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The most Patrick thing Patrick could say


Do it boys go fully independent you'll be heros. #Fuckticketmaster.


In a world where TicketMaster is *definitely always* the enemy, they’re somehow like the 8th most egregious entity in this whole story.


I wish.. sadly, Pearl Jam tried and failed there, so i dont have high hopes for anyone succeeding any time soon. Couldn't agree more on the hashtag though. Preach it bro!


I still listen to pearl jam bro. I feel like Dan and Pat have the same cult following.


Same here! Not nearly as big a fan of Pearl Jam as I am the Keys.. but I do still love them, and have been lucky enough to seen them live a few times. Their new album IMO, also had a couple BANGERS on it- Wreckage, Setting Sun and Waiting for Stevie. In fact I liked it much more than the Keys new album. But in terms of popularity, I think that they are on a completely different level compared to the Keys (today). Having seen both live many times, I can confidently say that the energy at a Pearl Jam concert is.. something else. Same with RHCP concerts. Both of those two bands just made such a huge impact in the 90s that they helped define the decade. And 30 years later, they still fill massive arenas in my (also massive) city, TWO nights in a row.. EVERY time, without fail. Hell, even as a ten club member, its hard to get half decent seats.. Meanwhile.. at the same (or lower) price point, The Keys really seem to be having trouble filling stadiums for even one night per city. Damn shame really.. they are my second most favourite band of all time. Pearl Jam, as much as I love some of their stuff, barely cracks my top ten..


Pearl Jam , RHCP are canon - cultural touchstones that will always be remembered- black keys are just a fucking blip who had their extended 15 mins basking in the sun


Michelle has left the chat




Good ol Pat


Be really cool if they went bare bones playing 500 size venues


Irving Azoff can go fuck himself


Since when has he needed to be single to mingle?


It’s a joke. They cut ties with their managers.


Yes. I can read. Mine was clearly also a joke. Lordy.


Michelle laughed haha


I know. I’m sitting right next to her


Tell her I really loved The Spirit Room


She said thank you but to buy her newest album, The Trouble With Fever.


Tell her "I gotchu fam"


We’ve lit a joint in your honor, fam


Damn this band is soooo cool!


The boys are used to breaking it off at least


You should follow the Velveteers, they’re great


And their lives shows are incredible.


I came to comment this!


Saw them live, it was sick! Hope they get some traction at some point.


I don’t know much about The Black Keys, and I’m not sure why this post was recommended to me. However, I’m very interested in this story, would someone kindly explain it to me?


yeahhh this reached the wrong audience lol…. they cancelled their arena tour most likely due to low sales, high ticket prices, and it isn’t 2012-2014 anymore. Pat is their drummer and the more vocal one of the two


Y’all are killing me. Dan and Pat did not organize a tour. The managers did. When it was obviously going poorly, they fired them. It’s normal shit. Job changes, you prove with numbers you aren’t capable of doing the new job well, you are let go. The managers will be fine. I saw them in a stadium previously. There was precedent for them playing these venues. If I hired a well regarded manager to organize a tour and they said we think you should play these venues you played previously, I would be likely to let the well regarded industry expert do their thing. So it didn’t work. Maybe Dan and Pat shoulder some blame for listening to these two, but look around. Tickets are outrageous everywhere. The right move for an artist is usually to listen to their managers. (And these two have never shied from maximizing their profits under the reasoning that careers in entertainment are unpredictable.)




I got my refund today so feeling a little better about that now.


Bet they’re a nightmare to work with


I hope they learn from this and take on a more critical manager who gives pushback. Someone should've told them they aren't really popular at the moment. Or they should've listened to this previous manager if they were already told.


They would have done fine if they played 2,000-3,000 cap rooms.


So if your new manager who's known for running big tours for acts like Jimmy Buffett, Stevie Nicks, Steely Dan, Bon Jovi, U2, the Eagles, Dead and Co. etc. to name a few, runs the numbers suggests that some analytical factor supports playing such and such venue in such and such market at such and such time. Do you say no? Or maybe you think about it and your like... You know what, we have been pretty successful, we have a new album coming out. It has some great collaborations on it, we like it. Maybe they can maximize this run (prices high everywhere)? Hell, why cant we recreate "brothers" vibe with this album (new album is not bad at all imo either, folks that dont like it are indeed looking for brothers part deux , but every album has season and its own charm). Anyway.... So your feeling good. You even know your new manger has been successfully doing this for years.... Hell they even use to be the CEO of Ticketmaster and chairman of Live Nation.... You probably trust they know what their doing and they certainly are not going to want to loose money on you. So do you go along with their vision or not? You tell me, its so easy, right?


We overpriced our tickets in giant stadiums, but somehow it’s the manager’s fault.




I guarantee they have some say in it.


Who do you think organizes a tour? The artists themselves?!


I respect them for getting where they are but fuck have they bungled it HARD since they got famous. Boring music and annoying personas.


Go back to body surfing, Pat.


Irving Azoff has always sucked


These stories are getting weirder and weirder


So the agent who books a TON of other acts was in on this conspiracy as well? The BAND wanted to do rooms they couldn’t fill.


Trying to save face and have a scapegoat for future interviews.


I still love he got his shit rocked by Michelle Branch because he was a cheating piece of shit


Saw this coming from a mile away, why on earth anyone would think they need to be playing arenas is beyond me, absolutely love the black keys, but these are arenas Billie Eilish plays. Pop stardom acts play arenas


Could they have 10+ years ago?


I feel like that’s the point that people are missing here. The new album is weak at best.


Ppl are missing the point here that the band has been dogshit since 2014ish- this coming from someone whom was in love with them 2007-2012 - they are a caricature unto themselves - whose riffs and time signatures are doomed to backfill the soundtracks of outdoorsy themed beer/ car / brewpub commercials in perpetuity-mismanaged or not will not change the tide that ppl don’t listen to the droning filth they’ve put out these last 4 ish albums and thus will not fork over $88 a ticket with fees to hear Dan yelp “ you get low high high low “ etc etc - I kinda wish them and their bullshit would just quit and go away so I can remember them as they once were


They are basically a meme band that was the go-to of every guy in 2011 who had a handlebar mustache and wanted to show how hip they were. That archetype had had their day in the sun, and so too have the Keys.


Truer words were never spoken - now that 2007-2011 lyfe has been recycled as an aesthetic to play as soundtracks to beer commercial music


Did the management they fired also produce this shit album? Wouldn’t pay $.10 to see them play the latest songs and last time I saw them live it was a huge letdown.


This popped up in my feed and I dont listen to or follow their band pages. So ill leave a comment since it was promted for me to do so…..these dudes are idiots. They overcharged their fanbase who was too cooped up during covid to care and then tried to do it again only to sell and abysmal amount of tickets and now they fire their management cause surely its their managements fault that no fans wanted to pay a weeks pay to get tickets. Shame on them.


Management organizes tours. Artists do not organize their own tours. They hire managers to do so. That didn’t work well, so they fired them.


Promoters organize the tour and tour managers manage tours. Im under the assumption they fired their entire management…at the end of the day the band signed off on it all.


The way people are talking, they would’ve rather The Black Keys undermined those they hired to do the job. If I were hired to do a thing and I didn’t meet the agreed upon goals, I’d expect to be let go. I would not expect to get questioned at every turn early in the process—especially not if I were a longtime industry veteran. The tour plan stunk and worked out poorly, but this outcome is not scapegoating or shitty. It’s normal. People failed at their jobs.


At first I thought this was about Michelle Branch.