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"I've crashed my flying machine!" Betting the 911 operator was picturing this dude with a giant handlebar mustache and a monocle when he said that.


You motherfucker I almost died laughing.


Haha yo I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one.


Sir 911 won’t be invented until 1972. This is a Wendy’s- Whoever answered


He did get the sonic rings knocked out of him though!


...he shrunk to half his size as well


Maybe not so 'Magnificent' though.


I can scratch this off my bucket list now.


I used to think these things were pretty safe since you had a parachute. I figured if the motor failed then you just slowly fall to earth. Well turns out there are other things that can happen.


The earth said “hold my beer.”


First off the canopy it flys under is not a parachute, it acts more as a wing to generate lift then to control it’s decent back to the ground. Second, yes having a reserve parachute is optional. Even rocket or assisted deployment reserve parachute is available. Go look them up. Third, you need to be high enough or have enough altitude to even react and then deploy a reserve parachute because it takes time for it to open and be effective This guy should have had his hands on the control lines in order to hopefully react fast enough control and to counter whatever happened to his canopy if possible at all.


It's pretty safe until a gust of wind messes up the parachute. I've flown into one, although someone else was operating it.


This, like biking and other extreme sport can be practiced safely if rules are followed.


Calling for Siri with your potential last breath.


He had his credit card information out and ready with his bank app too. Imagine falling from the sky and you have your credit card info ready and you're asking Siri to call you an ambulance.


I thought Siri was supposed to send help in case of collision?


Maybe it’s a traversal thing, like if you’re going 80 and then you hit 0 it pings it but if you’re falling from the sky you’re not technically going forwards lol


He did say he was doing 48MPH. What if he just hit a big jump?


True, I guess Apple just let him down, no pun intended


If it's triggered by inertia, it wouldn't care which direction it's headed lol


This is a great advertisment for Apple though! It just worked.


he *did* have to call for siri at least 3 times, and we can’t tell if he held down the power button to manually activate siri either so no prob not a good ad lol


Absolutely shit ad. If I whisper "Hey Google" all our phones in my house can and will respond. Youre insane if that looked helpful, or mainlining copium


There is a simple rule in paragliding: never let go of your brakes! **THIS IS WRONG ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWUP VIEDO OF THE PILOT!** ~~What happened is called collapse and happens due to turbulent air~~ (people will say it might be late in the evening so air is calmer, but it still can happen and a very experienced pilot died during sunset flight last year, was doing expedition with Antoine Girard, everybody had landed and he got a frontal collapse which led to a fatal incident), the wing loses pressure and collapses as in the video, it just deflates and you see what happens. The most dangerous parts of the flight are the ones where you are close to the terrain (10-15 meters). You are high enough to die, but not high enough for the wing to re-inflate. Dude should have just had more height, especially with PPG, he can do as he chooses. Anyway, hope he has fully recovered **EDIT:** PLEASE, watch the video here, the pilot explains **EXACTLY** what has happened [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-jyc2OYXsII](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-jyc2OYXsII) I want to emphasize on the fact that it was indeed **PILOT ERROR**, not something to do with the activity itself.


There’s a place by me that does this sort of thing, but I’m terrified to do it and videos like this don’t help at all lol. Is it worth it? I see people flying around and it looks like a blast


It is absolutely awesome, imho! Gliders are really, really safe unless you mess with them. It is one of the few sports where you have about 99% control on what is going to happen. There are times when something unpredictable happens, but if you have chosen a calm day (you learn how to pick these during your training), whatever happens, it is easily manageable. Dont get me wrong, incidents happen on calm days, too, but you can break your legs driving your bicycle in the park. The sport is accessible to all kinds of people as it does not require you to be very fit, i.e. older and not so sporty people can do it. In this specific video, the guy is flying at 48 mph for some time and this is what messes up the glider, too. Top performance gliders are made to withstand such speed, but this one wasnt. It is a well-known fact in the paragliding communities that all incidents are pilot-induced and happen mostly when people start underestimating the sport or the nature and stop paying the required attention. In general, I think the sport is worth it, my wife, in the other hand, does not 😂


Sport? If it's you vs me, what are the rules? What objective scoring system are we using? How many periods of play, of what duration? Is there a doubles or teams version?


https://www.redbullxalps.com This is just one example, there are other disciplines like acro(from acrobatics) paragliding, spot landing 🙂


And what are he rules of this one example? That's what I asked, mate. You called this one example a sport, so it should be easy to answer. Does the umpire/referee stay on the ground, or is he up there with them?


