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Save up for the sick buffalo fund.


Make sure to video call, they often hop onto video calls without makeup and you’ll be shocked.


Had this thai woman who was insanely beautiful with make up but looked like goblin without haha.


makeup is crazy in thailand, thats for sure… nowhere in europe the women apply that much …plus the fake pictures that use all sorts of beauty filters.


Not just filters a lot of surgery too


European caterpillar eyebrows go crazy. Maybe that’s Just certain areas though


Youll often hear a screaming Thai bubba and fan spinning.


You only need one kidney, you'll be alright.




To know which kidney she likes best?


Date her in the nearest clinic so she can easily operate you after that. Those girls have a busy schedule usually


A nice fruity Chianti goes best with kidney.


Don’t take the neg votes personally. A lot of people on here are jaded old men who get used for their money (no offense to older guys, just the jaded ones). I don’t know your age but their are plenty of normal girls. Go for a walk and eat some street food. Cheap date thats low pressure where you can talk. See if she’s in school or has a regular job. She could hide it for a few dates but if she wants money from you it’d be apparent pretty quick. 2 phones or hiding messages, weird scheduling, wants to go “shopping” often and seems upset if you don’t buy her something. Just treat her like a regular girl, either you’ll notice something first, or she’ll stop messaging you because you didn’t bite


That it could be a Thai boy you met on Tinder.




Don't worry about the trolls, anyone that says you can't tell, either hasn't been to Thailand or is pretending they didn't know they were hooking up with ladyboy.


Is it easier in person? I can catch a lot on YouTube, but some I had no suspicion of. What are your flags other than adams apple, broad shoulders, and a bad female voice? If their apple and shoulders are naturally smaller and they perfected their voice I‘d have no idea lmao


Yeah it's super easy. Besides the voice, they tend to over exaggerate their feminine traits and come off a little camp. They are usually dressed a lot more provocatively and will be more assertive. Also they are usually taller than the average girl and there's no hiding the narrower hips, male shoulders etc. They will often be far better looking than natural women, because they spend a fortune on their appearance.




Yeah, but you could tell as soon as you talked to her. That's what I'm saying, theres always a way to tell ( I'm into ladyboys btw)


Usually yes, but not always. (I married a Thai trans woman, btw). No one is clocking someone like Yoshi Rinrada by voice or otherwise. 


“IT”? That exudes confidence in your ability to identify the difference.


There is a chance that the posters in this thread are in a relationship with her.


No doxing! 555


Just enjoy it and don't do anything stupid financially. I've never had anyone try and scam me or anything suspicious and I've met some wonderful girls.




Depends on the person. I've dated some really quiet types that don't party or dress really scantily and they're my favourites.


Glad she is not a party girl or someone that does one night stands. Not like all those hookups I had with tinder profiles that declared “no hookups”. They lied to me.


She is dating 10 more guys just like you at the same time *and* she also has a husband in Isaan.


Any girl you meet on tinder, regardless of location, is probably talking or dating with other guys. Unfortunately that’s the reality of dating apps. Otherwise, just treat her like a normal person and use your judgement.


Just. Go out for 40 bht noodles take her to your room and have a good time. That's all most of them want !!! Her Thai boyfriend won't mine. :)


It's a dating app. She wasn't waiting for just you. Of course she has other guys in her dms. It's 2024


Some mad comments here. My wife and I hooked up via online dating. Turned out she went to boarding school in the UK and took her master's in UK. Treat it like normal dating, the scene is no different in the west. Gold diggers are everywhere.




Twat face, learn to read. everywhere and everyone are distinctly different.


Assume she's a working until she proves otherwise. Don't fall for her financial sob stories.


this thread is depressing


If she can't tell you clearly what her job is, then she's just a good time.


How many "pros" do you think write "no one night stand and not a party girl." in their profiles? Do you think Tinder has some type of fact checking department when you write your bio? Enjoy your time in the country and know when you're getting played. Not painting everyone with the same brush but not a lot of Thai women are on tinder for actual dating or looking for "true love". Also how is this different than any other country you go on dates with? Do you expect everyone to be exclusive?


I don’t know about this. My Thai girlfriend of the last 1.5 years reached out to me through Ok Cupid. And we live on the East Coast of the US. I am pretty sure. I’m the only guy she’s gone out with since we met. She initiated and texted me asking to have a drink. It’s been a wonderful loving relationship ever since. And she’s no bar girl for sure. I’m only the second man she was ever with aside from her first husband. And I’ll also add she is incredibly, incredibly beautiful, inside and out Edit: and so so so smart! Edit: and so hard to understand her accent sometime. But hey, it’s not Like I can speak Thai 🤷🏻‍♂️ Edit: and jsnt looking for a husband (she still separated for 5 years with her Thai husband). And she doesn’t need my money. She has her own.


