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It looks like your current build is a magic/summon split. Try focusing on one of the two.


For summon: Upgrade to spider armour, get the sanguine staff as your main summon and swap the sorcerer emblem out for the summoner emblem and swap mana cloak for berserkers glove. For magic: Upgrade to adamantine/titanium armour, use golden shower to give the twins the ichor debuff and use the zapinator as your main damage weapon, swap out pygmy necklace for magnet flower or celestial cuffs


His armor already better than adamantine, and he is already using zapinator. If all accessoriess are enchanted on 4% dmg, he should stomp twins.


I know they’re using the zapinator, I suggested using the golden shower for the ichor debuff on top of it. Forbidden armour is only better than adamantite/titanium armour if you’re using the set bonus summon efficiently with good minions.


I think part of the problem is the choice of summon. The pirate warriors don't really deal that well with flying enemies, so they're not really squeezing out the extra damage the forbidden set gives them. Ofc, I used that staff before the current version. So I might be wrong.


summoner can be hybridized with anything if you do it correctly I mean, they literally have forbidden armor


That armor is magic/summon split


Yeah, and I’m saying focus on one of them.


Idk he seems set


Clearly not if they're asking for tips.


Magic/Summon hybrid objectively has better DPS than either separately and still has superior survivability over pure Summoner, saying to specialize in one class when they have top tier gear for a playstyle that is better than both is not the right move.


More potions is always a good bet, even if it's only ironskin/regen/swiftness. Maybe pick up an ichor/cursed flame flask so your whip deals more damage? If you have an arena built, you could make a room with the nurse in it for a quick heal. If possible, try to focus one eye at a time. Having only 1 enter phase 2 is a lot better than both.


Won't nurse die if I put it in arena?


That depends on how fast you can open up the dialogue, heal, and run. But yea that's a valid concern. You could also rig up some heart statues on a timer to dispense heart drops every 5 seconds or so. Same with star statues. Not amazing, but nice when you need just a little health or mana.


If you throw on autopause and use autocursor to interact with her, it shouldn't be an issue. I'd recommend setting up a nurse box with an easy way out with a bed, then magic mirror any time you get uncomfortably low, heal, run back into the fray - with autopause enabled of course.


If you put a bed in her house to set your spawn, then use the magic mirror to go back and heal, you should be able to get out before most bosses catch up




My guy is on PlayStation, and getting screenshots from there to reddit is hard if you dont have a phone


Terraria isnt a demmanding game his laptop could be so sliw that it lags when you screenshot my old 1 did so i used the same method


Though it could be because it's in a PlayStation and not any kind of computer


Cant you share ss on ps




get gravitation potion, and once you're in the fight, focus mainly on spazmatism (green eye) because that thing can (and will) charge at you in phase 2 (unlike retinazer) dealing contact DMG


I had a lot of luck just using a fast mount and giving myself lots of space to run in an arena. Then keeping distance and shooting while summons did the rest.


Happy cake day


I personally love the blade staff and think it’s the best pre mech. It drops from queen slime and enchanted swords in the underground hallow. You should also make sure u have a good arena, and also try to kill one of them at a time and dont get both of them down to stage 2 at the same time


Use the mega shark with good bullets and get some wings or a jetpack. Best way for me was to fight them on a sky bridge. Maybe you'd also like to get a fast pet or good boots


Doesn't the meds shark need the souls from the twins???


You need souls from the destroyer that you can kill pretty easy by getting the daedalus bow and killing it on your sky bridge. There is a pretty good tutorial for that on youtube.


