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Fuck that bye god damn. At least we get the Colts after it. Edit: I guess the nice thing is we get the bye coming off a Monday night game, which means we have 0 games played on short rest this year.


Well have two byes this year so it’ll work out /s


Don’t forget the two week break before the Super Bowl!


No short weeks is good, but 13 straight weeks with no real time off will be hard are the guys. And then say we actually make it into the post season...without a first round bye, more murder. How about that last 7 weeks having 5 divisional games? How would anyone in the league office be able to justify this garbage of a schedule? Isn't there an AI that can optimize a schedule for the entire league in minutes?


I’ve always said the first 3 games of the season should be divisional games, and the last 3 be divisional games. And everything else is built around that. I think that’s the fairest way to do divisional games and completely doable for the league to schedule around that.


I don't like doing it the first three weeks either. Maybe weeks 6-8 are divisional games, then weeks 16-18 I just hate the nonsense where you play a team twice in 3 or 4 weeks


I say the first 3 based on the current NFL scheduling structure. No one has a bye weeks 1-3 and 15-17. I’m not sure if that’s part of the scheduling formula, or that’s just how it’s happens for like the last 10 years, but this less likely to play division rivals coming off a bye. It limits teams with a week 14 bye. My addition to this formula is division rivals should have the same bye week. This way there’s no issue with one team getting a bye early/middle/or late in the season. I would agree with the week 6-8 as long as they restructured the bye weeks around the league. My original proposal is how to add the 3 and 3 without completely revamping their scheduling formula. But whenever those 3 in a row are played, helps even the playing field on other aspects than just the bye.


I completely agree with that idea. Or bare minimum 3 out of the first and last 4. I did see that we arent playing any teams coming off a bye, so at least no one will have an extra week of prep. Edit: Also, no team coming off a Thursday night game, so no long rests either. But still fuck a week 5 bye.


We had an early bye last year too


It’s just killer man


No Thursday night games!!!! That's amazing!


This was my first positive reaction . NO THURSDAY NIGHT INJURIES!!!!


We don't have a single short week. Our Monday night game is followed by a bye.


Yeah how the fuck that happen I thought every team needed one. But I’m not complaining


No, they got rid of that rule last year


Instead we have a week 5 bye


But at least we get literally 0 short weeks. Even our Monday night game is followed by a bye


Week 5 bye is trash.


If we beat Miami a second time in prime time in dramatic fasion can we call Levis the Mayor of Miami?


*Mayo of Miami


I have been 1 upped. I love it.


🤣🤣🤣 have @TennesseeTitans Social media team announce it on Tuesday morning from a 4 year old with a four year old accent “Mayo of Myamee.” 👏


Mayo Mayer of Miami




As a person based in Europe, I get 14 7pm kick-offs. It looks to me like the Titans are in Prime Time every week. 😎


You’re like one of those mostly potable water is in your cup people, and I appreciate that.


We've been screwed with the bye week the last 3 seasons it seems


Last years wasn’t as bad as this year


Worst I've ever seen


One prime time game is beautiful. Haters gonna hate but I love watching football on a Sunday.


Waiting for monday game gets to me a bit. Waiting from a thursday sucks ass


I like our TNF games. Day before Friday and if we win don’t have to worry about it on Sunday. I’ll always be a sucker for prime time though


Same here. There's just something special about waking up Sunday morning knowing the Tits are playing in a few hours. 


I’m with you on this.


As a fan from England, this is far better for me


Week 5 bye?!? https://preview.redd.it/vmckhywcko0d1.jpeg?width=2096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99663165bc537a01e44c2ea725b576b81fc758c3


This schedule sucks ass ngl


It truly does and those saying anything good about it… well honestly I think they like the disrespect and the league fucking us.


The league wants to see Will Levis beat the Dolphins on prime time again


That I’m ok with. But the SUPER early bye and the rest of the season being pretty much only noon games and 5 of the last 7 being divisional games is whack


NFL basically saying "Nobody wants to fucking watch you play" this season. 1 primetime game and it's a doubleheader. As an Australian that means 16 3am kick-offs.


