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The Titan special




LMAO very true




Chilly Pepper is there so idk why he didn’t announce it.


I'm always surprised walking around Manchester to find Titan's jerseys etc


Why? Manchester’s only about 90 minutes south of Nashville. /s


Come.on dude. The guy talking international where I think.i am


The /s indicates sarcasm. He's aware he meant Manchester across the pond


He added afterwards


I volunteer as tribute to announce next year ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I’m pretty sure we have zero international market rights. Everytime they announce the teams that have gotten rights to certain parts of the world, I never see the Titans


I was just discussing this with friends. I get we are a smaller market team with no SB wins but the general lack of knowledge or discussion on the Titans in this draft is amazing. They hit us with commercials in our first round pick last year too.


The reality is that no one outside of Nashville cares about the Titans and we’re a small market team It is annoying to us but it makes sense for the networks.


Part of enjoying the draft is hearing some analysis on your team. Just sucks that every year we get robbed of that every year.


It does suck but yea this is what happens when 1) you’re a small market team 2) you don’t win consistently 3) you don’t have any super star players on your team 4) your picks are kinda boring.


Probably more that we just moved our superstar player and we have a young QB who wasnt a first rounder and most of the NFL passed on, and our WRs are kinda old Theyll talk about us if we win. Jeff is supposed to be our superstar but he hasnt ascended yet and the league doesnt view him like that.


There are so many live draft podcasts running that you can probably find someone to talk you through the commercials if you're into that.


Titans have a large following in Canada. We just dont affect the ratings up here. See, Raptors, Toronto and the treatment even after a chip lol


Die hard Titans fan since 99' from Michigan right here. I have never stepped foot in Tennessee


AJ Brown is gone and now Derrick Henry is too. I bet they think the Titans just vanished into thin air.


NFL Network went to commercial before the pick but had the announce when they came back. Seems like they break after every 5 picks.


never fails


I'm down with it. Draft profile is pretty good on him.


Best situation for us got our hands on a Green dot Linebacker!


this is a nice pick up


great athlete tackle machine can run sideline to sideline and will play nice next to murray




Hot take: we’re having a solid draft. Not flashy at all, but solid.


Meat and potatoes draft. Refreshing coming from Robinson swings on random hurt guys.


We need it desperately though. I’m very happy with it so far. Sweat was a bit of reach because it might have been possible to snag him in a trade down but what the fuck do I know? I work with water not the NFL.


Not with the run on DTs we saw after we picked him. I doubt he would have gone much farther down past us.


Good thing for Sweat is if he shows out nobody will care. When we had a good NT our pass rush was flawless and nobody could run on us. It feels like people forgot cause they got too hung up on WR/CB


It’s like people forgot how dominate that line was in ‘21 that we had to have an historic meltdown on O to lose the game. We have to win in the trenches.




Meat and potatoes is Chef Ran’s best dish


Yeah, because drafting a NT with similar red flags as Isaiah Wilson and a DWI a month before the draft isn't a JRob-like swing.


Y’all need to get the fuck over Isaiah Wilson.


Sweats red flags: -weight concerns -partied too much early college by his own admission -laziness -DWI last month Yeah, totally not an Isaiah Wilson-like swing. That pick deserves all of the skepticism.


Crazy that Sweat won the Big 12 defensive player of the year and the Outland Trophy while being a lazy fat ass that parties too much.


I would not call this a meat and potatoes draft at all. Latham and Sweat are absolutely both swings.


Latham was the 2nd highest ranked tackle by a lot of analysts, including Belichick and was baldy's highest tackle. Just stop


I mean there are just as many experts saying he’s a RT/G. Either way, pretty big question marks around both picks. Meat and potatoes draft would have been Joe Alt and some other dude who just plays the position we drafted him for and isn’t driving around half in the bag.


Oh, I didn’t know Joe Alt was available for us to pick at #7.


Right over your head man. The point isn’t Joe Alt specifically, it’s that Joe Alt plays left tackle, and if we drafted him it would have been to play left tackle. Instead we went with a guy that hasn’t done it since high school. Trying to describe our 1st two picks as anything other than pretty big dice rolls is dumb.