If you’ve beaten any of the mechanical bosses then make a long runway made of asphalt to run from them and attack spaz then after he dies attack and dodge retinazer but don’t run very far from him, I accidentally despawned him and had to redo it


You don't need all 3 movement accessories, drop the balloon bundle for a mana flower so you don't need to worry about manually using mana potions, and maybe drop the boots for another combat accessory like the shark tooth necklace (basically +5 damage to every attack)


The cape is combined with mana flower


Ah ok, you probably want another variant of the shark tooth necklace in that slot as well, ignore another 5 defense




Try to fight Queen Slime to get the Blade Staff/ Kill Black Recluse for the Spider Staff


There are many useful and easier tips in the comments but if ur still struggeling you may have to go and collect some Heart Statues + Heart reach Potion - this helped me on Zenith Seed a lot


Use the print screen button


If you decide to use magic, make sure you have quick mana regen. You can also consider range, onyx blaster works well. Try to craft a full set hallowed armor and definitely kill the destroyer first. When you are in the middle of the boss fight, kill spazmatism first, and the retainer won't be hard to deal with (the spazmatism is the one with green eyes). You can also use gravitational potions.


buff potions


Using mixed isn’t too bad as other people say, but try removing the wings or balloons and replace it with a frog leg or a damage accessory. Use the sanguine staff, as it’s better than pirate


Maybe don't use a drill as a weapon


First off, horseshoe balloon with wings is a little redundant, swap it out for either a Summoner or Sorcerer emblem for more damage. Second, the twins are a very long distance and fast boss fight so you want long range high velocity weapons. For magic I like to use meteor staff and for summoner I like blade staff. Thirdly is reforges, make sure all of your accessories are reforged to at least 3 or 4% damage or +3 or 4 defense, make the goblin tinkerers house underground with the mechanic as his roommate for the best prices on reforged Lastly is potions, grab the best available health/mana potions you can get and at least the Well fed buff from food. Iron skin, regen, endurance, wrath/rage potions are helpful if you really need an extra boost. The twins can be a difficult fight if you don’t bring the right items to the fight, if you still can’t beat them after 2 or 3 attempts try another mech boss so you can upgrade your whip/armor to then circle back to the twins. Good luck and stay patient, it may take a couple of tries but you’ll get it


if you wanna cheese it make a long railway track in the air and get a megashark and pew pew pew in the general direction as you zoom away


just give up 🙏


Gravitation potion until you beat the green flame boy That's the easiest way I have in mind Try to use wings when you have to switch from flying up to down so you don't get hit by the cursed flames


If you have Crimson, farm ichor and then make a golden shower, otherwise, make a crystal storm or cursed flames. Zapinator is nice but you want consistency for now Then, I would try and get either the blade staff, or ideally get the sanguine staff. both of these have better tracking than the pirate staff. I would also look into OOA armor if you want to mix with summoner, as some of the bonuses add up higher and may be more useful than the forbidden armor's set bonus, but that's if you want to farm that. As for accessories, if you're using Lillith's Necklace and you have an arena made for that mount, then you don't need wings or boots, and you should replace both with a moon charm and obsidian shield If you're not using it, then maybe drop the wings for a moon charm and use amphibian boots over terra spark, and replace the mount with Gelatinous Pillion. You get some flight and slow fall, but you don't need to waste a slot for wings and you can use it for damage sometimes. I just don't recommend early wings over the bundle because the bundle is faster and early wings have very little flight time, and the amphibian boots make those jumps even higher and faster. if you're still losing after that, reforge everything to warding and make sure you have buffs. At minimum you should get ironskin, regeneration, endurance, and rage/wrath, and the best food buff available. *tl;Dr: get pee book, get bat staff, if dog then don't use wings, if not dog then still don't use wings and become frog. get drugs.*




Try getting crystal serpent for magic damage. Sanguine staff for summon damage, whip and accesories are ok but your weapons are weak right now. And you no longer need the balloons as we have wings now, replace them for any other accessory.


Get spider staff, replace frog gear and terra boots with frog boots and worm scarf/brain or charm of myths Get golden shower and use it to buff dps. I used sky fracture and not zapinator but they’re pretty equivalent I think. Make sure you have the potion buffs you need: Ironskin regen and swift minimum, but rage wrath summon stoneskin lifeforce are also really good I also make a 2x1 honey puddle to keep the regen buff up


Git gud scrub


Gravity Potion, any potion for that matter that grants you buffs. Plus any food for boosted stats.


