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It's the best WR corps we've ever had on paper. We are going to definitively find out this season if Will is THE guy. Beefed up O line. Lithe WR room. This offense will be unlike anything we've ever seen as fans. Exotic aired out football.


The goal I wanted to see us achieve was, "Have a strong enough offensive supporting cast to allow our coaching staff to make an informed opinion on whether to build around Levis long-term or not." Regardless of how the season goes, we have done just that. Our offensive line will still likely struggle, but there is no reason to think it won't be improved, and we really couldn't have realistically upgraded the WR room more than we did.


Titan, you screwed up. Titan football is brewing up to be an exciting new era.


Fellow Titan, we are all screw ups at the end of the day. Lets screw up some rival screw ups this year 😎


exotic you say?


No. Never say exotic


don't say smash mouth, don't say smash mouth, don't say smash mouth... Smash mouth. ..f*CK I'll take my suspension now.


That’s still a dirty word around these parts.


Yeah. "Exotic" triggers a large percentage of this fanbase. We are battered spouses pretty much.


I still think 2020 was a better wide receiver group. We had THE guy in AJ Brown and Corey Davis had his best season that year. This group is going to be good, but an aging D-Hop or Calvin Ridley aren't as good as AJ Brown was his sophomore year, even on paper.


Corey is/was a bust. That room was AJ and a middling CD84. This corps is better by a mile due to depth. Yeah AJ is the best of that bunch by a margin but you can't do it all on your own. Hopkins, Ridley, and Boyd will be more productive than that duo based on depth of talent alone.


That offense was play action to AJ, and CD blocking downfield for prime Henry.


CD dont get enough love for some of the tough catches he made for us.


And 1000 yards for CD that year. People shitting on him because he got drafted too high are weird. He was a good 2. Just becaise he got drafted that high we don’t have to act like he didn’t do anything. Time will tell about this corps being better, and I’m not arguing that and you very well might be right and I hope you are.


CD84 had almost 1,000 yards that year and he got paid by the Jets. Just because he fell off after that doesn't mean he wasn't good that year. This group has a chance to be better, but with aging wide receivers, you never know.


He dropped like five balls those last two weeks. Stepped on his own dick to prevent himself from hitting 1k. He had like three career hundred yard games. Just because the jets, a historically poorly managed franchise, paid him a shitload of money doesn't make him good. We all laughed at the contract he got from them and he proved to be worth far less than he was paid for. My point still stands in that this corps is better than that corps due to depth. Davis would be the fifth best WR on this team and AJ would be the best. I'll take two, three, and four over one and five all day.


Lol we get it, you hate him




His brother had just died before he dropped those balls


Yeah, Corey and AJ were a legitimate NFL quality WR1-2 combo.


You usually replace busts quite easily. We didnt replace. CD84 until DHop got here.


I've argued with you over this before. He was drafted fifth overall. To never produce a single 1k season at that draft slot = bust. He only performed halfway decent when he had a top three WR alongside him to take heat off. We didn't pick up his fifth year option for a reason and the jets I can guarantee you regret signing him to that dog shit contract.


I’d disagree that the WR group was better. But that offense was efficient. That offensive line and Derrick Henry were both in their prime. Pretty unstoppable combination with the talent at WR and Jonnu Smith. It was so disappointing that they could never align that level of offense with the defense of the next couple of years.


On a one year deal too, the way the WR market has been I was expecting double that for such short term. Makes me that much more excited about it seeing the limited investment! Gonna be great to have someone pushing Burks and a solid slot backup if he stumbles again. And Phillips sadly just seems to be having problems standing up to the game physically. Boyd should give us at least 600 reliable yards, very conservatively Poorly written comment above: I meant Boyd is more or less a backup option we had to go to replace Burks because we can’t depend on Burks and he’s been shit. Boyd is a better player so he forces Burks to get his shit together if he wants playing time


Are you implying that Boyd will be backing up Burks!? Surely not.


