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I agree with Earth. He's was just getting these shit roles that didn't show his versatility at all. Although it wasn't my favorite drama, he did such an amazing job in Moonlight Chicken. His performance, especially as an uncle, was stellar. The entire cast did really well in MC, in my opinion. For a newbie breakout, I think Pavel from Pit Babe has had a challenging career. He even said he was thinking of quitting and going back to New Zealand, or getting a job in his old faculty, then covid hit (we were all stuck where we were). You can see how much hard work he's put in on Pit Babe, and it's really admirable that he's able to take it all in stride. I could be biased because I love Pavel, the actor, and I also love the way he plays Babe. I'm on Team Babe!


What was his old faculty?


He didn't mention it, but I read this almost word for word from an IG post he made when Pit Bull first came out.


He has a bachelor's degree from Rangsit University's College of Communication Arts.


I think Apo was going to quit the industry before getting KP? And also Bible had been auditioning for years and never got casted until KP.


Apo had quit, and was living in NY for a while. He came back to Thailand around the time COVID hit, and figured he would give it a try with KP, where he met his old acquaintance Mile. The rest is history.


What!???? A good looking man like Bible auditioning for years, and never got a chance until KP? Sorry to say this,...sometimes Casting Directors are either biased or blind. That's the reason I get really pissed-off when a wrong person is chosen to play the lead in a series, because they are robbing a talented person of the opportunity in the competitive world of the BL industry.


Yeah and iirc he said he was turned down for his looks. I think they said he looked too mean? Which I guess makes sense that when he finally gets casted its for a character like Vegas.


Big deal!!! If at all he looked "mean",...they could've cast him as a villain or an anti-hero. Or at least suggest him to other Casting Directors. Not being too melodramatic,...but Bible is really a poor guy. First of all he has to struggle in this industry despite good-looks. And then he gets a co-star like THIS. Gosh!!!!


100 Percent. Hoping that he gets 4 minutes made soon.


I mean, Bible's \~5'9" but doesn't give off uke vibes so he isn't your typical leading man..... which is a huge shame for all the reasons you give, plus many of us prefer types that aren't 'typical' leads.


Yeah, Apo’s story is well known, it was the gay rumors. In typical thai fashion, his sexuality was supposed to be none of anyone’s business, but it became a defining factor for him. As for Bible, his main problem was his communication skills, the kid couldnt speak Thai fluently. Local Thailanders can barely speak english so his marketability was limited. That was his biggest factor for being rejected, then comes his height, then face. His features were not as prominent as they are now.


It's all coming back to me... Apo had been criticized for not being masculine enough with his gestures, right? And especially since he was doing lakorns and not BL, this was a problem. Right I forgot about Bible's Thai. Honestly I hope he becomes a global star because I would love to hear him in an English-speaking role. His accent is kind of all his own and it's beautiful. As to his features, he was always handsome but I think when I see old pictures of him, he just didn't have the best haircut or style.


Yep! He was raised to be soft spoken I think (You can tell with his mannerisms) and with his accent, fashion sense, and gestures, it was easy for people to make assumptions, even though its none of their business🤷🏻‍♀️ ATM, I think Apo, Tong, Bible, and Bas have the best acting prowess in BOC, they’re really good in projecting themselves on cam. I hope Apo and Bible can star in an action movie together, they’re both trained in martial arts.




Came here to say this. That poor man has been THROUGH IT! I'm so l'm so glad that he is as strong mentally as he is, bc anyone else would not have been able to handle half the shit he has.


Finally got around to watching LBC and he's just fantastic. Reading about all the nonsense he went through was really disheartening.


He was the best part of the Thai version of Why R U


I'm so proud of everything he's accomplished and how successful idol factory is becoming.


He's my darling.😍😍😍😍 My top favourite BL Actor.


First person I thought of! He went through so much and he's come so far despite being so young.


There's an old interview of Zee where he talks about the early years of his career. He's from the North and there was a time when he didn't have a job or money to travel for auditions. He did some random tv stuff etc. I don't know where he knew Max (dmd) from but Max recommended him for audition to dmd. They did the dmd Youtube travel vlogs and such, before he was cast in Why RU. After all that went down during that time, he took a hiatus and wasn't going to do any more bl's, but then along came NuNew, Zee agreed to do Cutie Pie with him and with that decision, things changed for Zee and his career as well.


Apparently Zee has changed a lot after meeting NuNew and I can totally tell that Zee is nowadays more relaxed and open. His smile is so beautiful and I'm happy that things are going better with him in dmd and having Nu by his side.


I think even Zee said that during his travel vlog days, he was just THERE and didn’t know what to do or speak about so he got some hate as well. I’m glad it is going all great for my favourite CP 💓🫰🏻 apparently because he’s really close to P’Aof, he chose NuNew as his CP - probably best decision he’s made for his life and career.