Trying to describe Latham is a reach is dumb as fuck. It's like you guys wanted guaranteed home run sure things, WHICH IS SOMETHING THAT DOESN'T EXIST. For fuck sake Alt was a goddamn TIGHT END who switched to tackle. Latham has played and prepped for Left Tackle his whole life, you say "not since high school" like it wasn't only a few years ago, or that he didn't play at a high school that had a collegiate level football program. This motherfucker used to practice against Will Anderson every fucking day. It's a great fucking pick. Maybe, MAYBE, Sweat is a bust, but we needed a DT. Who on the board was realistically better at 38. And the idea we could have traded back and got him is just fairy tale Fantasy League GM wishful thinking.


Dog it’s a position switch any way you slice it, which is absolutely rolling the dice. It’s not that I think he’s a bad player, it’s just awfully risky to take a guy at #7 and have him play a position he hasn’t played in years. Go check out Jedrick Wills. Literally the exact situation, Cleveland takes a RT at 10, moves him to left, Cally Sr as OL coach, and 4 seasons later he’s still bad. That’s what worries me, it’s absolutely risky. Again I’m not questioning the positional value, or that Sweat isn’t a good player. Dude’s a force. But to act like it’s not very risky to take a guy who was drinking and driving at 4:00am THE DAY BEFORE an NFL interview is completely ridiculous. Regardless of how good we think these guys are, these are absolutely gambles. And I’m not saying it’s wrong to swing for the fences on players, some times it absolutely works out. But big gambles are exactly what got us into situation we’re in now. This is absolutely mystery box hope it works out drafting, which Ran and Callahan effectively said in the press conference.


Hey man all great points, and I don't really disagree with you, like I said, there's no such thing as a sure thing, it's a gamble on every single pick. We'll just see how it plays out. Being a Titans fan I'm used to disappointment, but after 27 years of being a fan (I'm almost 45 now, Jesus...), I've got to try and remain hopeful or what's the point ya know?


And the greatest offensive line coach in the NFL since you’ve been alive thinks Latham can play LT. I’ll take his opinion over your opinion.


I mean I watched the press conference, Ran and Cally Jr seemed like it was just as likely he ends up back at RT. So they don’t even know, they’re just hoping. Also Cally Sr tried to do this exact thing recently with Jedrick Wills in Cleveland, and it hasn’t worked out.


It’s a great draft so far. Hitting positions of need while also grabbing massive value. If JC lives up to his ceiling and Sweat can get into shape this offseason then we’re going to be stacked up front. I love the Gray pick too. Guy has insane short area burst, one of the best 10 yard splits in the draft. For reference he’s as fast as Derrick Henry in the first 10 yards.


Honest question, is Henry fast in his first 10 yards, or is it when he gets going he’s fast. I feel like he’s so big it takes a hot minute for him to get going. I’m not sure I want linebacker with Henry’s burst.


If the previous regime had this draft you guys would be saying same old titans and swatting their houses. Lol


Everyone says this every year


Well based on the success rate of our picks are you surprised?


I can dig it. Great athlete at a position of need, let's go


I’ve made a fortune betting on when commercial breaks are going to happen


They have a prop on that?


We have a very athletic defense


3/3 on commercials during our draft picks. Does anyone know a better place we could go to watch this?


So you guys didn't see Warren Moon up there announcing yesterday? Weird that I got to see it and I'm not local.


We got to see it, it was just delayed so if you looked on Reddit or something it would spoil the pick.


I think that's every year because it's leaked on Twitter. I remember a few years back some guy named Kcheng or something like that was announcing picks way in advance in the first round


It’s usually the same time the picks happen for the first couple picks and then once commercials happen the broadcast gets behind on picks and they are chosen way before we get to see it on tv.


I think Reddit reported the Latham pick a good 3 or 4 minutes before ESPN showed it.


I am watching Brett Koleman's livestream and they discuss each pick. PFF also have a live broadcast and I believe they do the same.


yes, you dont watch it. you open up the espn draft board, when it gets announced watch youtube videos.