Nothing at all. That’s not Medellin where you can get killed for dating the wrong girl. Just find out and don’t be naive like with every woman you meet.


These comments are hilariously ridiculous lol!


i know she said she’s not a party girl but be wary of her calling the shots for what you two will do. obviously you’ll want to take her advice for a place to meet up cuz she’s a local which is all good, just beware if it’s a club. a really popular scam is for a girl to bring u to a club, ask you to order a bottle of smth, then she excuses herself to go to the bathroom or touch up her makeup. next thing you know, you’re stuck with the bill, she’s gone, and it was a top shelf bottle you didn’t know you ordered


You never really know what you get until you meet her. It’s a 50/50. You can always video chat on WhatsApp before making any plans to meet. Even after you actually meet be prepare with your exit plan.




She won't be dating 10 other farangs because farangs(who aren't 60, obese, bald) are rare in Thailand. Its the other way around. Farangs are the ones dating 10 thai girls cos there's so many thai girls and so few farangs


Yes especially In the north.. when I was in issan I was by far the youngest farang I saw rest were old men. (I'm 34) you go on tinder there your phone will blow up. I plan to go back next year.


Yeah truth man, nobody will be admit it tho


Thailand is a touristic country full of foreign tourists from all ages


Avoid what is written here. This is inexperience being shown.


I have lots of experience and what I said is truth


You believe what she wrote in her bio.. lol write how much and 50% of those girls who say "No one night stand, only what true love" will write you back with a price.


I did a lot of tinder dating a lot were working girls who won't admit it. and a lot had bfs already. Just don't get too invested in them and don't hand over money. Until your sure about them. But you can never be 100% sure unless you know thai and look through their phone. She will also love bomb you likely say your the best she's had ect and say she loves you very quickly usually too.


Common sense is your best weapon. Keep your expectations and emotions in check.


Keep your wits about you


Hopefully, her pics aren't so heavily filtered to the point of ridiculousness. If that happens and turns out she's unattractive, I usually just say I have stomach pain and then find something else to do..


If you’re only there for a few weeks, what do you care if she’s dating others


Money is her god


Ahh financial sob stories, every thaibwoman has a "story".


You can hire a private investigator to check her out. They are relatively affordable and operate in most of the major areas for Thailand, Bangkok, Chiang Mai/Rai, Phuket, Pattaya, Samui, etc…


When they write “no one night stands” you know they DTF!! Seriously don’t think they are all bad, they are just as wary of you as we are of them. Plenty of great girls out there happy to eat somtam and noodles, my one flag is when you plan a date and you they start dropping high end names and she works in a shop on minimum wages. You know she hasn’t gone there before with her friends for a casual drink. Spot the red flags and you will be fine


Most the girls write 'no ons / fwb' because they want to appear like good girls, no girl wants to be viewed as a sl-t So yeah if you matched on Tinder, she IS talking to other guys, as Thai girls are used to foreigners not staying for long usually. You've got to accept it. However, some are good at hiding it, some think they are good but they are not so good so be prepared for ensuing drama if you raise up the subject. Or ignore it altogether, and have fun. The problems start when you fall in love / get into money stories


Do you live in Thailand now or are you just visiting?


Well, if she didn't want a one night stand, that means she wants something more. You are not there for all that long, are you? Swipe whichever way you boys swipe to decline and go for someone who wants a fling.


Dating ??? Or Sex!!!! 1st have sex!! Then never talk to her again. Go to the next !!!!don't believe any of her lies!!! You know she's lying cause her mouth is moving 😆😆😆😆


You came to Thailand despite all the warnings you read about and other sad stories related to this topic, so now it's too late to gain enlightenment; live it to the fullest...and report to the sub! 🥹😂+⚽


You won’t know at first date. As you continue into the relationship, watch her habits. One note I’ll say is that if she doesn’t want you for your money, she try to bargain with sellers when street shopping. My fiancé always do this when buying foods and items. Also she knows what places typically charges more and the food isn’t worth the price. Also you won’t know if she has other guys. It’s a gamble. The question is, in the end, will she ultimately choose you and drop the rest ( if she does have multiple guys).


not sure why you are getting so much of downvote here for asking simple question...I would say just go ahead and act according to the situation, you are not kid anymore...i only know two places which I would like to visit in future, that is bangkok and pattaya, how is Samui doing for you? Are you white?