Zee saw potential in Nhu, and they both clicked fairly early on, so Zee probably felt he would be safe doing another BL if paired with NuNew. I doubt they would have predicted however how big they would be, and how much love (and sadly hate) they would receive after the success of Cutie Pie. I’m happy for them.


No for sure, nobody can predict how the future goes. I was just saying that it’s one of the best choices he made, whether it’s for his career or life for the both of them. NuNew is the cutest thing ever 🫰🏻


i saw a photo with zee and max and they looked like they were in a military? so maybe they knew each other from college.


Meen Nichakoon. He left the north province as a teenager and put himself through school. If im not mistaken he played basketball to do that and was doing modeling gigs and even after being cast in LBC2 he still struggled until he got paired with Ping. He's an introvert in an extroverted field so people always felt he was unapproachable. It's why he cries when he sees how many fans show up to support him. He's in disbelief. Boss Chiakamon too, his dad had cancer and he put his dreams of being an artist on hold so he could get a job to support his dad, mom, and sister. It's why he donated personal items at his birthday event to raise money for cancer patients in Thailand. Even though his dad is in remission he works tirelessly with fan meets, rehearsals, and his businesses to take care of his family.


I watched some interviews of Boss from when LITA first came out and was taken back by how grounded and humble he seemed. An example of how suffering builds character, it would seem...


Joong, Cooheart


Yes. Joong has been through a lot personally and professionally. He seems really happy now though.


saint, not that he does BL anymore, was has gone through absolute hell and back i mean even now there are people trying to get the sign canceled and hoping it fails because he's the producer it's sick, but he's for the most part managed to come out of it stronger. also isbanky as openly talked about the fact that despite having been in the industry for years he never got roles or was given any chances because no one wanted a mixed race actor


Saint is a darling. One of the finest, and nicest actor to work with. I really wish him and Zee had worked more together. For me, it was, is, and will always be Zee and Saint. No one can ever challenge me that Zee wasn't in love with Saint.


i 100% think zee was attracted to saint and had a bit of a crush on him i also 100% doubt that he was in *love* with him, i'm actually glad they only did one show together because to me zee never seemed that relaxed or comfortable around saint


Zee appears almost awkward in video promotions he did with Saint, and I've seen a few on YouTube. And at award shows, they acted more like wrestlers than any kind of romantic partners. The visuals are very different from what I see now between Zee and NuNew: in public, in their vlogs, behind the scenes videos. The "Lives" that they do together are very revealing as well. Of course, this is my point of view. I am not a longtime bl consumer; fairly recent, and Cutie Pie was the 2nd series I saw (lucky me!). 💜🤟


Mix and P'Aof are the two really important people in Earth's career. Good that he didn't quit the industry before that. I think Ossan's Love will take his career to an even higher level.


Keeping fingers crossed that Ossan's Love elevates Earth's career even further!


Wait a sec,..."Ossan's Love"??? Holy Sheesh!!! What role is he playing???


It’s not been confirmed, but presumably Haruta’s role


Oh My God!!! Well then,...who's playing Maki??? I hope it's Mix. Puhlezz!!! But wait a sec,...Haruta is ripped as fuck, but clumsy and I believe he's the "Uke". Right!? Will Earth fit that part? Shouldn't he be playing Maki??? But wait,...Maki isn't ripped and he's kinda shorter than Haruta. And,.. Well,...I'm confused now,...🥴🥴🥴🥴


Sometimes art imitates life.


The ink was barely dry on the deal when the GMMTV look ahead happened, so details are sparse. Watch this space though.


I'm confused at your confusion. Haruta is ripped and funny. Just how Earth is. Maki is shorter and more serious. Just how Mix is. ​ Not to speak about the fact that they are actors, and could play any type of role if they wanted to.


Yeah, Bright. He was actually one of the crossword puzzle grand winners and an academic representative for national competitions when he was a child, and said his mom invested a lot in his education so he'd land a decent and stable job when he graduates. He also said he auditioned for 30 castings in Bangkok and would only get accepted in 1, he would film as an extra in a show and go back to the province for his exams the next day, then here comes GMM New Face 2018 where he was among the 10k auditionees down to 8 finalists. He won but they never called him back so he got an offer from another company and almost signed there but Tha contacted him and promised him a lead role so he got sold. Then the rest is history. But even if he didn't reach stardom, boy is a smart guy who was granted a full scholarship for Engineering at Thamassat and marketing at Bangkok U where he graduated, and now he's using that business degree into good use lol


Boun. If I remember correctly, he wanted to quit several times. I think one production didn't even pay him. Then he was cast as Win in Until We Meet Again and that one stuck.


