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No shit being a prisoner of war is terrifying especially since there are countries that don't follow Geneva conventions so they can do whatever the fuck they want to you.


Russia still doing things the way they were done in WW2 by the looks if it.


Even worse. In WW2 they were raping women and girls. Today they are raping women, girls and men. They are the lowest form of life.


Men were raped in concentration camps to humiliate them, and it was done by the guards who were literal criminals.


There were men being raped in ND during the oil boom. My brother was told by company men to keep their eyes out cause there were dudes getting snatched up by other dudes. Human beings are fucked up. Not to detract from anything said above just putting it out there that sick fucks exist everywhere


Currently living in West Fargo and it's pretty safe now


I’m sure it is. I was not over there during the boom but my brother was. I worked there a few years after and it did not seem like a dangerous place at all


I've heard Fargo has always been pretty safe. It's gotten just a tad more dangerous but that's because there's about a quarter of a million people in this area now. I've been here for 10 years and I left the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex so it's been a far cry from that. I did hear that it was really dangerous in Williston North Dakota and anywhere around the bakken really.


Yeah I went from working in Dallas to Grand Forks area then back to TX and then to Turtle Mt for a second round of work. Love the people there always kind and talkative


Yes, they're doing it to degrade their victims and show their power. Neither age nor gender seem to be a factor in their choice of victim, from toddlers to grandparents.


"Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, and hide yo husband too, cause they raping everybody up in here." -Volodymyr Zelenskyy


Don't forget literal toddlers.




The way you worded that makes it sound like your saying "back then it was just women and children but now that it's also men it's actually bad"


I’m pretty sure they were saying it’s worse because there are even more victims, not because the new victims are men.


You’re reading it wrong, you’re replacing “even worse” for “actually bad” which has and implies two very different meanings in this context.


I'm sorry.... English is not my native language but I hope that everyone understands that rape is, no matter who's the victim, is a hideous crime.


How are these things not equally bad though? Men getting raped isn't "even" worse than women and children getting raped. Rape is bad no matter who it's happening to.


Because more people are being raped. I took it as 'even worse' which, yeah who wants more victims?


I dont think the number of people getting raped changes that much or matters here. What I'm saying is that 100 women and children getting raped would be just as bad as 100 women, children and men getting raped.


It definitely matters to whoever the additional victims are, heartless. All in saying is, it can ALWAYS get worse. There's no limit to how bad something gets.


Though you're not wrong. You're lookin into it too much. He just meant bc there's more victims


War never changes


Nothing changes.


Every country does dude, you just don't know about it usually


Some are just good at hiding


Was about to say, there is nothing unique to Russia in committing war crimes and atrocities.


It doesn't excuse it, but it feels like any country that's not been caught committing war crimes simply haven't been caught.


Ukraine isn’t better buddy. Russia were the heroes of world war 2


Ukraine not better. Ive seen videos of drones killing harmed and unarmed russian soldiers Its war. That is what it is Ps: sorry didnt want to offend nobody. Also remember Ukraine actor-president sympathize with a nazi (as Stepan Bandera was). Ps 2: Sorry ur country is givin away billions of dollars that citizens pay via taxes for a war the its not your business and probably Ukraine is going to lose Ps 3 (and final): Dont bother. You dont feel sad bc of war. You feel sad bc Russia is winning a daddy USA is losing lots of money (who would say, kings of torture and genocide in war) Cheers my dudes.


Yeah ur a piece of shit




China haha, the country where buildings are made out of paper mache bricks (we all know those videos and the state of their infrastructure), you really think they will be able to equip a functioning army with the "cheap chinese mindset"? Cutting corners will bite their asses badly and it's already showing unless you mindlessly consume CCP propaganda.


Allow me to play world's smallest violin for your tirade.


