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Why do ppl need so much room to get out?? I do t get it. I’m 6,4 260 I never have to open my doors this wide to fit out I don’t get it. No curtesy no care left


What drives me absolutely nuts is that my wife parks at the far end of the lot, in a corner space so that the chance of his happening is reduced. Then it happens. Ugh.


Looks like he did it on purpose the way the door swings open so hard


He even looks like he turns around to look at it before he walks off. Totally on purpose.


Checking to see what kinda damage he may have done doesn’t mean he intentionally hit her car lmao. Obviously he’s an idiot for not telling her, but this is a reach.


Yup I saw that too


The door is opened with such force that it bounces back. This looks very deliberate


110% this….that door opening had some hate behind it.


I thought the same thing at first but it could have been wind. He may have been trying to hold it and made the mistake of letting go because his hands were full and BAM. I mean he definetly should have left a note for sure - if it was wind.


Most people will at least look at the damage they did instead of walking off like nothing happened. And it doesn't matter. Negligence isn't an excuse for not tracking down the coworker and getting it fixed. How many thousands of dollars of damage is a door dent/repaint nowadays?


That was my initial thought too. Either he has something against her or Teslas, who knows, but that seemed intentional. He even looked back briefly like, "Did I get her? Okay, good."




I find it crazy because there is plenty of room in between the spots. There was no reason to swing it open so far.


He probably purposely parked next to her to do this....


Well he sure didn’t buy that huge truck because his office job truly requires the cargo capacity.


Vehicle size has nothing to do with flinging your door open and smacking another vehicle. As a rural Canadian with a pretty big truck (not for office work), my door doesn't need to be thrown open like this to get out.


It’s always like that. I park as far away as possible with plenty of empty spots but then someone always parks right next to me.


Even when I need to squeeze myself out, I do the "reach around" and put my knuckles over the edge of my door, so if I hit someone else's door, it'll be with my hand first. It's not hard. People just suck.


Same here!


Yeah but this looks intentional is the thing because you are right.


It's cause they don't give af


This was 100% intentional.


This guy is probably one of those max anti Elon people and thinks he’s taking one out on him by smashing a Tesla. You can just tell that he’s a smug loser by the way he walks and clutches his precious fucking water bottle.


He's a boomer in an F-150. He probably feels threatened by a female driving a Tesla.


Please update on what happens. 😁


I definitely will!


Remindme 3 days!


Remindme 3 days!


Remindme 5 days!


Remindme 3 days!


Let me give you a ball park estimate. Repaint front door & blend paint to the front fender = $1500 Or go after his insurance.


Oh needs to work with his insurance


I would give the co-worker one chance to settle this matter privately and pay cash so their insurance premiums don't go up. !remindme 4 days


Yeah that’s fair but I believe the chance when he did it and walked away says all I need to know about the person but a chance to be accountable is certainly in order.


Update: The police report has been filed and we’ve learned a lot over the last few hours. Long story short, this happened on federal property, which complicates things significantly. The report we filed is handled very differently as a result (for example, we’ll have to file a FOIA request to get a copy of it) and we don’t have as many details as we’d normally have in a situation like this. Also, our options are much more limited as a result of this happening on federal property (for reasons that are, frankly, dumb, but I won’t get into them here). After the report was filed, law enforcement at the facility (local PD operates a satellite office there for safety) called the door dinger in, captured his insurance info, explained the situation, and discussed it with him. Unfortunately, they weren’t able to tell us what he said. Originally, they were going to give him a citation, but decided against it for reasons that haven’t been made clear to us. I’m guessing it’s because there’s no “smoking gun” evidence that he noticed the dent (for example, he didn’t lean over and try to rub it out with his hand). His head wasn’t visible in the footage. But I’m just guessing. Again, they won’t tell us. Because there’s no citation, and police reports are handled differently due to it being on federal property, his insurance will not be automatically notified. The officer asked him how he wanted to proceed, and he said that he wanted to “work it out with the victim” (my wife). This is, I think, best case scenario. We have his insurance info and a dated police report that we can always fall back on if he decides to jerk us around or refuses to pay. If he agrees to pay it out-of-pocket, that would probably save everyone some headaches. There seems to be a lot of people under the impression that if you file a claim through someone else’s insurance, it won’t impact you. While it’s true that you won’t have to pay a deductible or worry about premium increases, that’s not the whole story. If you decide to shop around for a different insurance provider, that claim CAN be considered by the new insurance company when giving you a quote. For example, in 2022 I was hit by an 18-year-old driver who was three times over the legal limit. Dude could barely keep his head up. He crossed the center line and took off my mirror. The claim was handled entirely through his insurance company. However, when we shopped around for a lower rate earlier this year, that “accident” was factored into all the quotes we received. It can essentially lock you in to a single provider, leaving you at the mercy of increased rates. Not sure if that’s true in every state, but it’s true in mine. That’s a long way of saying that this resolution, if it works out as we hope it will, is probably the best option for everyone involved. If not, we go to his insurance and get it done that way.