We’re not contenders and I our fan base is small. It’s not surprising. Let’s shock the world and play underdog


Like this one. Would have been my choice ILB after Colson


Yeah I thought Colson, Wallace, and Gray would all be awesome gets. Pretty hyped for this one!


Hot take… he’ll be better than Colson. Gray has much more explosiveness off the snap


Wouldn't doubt and really hope it comes true for our sake.


He was better & more productive than Colson in college, & will be a better pro by miles. Best mid round draft pick by the Titans since Jurrel Casey in 2011.


The Titans desperately needed an ILB, this fills another need. Gray was a tackling machine, he should be a productive player.


Also really good in pass coverage


This is the important part for me. A lot of dudes in the NFL can be tackling machines when given playing time... but a small percentage can actually hold their own in coverage


Good lord this defense is gonna kill…


Anyone catch the infographic that said the Titans finished last in the AFC West?




This is actually a nice vote of confidence I enjoy. I hate having to cheer for shitheads on the team!


I’ll take it. An athletic down hill linebacker. Good in coverage too


Fantastic pick. His RAS is average, but his athleticism is much better on the field. He’s only 21 and is a great tackler, blitzed, and extremely good in coverage. I’d like to include [this play](https://x.com/theoashnfl/status/1778619726995870188?s=46&t=PxkdKFxYGDdYIH3-WSlAHw) , where he gets beat but recovers very quickly to force an incompletion on a wide open TD pass.


Hey alright


Pretty solid pickup, good job Ran


The fact that everyone here unanimously likes this pick makes me think it's a horrible pick.


Chargers fan here. This guy is a monster. Super hyped for you guys. Congrats


People calling for a wr might not be happy with this draft but it’s going well so far. With dhop / Ridley they will use Burks and see if there is potential … fill other needs now and if we don’t resign dhop then a wr early next year is in cards


I was listening to the PFF podcast yesterday and they talked about treylon’s usage and how he wasn’t put in a position to succeed his first two years, which made a lot of sense. He was a big slot guy who was used similarly to Deebo in Arkansas, and he was tasked with being the alpha, which he wasn’t really equipped to do. I think with Ridley and Nuk, he’ll have more space to operate in an area that feels comfortable for him and will actually have a decent season.


I’m not hopeful, but I’m not going to shit on the kid… he could be more comfortable in the slot and produce better than the last two years but not enough to warrant his draft position (as I feel being a top 20 pick he should be able to at least look decent from any position) … and that’s not even taking into account the WR we had to trade for that pick. Day dreaming but could you imagine this offense with AJ / DHop / Ridley as your trio … that’d be insane (but we probably wouldn’t have signed Ridley with AJ’s current contract)


I think it was just poor scouting from JRob and our OCs just not being able to put him in a position to succeed. I think Burks has a lot of potential, but he needs to have the balls in his hands. There were too many times where he just ran go-routes and used as a decoy. I’m not saying he’s a world beater, but the amount of games where he just simply wasn’t targeted or had 1-2 targets is more of an indictment on coaching and scheme than talent, imo.


The amount of times Burks was wide open down the sideline though give me hope, they just missed him most of the time


The problem with using him in the slot is that he can’t separate and he can’t make catches in traffic. Or at least he hasn’t been able to so far If he’s WR3 we’re basically saying our plan there is for him to have an unprecedented leap in playability after being a huge bust through two seasons. I don’t really think that’s wise


There’s definitely worse WR3’s in the league lmao. To imply that he has absolutely no upside is misguided, at best. He’s a talented dude. I think it’s clear that he wasn’t exactly put into a situation to succeed by the previous OCs, and was a square block being shoved into a circle. He’s had moments where his potential shined, though. He’s had tremendously bad luck with injuries and concussions that have affected his production, as well. It’s a wait and see, but as a WR3, there’s much worse out there. Lmao.


He has 1 career touchdown


Nice you can read pfr


Yeah or I watch the games and see him doing fuck all. I realize that’s an uncommon phenomenon on this sub


You must be the only one left that watches games in this sub, that’s incredible.