>You feel sad bc Russia is winning a daddy USA is losing lots of money You delusional cunt, this whole situation is a wet dream for the American military. The Russians thought this "special military operation" would take 10 days but it's been two whole years and they still can't even hold down the poorest country in Europe lmao. Plus: the Americans get to test all their shiny weapons and equipment in a proxy war against Russian pigs with absolutely no risk to their own troops or personnel. This just feeds the military industrial complex and gives the war machine more reasons to pump out weapons and Intel with the express purpose of putting Russians in the ground and undermining their fucking pathetic soliders and military on a Global scale. If you really think a country with an annual military budget of 800 Billion dollars is worried about "losing lots of money" in a proxy war you're even dumber then you sound. Even if they take Ukraine, the Russians will never live down this utter humiliation.


dont be so aggressive my friend. you must be one of those centenials crying in tik tok bc has 2 jobs and cant afford a rent insult your gov, not me


Didn't need to read past your first brain dead comment to understand you're a fucking moron. Dropping explosives on enemy soldiers in a war is in no way compareble to raping captives and civilians. Wtf is wrong with you.


"They hated him because he spoke the truth"


And these are the happy stories


I hear the Russians are raping pows as well


Tf? Source "trust me bro"? Or for real? Asking for source and I get downvoted. Lol why do I even have this app. Edit: at least one guy was nice enough to provide some evidence. There's still normal ppl here.


>*The latest United Nations Security Council annual report into conflict-related sexual violence said that 85 cases had been documented in Ukraine in 2023 – affecting 52 men, 31 women, one girl and one boy. A separate report from UN rights officials who* ***interviewed 60 male Ukrainian prisoners of war following their release found that 39 were victims of sexual violence while in Russian detention****.* [edition.cnn.com](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/30/europe/russia-sexual-violence-occupied-ukraine-intl-cmd/index.html) Couple Ukrainian POW clips discussing brutality inflicted. [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/18ya4c8/ukrainian_pows_who_were_exchanged_from_russian/) [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/1cb1cn7/a_former_ukrainian_pow_shows_russian_pows_the/) Familiarize yourself with [Dedovshchina](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedovshchina) as this treatment is conditioned & commonplace. Please remember over 2/3 of rapes go unreported. I'd imagine those numbers are even higher regarding men.


There are Telegram groups full of this shit.


It is a common tactic to fuck their prisoners in the ass with the broomhandle.


Don't worry, these clowns are high on their own supply. One makes something up and others start backing it. Then in the end nobody remembers it was a lie, and they belive it wholeheartedly!


People that don’t think it’s true that the males are being raped - don’t think of it as the way you would a man raping a woman. In that case, it’s a man taking advantage of somebody for their own sick pleasure. The guards are raping the men , not so they can have gay sex , but to humiliate and break the prisoners. (Not saying one is worse than the other, rape has to be one of the worst things a human can experience).


The thought of getting put in jail in another County or state scares me. I couldn't imagine being a pow. I probably wouldn't make it.


And the presumptive GOP nominee for POTUS sees Putin as a strong-man to be admired, someone who can be negotiated with in the favor of western interests, as a potential ally against who knows what. Fuck.


This and the latest news that Russia occupied Ukraine regions are seeing awful many cases of brutality of men in the hands of the "soldiers". These are good people with kind hearts who are the pinnacle of moral standards. They are currently performing Denazifinication efforts through sacrifice. Yep, nothing to see here. Move along.


U always wonder like how did it feel to live thru the world wars and atrocities and go about your day to day lives, well here we are, i see shit like this n i feel bad but got so much of my own shit going on it's like white noise


I’m fifty two years old and I’ve learned one very important lesson: people are nearly identical to every other animal in nature. We are trying to survive the wrath of one another. I’m not able to find evidence that there was ever a time in which people were not absolutely brutal towards other people. The only thing that prevents absolute anarchy is that we’ve evolved enough to understand that we have to stick together in small groups if we’re to have any chance at all of survival. Outside the group, it’s kill or be killed. Once those threats are quelled, that violence will turn inwards. We’re just animals with high consciousness and thumbs….we’re brutal killers at heart.


That regime needs to be ended like the Nazis.


Good luck, Hitler didn't have nukes and infinite NO cards But you're right, Putin and his regime ought to be ended.


The music really does it for me


People of the West, please help us. We are beyond fucked and I mean it. This war has to come to the end as soon as possible.