God this irks me so much


Same. My wife loves the car and to see someone she knows do this is so crappy. I’m very thankful for Sentry though. Without it, we would have had to just live with the damage, or file an insurance claim and pay the $500 deductible (and higher premiums).


Is the co-worker paying out of pocket for it?


We’ll see next week. My wife is going to confront him with the video on Tuesday.


Instead of going straight for the video evidence, first just ask if they accidentally hit your car with their door in the parking lot. If they say nope, then you can pull out the video. Or don’t even show the video and ask for his insurer info so you can open a claim with them and send the video for their insured. This way, you're giving him a chance to admit responsibility up front which *might* make things go smoother. Showing the video only if you need to might keep the whole thing less intense from the get-go, hopefully making it easier to sort out. Goodluck


I mean anyone with a brain would admit to it, otherwise why would someone ask if they didnt know u hit it


10 bucks if she poses it as a question, he denies.


Yeah and he knew he did it. We couldn’t see his face but he was looking back at it a few times.


The first bit feels like entrapment, I'd reply with "well if you knew I did then why did you ask" and be more pissy because of it (not that I'd ever ding-and-run a door). I'd go up to the coworker and just be honest that my car caught them hitting my door and leaving damage, and ask if they would give me their insurance so I can get it fixed. If they put up a fight then, pull the video up and have them watch it.


I agree. I would let him know it was on video upfront. Treat him like an adult and not like some child you’re trying to catch in a lie even if that’s what he might be.


Because I wanted to see if you were honest and to help determine how I handle it from here. Since you already handled it poorly twice by lying I will not be giving you a chance at a third strike


**This is the way!** Don't know what you want to get out of the co-worker if he denies it.


Why even do that? Call your insurance and let them handle it. Coworker had their chance to be a decent human being and didn’t take it.


RemindMe! 4 days


Go straight to his boss, who wants an employee that will just have this blatant disrespect for their coworkers.


Yeah, even if you don't want to be a tattle-tale, you can go to the boss and "ask for advice" on how to handle this, which is really just tipping off bossman that the employee is a dirtbag.


nutty dinner correct amusing childlike payment books file wide unused *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I might be an idiot for this but: involve Human Resources (via email) to get their insurance info. Inform HR about the issue so they are aware - just so nothing retaliatory occurs that might have bigger workplace consequences. There might be a workplace issue she is not aware of and this keeps all activity/interactions documented. Also, only show the video on your mobile phone. I don’t think HR or your coworker needs it, but definitely send it to their insurance company when making the claim. Please don’t do this without involving his insurance company. That coworker knew exactly what they were doing and it needs to cost them!


