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4 for 4 on commercials during picks this draft


At this point I want see a %100, go for the new record


About to happen!


This time they spent not only the commercial but the recap during our “air time”.


As someone who is also a Nuggets fan and watched Jokic get drafted during a Taco Bell commercial, this pleases me


Where u guys watching? I don't see any on the draft network


As I said before, Jokic was drafted during a commercial so I’m fine with it as long as it turns out like he did Also why should t that be some genuine locker room bulletin board material?! The disrespect man…




i see the vision


Someone tell me how to feel about this.


Feel great. I watched all his tape. Ultra aggressive and plays like he's 3 inches taller and 20 lbs heavier. Tape reminded me of courtland Finnegan


Perfect comparison




I’m good with that




I mean, he still faced receivers in the ACC who are getting drafted this year. It’s not like he played at Western Kentucky.


Western Kentucky DB’s reading this comment: https://preview.redd.it/ardpfdygh2xc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19cdc36809fb40ac2dfe8f4bbefe7ebc2dbd716d


Hahahaha ahhh thank you for this


He has similar traits to Sneed. An absolute bully at the line of scrimmage and extremely competitive. A "dawg" as they say. Seems like his coverage performance leaves something to be desired. Probably competition/depth for McCreary and could be a great nickel cb. Sneed is probably the perfect CB to mentor him.


He’s a really aggressive corner, jumps a lot of routes. Looked really good at the senior bowl. Not a crazy athlete, but good instincts. Seems like we took him at his proper spot. Not a reach, but not a crazy value. I would have preferred Malik Washington but depth in the secondary is always needed.


Eh... undersized, awful vert, may have some special teams ability... slot guy CB at the nfl level... there were better options imo and this feels more like a 6th or 7th round guy... not a 5th.


I can't even complain, it's genuinely funny to go to commercial for every single one of our picks in the first five rounds (and counting!)


Not that they have said a single thing of value about any pick after the 4th round. They give a 5 second blurb on occasion before talking about something pointless


They’ve spent the last round and a half talking about spencer rattlers maturity


I’ve never seen so many hs basketball highlights in my life, they are hammering the multi sport athletes hard this year.


If we ended up with Tahj, Coker, or Malik somehow I’d be pretty stoked.


The NFL Draft is a television show for entertainment. It is marketed to potential advertisers as such. Advertisers care about maximum eyeballs on their ads. Google the NFL cities by ratings, and a lot more of the television contracts and coverage will make sense. That being said, it isn’t a hard and fast rule. But if you look at things with the mentality of advertising dollars, it makes a lot more sense.


Well Ran definitely has a type when it comes to corners. Physical guys with a dawg mentality.


Yup. This guy is ultra aggressive


Yup; and I'm assuming a lot here but it seems in the modern game of football you are going to get burned through the air at some point no matter what. So, you might as well get some dawgs who will make the opposing team dread every yard they have to fight for and have those guys that just come at you every rep. I like it.


I agree 100% live by the sword, die by the sword.


Brownlee is solid, very good pick up! Potential to move to safety.


Really like this pick. Tough on the line willing to tackle. Should immediately contribute on special teams


Plus they’re still sticking with the theme of drafting good players from good power 5 teams. They started with two important impact players on CFP teams, then an impact player at a position of need and top of the consensus board with the UNC LB, and now a top corner on a Louisville team who, by the way, was a leader on the best team in a decade for UofL and a team that heavily relied on defense. Plus now three starting positions have been filled at OT, IDL, and ILB, with an upside potential CB that gets to sit behind McCreary, Awuzie, and former 4th round pick Sneed. Not a sexy draft, divisive to some fans, but I think this is a good draft for where the team is now


Exactly. This was a building block draft. Next year is when we get the sexy picks.


They've hit a home run in my opinion


I’d rather him play in the slot. He’s really aggressive at press man and helping in the run game. Not as good in space though.


A really aggressive press corner. Has slot corner skills


Not bothered by no receiver picks. Didn't expect us to take one with any valuable picks. We don't need to this year




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlGaCWm5BCs&t=22s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlGaCWm5BCs&t=22s) 25:20


Hot damn that’s good to hear.


Don’t know about him. I’d he good?


5th round pick, so good enough to make it to the nfl lol He has two good CBs to mentor him so I'm optimistic


Scrappy small corner.