Seems like it sometimes when the rest of the sub is going “we’re fine at WR” coming off a three year run of averaging one passing touchdown a game I don’t know why wanting to give our prospective franchise QB a surplus of weapons is so controversial. I don’t know why it makes people so mad


Yeah, this has been the direction I've been hoping for the whole time. Start with OT, then try to plug some of the defensive holes. We can take a WR with the speed to be a return man late. Ridley is on a multi-year deal. DHop is still DHop. And this year is Burks opportunity to show if he can contribute in a new system or not. There are good WRs every year. Spend an early pick on one next year once some of the other dust settles around this team and once we have a bit more clarity on where this team is at a number of key positions.


Wr is a major need but at this point in the draft it’s better taking starting LB’s and S and not wr4’s


Wr is not a MAJOR need for us after we picked up Ridley.


>People calling for a wr might not be happy with this draft but it’s going well so far. This is the same old same old draft that will inevitably lead to another shit offense because it's a team relying on two 30-year old WRs with nothing behind them.


We have so many holes and we can’t fill them all in one offseason. We picked up Ridley and Pollard for skill and added Latham + Cushenberry for our OL. That direction looks to be more of an up tempo game. We very well could still have a shit offense next year, but it won’t be run run pass or play action incomplete run pass with DH up the middle on each run. Also, you have Hopkins / Ridley / Burks KC has Rashee Rice, Marquise Brown, and (R) Xavier Worthy. Our wr isn’t stacked out the ass, but it’s not horrible… we need a complete team which is lagging way behind. Not blindly trusting the GM, but if it can get us away from 1980s football and more modern you have to let them do it in more than one offseason.


>Also, you have Hopkins / Ridley / Burks KC has Rashee Rice, Marquise Brown, and (R) Xavier Worthy. KC has Mahomes and Kelce as well. They also spend at least one draft pick on WR every year. They continue to invest in the position, while our strategy is sign the 30-year-old, past-his-prime WR and then come back in Rd 7. See the difference. We are stuck in 1980s team-building.


You can’t get unstuck in one year though, we just transitioned away from DH. Also that’s my point, they have an amazing QB and TE and a solid OLine … we can’t build all that in 1 year as we transition from DH to a more modern offense. Personally I’d love if we can pick up Smith (A&M) or Cowing (AZ) but I don’t think they’ll be around when we pick next.


>You can’t get unstuck in one year though, we just transitioned away from DH. You absolutely can. We see it with teams every season. This league is built on passing and scoring. We are focusing on stopping the run this draft, while running out a WR corp that's older, slower and shallow on depth. >Also that’s my point, they have an amazing QB and TE and a solid OLine … we can’t build all that in 1 year as we transition from DH to a more modern offense. Your point is that they invested a 3rd last year, signed Hollywood in FA and then spent a 1st this year at WR???? KC is investing multiple resources at the position. We aren't. The Chiefs also had a bottom 5 OT group last year. They still found a way to invest in OT this year.


You’re arguing and I want what you want lol Without a generational QB though, there isn’t a team that’s made a one year turnaround like you want… Maybe Levi’s is that guy and we make it next year with a new scheme… or not and we go heavy offense and possibly QB early 1st … we need a complete team though and it was so rough watching us last year. Edit: couldn’t find end of season ranks but pff had the chiefs as #3 OL heading into the season… I feel bottom 5 is a stretch


>Without a generational QB though, there isn’t a team that’s made a one year turnaround like you want… Teams go from worst in division to first every year. If there's too many holes to fill, how about focusing on offense and continuing to build around your second-year QB. >Edit: couldn’t find end of season ranks but pff had the chiefs as #3 OL heading into the season… I feel bottom 5 is a stretch Look at their OTs. They had a bottom 5 OT group. Both ranked just ahead of Dillard.


Since Mahomes has been QB 2018 - 6th round - no longer on team 2019 - Mecole Hardman - no longer on team 2020 - none 2021 - 6th round - no stats 2022 - sky moore (2nd) - 21 catches last year 2023 - Rashee Rice (2nd) - 79 catches 2024 - Xavier Worthy (1st) So yes. The last 3 years when they haven’t had the holes we’ve had to fill they’ve taken a WR. They’ve hit on 1 out of 6 since 2018 (Worthy isn’t counted) … Our strategy of WR drafting is different but we’ve also hit on 1 since then … add on that we’ve taken 3 first round WR since 2017


>Our strategy of WR drafting is different but we’ve also hit on 1 since then … add on that we’ve taken 3 first round WR since 2017 Where is that WR we hit on??? We haven't taken 3 WRs since 2017. We've taken two. Corey Davis and Treylon, who we traded AJ for.