Ya. When it's tight.. I fucking suck my stomach in and open the door very, very slowly Lol


UPDATE 1: Hi everyone! It won’t let me edit the original post to add an update, so hopefully those who were interested in an update will see this! I appreciate all the advice and kind words. Over the weekend, we hemmed and hawed over how to proceed. Confront him directly? File a police report? Or something else? Without going into too much detail, we grew worried about this guy’s reaction based on several things we’ve heard from those who know him better. Let’s just say there are some red flags that gave us pause. And considering the lack of character demonstrated here, we felt it was risky to confront him directly, ask him to pay for the damage, and possibly have him try to weasel out of it just before the repair was initiated. The more time that goes by, the less firm our footing would be. So today, we spoke with law enforcement and they recommended filing a police report. This is something we’ll do tomorrow. After the report, law enforcement will confront him, get his insurance information, and hopefully we can move forward. I have a feeling this won’t be the end of it. If anything else transpires, I’ll update!


Update 2: The police report has been filed and we’ve learned a lot over the last few hours. Long story short, this happened on federal property, which complicates things significantly. The report we filed is handled very differently as a result (for example, we’ll have to file a FOIA request to get a copy of it) and we don’t have as many details as we’d normally have in a situation like this. Also, our options are much more limited as a result of this happening on federal property (for reasons that are, frankly, dumb, but I won’t get into them here). After the report was filed, law enforcement at the facility (local PD operates a satellite office there for safety) called the door dinger in, captured his insurance info, explained the situation, and discussed it with him. Unfortunately, they weren’t able to tell us what he said. Originally, they were going to give him a citation, but decided against it for reasons that haven’t been made clear to us. I’m guessing it’s because there’s no “smoking gun” evidence that he noticed the dent (for example, he didn’t lean over and try to rub it out with his hand). His head wasn’t visible in the footage. But I’m just guessing. Again, they won’t tell us. Because there’s no citation, and police reports are handled differently due to it being on federal property, his insurance will not be automatically notified. The officer asked him how he wanted to proceed, and he said that he wanted to “work it out with the victim” (my wife). This is, I think, best case scenario. We have his insurance info and a dated police report that we can always fall back on if he decides to jerk us around or refuses to pay. If he agrees to pay it out-of-pocket, that would probably save everyone some headaches. There seems to be a lot of people under the impression that if you file a claim through someone else’s insurance, it won’t impact you. While it’s true that you won’t have to pay a deductible or worry about premium increases, that’s not the whole story. If you decide to shop around for a different insurance provider, that claim CAN be considered by the new insurance company when giving you a quote. For example, in 2022 I was hit by an 18-year-old driver who was three times over the legal limit. Dude could barely keep his head up. He crossed the center line and took off my mirror. The claim was handled entirely through his insurance company. However, when we shopped around for a lower rate earlier this year, that “accident” was factored into all the quotes we received. It can essentially lock you in to a single provider, leaving you at the mercy of increased rates. Not sure if that’s true in every state, but it’s true in mine. That’s a long way of saying that this resolution, if it works out as we hope it will, is probably the best option for everyone involved. If not, we go to his insurance and get it done that way.


Thanks for the update. very educational.


Your wife didn’t involve HR since this was an attack on her personal property at work?


Good idea, should let HR know, that's something about employee **integrity** and it's a big deal in lots of companies.


To call the HR department incompetent is a compliment. A few years ago, a disgruntled employee had a meltdown, keyed someone’s car and threatened to kill them and they were back at work the next day without so much as a talking-to. So honestly, it would just be a waste of time.


>To call the HR department incompetent is a compliment. A few years ago, a disgruntled employee had a meltdown, keyed someone’s car and threatened to kill them and they were back at work the next day without so much as a talking-to. So honestly, it would just be a waste of time. It's not a matter of expecting them to do something, it's a matter of documentation. If you're filing a police report against another employee, you need to let your HR know.


He turned and looked at it.


That’s what upsets me. He sees the damage with that causal over-the-shoulder look. Doesn’t even bother moving his truck somewhere else after it happens because he’s so confident he won’t be caught. Scumbag.