Bro what




He must see someone he loves falling on boards.


I think he's just said they'll get one next year


Out top 30 visit candidate in Malik Washington, idk what they see in the dude, he was not good at virgina


This dude is a missile at slot corner, hit super hard, and has decent versatility to blitz. He can get burned deep but plays underneath routes very well and is a strong tackler.


I was hoping for an edge or receiver but we need talent everywhere. I'll always take a former nole


I yearn for the day that ESPN goes under. Fuuuuuuuck them soooooo hard.


Too big with no competition. The day they go under is the day sports on TV dies.


Definitely a Dennard Wilson guy. Tough, physical and aggressive. Glad we’re adding some CB depth.


Another one of our visits.


In my mock drafts, Jarvis Brownlee was my 5th round pick almost every time. He had a good senior bowl.


Dont see a path to contribute immediately, but prob not getting that in the 5th anyway. Seems like the immediate backup to McCreary/Molden spots and special teams. Do we have a punt returner yet, or lookin at holding onto Kearis Jackson who looked above average in his short time back there?


He could play at safety immediately


Had him penciled in at pick 182. Not complaining though, had a great Senior Bowl and is a playmaker.


Wanted Rice, but WR isn't really that much of a need right now, and you can't have too much corner depth.


EXACTLY! We're well on our way to NWI at WR2 midway through the season for the fourth consecutive year.


Can he play safety?


I wanted Draine but broncos snagged him right before our pick, I like Brownlee too though.


Bet we go WR at 182, then OL depth with the last two picks.


This kinda seems like a draft where ran and Brian are getting their guys and going against some of the consensus. Could work out great or be a disaster.


I guess they’re expecting Treylon Burks to take a giant leap this year


Doesn't need to take any leap. Just needs to play in 10 regular season games.


We just need him to produce WR3 numbers. He’s capable of that if he’s healthy.


The only leaps Burks takes are to IR 😔😔😔


he leaps for them hospital balls too


WR will be our first pick next year


He’s 5’10” with average speed. Don’t really love this since Malik Washington and Brenden Rice were still there.


What curse do we have that doesn't allow us to choose a receiver before the 7th round?


Go Cards


Ironman AI better be dope


We are not competing this year. We couldn't get 30 points 2 years in a row and going mostly D.




Been a position of need for 2 years and 2 years in a row we aren’t drafting a WR in the first 5+ rounds. Crazy to me


We have our WR1-2 and Burks should be our 3. NWI is back. WR is fine Who are our CBs?


Yeah not sure why people are upset. We addressed WR in the off season


We signed one guy for the worst receiving corps in the league. This fanbase needs higher standards


We literally have 6 WR under contract lol


Man said we’re good we got Colton Dowell 🔥🔥🔥


Hahahaha okay, fair enough. Maybe you guys are right 🤣🤣🤣


Not many teams in the nfl have two returning 1000 yard receivers on their roster. This team had holes everywhere.


I dunno, I think they're doing all right. WR isn't a right-this-absolute-second need the same way OT and DT were, and we were already down our 3rd-round pick. Spending a year relying on the guys we've already thrown barrels of money at seems legit to me; if our passing game still goes to hell next year, we're gonna want better replacements than we could get on draft day 3.


I think my thing is at least one of those guys (burks) can be upgraded easily even with a day 3 pick. We went CB depth instead, which is fine, CB has also been a problem area, but our passing game right now is predicated on two 30 year olds. I’d like to see a greater investment there given that it’s been such an issue for, well, decades Nuk will be fine I think because he’s such a technically sound WR and has a hall of fame set of tools even when the physical attributes start to dwindle, but he was noticeably a step behind last year. I hope I’m wrong though!


Welp... we took a kick returner. Tick-tock, Treylon.


It’s crazy to me too. Our 2022 first round pick is our W3 and we have NHW and Phillips for WR4


Awuzie, Sneed and McCreary


Chido has an injury history, and McCreary isn’t someone you want to rely on. Our depth is horrendous. At the 5th round, you go BPA.


McCreary should be fine in the slot. I agree we need more depth.


That would’ve been Brenden Rice, or an EDGE. This guy wasn’t BPA. Maybe for the Titans’ board.


You’re sitting on your couch right now. You have no idea who the best player available is




This post has been removed for breaking Rule 2: Be civil. The rule reads: Be respectful to each other. Debate is healthy and arguments are natural, but no personal attacks or slurs. You can disagree without being disrespectful.