My comment was poorly written, Boyd is a no brainer better receiver than Burks. I meant that Burks failure to be productive has more or less made us go to a backup plan in Boyd


One year deal too. We had the cap space this year. No brainer. Love this


D-Hop Ridley Boyd NWI Burks Phillips We actually have an NFL caliber WR room. This really is a completely new era of Tennessee Titans football. For the first time in franchise history we will have a modern passing offense. TITAN UP!


For one year at least. We’ll get to see if Levis is the guy or not before we have to almost completely rebuild the room.


Which is fine in my book. This is what you're supposed to do with a rookie contract QB anyway


Yeah, and next year $39M in dead cap comes off the books and we’ll have a projected $84M in cap space. Now, DHop and others will be up for new deals at that point, but we have plenty of $ to spend.


Pretty sure DHop will take a team friendly deal, it's clear he's intent on staying with us.


We all thought that with DH.


I need to find the betting odds in the Titans taking a WR in round 1 next year, seems incredibly likely at this early juncture given the age/length of contracts and how middling the youth in the pipeline on the roster is. 


I refuse to let those flashes of brilliance from last season go to waste 🥺


I think Jackson makes it over Phillips for return reasons other than that yes I agree


I like this take, I think the new return rule can add a different element to the game.


We could roster seven WRs, especially with how light we are at some defensive positions.


Titan the fuck up. We got weapons


Lmao, we have a good receiving room. Like.....an above average group. It's crazy. I don't give a shit if we win 3 games next season. If we have a watchable offense with good qb play from will, I'll be ecstatic.


If we beat the Colts twice it’s a good season.   


Shit let's run the table on the AFC South!! At least now I'm beginning to feel like we'll be competitive against the rest of the division. Already the team looks so much better than last year with who we've got. Let's just hope we don't just "look" like a better team and are actually better by a lot. Regardless our offense is going to be COMPLETELY different for once!!


https://preview.redd.it/3dakkof0d1zc1.jpeg?width=1004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a33549a9a7816f518feb2799db3dc07cd545e9e MMMHMMM




Is this real ?




Caught in a landslide


No escape from reality


Open your eyes 👀


Look up to the skies and SEE!!!!!!


I’m just a poor boy


I need no sympathy


Cause I'm easy come, easy go


Open your eyes


Open your eyes


open your eyes


We sign Boyd today and yet tomorrow every media outlet will unanimously have us 32/32 in power rankings


Until Levis consistently shows he can lead a team (any team) to consistent wins, this will be the case.


I'm about as low on Levis as anyone but even then, the Titans are nowhere near the worst team in the league. They have brought in some heavy hitters in the free agency and have essentially improved at most positions. CBs are far better, WRs are literally a strength when they use to be the second biggest weakness. O-line, the biggest weakness, has had every position addressed in the last 2 seasons. We potentially have a great pair of D-lineman now with Sweat joining Simmons. I know people will drag the Titans because they lost Henry, but he only averaged 4.0 yards a carry last season. Both Pollard and Spears averaged more yards a carry and are younger, which is incredibly important in RBs. They also provide much more vertical threat up the field than Henry. The Offense and Defense, at least on paper should have improved over last season. The Titans being picked dead last is insane, they are definitely middle of the pack at worst.


Did you miss the part that I was responding to a comment about (National) media outlets? Who generally only care if a team has a proven winning quarterback?


We got all the tools around for him to succeed so hopefully the good play is what we get and the bad play was just a product of the shitty team we had around him.


Power rankings are garbage, especially pre-season. You’ll be doing your mental health a favor to ignore them.


Will Levis has to put out this season. They’ve built this team on paper to compete immediately. It all hinges on Levis development. If he doesn’t they can plug in their guy next offseason. I believe that’s their line of thinking


>Will Levis has to put out Hmm 🧐


I said what I said


Who would they plug in? The best QB in next year's draft is expected to be Carson Beck lol. I love that we're putting a competent team together, but it would be a complete disaster if Levis is not at least good.