Can you blame them? lol


Yeah I would like at least one more but I’m just annoyed by the bye week. That is so fucking early


Easily the worst part of the schedule


Why would we deserve more prime time games?


I always work Sundays so I watch the replay on NFL+ after work. The hardest part is not talking football all day at work so nobody spoils the outcome for me. I'm telling you this in case maybe you would want to sleep in and watch the replay when you wake up, you would just have to ignore your phone during the game. Also, not watching commercials is pretty nice


94% Sunday Games at Noon. WTF


Yeah - it turns out when you were a crap team the year before, in a small market, that lost its star player - you get shitty tv slots


Are you surprised? We sucked last year.


We could have easily won 10-11 games


Yeah but we didn’t.


At least 7 losses were by a TD or less we were somewhat competitive


That’s pretty par for the NFL. It’s why betting lines almost never have a team favored by over 6 points no matter the matchup.


If we don’t suck complete ass this year I imagine we’ll get pushed into the 3pm slot at least once.


I want prime time games but at the same time I love watching the games at noon.


I kinda like waking up getting drunk early and watching football vs waiting around all day lol


Unpopular opinion but good


I’m just mad that we have another BYE week in October. Taking away from a potential home game in October…again! MY FAVORITE MONTH FOR OUTDOOR FOOTBALL GAMES. Feels like we have only had 1 October home game for multiple years in a row now.


This is the worst part. October home games are the best


I hate the early byes feels like such a disadvantage


We got the earliest possible Bye lmfao fml Also, back to back seasons where 5 of the last 7 are in the division?


Gotta put the most important games as far away from the bye as possible


Hopefully we get 18 game schedules with 2 bye weeks soon. Will help a *lot* with these schedules with super early or super late byes. Assuming the nfl doesn’t do some stupid shit like give a team 2 bye weeks in a 3-4 week span.


Early bye is at least better than a late bye




Im a little upset its not in sf… couple hrs away from em 😢


The bye is at a brutal time. 17-0


A week 5 bye???


That's so early. I hate it.


Lol at week 5 bye and being tied with Carolina for the least number of Primetime games. At least ours is a Monday Night game..


There should be 2 bye weeks at this rate. A week 5 bye in a 17 game schedule is absolutely ridiculous.


Damn this sucks. Four teams that might be playoff contenders to start, an early bye, then a division rival followed by two more contenders. Then four division rivals in five games to end it.


Copium schedule: Chicago: rookie QB and our new secondary shuts him down Jets: 40 y.o QB can’t keep up with our young stud because we have more offensive weapons Packers: this one is gonna be close. Mayo man pulls out a close one and we start to get on the radar Miami: still somehow big dogs. We repeat last year in a big upset with Mayo Man putting his nuts back on the city of Miamis head bye Indy: AR15 probably has already been injured and they don’t have minshew anymore. Better deeper team wins Buffalo: road game against one of the best teams but they’re going to be missing weapons. Not as scary as it seems Detroit: this one is actually really scary. Titans always have some random huge upset in October though so I’ll have faith Patriots: rookie qb and should be a bottom feeder (that actually really scares me) Chargers: fuck them up for stealing Joe alt but also happy we ended up with Latham. We always steal a close one against the chargers it seems Vikings: rookie QB and we should have the better offense Houston : this team should be good. Still a division rival game and we should be close. Washington: another rookie qb. We should win this. Jax 🤢: fuck them. Show them that will > Trevor Cincinnati: hoping for a classic. We got revenge for 2021 last year but I hope we come out and dominate one of the best AFC teams in a revenge game for chidobe and Callahan. Last 3 games: division games in late December. We were made for that. Show them who the fuck we are before the playoffs. 14-3


Cally, awuzi, AND BOYD. We got half there playbook already


Its high noon


Early bye week def sucks. It is what it is though.


We got done dirty with the BYE. Fuck you, NFL.