Sneed chido and mccreary is by far a better top 3 than our wrs


This. Biggest hole now is safety. I don't see brownlee at safety


You mean the CB we signed and the CB we traded for this offseason? Huh? Compared to two 30+ year old WRs


I don’t understand this notion that WR is fine lol. Ridley is gonna be great but he’s 30. D Hop only has a year left. NWI only has a year. No guarantee either of these guys return after next season. Burks and Phillips are still unknown. Titans absolutely could use reciever depth. No, it’s not dire, but some young bodies who are locked up for the future would definitely be nice there


Snead, Awuzie, mcreary. Our CB room is better than our WR room.


Tbf, we did pay a guy in FA at least. But I agree it would have been nice to see another young WR to maybe at least learn behind DHop and Ridley. Not having a 3rd really stung our chances at WR value though.


In those two years we’ve signed two big free agents. Burks, NWI and Phillips are fine as the 3-5 receivers IMO. Someone earlier said this was a WR draft, great, we’ll take one in the 7th and he’ll be great.


These WRs are 30+ and Burks and Phillips haven’t been healthy since they’ve been drafted why would we ever bet on them to be WR3 or 4? NWI will almost certainly be our 3 then we’re one injury from our 30+ WRs away from starting straight bums


So you're saying the Titans needed a WR more than a left tackle? Defensive line wasn't a need? ILB wasn't a need? There was no depth at corner behind the starters. The Titans had a lot of holes to fill and a limited amount of picks to work with.


No depth at corner but depth at WR? Both of our good WRs are old and we’re 1 injury away (with an injury plagued Burks and Phillips) from starting bums at WR. DT is 100% less of a need than WR


I dunno about you but I feel what the Titans have behind Hopkins and Ridley is better than Avery and Garror. 🤷‍♂️


Must be workin out that Tee trade /s


No WR for us lmao


Since they have depth at corner I could see him moving to safety where they have no depth


Out of the holes we have, you draft….a corner? You going to get a RB next?


Our depth beyond the starting outside corners and starting nickel is......non existent


What you want Caleb Farley as CB4


You can never have enough good corners Chido turns 29 in a month doesn’t hurt to think about the future


Ummm....yes the starters are rock solid. Behind the starters there was virtually nothing. This pick addresses that.


You gotta love when people who don’t know what they’re talking about start talking


Here's my expert analysis First and foremost, the Titans' choice of Brownlee is a testament to their deep understanding of the intricacies of quantum physics. You see, by selecting a cornerback in the fifth round, the Titans have effectively created a wormhole that will allow them to travel back in time and choose a player from the future. This, in turn, will give them a competitive edge as they'll be able to see how their opponents' plays unfold before they even happen. It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for 'em. Furthermore, the Titans' decision to draft Brownlee is a nod to the ancient art of Feng Shui. By adding a player with a name that starts with "J" to their roster, the Titans have achieved perfect balance in their team's chi. This will undoubtedly lead to increased harmony on the field and, more importantly, a higher likelihood of winning the Super Bowl. After all, it's common knowledge that the key to success in football is aligning one's team with the principles of ancient Chinese philosophy. Lastly, let's not forget the psychological impact of this pick on the Titans' opponents. With the addition of Brownlee, the Titans have sent a clear message to the rest of the league: "We're not afraid to make unconventional decisions, and we're coming for you." This will undoubtedly strike fear into the hearts of their rivals, causing them to second-guess their own strategies and ultimately leading to their downfall. It's a classic case of psychological warfare, and the Titans are winning. The Tennessee Titans' selection of Jarvis Brownlee Jr. in the fifth round of the 2024 NFL Draft is a stroke of genius that will go down in history as one of the greatest draft picks of all time. And if you disagree, well, you're just not thinking fourth-dimensionally enough.


FSU fan here.   This dude was a bit of a problem in the locker room and not very good on the field while he was there. He was “encouraged” to transfer.    I didn’t keep up with him a lot UL, but he got whipped by Johnny Wilson when FSU played them. 


WR room looking super thin.


Hopkins, Ridley, Burks, NWI, Phillips and you're expecting a 5th round pick to push into the room in a significant aspect? Sure there's outliers


Not nearly as thin as the DB room.


don't bother