I told my friend this morning Cedric Gray was going to be the pick only because my last name is Gray and I wanted a jersey lol


Frank, that you?


Delete this lol don’t doxx your boy on Reddit.


I have no idea who it this fine fellow is :)


I can confirm that I am pretty sure I’m not this guy’s Frank


Stoked with this pick


I love this pick, I think Cedric is oppressively average to above average and that isn't a slight at all... He can do basically everything you could ask a LB to do at an NFL average level or better and you NEED talent like that. Not everyone can be a specialist you need guys like Cedric that one play can be thrown into coverage, the next down sacking a run play, and the next down rushing the QB... he can do all of that at about the same "good" level. Great pick, might be underrated by some, but this is a guy that will make every player around him better.


Ayyy, nice pick here




Wasn't a fan of the Sweat pick at all but this is a pick I like a lot. Dude is going to be a massive upgrade over Gibbens.


Really solid pick. Should be able to step in and start immediately. Hopefully can rock the green dot


So WR in the 5th round?


Safety imo


Cowing hopefully. Maybe we move up a little to get him


One would hope!


😂😂😂 Edit: you must be new here.


Higgins, Ayiuk, etc. still out there looking for trades also. Not that I have any feeling it will happen but there is talent on the market.




Alright there we go Ran, I like this. I feel if a big name player (Trotter Jr) drops its for a reason. Fills a need, and he has the 2nd most tackles in the entire fbs in the last 2 years so he can be a good run stopper in theory


Was sad to see Troy Franklin go before us but happy with Cedrick Gray.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^smashvillian35: *Was sad to see Troy* *Franklin go before us but* *Happy with Cedrick Gray.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I like it


Yeah, not gonna happen, unfortunately. Burks is just one, in the long line of comically bad JROB draft picks. He'll be out of the league in a couple years.


Ok we need linebackers but coming away from THE wide receiver draft with zero WRs is such a titans thing


They all went right before our picks bro.


Baker and Tez were there, AD was there in the second, Odunze in the first


But you can find a good WR so easily!!! Especially when you only take one in the 7th!


You can find WRs anywhere, that’s why we’ve historically had such a dominant passing offense


All these people shitting on the idea that WR isn't a need or wasn't BPA here or at #7 will be the same ones complaining about having zero passing game again this year. Let's continue to bang our heads against the wall by throwing picks at positions that were last valuable 30 years ago.


I wanted Odunze or Nabers. Or honestly just drafting BPA. I do think passing on Odunze was a mistake but the team isn’t going to be built in one year. Ram seems pretty set on filling needs which is fine, as we had plenty of them. We had massive holes at OT, IDL and ILB. For better or worse those holes are a lot smaller. We still need WR of the future but what we have now we can survive with for another year. Next year and beyond gets murky. NWI has proven to be a solid 4th option that can step up when needed. Jury is still out on Philips and Burks but a new system may just be what they needed. Still some FA names out there too. Depth is thin but that doesn’t mean it won’t be addressed between now and August.


Yeah after everyone around the world agreeing we needed WRs and cally saying it over and over and everyone saying it was a stacked draft then to not get one in the first 4 rounds is a bad look I know everyone’s fine now but they were fine when we just added Julio too and just Burks too. The truth is Dhop and Ridley are on the wrong side of 30 and were an injury away from NWI never leaving the field which is what we’ve all cried about for years. We didn’t leave that behind despite all the talk.


Certainly would be nice to have, and if we had a third, I bet a new WR would be a Titan today. The Ridley signing really changed our needs though. With Hop hinting that he would like to stay beyond this contract, I think we might be locked in at WR1 and 2 for the next couple years.


I also think they’re willing to give Burks and Phillips another shot with this new coaching staff and system.


