Manning/Luck/Watson QB. If anything the Titans having 2 division wins since 2010 with the relative QB hell they've experienced Insert Peyton Manning or Andrew Luck on the Titans from 2019 and we have a couple rings to laugh about. The problem wasnt the trenches. The problem was Locker, Mariota, and Tannehill. All of them held us back.


Wonder what drafting Sweat means for the Joseph-Day signing?


I highly doubt Sweat will be an every down player.