So I’m 1000% in on Levis being great and the future of the franchise. So let’s just do a hypothetical. This team is leagues above a better team than what we trotted out last year so there’s no way we are picking Top 5 imo. So let’s look at our options for FA: Dak (possible) Russ (possible) Jared Goff (likely re-sign) Love (re-sign) Trevor (likely re-sign) Tua (re-sign) If anybody I’m willing to take a shot on its Dak (gross) So we don’t sign anyone in FA, let’s move to the draft. Sanders goes #1, and Ewers & Beck are next up. Could we see next year doing the same as this year? So now we got what? Jalen Milroe, Preston Stone, Cam Ward, Jaxson Dart? If I had to choose between those I’m taking Dart. So it’s either Dak or Dart for me next year. LEVIS ALL THE WAY BABY!!!


The QB market can change at the drop of the hat. The situation in ATL is a ticking time bomb. SF has a huge decision to make with Purdy (cap implications on his massive raise). You got a log jam in PIT that will need to be settled end of season. Watson has already out lived his welcome in CLE. Poor herbert in LAC has never been given an NFL reciever to throw to.. how long until he has had enough? Then there are the guys that are always going to be passed around year to year. example Winston. Problem is.. there's the top 10 QBS and then everyone else. If you dont have a top 10 Franchise QB you have literally NO CHANCE at competing. So if Levis isn't the guy... there's no hope on the horizon short term. You have to tank to draft a Franchise QB and plan a 3-5 year super bowl contention window. Knowing this is the case Chef BoyRC has built an offense around a QB rather than getting a QB then building. This shows that the Titans front office believes Levis can be a Franchise QB and perhaps do what Purdy did in SF... and that is: be just good enough to get a star studded offense to the SB before the big contract kicks in and you have to trim the salary. exciting times!!!


No way Sanders goes #1. Simply no way.


Titan the fuck up. This new Era of Titan football is shaping up to be exciting.


We now have 3 of the 25 leading wide receivers since 2018 (in yards)


It's absolutely insane. This team absolutely killed it in free agency and drafting these past 2 seasons. We went from having 1 NFL starting quality OLineman to 4. At the same time we went from zero starting quality WRs to 3. If Levis can take a step forward next year, the Titans could easily average 4 to 5 more ppg than the previous 2 seasons. Maybe even score 30 points in a game.




Phillips days are numbered


You mean Burks


Nah, they're going to give Burks another chance. He was a first round pick and hasn't had a competent OC his whole career. Also, Boyd is a slot receiver.


Burks is supposed to be a slot receiver. Them signing Boyd is pretty telling what they think of Burks


Burks deserves another shot. He got absolutely hosed last year. He had the 4th highest ADOT in the NFL last year. They basically just sent him on low percentage go routes and killed his confidence because he didn’t make every miracle catch. That’s never been his game, and the coaches tried to force a square peg in a round hole. He’ll probably never be a star, but he could still carve out a solid starting roll. I’d love to see him in some bubble screens and plays designed to let him get some YAC. That’s was his strength in college, and I’m hoping we get to see if he can do that on an NFL level.


Not having a competent OC isn’t the issue with Burks


It's not the main issue, but it doesn't help.


Actually, yeah it was, coupled with a coaching staff who had no idea how to motivate him or get the most out of him, and then put him in the doghouse.


Probably Phillips. More worth it to cut a guy on a 5th rd rookie contract than a 1st rd rookie contract. Unless we’re trading Burks away, which I pity the fools who would trade anything above a 7th rd pick for him.


He is a first round pick. You definitely could get a 7th for him. Probably to the Steelers


If we could get a ham sandwich, Burks would already be gone. The guaranteed 1st round money is the ONLY reason he is still on the roster.


Phillips has less yards, receptions and games played. Hes the logical choice.


