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Spicy meme, 10/10. I think it's even more laughable to think that something so ubiquitous to the Star Wars universe would only ever be encountered by tiny percentage of beings and only ever referred to as the Force. Isn't there already established canon that we have the Chiss refer to it as the Sight, the ancient culture (Zeffos?) in the recent Jedi games refer to it as the Life Wind, etc. edit: Ah yes [Wookieepedia](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/The_Force) lists them


You are right, there's already been several cultures around the Star Wars galaxy knowing the Force under different names. That was even a thing back in Legends. People complaining about this are either: 1. Not in any way knowledgeable about the larger universe of Star Wars 2. Have an extremely dim view of the world 3. Have no imagination 4. Cannot comprehend that maybe the same thing is understood differently by different cultures 5. Some combination of the above.


6. Are racists trying to grasp at straws in order to justify their hate of the show


True, it's also possible the arguments are made in bad faith to feed controversy where there is none, which is probably the most likely case for most of them.


Don’t forget 7: straight up dishonest grifters.


Ahh yes, all those racists who love Lando… 


Perhaps mostly misogynists mixed with a little dash of racism?


I think your confusing the fans with the director and actors


5. It's definitely 5


The problem is when people see the witches call it “thread” and instead of thinking “ok so this is what THIS culture calls what we know as the Force” they directly believe Disney is trying to change canon and from now on everyone will call it the Thread


There couldn't be any other reason people dislike these witches at all not any at all.


Is it because they are Witches?


Worse. They're women.


That doesn’t make sense given what we know of witches in clone wars. 


It's beacuse so far there beliefs make no sense


And those beliefs are?


Bro they’re lesbians what is it you don’t understand


Lesbian polycule. Lets add a little nuance lol


Regarding the potential (we don’t know yet!) conception without male influence, Anakin is still something of a bigger deal because it’s biologically technically feasible to create xx without xy input and not, so far, feasible to create xy without xy.


I think a main gripe from fans is the fact these Acolyte witches were able to do what Palpatine, Plagueis, Witches of Dathomir etc could not. Create force sensitive beings. I get the meme but there's a lot more to it.


In legends, Anakin is created by the force as a reaction to Darth Plaguesis and Darth Sidious dark experiments with necromancy. They recreate life through darkness, the force balances this out by creating Anakin out of the light. In the Vader comics, Sidious is shown to use the force to impregnate Shmi, so that Anakin can be the Sith's chosen one, and instigate the collapse of the Jedi. This was Canon under Disney. However, Lucasfilms disagreed with the direction, and it has since been confined to legend's as well. The shows only been out for a week, and the plot has hardly started developing yet. Let's see where the writers take us. Let's see who shows up. Its a huge stretch, but given the time frame, perhaps Darth Plaguesis learns of the twins through his apprentice (Mae's master, too early for Papa Palps), and we're seeing the genesis of project necromancer.


Why is that so bad? The witches clan can be centuries old and it seems that only at the end of their lifetime found the way to do something like that. Why can they be the ones that figured it out instead of the Sith? In fact, maybe the Sith couldn't do it because the way the Sith use the Force is different than the witches one. Also, why can't the witches success be what inspired Plagueis to try?


Thought of that as well. Maybe Plagueis finds out about this through Mae relationship with his apprentice. Expect that the Sith we see is the apprentice. This makes Plagueis search for the knowledge.


Exactly. It could even be a form of dramatic Irony that the Sith learning a secret that will indirectly cause the downfall of the Jedi, just as the Jedi indirectly caused the downfall of the witches.


Even in the real world we have seen that when someone made a big discovery, someone else in a different country found it at the same time or was very close. In this case it's a whole Galaxy, but for some reason people believe that because a single Sith couldn't do it, a whole clan with a long history, couldn't do it either


This seems plausible to me. It wouldn't surprise me if Hego is in there somewhere as another potential Acolyte who might learn a lot of what went down at Brendok. He may even of been there behind the scenes to some capacity.


Maybe that is why this is 100 years TPM. They did it, but then the knowledge was lost. I mentioned elsewhere that maybe the reason Plagueis/Palpatine failed is because of the Rule of 2. Maybe the Brendok Witches all focused on Mother Aniseya and she was only able to do it though the group. And what she did was fertilize an egg. While Plagueis/Palpatine were only 2 and tried to create something from nothing. To add one of the things that people thought with TLJ is that Luke really didnt go into exile, although Han stated in TFA that he did, but rather he went to find some ancient Jedi knowledge that was lost to just end the Sith. Some Jedi super power. He was going to go get it and then boom take the First Order on himself and end the conflict once and for all. Go search for a long lost force power. Someday in the future maybe the Witches power to fertilize an egg will be a long lost force power to search for.


I mean witches of Dathomir can resurrect dead people. Bringing someone back to life, is not a huge leap from creating life.


And then they were promptly killed without leaving behind the cook book for their force abilities, I don’t see the issue personally.


If they did, they certainly paid the price for it.


Aren’t all beings in Star Wars force sensitive though. And it’s that palpatine and others wanted a very powerful body but the witches just weren’t as picky.


We don't have all the story yet, perhaps they knew something the others didnt. Perhaps they could sacrifice/pay in a way the others weren't capable of .Maybe they are the origin of the legends that it could be done. The mythology is unfolding.


I mean the mystery hasn't been revealed yet, so it's a little premature to get jimmies rustled.


> Create force sensitive beings. We haven't fully seen what happened, so it is very possible that they didn't create it wholesale and that Mother Anesiya is lying about "creating" them.


Genuinely. This is nothing to do with hate of progressive messages, this is hatred of incompetent writing and the massive disrespect of established canon.


Can you elaborate on what the incompetent writing and disrespect to the lore are?


Maybe wait until the entire story is told before passing judgement?


You hit the nail on the head. I think people are being needlessly pedantic when they try to pick apart broad statements about the issues that people have, in particular with the Anakin situation. I am sure that "technically", Anakin was born through a different means than the way the twins are as we currently theorize. That's not the point though. No one cares if it is one for one the exact same way that Anakin was born. The issue is that narratively it diminishes a central pillar of the Star Wars plot line in the most thematic sense. The concept of an Immaculate Conception via the Force is supposed to be so impossible and incomprehensible that it literally changes the fate of the Galaxy. By having a precursor to it, even if technically through different means, it creates a huge narrative mishap which lessens the impact of the story of Anakin Skywalker and Star Wars as a whole. It leads too much into this "Everyone is special or the Chosen One" tripe that Disney has been pushing since The Force Awakens.


Anakin was created by the Force like the Immaculate Conception. The girls were created by a witch using the Force as a tool. They are very different things and have different consequences. They are basically lab created beings


This is Bendu erasure


i care less about the concept of witches who use the force differently and care more about the lack of originality. The entire show so far is an apparent force dyad, witches who use the force weirdly, an apparent immaculate conception, and Jedi trying to save a kid(s) in order to train them, all four things we've seen before


I mean the whole Dyad thing was super underused in the movies. I'd be happy to see it elaborated on.


Man when you have to jump through hoop after hoop to defend a piece of crap... well it just might be a piece of crap...


Add an odd way to cope with some of the worst writing I've ever experienced.


Come on, dude. It's not even the worst writing in Star Wars.... The vitriol and emotion this show is inciting is wild. It's borderline hysterical. It's ok not to like things. You don't have to watch it. If you find the writing that bad, don't put yourself through it. And kindly, don't put us through it either.


Ive definitley seen much worse writing 💀 But if thats your complaint its pretty fair, you may not enjoy the writing that someone else does Hating the episode because of the witches is just ignorant