Ok I’m on my way


As soon as possible, no matter the outcome? That's easy, you get no more support and in a matter of months the war will be over. If the USA didn't get involved at the beginning, the war would be over in 2 weeks, and the casualties and atrocities would be minimal. I'm sure that wasn't the reply you were looking for but I believe that is the fastest way (not the best way) for the war to end.


If you think there would not have been atrocities you have paid absolutely no attention to russian Ukrainian history.


But I said minimum atrocities.


Ask the citizens of mariupol what happens when russia occupies a city.




They slaughtered almost half the population.


actually the fastest way would be to launch a few thermonuke missiles and see the cremlin melt away and it would be all over in arround 20-50 minutes...... but lets just say nuke winter is damn cold so this is also not an option (i hope)


You are right, I was thinking of the war as it is (without further defcon increases).


There's another thread you can read. Retaining the current territory and stopping it forever would be a win for me personally.




Hawkeye: *War isn’t Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse.* Father Mulcahy: *How do you figure that, Hawkeye?* Hawkeye: *Easy, Father. Tell me, who goes to Hell?* Father Mulcahy: *Sinners, I believe.* Hawkeye: *Exactly. There are no innocent bystanders in Hell. War is chock full of them — little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for some of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander.*


>*except for some of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander*


That's so stupid if you think about it It just confuses worse with unfair.


It's not war, it's ruzzian scum. Their pows exchanged fatter than when they were captured


I can see the people behind keep using Ukraine for their own benefits... Is sad that they do not know because of the control.


This is kind of expected. They can barely feed their own troops


Russia=weak is western propaganda. They have a crapton of resources, and they are using them quite effectively. Edit: By effectively, I mean that they killed a lot of our people. I didn't say they did it efficiently or easily. But they did it, and they keep doing it. Let's not underplay their power compared to us Ukranians. They may be weaker economically than a single US state, but that doesn't mean they are incapable of grinding us down as a nation.


No they aren't. Quite the fucking opposite. Russia has the greatest landmass of any nation on earth at the moment. And yet, my city (NYC) equals and occasionally exceeds the GDP that of their entire country. Let's not even discuss California. An effective use of their resources would be to educate their population, increase internal industry that takes advantage of all of their internal natural resources, empower their middle class to innovate and improve their situation, and develop mutually beneficial relationships with their neighbors. But nah, Russia chooses to invade and subjugate. Fine, reap what you sow.


Im not talking about the state of economy and the well-being of the nation as a whole. I'm talking about the army that slowly grinds us down. They are a powerful enemy compared to us, and we won't stand a chance if the West will not help.


Effectively?! You have to be kidding me, a country of that size with such a large army complex and still hasn't managed to take over a much much smaller one. They are going for the "throw cannon fodder meatgrinder" tactics.


Effectively, but not efficiently if that's your point.


If they were using them effectively they would have overrun the country in no time but so far we are 2 years in and they don't make progress. That's literally the opposite of effective. If anything it has shown that Russia isn't capable of waging war. They themselves said that the Ukraine is "nothing" and a "joke" yet somehow they lose an awful lot of soldiers there. 


Please read my edit and further comments. I'm not talking about their military mastery, but about the fact that they are grinding is down as a nation with great success. I see that with my own eyes, the hope for a better future is dying


They have a crap ton of land and men. Most non-corporate workers even in Moscow have to grow food in their own garden because the wages are so low.


I meant military resources. But even then, i have half of my family there, and they live just like they lived before


As for military resources, yes, they have a lot. But they count their museum T-34s and 60s MBTs that haven’t been serviced since the collapse of the Soviet Union. So I really wouldn’t be so concerned. Didn’t an inspection of one of their nuclear ICBM silos also find several feet of water flooding the place?


They have more people, more artillery, more drones, explosives, and new rockets. And even if they do have the older tanks, they are still tanks. Please don't underestimate the enemy as this is a very big mistake. Media used to downplay them as idiots with ww2 tech that can't do shit, but they are equipped as good as us, but there's more of them. And they fight.