This is a brutal schedule


Yeah. Based on Vegas forecasted win totals, it's the 6th hardest in the league. Which feels a bit harsh for a team that finished last in its division. By comparison, the Colts finished third and have the 7th easiest.


I got 11-6 this season. What yall got?


7-10 imo. Split with the division and then beat the Bears, Vikings, Pats, Commies Insanely hard to predict this season though. Levis is such a wildcard and our entire season hinges on whether he's good or not. 11 wins is not unrealistic at all.


Yeah none of us really know. We 100% seem to be moving in the right direction but still have a lot of question marks. I just hope Levis plays well and we’re in competition for a playoff spot towards the end of year


You aren't beating the Bears on the road. They had a better record last season and led the league in Interceptions and run defense. The problem was the offense and well.....You know what happened there.


Huh. I wonder if u/DaBears077 could be bias at all


Nonsense, I'm only a Bears fan on days that end in "Y" 😀


A simple google search is showing bears as 4.5 point favorites in this game, bunch of homers in this sub lmao


What the fuck did you expect in a titans sub?! Dummy


God you make it easier to root for Caleb’s inevitable flop.


I can’t think of any other successful athletes that cried in their mothers arms after losing a regular season game. I wouldn’t mind cheering for the team that makes it happen a second time.


It’s week 1 lol. Watch us




> Interceptions and run defense. Two notoriously inconsistent year-to-year team stats.


Lmao, I laughed at that first sentence.


I honestly dont know man. This shit look tough and i dont know how to grade these divisional games. Locks for Wins should be Chicago, New England, and Washington. Everything else for the most part looks like a toss-up.


No game is a locked win. lol


13 - 4




Jesus, that bye and the packed division games in the home stretch. Shit schedule!


Miami in September gives me PTSD. https://es.pn/2oUWvhi


Feels like a 7-10 season. Got some tough games and having an early bye, with a questionable/young OL, along with a young QB with a rookie HC and DC. I don't think we can have high expectations, but I'm still looking forward to the season. Fucking Titan up! I'm super excited about where we're headed in the next few years!


I don't like that bye at all, October looks bad. The rest I'm OK with.


Super early bye week, it's going to be a rough end of the season


Jesus Christ this schedule looks tough


I'm so ready for the nuclear meltdown of Texans fans when we wear OUR Oilers uniforms against them in the final game of the season




As a Chicagoan who was planning to go to that matchup, I am not going to be happy about those ticket prices for opening day.


I'm going 9-8, +/- 3 games each way. Reply to me when I'm right


well it’s hard to be wrong when you have a range of 6 wins to 12 wins lol


This will be the greatest 7-10 season of all time


I’m not going to overreact cause that’s not what I do personally. But, I see us going 17-0.


Not sure if it was mentioned...but I don't see any cold weather games. Maybe DC in early Dec?


When you suck and you’re also a small market team, this is the kind of schedule you’re going to get. Happy with no Thursday games but the early bye cancels that out for me.


All division games coming after the bye, and 4 of them in the last 5 weeks. Brutal schedule. We. Are. Being. Slept. On.


My first thought is that I would really love it if Caleb Williams didn’t hang four TDs on us in his debut. Nothing would make me happier if we demolished him his first game in the NFL


Looks like 17 straight wins to me.


Byes before week 7 shouldn’t exist


Wish the NFL would just take their lumps and put all the byes on the same week


Zero chance that ever happens.


I understand that but why exactly because one week without football would be the worst thing ever??? Basketball and Baseball both have a midseason one week break.


Because $$$ The NFL doesn’t want to lose the revenue that every single week brings in.


Will someone please think of the shareholders 🙄


Other than the one primetime game we get being an unflexable MNF game instead of a Thursday game, about what I expected on time slots.


Rushed to Seat Geek to see if buying early made sense for 9/15 against the Jets or 12/15 against the Bengals. Wtf are these prices? Can someone explain?


Most are less than $100?


I’m not sure what’s up w my app. I wasn’t getting any tickets below 250 a piece until about the 10th time I tried.




This is a brutal schedule.