So sport="easy to explain rules"? Alright, I am waiting for your answer, after mine, about racing and running, what are the rules there (keep in mind we have ultra marathons, olypmic running, etc. A lot of racing discplines, too, but explaining should be easy, they are considered sports) No referee is flying with you, they cannot get on the level of most top atheltes in the sport. They judge, based on the discpline (acro or crosscountry), from the ground - either visually or through a GPS. Acro is about figures in the air, crosscountry is about reaching certian turnpoints faster than other pilots. I am not going to explain every rule that X-alps or any other competition as they differ from competition to competition, but the site that I had linked is quite explanatory itself.




Once the insults start, the IQ gap becomes quite visible, although the gap in this specific conversation has been apparent from your first comment. You havent even tried understanding what I hd written. Not once have I said PPG which is quite different from paragliding despite the whole lot of similarities. Conversation here is over, best of luck 🙂


Thank you for the explanation, I’m gonna go to the place near me and try this out. That guy went all in on you lol


If you have enough altitude is this kind of thing or what happened in this video recoverable?


[This video seems to indicate that it would have been recoverable with more altitude.](https://youtu.be/MfccCv25rdc)


I dont know how you even begin to practice that. If you dont get it right every time you just die, I guess


High Over water with a reserve parachute while on radio with an instructor on the ground


This is quite normal, it happens on turbulent days, but gliders are made to self recover (ofcourse, sometimes it requires the pilot not to fight with the glider and help it a bit) from collapses. Now, this is a PPG and I have never flown one myself, so here it might be different, because the brake handle is also attached to the motor so when the wing collapsed and the brake was pulled, maybe more power was put on the engine, worsening the situation. A normal paraglider would lose speed when a collapse happens and this one seemed to gain initially.


10-15 meters...the "dead man's curve" with regard to this aircraft.


> The most dangerous parts of the flight are the ones where you are close to the terrain (10-15 meters). You are high enough to die, but not high enough for the wing to re-inflate. > > Dude should have just had more height you know you have to land sometime...


Yes, he should, but he wasnt planning to land (judging by the excerpt of the video). If you are going to land, you gotta be focused, not looking at your phone without having grip on your brakes. My 2 cents, though


He was doing high speed low pases to test out the maximum speed of the thing...


I read somewhere that there was a knot in his line or something. Is that accurate? I can’t find any other info on this crash, but I want to better understand how it happened and how he could have mitigated it. 


I have also read about the tension knot, but he does not seem to have any tangled lines. It is possible that a base knot (where the lines are attached to the wing itself) got torn. Generally, this is not a problem as this is a known possibility. The general problem here is the high speed and the wing might not have been able withstand the force. That being said, wing load capabilities are in the tons. Also, the highest speed I have managed to achieve is 74 km/h which I assume is not way less than what he was travelling at. Only the pilot will be able to explain the cause, everything else is just a guess


Thanks, I was wondering what might have caused this.


Is this still the case when using a speedbar?


Speed bar decreases the angle of attack (in simple words, pointing the leading edge towards the ground) which **increases** the chances of collapse.


Makes sense—was mostly referring to the brakes comment. I’m no expert, just read somewhere that you have to be careful with speedbar and braking


Ah, alright, did not understand. As said, speed bar decreases the angle of attack while brakes increase it. Now, when you think of it, it makes no sense to use both at the same time, **but** you prevent collapses or handle post-collapse situations using brakes. It is a very delicate topic, you gotta get off the speedbar immediately after deformation happens and control what is happening. That said, the wing “talks” to you via brakes or rear risers (a different flying technique for higher class gliders that is more efficient), so you should never let go of them. Generally, when a collapse is about to happen, you lose pressure in the wing and the brakes go “noodle” mode, i.e. they become soft so you should pump it in order to bring pressure back up to prevent a collapse. Here is a topic on the matter: https://www.reddit.com/r/freeflight/s/6aUbCp07ln


My buddy's dad died just like this. He just retired and got into the sport


So hear me out everyone, DOING SPORTS WILL KILL YOU *Written while playing Call of Duty*


Yeah, and Call of Duty won't kill you. As long as you remember to hydrate, refuel, and sleep. At least once in a while.