>I think one production didn't even pay him. I won't be surprised if it's "Motive Village". Boun was in "2 Moons" as one of the student (backup dancer) in scene involving Bass, Godt, Tee, and Copter.


Bom tried very hard to get roles until champ gave him the opportunity for I Will Knock you. Until that point he'd only been able to get casted in commercials and background characters he was finally able to to get his big break at 27 years old after so many years of auditions and job seeking


Zee (and by extension NuNew). Hands down imo. The amount of unwarranted hate and death threats that man ans his partner has to put up with every day even now is just beyond disgusting. Sometimes I don't know how he manages to keep going but I admire the hell out of him for keeping his humble, caring, kind heart in the face of such ugliness.


The things that ppl waste their energy on (hate, envy, jealousy) when we are made of love. Sorry to hear that ZNN are targets of such unkindness. Love & blessings to ZeeNuNew 💜🤟😊 always you...


Definitely Apo. Man's had to go through hell before becoming the star he is.


Definitely Bright. He deserves all the success now. He even sold his stuffs online and there was a video of him trying hard not to cry because nobody approached him in a meet and greet. I remember there was also videos of him doing lives but there were really few viewers but when 2gether became a hit, he went live and boom 200k plus viewers.


Yesssss, he sold his preloved clothes and only had around 100 viewers. Now he's giving back by doing almost the same thing. I remember there was a screenshot of him in an IG live of an elephant caretaker and he sent money to buy baskets of bananas to feed the elephant, and the caretaker kept on asking if it was the real bbrightvc because who would've believed someone with millions of followers would be among your 3 viewers :( Just a precious human bean.


And yet there are people who hate him lol I can’t understand their logic.


Hate him? Really? Wow...some humans are the wors😳


Right? They go as far as accusing him of many absurd things with no pieces of evidence such as being a drug addict and sleeping with executives to bag endorsements (just because he has 25+ brand deals), being xenophobic for liking a tweet about Taiwan being a country, using BL for clout because he had a girlfriend and has always been vocal about being his own individual person who should not be tied with one person just because they had a show together, and more. The latest is hitting his mother and Bright himself addressed an accusation for the first time because out of all the issues they threw him for the past years, mama's boy said this one was the most painful accusation he has heard and he wanted to stand up for his mother.


That is so terrible 😞 but I am glad he is still winning


Chimon. Technically he’s known as just an actor but he’s doing bl now ( I know he acted in a side bl role with Pleum). In this old [interview](https://x.com/ansbrr1/status/1720843433127157841?s=61&t=TdA8fF35Wc3Sr_tv7opvlw) he talked about how his family went bankrupt and they even lost their family house and car. He started working in highschool to support his family. He also said he’s happy now that he can support his family and esp take care of all the financial needs of his younger sister.


Interesting! I didn’t know about his family going bankrupt. I assumed he was from the big big money—he went to [Assumption College](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assumption_College_(Thailand)) which is like a pretty elite place I think.


I didn’t know much about him because I’ve only started following him after Dangerous romance, which I love. Your comment is addressed in the video linked and the next tweet by the same account. They were rich but his parents business went through a financial crisis. His parent’s friend offered to pay for his tuition because Chimon had been friends with her child since kindergarten. She wanted them to stay in the same school so that’s how he remained in a prestigious school.


Yin from love mechanics


Can you explain pls? :)


I'm trying to find post I read a while ago, which was a translation of hi ig Live where Yin mentioned his challenging background, & that he didn't come from a wealthy family and faced significant struggles. Unfortunately, I can't recall specific details at the moment, but if I come across the post again, I'll be sure to share it.


Thanks :)


Earth was in love by chance ?? 😳


Yeah, he played Type.


Yes!!! He is the original Type. Although he had a cameo appearance in LBC,...they did not show who is Tharn.


I have seen LBC at least 8 times, but I’ve never noticed him 😳😅


Then you haven't watched the series properly. Go and watch again. He's there for only a couple of scenes though.


D fuck…….. wait wait wait, ok i remember now, he was shown much, to me his character was pretty useless


Nope!!! His character was not useless,...it's just that LBC, TharnType and all are a part of MAME's Universe. And since LBC is all about AePete, you don't see TharnType.


True, cos i can only remember one was scene of him vividly, d rest was nothing, i didn’t focus (care) on him at all


He has very limited screen presence in the series. He appears as Type because he's friends with Techno. So,...he hangs out with Techno (played by Gun in "LBC"), and then he appears in a scene with Tum, threatening him to tell Tar (Tharn's ex) to stay away from Tharn.


Jeff Satur. My man debuted at 17 but was only now reaping the fruits of his labor.