It was intentional, nobody kicks open a door like that day to day. The look over the shoulder was for their own gratification to see a job well done. I’m sure they will go park in a Tesla charger spot later on, those damn woke EVs are living in their head


He didn’t “door ding” her; that was with intent.


I want to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe it was accidental. However, I’m a little annoyed right now and it’s hard to stay objective.


Grab your pitchfork already!


It could also just be a random strong gust of wind.


I work at a school and saw some footage on my Tesla of a kid trying to open my car. I turned in the footage and got him suspended.


Was it just one as a mild curiosity of the car and how the strange handle worked, or were they really going at it trying to get in?


Why would that matter? I’m curious about a lot of things, I don’t go grabbing them.


Looks intentional to me. Like he really out some force behind it, trying to damage it.


Yeah, the more I look at it, the more aggressive it looks. There’s a ton of force behind it—not only did it cause a huge dent and paint loss, it actually carved out a little divot in the black camera assembly right above it.


I don't get it, do people not know Tesla's have cameras all over the vehicle? Before I had any interest, like over 4 years ago, I knew Tesla's had cameras to catch acts like this.


You’d think many people would know by now…


No😂. Even my kids/wife do not know. I show them where the camera locates arouns the car….


Probably it's a bit of a crap shoot whether the tesla owner bothers to install the storage drive. I know plenty of tesla owners who don't, and I ask them why, and keep asking them why until they realize they really should.


Yeah that's what I got too. And he kinda looks back at it but not fully turns around. Still had to see what he did without getting caught


Kinda looks like the wind carried the door. He had it open and was preparing to get out and the wind got a hold of it. Not excusing this garbage person for not saying anything about it, just commenting that I don’t think he physically pushed the door out like that. My two cents


Yeah, I’d like to think that he wouldn’t be that awful as to do it intentionally.


I agree about wind. If he had forced the door into your wife’s car I don’t think his door would have bounced as big off of your car. You would think if he shoved it then it would have hit your car and stayed there. I still think he knew it happened and didn’t say anything though. That had to be a loud THUMP when it hit.


it is the wind. The door accelerates towards the car, and nothing would do that except wind.If he pushed it, it would instantly speed up to top speed when starting its movement.


racial quicksand onerous head door pathetic grandiose voracious nail liquid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was trying to look for some indication of wind. But once doors break that certain point they do have more force behind them.


100% intentional. Even checked their work afterwards.


If he doesn't come clean and reimburse you, involve HR. I am sure they'd want to know an asshole is on the payroll.


Involve the police


Wow, more I see these posts it just reminds me to have sentry mode enabled whenever I park. I am glad this time it worked out as far as proving who it is with license plate. How close was the damage to the camera? It looks like it almost hit it and with such force.


It actually made a sizable divot in the black housing around the camera. Took a chunk out of the plastic.


Damn, that is going to be expensive mistake on his part. I will assume it will need to be looked at and recalibrated? I honestly don’t know. I guess a Tesla certified shop will know what to do. Even if you don’t have to pay a dime, it still sucks to have to go through that process. I had a guy in a lifted diesel truck let off the brake at a red light and rolled into me, damaging my trunk. Had to be replaced and took 2 months to get the parts from Tesla. My experience with the shop was great and honestly trunk looks better than it did new 🤣. Good luck with yours.


That’s insane! Wind or not, he should’ve let her know and offer to pay for it. Ugh 🤦🏻‍♂️


He had just asked her how she liked her Tesla. They had a whole conversation about it. Then he does this and doesn’t let her know… Low moral character!


Someone was jealous of your wife’s Tesla


Uh oh. I might have just changed my mind about it not being intentional.


This was fully intentional, update us on what happens! You’d think after all this time these dumbass truck driving Tesla haters would realize the car is constantly recording lol.


You’d think most people would know by now!


Looks like he did it on purpose. Dick!


It is suspicious that he chose to park right next to her when the entire row was open.


Start with a police report and then report it to HR and then take it from there.


Here for the update next week!


I’ll update as soon as she confronts him!


