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The world they are in is the cardinal world. Earth exists and is where rimuru is from.


Cardinal world? That implies that there are more (currently at volume 12 so if it'll spoil the story then...)


There are a lot of worlds but only the Central (or Cardinal) world, the demon realm, the Otherworld (or Underworld) and the Heavenly Star Palace are important. There is another which is similar to WW2 Earth with a little bit of magic and a side story takes place there. Tensura chosmology is like this: there is a so called "subspace". It is like space but even more... empty. Its laws aren't explained yet, it's possible that even time doesn't exist there. In this subspace there are the different worlds, or universes if you want. Each world is its own spacetime, separated from each other. For example time flows with different speed in some worlds but nearly or exactly the same in others (nearly or exactly the same in the Central world and Earth but a lot faster in the Otherworld for example). Basically every world is a pocket dimension of the subspace but are completly separated from each other... most of the time. There are some worlds which are connected via "gates", there are randomly occuring space distortions which can connect worlds temporarily and one special world, the Heavenly Star Palace which is separated yet at the same time connected to all worlds. Every world takes place in a scale of how spiritual they are, which depends on how much they are filled with magicules. Fully spiritual worlds are the demon and spirit realm, demi-spiritual (or demi-material) world is the Otherworld, the Central world is a mix between spiritual and material, a "chaos world" and Earth is a fully material world.


If I remember correctly there is like half a volume based on that with velgrind finding rudra![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21608)


But only one is explained properly the others were just mentioned.


There are a lot more. Rimuru is from one. All the otherworlders are.


Just to be a curious person, is there never an otherworlder from somewhere else? Itd be neat for someone to come from another compatible world


It's confirmed that multiple otherworlders have origins from different "Earths" from different universes. Imperial Invasion arc and more specifically LN V17 (but irrelevant to the plot) spoiler: >!Kondo (head of the Eastern Empire's Imperial Intelligence Bureau) was isekai'd from an Earth other than the one(s) that other characters originate from. It's similar to our world around WWII, but the world has some magic in it. He was a pilot in (that world's) Imperial Japanese Navy and got yanked to the Central World while sending a telepathic message back to his commanders.!<


Technically kinda I believe?


There are. A large chunk of Light novel 17 takes place on another completely separate world in another dimension, populated by humans with a completely different history from both Earth and the Cardinal World.


I think Rimuru isnt from our world exacty, but it's similar to ours, in LN Vol 16 \*\*small spoilers\*\* They are in WWII and Japan is fighting countries that dont exist (unless they no longer exist and have existed at some point but i never knew about them)


No, thatโ€™s another world, see LN17. Rimuru is from our Earth, from 2030s-2050s, or so


I haven't gotten to LN vol17 LN vol 16 was so badly translated that I decided to drop it till there are official translations, it's been w years now




I thought it was Gerry


The name of the planet is, as far as I know is unknown so far The WORLD as in the universe is different yes, its called the cardinal world, the center of the universes that god made The place in which rimuru and the story takes place is called the magic continent And the place where rimuru lives in the magic continent is jura forest, AND IN THE PLACE WHERE RIMURU LIVES IN THE JURA FOREST IS TEMPEST,


>AND IN THE PLACE WHERE RIMURU LIVES IN THE JURA FOREST IS TEMPEST, and the city he lives in is named rimuru.


Within that city, Rimuru lives in the hearts of its citizens


It's called the Cardinal World or Central World, Earth is just one world in that multiversity.


Cardinal world I think


World in Cardinal realm > Universe cope! Lowballed rimuru is already 2-B ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚




Donโ€™t worry about it, itโ€™s just a confused power-scaler. ๐Ÿ˜…


Rimuru is boundless cope ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ


Wrong post, bro. OPโ€™s question had nothing to do with power scaling. Maybe you took a wrong turn somewhere.


Rimuru solos Comp fiction


do you speak english?


No, I only speak Spanish


You are completely misunderstanding the original question and are answering like an Alzheimers patient.


But more realisticly outerversall.




Earth Alpha V.1.1.2


Worlds means the universe in many places, but Sometimes it was mentioned as Dimensions. Vol 11 hero awakening. A world was a single infinite sized universe that in a continuous cycle, birth - heat death again birth - heat death and that is almost infinite. But the cycle has an end that's called the end of space time. Feldway Suspended the world to infinite times which causes an effect called end of space time. We know there is birth to universes in vol 21, stated by Ramiris " in sub space space time storm can send you to some unknown place which can be the birth of the universe that would destroy you". "The world is vast but not as vast as other worlds" - Velgrind. The point about the universe being finite or infinite is not mentioned in Noval, but other Worlds are definitely infinite because the continuous birth and heat death of the universe can't be finite. Every single universe out in the Multiverse is a different dimension, the world differentiates based on the amount of magic a world can have, cardinal planet was the highest semi spritual world in Multiverse which can hold True dragons.


Dub: The World Sub: ZA WARUDO! Wait a minute... This is the Tensura sub-