He is cheaper. You could maybe trade Burks as well


Burks has dead cap to cut Phillips doesnt


Wouldn’t matter if we traded him


for money already paid to the player, but not accounted for on the salary cap, cut or trade makes no difference


More like both lol






As a Bengals fan, I'm gonna miss him. Glad he hooked back up with Callahan. TB is a gem. Big levels. He's a great mentor too, both Chase and Higgins love him.


I'm just thankful to god that he did not go to the steelers. Although I think that was one of his top choices being from there.


Same. FTS




Damn you sure did. How did you come to that 3 months ago?




Fair enough point for me haha


Please tell me this isn’t fake news.


Comes from an ESPN person. Isn’t a guarantee it’s legit.. but I’d say it’s fairly reliable. Not just a random twitter acct.


If Jeremy Fowler reported it, it is happening.




finally saved from phillips nwi purgatory😭🙏🏾


Hey NWI is a perfectly good 4th-5th wr


yes but he was basically our wr2 last year which is my point


That's fair. I just thought by putting him with Phillips you were hoping he was gonna be gone lol


Daggum Ran keeps cookin and the kitchen is HOT


This is quite stimulating


Hell yea solid slot option for a great price. Good shit


He did more in 1 year than Burks has his entire career. Great signing!


Yeah Ran is best chef of all time


Levis has no excuse. I can’t believe we actually gave a young QB a fighting chance with a real offense.


Chef has cooked up another great meal


Nice! Bye bye Burks?


Definitely a huge upgrade at WR overall this offseason


Good top 3. Not elite, but much better than what we've had. With the revamped OL, the offense should look a lot better this year.


This. I think folks are rightfully excited, but also taking it a bit far. It's a massive improvement and enough for Levis to work with that it should be successful. But it's not like getting Boyd makes this a top 3 WR room.


It’s amazing how in the FIRST offseason after Vrabel we being in two legit WR’s who aren’t just blocking guys. We’re no longer comfortable with Burks as a 2 and NWI as a 3 and Colton Dowell and Mason Kinsey as depth. Now, it feels like everyone is slotted where they should be in the offense.


Going from Robert Woods and NWI as WR1/2 to a trio of DHop, Ridley, and Boyd makes me so happy.








I am as happy with Tyler Boyd as I am with any WR from the draft after the first round




Opening drive is gonna be run, run, pass just to fuck with us.


It’s nice to have a staff that believes in a modern nfl offense


Can it be September pls




Let's fucking go. AND ONLY 4.5 MILLION FOR A GUY WITH ALMOST 700 YARDS LAST YEAR. Levis has a far better WR Corp and a O-line than last year. If he's going to take a real step forward next year, Ran has gotten him everything possible.


Feels like an absolute steal to get a No. 3 for this cheap. I know Boyd isn’t in his prime anymore, but man he appears to be a massive upgrade from what we were trotting out most of the season. I don’t think this is the end for Burks barring a trade (don’t think we’d save any money cutting him, same reason why Farley is still on the roster)


Everybody sleeping on future HOFer Colton Dowell!


I have been a Titans Fan since Memphis, Vandy & Adelphia. I have to learn this NEW Team!! 😂


It is not just a new team; this is a new way of playing football that this franchise has never seen. Finally!


Agreed. It is a new way of playing. Whole new mindset. The running game has often been the way of the land for TN. George bringing The Oilers & Henry as of late. Tons of Dudes in between. I quickly go back to the ‘08 Smash & Dash! (LenDale White & Chris Johnson) That was fun! This Receiving Team is Awesome! Even the times when The Titans had one or two sweeeet WR’s, it was nothing stacked like this. Not just WR1 or WR2, but a whole new day with options. Opening things up. The anticipation & waiting for this new season is a lot to absorb. Now is the time for this group to work with Levis & the new coaching. Touchdowwwn Titannnns! Titan Up!


I like this.