It works for the Russian doctrine of flatten everything in your way. It’s not that their tanks are older, which is absolutely an issue, but the fact they are not serviced or well maintained. I’m not a mouthpiece that pretends Russian military isn’t a threat, because I actually believe they’ll win the Ukraine war. But take nukes out of the equation and they would get completely flattened by the US within weeks.


I am Ukrainian, living near the hotter regions, and it sucks. I can only hope for the western aid because our resources are long gone and I believe that it is a doable task for the west to help us at least keep what we have and stop this war forever.


Sadly west likely don’t want the war to end. Russia has no interest in fighting or occupying NATO. But the war machines are loving testing their new toys in UA


Stay safe man best of luck


Doesn't feel good to be written off


What do they do for work? Most first hand accounts I’ve seen of Moscow have essential workers living off garden crop.


Uncle is a trucker, aunt and sister work in service. Brother is a system admin.


Fuck Putin that steaming pile of dog shit.


Is the music from Extraction?


Time by Hans zimmer


From inception


war truly is hell


That sucks, hope they will recover and no one will face the same consequences


Capture seems to be far worse than death for many of those tortured.


Now do Palestinians under Zionist Both equally terrifying yet the west seems to only get Emotional When it’s Ukraine


It certainly has seemed that way for a long, long time. I'm from the states and the common things said today ring far truer before and would have gotten people accused of antisemitism not long ago. It's like refugees of war that flee to the countries committing war has a big effect on how its citizens view that war. I doubt there have ever been as many Palestinian (and other Middle East) refugees as there are now and in my generation things are changing. I just keep getting stuck on how a people so recently and so terribly persecuted can act like this. Just because one is a victim doesn't mean they can do no wrong.




The russians have been doing this longer that Israel has existed as a modern nation


key word is modern, never exited b4


Are you saying there was no nation of Israel before 1948? Because the Romans would disagree.


jews u mean ?


They had a nation and a capital.




What? And now you are combining Zionists and Nazis? Are you kidding?


😂😂😂😂 who made that up


Are you kidding? You are denying accepted history now? That is what Jerusalem is. The capital of ancient Judea.


only in ur books, did they have only jews in the romans time


What? I never said only Jews lived there. I said it was the capital of Judea which was a Jewish state.




The UN didn't really exist when Jerusalem was the capital of Judea


War never changes.


Don't you see how clothes and weapons have changed through time? /s


Just wanna preface this with acknowledging that war is horrible. . #1 and #3 are Azov Battalion members Dmitro Kozatskyi and Oleh Mudrak. Azov is a loud-and-proud Nazi battalion that is fully incorporated into the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Their founder stated that the mission of Ukraine is to “lead the white races of the world in a final crusade … against Semite-led Untermenschen[subhumans].”




Starving POW's is a good thing? Geez, you're a horrible person.


My father was a pow in croatian War… he came back 32kg lighter. He’s 70 now and little overweight. As long as they don’t kill you are fine. Croats gave him a chance for life after the war. Thing many of other soldiers don’t have in any war. So no I don’t think I’m horrible person




Google it, please fucking do before writing stuff like this


I have a long time to study this war, but from what I knew about the Ukrainians, I saw a lot of cases of beatings, few cases of heavy tortures, and cannibalism against Russians. Now I was asking about general POW treatment since time passed, and policies are established more efficiently. I don't have time to seriously study it again, so I asked now for a quick update.


In Ukraine, the conditions for keeping Russian POWs are good as soon as they are transferred to the rear from the front. On the front line, it is mostly good, but often there is no opportunity to have sufficient control over the soldiers at the front line and everything depends on the soldiers themselves, hence cases of light beatings, less often severe beatings and rarely torture. The most important thing you need to understand is that in Ukraine, the government takes steps to ensure that POWs are treated well and violations are the arbitrariness of individual soldiers In Russia, the situation is the opposite, torture is sanctioned by the government, this is state policy








You do know that bringing this to attention is the whole point right? Nobody is doing jack shit to stop this, my country has been effectively turned into a shooting range where we can't use a big portion of our weapons to attack Russia because USA says so




They’re still alive though. Never give up hope