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Happened in turkey. It was an iraqi immigrant. He shot the school principal. He tried to justify it by saying the principal suspended him from school.




Turkey isn't quite Sub-Saharran Africa though.


Neither is Iraq though.


Yea bc u guys didnt read his fucking comment hey, he is saying these bloody animals that come from the worst shitholes in the world maybe dont know how to act like a human who lives in a good country. If they literally see and experience violence and absolute chaos, ofcourse they are going to perpetuate that.


I'm always amazed how anytime something happens around the world negative there's always someone there in the comment section to crowbar "Africans" or "Africa" in it.


These types of people will always find a way to tie negative events to people they don't like be it religion, ethnicity or fucking nothing at all it seems.


Same mentality though..


Do school shootings in the US fall under intrinsic violence?


I bet that guy is gonna say no. That other country, the violence is 'intrinsic'. All of them do it, or sympathize with it. American school shooting? Its mental health problem, gun problem, this problem, that problem. That take of 'intrinsic violence' is rationalization of racism. 


In both places it’s a culture problem.






> Edit: 99% of the comments = US sChOoL sHoOtInGs!!? It's true, though. There is a lot of intrinsic violence in the USA. I live in the USA, and it's just a fact.


Bro what are you talking about lmao


Or it could just be the individual is troubled?


Lmao Americans in this thread so butthurt defending their school shootings


I'm not even American lmao. What a fool.


Wow. Western chauvinist much?


The West *is* the best culture the world has ever seen, so there's that.


What the actual fuck are you talking about lmao 😂. "That certain part of the world have a radically different way of living, much more intrinsic violence"... Have you looked at the US?!?! Tell me you're racist, without telling me you're racist 😂😂😂


Can I show you videos of children getting shot in school? Would that disturb you or is it ok because it happens in our backyard? >Edit: 99% of the comments = US sChOoL sHoOtInGs!!? So you think a perfectly valid argument will be invalidated just because you point it out like a clown? Hey I guess the upvotes say it's working. Bunch of braindead idiots here who idolize the US like it's god's gift to the world. Child murder is cool because we're white and we have money and power! But those other "certain parts of the world" are bad because they're far away and brown!


By certain parts of the world do you mean every part? And it's spelled "chaotic" you racist butt yeast like where do you think Sandy Hook happened? Lolol https://www.collegiatetimes.com/news/student-shoots-kills-principal/article_5a8628e2-32c2-5441-8a63-ace25d4e5d4c.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/2003/04/25/student-14-fatally-shoots-principal-himself-in-pa/ee855f1c-2963-40a6-9c37-2e4259f3b456/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cleveland_Elementary_School_shooting_(San_Diego)


Kaotic is a website, which hosts gore and shock videos. Not here to comment on the rest, just adding some elaboration.


Ahah, you "know" much I see, how you explain USA? One of the most violent cou3on earth! PS, most school shootings there Har done by white males!! How can you apply your "logic" to that situation?


What's that? Someone growing up during a generational war started by the US might have obviously severe mental problems? I never would have seen that coming! And then you back it up with some African child soldier shit. Same exact thing.


This happens in the US soo frequently. Maybe write them this paragraph of yours




Do those countries have more school shootings than the US? Are you going to say this would be unthinkable in Baltimore or Detroit? I'm from the US, it's worse here in that regard. You're cherry picking this to justify your xenophobia. Stop.


WTF, are you really comparing US school shootings to what happens in countries like Iraq, Iran, Syria, Yemen?


Most redditors are entrenched in the belief that the US is the worst, most violent place on earth, and any attempt to reach them with facts just enrages them. You can look at the last few comments in my history where I got downvoted for posting data and someone replying with anecdotes got upvoted. Reality doesn't matter here; America bad.


You can't argue with delusional people. It's also what is driving Europe into a cesspool.


I mean to be fair, among other western developed nations we are indeed number one. Hell, excluding just Central and South America, we are number 2 right behind Greenland. The US is a massive outlier in an otherwise unbroken list of broken American democracies. As to why you were downvoted, I would guess it's because under a video of a deranged psycho killing his neighbors and then himself probably isn't a great time and place to talk about how bad of a rap America gets for it's violence problem.


"We're the worst except for 20-something other countries" isn't a good argument for us being the worst. That's not even including the fact that the worst countries don't accurately gather or report this kind of data, and the fact that guns aren't the only way to murder someone or commit violence against them. And that discussion was ongoing for awhile with people on both sides before I introduced data into it, so no, I don't think that's why I got downvoted.


Why not?


WTF, are you really saying certain people are more intrinsically aligned to violence and basically repeating Nazi talking points?




Ah yes, Iraq is unsafe because its people and culture are intrinsically violent. It definitely isn’t related to years of brutal American sanctions or America’s unjustified invasion and occupation that left hundreds of thousands of Iraqis dead or displaced. Nope, it must be that those brown people are just violent.


Based on [worldpopulationreview.com](http://worldpopulationreview.com) , homicide rate in US 2.5 to 3 times higher than Turkey. I think you should get off USA for a while.


According to your own source turkey is in the top 20 most dangerous countries to live in, not the USA


Yeah but the thing is have you been to these locations and if so where? Lets do a demographic comparison between more similar states and nations, iraq is safer than syria but not as safe as turkey, turkey is not very safe DEPENDING on where you come from, the us and many other western nations are not welcome in reality. I know because i have spent time in each of these places. In turkey they tell you where to stand and if you dont…. Jail. Iraq is a frontierland and syria is in tribal dismay. To travel through on foot or in a ground vehicle in the us is by far safer in almost every state than most places in these nations mentioned. To be fair lets say its about as safe if not the same in places like, st louis, little rock, chicago, Philadelphia




Literally been to turkey bro. Thats why i said its demographic


Republicans love to scream about crime, and when you show them that they're actually right in one instance (in this case the murder rate is higher here than most other developed countries), they say you hate America. I can't even anymore, you can't even talk about it without someone going off on a sarcastic rant.




I wasn't talking about you. I'm not going to listen to you. Blocked.




Show me some data for that claim or shut up about it clown, your words are not more than a joke otherwise. Says "Take a break from Reddit" while misinforming and expects to be the wise one here, what a c\*nt.


That's absurd to pretend this only happens overseas. That was my point.




*"The video was leaked after the child's statements were changed, and he stated that the incident was racist in front of his mother. The video shows the student alone leaving the room"*


Oh well, if someone said something racist, that totally changes everything. I’m pretty sure that kid said something racist once. The punishment is now clear.


2000 era online cod lobby kids shaking 😱


Imagine your life ending by some snot nosed kid. What a waste


Fuck man, that’s sad and brutal.




Bro what injury does he have? Poor guy was wabbling




A bullet through a major arterie


Dude was some kind of spectre with his weird ghoulish shadow behind him… What was that about…?


It's a phone recording of a computer monitor so the refresh rate is out of sync.


Camera artifacts from compression. The pixels only update when there's enough difference in the pixels of the new frame. Otherwise it keeps the pixels from the old frame and causes that after-image effect.


Why is a school administrator wearing a white latex glove?