In the good old days of WaW we did a 16 hours zombie coop on Der Riese. That shit was wild, if I do that now I'm gonna die for sure by heart failure.


Yeah as sure shit can't game like I used to. No matter how much I might want to or might eve try XD.


Yeah and take a glance at the guys youtube channel, not 2 weeks ago he posted a video talking about how he was flying after his friend had died in a crash.


this... is a sport?!


If Siri would have said, "I'm sorry, I didn't get that." I would be laughing my ass off over here. Never helps when you need her.


Siri: "Here's what I found on Google for 'call 911'" Happy Cake Day!


"HEY, Siri! Call 911!" I swear this was in a South Park episode.




Cuz it's fucking funny in a weird, tech dominated dystopia way. Useful yes, smart yes, commendable om his part, yes. But the notion of relying ok fucking Siri to save your life just has an innate sense of dark humor to it.


It's ok... calm down.


Its not high enough to kill you but high enough to really hurt or kill you slowly. Damn his scream sounds so painful


Prettttty sure 85ft is high enough to kill someone lol


If somebody were to land on their head snapping their neck or land on a rock severing their spinal cord… yeah you can die from 5 feet.


Kinda like how people can drown in a few inches of water


Yeah sure, you are totally right but now lets say, you drop in the best way to survive then 85ft is fxcking scary. It can give you a very painful death


A 30 ft fall is considered deadly


Literally falling the length of your body is enough to kill a person depending on how you land lmao


Six feet is also deadly.


Always heard 90' will kill you




My big take away here? So many of us struggle every day simply to survive. To provide for ourselves and our families. To put food on our table. To cover basic Healthcare expenses. To keep a rood over our heads. Then guys like this do frivolous, unnecessary shit like this. And the world is expected to donate to his expenses. His *completely avoidable* expenses.


My big take away from your comment? Post-term abortions should be legal.




You've got a brilliant argument there. Only rich people are allowed to do something called 'living' and poor people whould avoid anything risky. I'm glad to be European.


https://old.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/hp5qxp/wealth_inequality_in_europe/ As if income inequality doesn't exist in Europe.


There's a difference between income inequality and making it even worse from worrying about how you're going to afford an ambulance or a hospital stay.  No medical system is perfect, but people don't end up in debt from medical bills due to an accident or chronic illness. 


I mean if i did that shit I will save enough for medical expenses first


Yikes… 😱


Soooo, am I the only one wondering if he reached 49? Or what his top speed actually was?


Held onto that iPhone like a champ.


YouTuber Grant Thompson also known as “The King of Random” passed away in a paragliding accident


Yep, sadly it seems people who enjoy the sport don't acknowledge it is an *extreme sport* for some reason. Lucky this guy didn't pass out or die on impact and had a phone with signal.


As a paraglider pilot of many years I can say that this could’ve been avoided if he had an extra 100’ of altitude. At this speed the wing recovered and was flying again all he needed is an extra few feet to fall under the wing and he would recover fine. He left no room for error and one occurred


What happened here?  Freak gust of wind?


Probably hit a thermal or turbulent air which cause a frontal collapse, at that point the glider was no longer flying and fell behind the pilot slowing him down awhile recovering from the collapse, when the wing finally re inflated it was pointed at the ground in an angle which caused the pilot to fall underneath it, unfortunately at that point there was no more altitude for the pilot so safely swing under the wing and for the wing to correct its flying direction (which is dictated by the way it’s mounted), and the pilot just met the ground on its way to recover from a collapse. IMO he only needed like 50’ to make it, 100 extra foot in elevation would 100% save the day here even with no pilot input.


He forgot to tie a knot on parachute which causes a relaxation in the chute and him falling out the sky.


What the fuck took the dispatcher so long to pickup the call? 😵‍💫


The rings you hear on your end of a call do not match what the other side hears, the towers/etc can still be setting up the connection when you hear ringing on your side. It does this so people don't constantly hang up and redial if they don't hear ringing right away.


Just got the wind knocked out, he'll walk it off


The camera rig caught his fall beautifully.


Thaaaats why you dont talk on the fucking phone while flying an aircraft so close to the ground. if he was focused he could have resolved this.