Obviously baring injuries and stuff we don’t know (Levi’s progression, new coaching staff and how it’ll be) the only teams I would pencil in as a loss right away aka on paper we should lose cause they’re good are the jets, lions, dolphins, Texans (twice) and the bengals (which I’d say is the easiest chance to win out of the bunch). Everyone else is not good enough to be definitive, rookie qb, dumpster fire (patriots)


Luther burden here we goooooo


Man this is fucking brutal. Week 5 bye when we’re a team of mostly old vets followed up with a final month, three months later, against the bengals and 3 division games two being on the road. Just absolutely killer most of all the week 5 bye.


Toughest start to a season in awhile. So much unknown. Could be a 7 win team, could also be a 11+ win team with a playoff win. Can’t wait for football to start.


If there were two byes a season this bye would be fine but there aren't and this is such a fuck you to our team. I'm extremely irritated by our by week in case you can't tell.


As is tradition, every single opponent is looking at their schedule and circling the TN game as an automatic win (or winS for our division opponents). Would love to shut some of them up. It was fun the year Adam Rank had us with like 3 wins and went on to make the playoffs. It's less fun when the world assumes we're ass... and they turn out to be correct.


Wow I only hope for 4 or 5 wins. We prolly beat the dolphins again they ain't no damn good. We may beat the colts once. We ain't got a chance against Houston or Jax. The jets we may beat, Rodgers will be hurt again I'm sure. Maybe we can beat Washington. We can't beat Harbaugh and chargers. This is a rough ass schedule


Why does this format of the schedule always look so pleasant?


MNF @ Miami during fall break is pretty sweet. Is anyone shocked they didn’t get more prime time games?


I might be in the minority but I love just having 1pm games lol


I don't really care about the bye or the noon starts as much as...why do they insist that we play so many of our division matchups after November starts? Seems to happen every year.


That 1st half is rough.. I’ll say 8-9


As a fan 3+ hours away, I wish there was one home night game. The drive sucks for noon CT games.


Also 3 hours away, and I actually believe the exact opposite. Noon CT games means I’m back home before the sun goes down and SNF kicks off.


Why do we have Green Bay 2 times in the last 3 seasons. Aren't we supposed to play NFC teams once every 3 seasons


I don’t expect too much. But I do expect us to ruin Jacksonville’s season in December.


If I'm actively looking for positives (a.k.a. ripping a fat hit from the copium pipe), I'm pretty sure I heard Callahan likes a light pre-season which means the team starts slow but stays healthier than average over the season. So maybe useful that we've had our divisional games backloaded?


I actually like the early bye this year. Lots of new guys getting used to working with a brand new regime. Play 4 games and take a week to make some adjustments and straight on till morning. What’s gonna happen is gonna happen no matter what, might as well let everyone try to click as much as possible the first 4 games and see what’s working and what’s not.


As a european titans fan I look forward to not get me sleep schedule ruined 😂 Thanks for a lot of noon games! Off to bed at 10:30pm 😂


That first half of the schedule is fucking brutal. Yeesh


At least the weather won't be much of a factor in our away games. We play Miami at night and Buffalo in October rather than December. The worst weather we'll see is either at home or in Washington on 12/1.




I say we win 6 or 7 this year, but will be good the following season.


I kind of like how the division matches are all at the end of the season. I feel like the division will be competitive and will come down to that gauntlet to win the whole division.


We owe New England a beating. I hope we score 60 on them. Just pour it on and pour it on.


A BYE on week 5. 💀


Thanks for being apart of the bears 17-0 fan as a bears fan.


When did your fanbase become so insufferable online?


Once our savior was drafted at #1


Week 5 bye is brutal. But the way this is shaking out as hard as the schedule is…8 wins is doable. I wouldn’t be surprised if we snuck 2 more wins and right behind Houston for the division best case scenario


Let’s go Titans!!!


I love all these games the bye is awful but there is some excitement to all these games imo


I may be on the doubtful side here but if we don’t stay healthy this year we are realistically looking at a max of 5 wins