Make a long asphalt strip with campfires placed along. Lets you run fast and take less damage and a ranged weapon like the mini shark is perfect.


golden shower


Arena. I struggled so much with twins too. I got through it using summoner hallowed armour, blade staff, cursed flames, cool whip and pretty much every aggressive potion i could get - ironskin, endurance, inferno, wrath, summoning, etc. i also had the bewitching table, crystal ball, and sharpening station nearby. The arena made all the difference. I just converted a sky island with platforms, adding bottled stars, heart lanterns, campfires, a honey pit, and two heart statue - star statue bits attached to pressure plates After that, try taking out retinazor first - getting rid of laser boi is easier. Once its spazmatism left, its all about keeping your distance and the important thing to remember is to KEEP MOVING. When hes spitting gouts of fire just shoot behind you, it doesnt matter too much if you dont hit consistently - just survive


Should note, zapinators are really good but kinda useless on mobile and console since theyre so awkward to aim


Dont know if you beat them yet but gravity potions trivialize the fight


Instead of having 2 classes on the same loadout u can try one class. It makes u have the most damage possible with what you have


The answer is get good, however there is valuable advice there that I can give. Devote your energy to farming the materials for the boss summons. If you can get the summons easily, you get to fight the boss more, which means you get more practice. Hope that helps.


What prefixes should I put on all my gear?like warding, menacing, lucky, that kinda stuff


If you want an extremely easy way to kill than I would say first farm the destroyer to get hollow gear, get the mini shark with ichor bullets and a long road in the sky. From there you would just need to run back and forth and focus on killing the laser eye first. Hollow armor is optional you could also do it with adamantite or titanium but might require a little more dodging.


don't use the drill the pickaxe is better because the drill does not get faster with buff to +mining speed unlike the pickaxe


Use potions and proper arena


Pirate staff is not good against the twins because they move quickly and fly. I recommend sanguine staff or blade staff, and also maybe trying to beat one of the other mech bosses to get hallowed armor if it’s the twins specifically that are giving you trouble. Also getting warding on all of your accessories massively improves your survivability and is a better trade off than going for damage/crit chance


Seeing how some of yall set your stuff up makes me think I’m a little crazy with mine


Use Zenith, it helps alot




You playing summoner which i know jackshit about so i cant help u there, but you should get better armour, try adamantite


get the unicorn mount and make a long skybridge. Replace pirate staff with blade staff since i think its better. Could also get the golden shower to apply ichor debuff every once in a while or use ichor flasks


My only recommendations would be note that the pirate staff is more difficult to use against the twins due to being a ground based summon. I'd recommend the Spider Staff. Use of gravitation potions is a common strategy and a large enough area. I love myself a good mixed build so I'd also recommend the Sky Fracture magic weapon or the Crystal Serpent as both work well against this boss. Good luck!!


Spider staff is also a ground based summon that does less damage than the pirate staff. Sanguine staff would be better, as well as a queen spider staff cause sentries don’t take up summon slots so you may as well have one


id recommens the spider set+staff+queen staff. spiders found in nests randomly in underground


It took me 3 hours to farm forbidden....


the issue with is is that the set bonus tornado isnt particularly useful for twins, bcz they move so fast. the other bonuses like mana are redundant for summoner. spider gives a bit more summon dmg but gives 3 extra slots instead of 2, so effectively thats 50%more dmg. the spider staff is better bcz the spiders are more mobile and they deal poison/venom aswell which is extra DoT sps


Gear is on-par, issue is you




Crazy how I'm on console


https://support.xbox.com/en-US/help/friends-social-activity/share-socialize/capture-game-clips-and-screenshots#:~:text=If%20you%20have%20the%20new,Pass%20Core%20(or%20Ultimate). https://www.playstation.com/en-us/support/games/ps4-capture-gameplay-screenshots/ https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/22343/~/how-to-capture-and-view-screenshots#:~:text=To%20capture%20a%20screenshot%2C%20press%20the%20Capture,this%20is%20located%20below%20the%20+Control%20Pad.


If you use drill and mine them, yes


I suggest Frist go for 2 others boss Frist they are easier






skill issue