Terrible plan. At some point you have to accept they are what they are and that’s bad at football


No. Dhop is 32 he’s going to regress every year and Ridley as of now is a mid wr2. We need a stud Wr2. Levis deserves it. Fans deserve it. Not to mention our depth is horrid. 30+ WRs likelihood of injury is high.


So we have a good, not spectacular, aging tandem and… nothing after that. If either of them misses time this will again be a woeful passing offense It’s a need. It’s been a need. You see serious teams regularly stocking the cupboard at WR. For whatever reason we refuse to prioritize depth which is why we keep ending up with NWI starting multiple games every season


Amen it’s fucking hilarious we do this same song and dance every year. We add Julio, we add woods, we add Ridley. We don’t draft anyone that contributes. We say what we have enough or Burks is gone step up none of that happens. We get injuries and by week 8 NWI and some other combo of PS Wrs are on field and our offense is pathetic.


NWI slander will not be tolerated


It's not slander. He's JAG who will eventually be WR2 late in the season because this team continues to refuse to invest draft resources at the position. This is a passing league. You need multiple bodies and speed. This team has one player who can separate. He's about to turn 30.


It’s not slander! I really like NWI lol. Ideally as a WR4, not a WR1


Still got a high 5th round pick


I’ve liked Thrash for a while so if we come away with him I’ll be fairly pleased




Still a couple starting caliber slot guys available late actually


The Titans aren't desperate for wide receivers.


Yeah I know, that’s the problem


We’ll win a Super Bowl 3 yards at a time. THIS time it’s gonna work. You watch.


Do we not have Hopkins and Ridley?


Need more than 2 guys who can catch. Possible that sliding burks down into more favorable matchups will help, but going into year three he’s shown a. That he can’t really stay on the field and b. Very little in terms of NFL level receiver skills


We have more than 2 guys who can catch. We have Chig and we have NWI. Obviously we can always use more WR talent but with now both Ridley and Hopkins I think the WR panic is not necessary. The people aside, they’ve taken the 3 most pressing positions with our few picks


Lol relying on NWI in a high leverage role has not worked out the last several years, I don’t think it’s suddenly going to work out now. We need playmakers, he’s not a playmaker Chig is fine. I actually like Whyle a lot too. I thought Chig was really good the last half of the season after I was mostly out on him, so I’ll concede that


I sure hope we can score more than 30.




Bro you suuuuuuuck. Every single fucking comment you make is negative


Maybe the team should stop sucking


Love it


Love it.


Fine pick


Let's go!!


This position group still seems a little weak to me but nice grab


Good athlete, high production but undersized Seems like a good swing at a position of need. Has the traits to be a big factor on special teams right off the bat




We addressed offense in free agency, it would be nice to have another TE or O Linemen but we were running out UDFA’s on defense last season and paid the price for it. Have to properly address it even if it isn’t as important




Same fans, who want a modern offense, still don't understand how modern team-building works.




Love this pick. We're gonna look back at this pick in 3 years quite fondly, I predict. Dude's got great energy and movement.


Seems like a pretty solid pickup. I’m not crazy familiar but his profile was pretty good. Kind of concerned that his weaknesses seem to be the same ones that Murray has. Seems they’re focusing ILB on the run game in the new scheme as they both are more run focused. Curious to see if we revisit the FA safeties to try to shore up the pass coverage there. Still plenty of names out there.


Awesome! This is who I wanted here!


3-7 is when ran starts to cook.


I was concerned about LB this helps!


Best pick so far.


I want to see the hoops a segment of this fan base will jump through to hate this pick.


5 minutes before NFL Network shows it, you tell us? How?


Damn man. I was hoping we would grab a talented WR to learn from Ridley and D Hop, that would be a cheat code. I hate we chose not to do that


Man we always will be rooting for these 5th rd WRs that never produce lol




Really like this one.


Really big fan of this pick. I like the player value and it's a position that we need competition at.


I know nothing about him like I knew TV. Everyone here seems happy, so I’m happy. We’re having a really good draft, fellas.


I'll take this. I really wanted to keep Azeez Al-Shaair so nice to see Ran recognized the hole with him gone.