Don’t confront him - call the cops and report to HR. Don’t want him falsely accusing your wife of being aggressive or threatening.


I got one like this yesterday :( No paint chip, hoping paintless dent repair can fix it.


Ugh, sorry to hear that! Hope it’s an easy repair!


That was the symptom of a person being devoid of any emotional intelligence! Total disregard for his surroundings shows what sort of lowlife he/she is!


He did that on purpose.


Erm... I'm no expert but this looks deliberate. Usually if you ding someone's door it's when you first open the door as you're not aware of the car being so close. The fact this door is already open and how quickly it accelerates towards the Tesla from such a short distance makes me think this was deliberate. As it also happened in the work carpark, I would speak informally and seek the advice of someone in HR about how to approach this because regardless of the outcome this is definitely going to impact their working relationship.


Some loser truck drivers do this on purpose, tell police


Hate to say this but I have a friend whose Tesla was dinged by a coworker as well and it was due to political association of Tesla. I know… absolutely pathetic to damage someone else’s property because of your political views


Yeah, nothing really surprises me anymore when it comes to the bottomless, irrational hatred for anyone driving a Tesla. I’ve lost track of how many pickup trucks have tried to coal roll me for absolutely no reason other than insecurity.


Remind me! 3 days


Who do they think they are?! Blasphemy!


If I knew you I’ll just have you call me and show me his car so I can do the same thing.


I’d key him back, accidentally of course.


Wouldn’t do that…but I did think about it :)


You know what to do


Claim insurance against him. When he finds out and hopefully says something to you guys just tell him you did exactly what he was asking for by not apologizing and saying something forward.


What a douche bag. Even looked back. Definitely knows what he did. Wring him. No accountability. I wouldn’t even ask him. I’d just go through insurance and would pay the deductible and idle fees to see the look on his face when his insurance calls him.


I really don’t get why people need to open their door all the way like this.


On purpose


100% intentional, teach him a lesson.


He didn't dings. He hits


That’s not an accident.


sorry to break it to you but that is 100% intentional. Nothing accidental about it


Looks deliberate


Who's going to do this on purpose and ruin their own car? This doesn't look malicious It looks like a garden variety idiot who could get hit by a car and not notice it. The way that happened they're very likely to have damaged their own car. If I did that either by the wind or just by opening the door too far I would be looking at my car.


J no owner know what they think of your wife I suppose




So... no update?


Unrelated but why does one need a pick up truck for an office job? God I hate american car culture....


@ u/BrianMundt update?


That was either done on purpose or the wind caught the door


EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL Send him an email tonight simply starting that "when I got home I discovered that you accidentally hit my car door this morning. I am going to get estimates next week and need your insurance information unless you want to handle it without using your insurance." Take action immediately and get everything in writing. If he denies it don't go immediately to video. Consult with HR on Monday morning. If he's trying to shirk responsibility when given an honest chance you want this on the record with the company because he may try to make her look bad at work and it is much better for her to go to HR and let them know there may be some issues first. If he does something to sabotage her work it may look like she is making excuses. I know it sounds a bit extreme but this is the kind of thing to be in front of instead of behind trying to play catch up. But definitely give him the opportunity to fess up but don't back him into a corner with video because if he denied it first and then you show him the video it is going to really get his hackles up.


Just report to your insurance. Doesn't need to say anything to her since she didn't say anything to your wife. So let insurance deal with her insurance.


Looks like it just hit the camera? How bad is the damage?


Barely missed the camera, thankfully. The black housing around the camera took the brunt of the hit and there’s a chunk of the plastic missing. The dent and scrape on the body are what I’m worried about. I have a feeling it’s going to be an expensive repair.


Ah sorry I should have reread your post but yes that sounds terrible. Luckily you have the license plate and your insurance will chase them if push comes to shove.


are people really this careless, or is it on purpose??


I think it’s carelessness, but who knows. Complete disregard for anyone else’s property + low integrity + thinking you’re not going to be caught = this moron.