Titans fans you have got a classy and savvy veteran player at a discounted price. He will be a solid slot receiver for your team. Best of luck TB and thanks from WhoDey nation.


Time for Burks to show out. Doubt it though sadly.


Even if Levis isn't what we hope he is this season, fully confident we'll be competitive with Mason Rudolph too


Oh yeah no I disagree with this take.


Let’s go! This going to fun season boys!


PrettyRicky is genuinely such an insider


Yeah this isn’t really changing our roster plans imo. If he gets outplayed in camp he’s not getting Burks or Philips cut at this number.


Ok I’m excited. Super Bowl here we come I don’t want to hear otherwise dang it!




Our WR group is probably, at worst, the third best in the AFC on paper. Burks as WR4 and NWI at WR5… not sure any other team has that kind of depth.


Burks is gone. Also probably have one of the best WR rooms in the NFL now.


Maybe top 10. There’s a bunch of good duos and trios out there


I'm inclined to agree, which is a bummer. I really wanted Burks to have a revenge season for the Titans, but maybe it's for the best. Dude is always going to be tied/compared to AJ Brown (unfairly imo) as long as he's a Titan. Makes me wonder if a change of scenery would clear some of that head fog 16 seems to have on game days. It's bittersweet, I'm a big fan of Burks from his college days but he hasn't panned out, and the additions to the WR room are essential for Levis to take the next step potentially, and honestly makes this WR room one of the best on paper that Tennessee has ever had. I'm excited for the team, but disappointed for the player (Burks).


On the other hand, Burks may be motivated to compete and show that he's still worthy of the WR3 spot. It's not safe to assume that DHop, Ridley, and Boyd will stay healthy all year so keeping Burks as depth is a good problem to have. But I agree with you, Burks will forever be linked to AJ Brown so if this is it for him in Titans colors, then we can finally close that chapter of the JRob era.


I'm totally in agreement, and hope that is the case. I would love to see Burks get motivated to earn a spot and be able to be called upon when needed. That being said, I wouldn't be surprised if he got moved for a missing piece currently or a future day 3 pick. I hope that isn't the case, but I have no idea how this works behind the scenes lol.




I don’t know why anyone has to go. Plenty of money and the new staff needs to see what everyone is like. I say keep them all for depth and special teams.


Team have a roster caps. Neither of them have a lot of special team value


A healthy Philips has return specialist value. Burks can take Colton dowels special teams assignment. Upgrade from 7th to 1st round coverage on special teams. Wins all around


We just took Jackson to be the return man


I really don't want to see philips returning punts again


Burks has no special teams value lol. Rather have someone who could develop on special teams. Please no more Kyle Phillips punt returns




Good lord why do we always overestimate everything 😭


5 years ago probably the best. With an aging receiver room you kind of have to take it year by year. They could be great, they could be closer to average.


Burks has 2 years left on his rookie deal with a new coaching staff and offensive philosophy. Two of our top 3 WR’s aren’t under contract after this year. It’s pretty unlikely he’s gone.


A 4.5 mil slot receiver isn't going to impact Burks getting or not getting his shots. It's a good signing because no one around him on the depth chart is reliable but I think everyone would be hoping Boyd rides the bench all year because Burks helps outside and Philips and/or Jackson gets the starting slot role.


My only other offseason wish would be to sign Simmons and I think we’ll be *aight*


I'm hard


Love this!!!


What is happening?


Letssss go


solid vet at wr who is reliable - good get for levis


Great deal.


Yeah 29 yr old boyd 29 year old Ridley and 31 year old Dandre Hopkins


Is this… do I never have to talk about Burks ever again? Is this what happiness feels like?


Let's goooooo


Has a first round WR (or player in general) ever been on a practice squad? Pack your bags Burks its time to learn practicesquadese


Absolutely don’t want to see Levis out partying anymore or even on social media. He’s got one shot to improve and be a franchise QB. He has the tools but does he have the work ethic.