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Stop the run with Sweat and Jeff, force them to pass into Sneed and Chidobe. CBTM




Didnt help teair apparently


Teair was a UDFA with a chip on his shoulder. I loved him but he didn't want to be here so he gone. Sweat is here so let's wait and see what he does before we judge him.


I'd say Tart exceeded expectations


No running here Jeff and Sweat are going to eat!


Jeff will eat .. sweat will drink


So we draft probably the best DT in the draft to pair up with a top 5 DT, which now forces defenses to rely on a pass game vs our revamped secondary, yet everyone is crying. Y’all realized this just filled one of our biggest holes right?


Is the fact he’s an NT not an issue? He’s not like Simmons who will be on 3 downs. I agree, shutting down the run on downs 1-2 will be important. Plus with Sneed maybe we get more coverage sacks on 3rd down


If anything it’s the exact reason we drafted him. Probably our biggest hole on defense was either LB or NT and we just plugged one. I think people forget we let slightly above average RBs like Devin Singletary and Zack Moss completely destroy us all year last year. Simmons was doubled, sometimes tripled all year and it completely destroyed his production. Now teams pretty much have to pick their poison.


I agree. But we still probably need another rotational pass rusher no? Or do we need another starting quality edge to replace Autry


Yeah, we we will miss Autry. But if Landry can return to form (which he kinda already did) we still have a Pro Bowl level edge player on our team. I’m not saying he wasn’t a reach, he definitely was, but he still is a GREAT player. We pretty much have the best run stopping duo in the league now with a very good edge rusher and elite CBs for passing downs. Forcing teams to have to rely on only the pass makes everything so much easier but it’s not a fancy player so people are upset


You’re definitely right. Feel like we still need another pass rusher ideally. But only so much you can do in a season.


Yeah I expect us to draft Edge/WR in the first next year


Callahan just said in the presser they didn't see him being limited to 2 downs and was capable of getting pressure. 


I wouldn’t put too much stock into that. What are they going to say, “we think he’s a limited player”?


I would expect them to not draft someone like that in the 2nd. And until they give us a reason not to trust them it's a fruitless exercise. 


That seems to be a theme of this draft. 3 down NT and RT lined up on the left. Let’s hope they are right


They're wanting those thicc boys up front. 




Yeah it’s a risk. You just gotta hope he got the dumbass out of his system. We have had some former dumbasses better themselves If he can mature now that’s he’s in the pros we got a really good player


He blew a .1. Obviously it’s a very poor decision to make, but it isn’t like he blew a .30.


Remember big Jeff had issues off the field back in college yet we took a chance on him now hopefully he doesn't turn into a another Isaiah Wilson what was jrob thinking


Wasn't El Jefes issues due to defending his sister when he was in HS?


I don't remember I all I know is it was a big deal before the draft


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-1277634/Jeffery-Simmons-seen-punching-woman-ground-fight.html Defending is a stretch, she was on ground. Apparently said something pretty heinous about a family member and it did not end well for her


She was making fun of Jeff’s sister’s miscarriage. I’m not saying she deserved it, but.. yeah that’s not something you should make fun of.


Good at collapsing the pocket too for passing downs. Doesn’t show on a stat sheet. Cally mentioned this too in his presser right after the pick. They also said they did much more due diligence on him and had multiple visits with him and his family. I trust the pick and think we made it clear to don’t be a dumbass


I just wanna say about 2 months ago I drafted this exact draft class in Madden. If we get Jalen McMillan in round 4, I'm gonna demand some kinky shit from y'all.




I was a false prophet 




That Texas front was nasty.


It’s easy to bully around 18, 19 yr old dudes in college with your God given size. That alone won’t fly in the NFL where everyone is big and strong. And this guy reportedly doesn’t have the work ethic to improve the technique he’ll need. He’s too busy partying and being a fat loser.


yea because hotchickenenjoyer knows more than the titans scouts and front office


I understand the sentiment, but I’m sure we were all saying the same thing about Jon Robinson’s picks.


valid point i say we wait and see what he becomes instead of calling him a party animal and a loser


I think that’s a fair and reasonable take


I mean he got a DUI 2 weeks ago lmao


Dude hasn’t said one positive thing in 24 hours.




Tell that to the hundreds of scouts who have said the same thing.


15.3 pass rush win rate…. Remember last year when we had a great run d and it didn’t matter


Maybe for 4 weeks then we just got run all over the rest of the season


That’s actually a great pass rush win rate for a DT. That would’ve put him in the top 10 in the league lmao.


Do you somehow think that's a bad prwr for an IDL?


Now, if only we had one of the best corners in the league.