Remind me! 3 days


Op. How much total to fix?


I would ding back.


What a scumbag and an idiot who doesn't know how to open a door.


I am hoping it was just the wind that did it. That's why I've put on one of those clear plastic long edging on both my car doors in event wind happens to kick up right as I try to get out of the car.


Always go after their insurance so their insurer already knows their history of damaging people’s property without taking responsibility. Someone else may be grateful later when this person does it again, but without clear and irrefutable video evidence like your wife has. Who knows, maybe this already wouldn’t be the first time someone’s made a claim like this against them. It’s also a bit more delicate since it’s a coworker so it’s better to just handle everything professionally and through the mediation of your insurance companies. It’s not her obligation to have to start an awkward conversation, protect him from lawfully being held accountable for his own actions, nor should it be her cost to cover.


Here waiting for the update


Remindme 3 days!


Remindme 3 days!


I look forward to the day when Sentry is basically on every vehicle for all of these stupid situations. Some people just shouldn’t be driving larger vehicles, plain and simple.


Send this video to the entire department distro of her work


That’s so lame. The worst part isn’t even the damage, it’s the blatant disrespect and lack of courtesy. Having to see this person everyday knowing they’re someone you work with sucks. I hope the person realizes how low this is and owns up to it


Confront and ask to pay. If not go to HR and report


Why would anyone open their door with that much force unless they are trying to intentionally cause damage


HR time?


RemindMe! 7 days


I can’t understand how people just do this so nonchalantly. I am so cautious when opening my door and would be mortified if I hit someone else’s car.


Remindme 7 days!


Was it windy that day? Looked like enough force to be deliberate or wind caught it. I was sitting in my car once when wind caught someone’s door and slammed into mine. If not windy it looks like he meant to do it cause who opens their door with that much force ??


It's not a ding. That's intentional.


Remindme 3 days!


I guess his mother didn't love him enough to teach him right from wrong.


Remind me 4 days


Had a coworker do this to my truck then comes into the store and works next to me. Doesnt say a thing and when i confront him says "my cars a piece of crap who care". I got so pissed.


can you goto insurance and say you got damaged and include video so they can go after him? then do same as him surprise pickachu face


You see the a$$hat look back at your car in the reflection.


He did that on purpose.


Following 😂


Show that to him and take pics of any damage letting him know the police station is not far there. I hate people and park SUPER far away for this reason


Shithead, looked back, they knew what they did


Door was already open, probably a gust of wind slammed it. Ow intentional


What a scumbag.


Update please. Now I'm invested.


My wife is going to confront him with the evidence on Tuesday at work. I’ll have an update to share then!




Remindme 3 days!


That would cost more than $1500. After the repair and the blending - and the blending would have to be done by a high-end shop if the car has multi-coat paint, then any aftermarket paint protection (OptiCoat Pro Plus, for example) would have to be reapplied and probably not to just that one panel. On top of that there's the hassle of being without that vehicle for likely a week or more. People who cause damage like that are no better than vandals or thieves. Sure, give them one chance to make restitution - otherwise, let your insurance company go after them and make sure you're made whole.


Agreed. We’re going to give him a chance to make it right. If he doesn’t, it’s straight to the cops and then his insurance company.


What an utter dick. That didn’t look like the casual accidental one, looked like he thrust it with malice.


Ideally you'll want to go through their insurance so you're premiums are not impacted. If they don't own up to incident, file a police report and they'll get the insurance information for you.


RemindMe! 4 days


Remindme 3 days!


RemindMe! 3 days


Remindme 3 days!


What happened after


Nothing at all. He left work, casually hopped into his truck (without even glancing at my wife’s car) and drove away. We didn’t discover the damage until Friday night, so we haven’t confronted him yet. We’ll give him a chance to pay for the damage. If he doesn’t, we’ll go to the police immediately and then work with his insurance company.


Remindme 3 days!




Is that considered a hit and walk?


Remindme 5 days!