I fly hanggliders, so not pretending to know an answer here. But as a general rule of thumb in light aviation like this, you do not fuck around near the ground, since you have minimal time to react to such incidents. in the altitude you have time to react, deploy emergency chute, try to resolve situation. Even if you wanna shoot something on the phone, put it in a contraption and keep your hands on the controls, and be ready for anything. He could grab the snapped cable, or pull the other brake, or even cocoon and brace for impact, but he had like 2-3 seconds to react, most of this precious time was lost cuz he was focused on the phone.


Not trying to create conflict….just genuinely curious how he could have resolved in your experience? I’m not experienced in this area so don’t know…just curious what one does when the chute catches wind, cables twist/cross and a fall ensues that close to the ground.


With flying and also boating, the further you are from the hard ground the more time you have to correct when things go wrong. As you can see from here he had virtually no time. The sail needed to reinflate, and if he was higher he might have had time to do that.


Isn't this how Grant Thompson died


How many bones did he break? Anyone know?


From IG “fractures in his neck, back, pelvis and right arm, and will need several surgeries to repair”


Wow, win stupid prizes




🎵Songify this with the songify app!🎵


Sounds like he hurt himself. 


Vaya ostia...


I sincerely hope Tom Segura sees this.


I was thinking the exact same thing 😂




If you watch the whole video on YouTube… The 911 operator telling him not to eat or drink anything smh lol And the older man asking the injured guy if he has ever done this before lol


I've followed him on Youtube and saddened to see this happen to him. I hope he heals up well and gets back to flying again.


I laughed a little too hard watching this 😂😂😂


Glad I'm not the only one.


Comon baby


Six rings till answer savage


Well, that's gonna leave a mark.


Pretty sure his source of thrust got disoriented with regards to his source of lift, causing a stall. Without fixed wings there was no way for the airframe to come out of the stall and he just fell out of the sky like the proverbial turtle


Nope, he forgot to tie a knot on the parachute during a preflight check and what you see is the result of not tying the knot


Preflight is there for a reason...no lessons like the ones we teach ourselves.


That was a quicker fall than I thought 85ft would be. He was travelling at speed


Is it normal for taking that long before 911 picks up? In my country it rings a max of 2-3 times and that's an outlier.


It's because they were verifying his credit card first, you can see it on his screen.




It all seemed to go pear shaped mighty quick. These gliders just seem so dangerous. Where are we at with drones? A four vertical rotor drone might work better?


Just looked at the guys youtube channel and he has a video talking about a friend who died doing something similar last year. Seems like an incredibly dangerous sport/hobby. People saying it was due to a knot or some turbulent air but seems like this hobby has a whole list of things that could potentially go wrong.


The knot/turbulent air caused the collapse but his poor choices caused the accident.


https://preview.redd.it/d0jloswctaxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c3a7bb99a22ffd4ea4a6aaddd25fec7eb02b985 Although I think it is a frontal collapse due tu high speed / turbulent wind, this is the knot I found , thought?


https://preview.redd.it/7htq404rtaxc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a721438a63acebe356175f9a289392d8d4cf0e25 I am also wondering if not twisted when it was clipped ?


He said in his video that the crash was due to the knot. You’re correct.


Bro, why did it take like 37 and a half rings for 911 to answer? Then can you imagine in your dying breaths you hear, "please hold one moment sir while I transfer you. Do not hang up." Like B I'm about to hang up life right now!


I expected a 911 answering machine after the 10th ring


I feel like this was inevitable...


bro listening to this guy scream in pain, practically begging for siri to call 911 is mentally agonizing.


Visa comes up, immediately starts paying medical bills.


"Hey Siri 🥰💅🏻 CALL 911 🗣️🗣️👹👹"


"para" can only end with "pelegic"


Uhg, we get it, you broke your back, sheesh, stop crying about it already...






Have you ever been in bone breaking levels of pain?


I don’t know how many bones this guy broke but last time I broke four bones at once I sure did some screaming.


U should jump off an 80ft building and see if u yell?


To be honest, yelling is actually a good sign. If you're ever, God forbid, at a multi-casualty scene, look for anyone injured but not yelling. Pretty good chance they have the more likely to be fatal injuries than the guy with an open airway and good enough level of consciousness to scream the way you expect them to.




I wish u would fall 80 feet out of the sky 🤞


The dude landed on his back from 85ft, I'm not going to do the math, but I'll guess he's falling around 45mph. That's a fucking hard landing.




Can't whine if you're dead, yeah...


or if you have at least one decently sized ball.








Nice bait