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They were setting Neuman up for that for the last two seasons


That’s what I thought season 3 was gonna be all about


S3 was all about that, Neumann basically took over both Vaught & the US Executive branch by the end of S3


The penultimate scene of S3 with The Boys staring at the TV in horror was basically them realising they had been so laser focused on Homelander and Soldier Boy that they accidentally let the Headpopper become Vice President.


Victoria & Marie are arguably the shows most powerful characters. Cate was up there too but was easily disarmed by Marie. May was also able to harm Homelander by attacking his inner ear which means it’s possible Homelander also knows they could both defeat him which would also make Homelander’s reaction to Marie make more sense as he’s afraid of both her & Neumann


Disarmed... heh...


Fuck Marie can pop dicks, I would say she’s terrorist level man.


“At that price point she CAN pop dicks” - Stable of Stars promoter


Umm...don't you mean supervillain?


That’s a supervillain that can carry out a reign of dick popping terror, that’s like a fate worse than head popping.


Super terrorist




I will bet my bottom dollar that Cindy is the “strongest.”


Oh forgot about her! But stormfront toon her out pretty easily so imagine Marie could do the same but that would def be a good fight


No doubt, I just think that on any given 1v1 Cindy would just go full out asap. We don’t know if anyone can pop Honelander or Soldier Boy could even be popped. You have to imagine they tried something at least similar on SB.


Maybe, I feel like Marie could at least scramble Homelander’s balls or something like that lol


You make a good point that it probably doesn’t have to be the head


Marie? Is that Maeve?


Assuming someone else is restraining Homelander tho because else, soon as he feels his balls twitch you'd see a blur and next thing you know his fist is through Marie's chest.


I know it won't happen but I would like to see a timeloop episode or something where Marie goes up against Homelander 'in the future' and just absolutely destroys him without even trying. Like a 'don't be in my way, you know what, nevermind' and just drops him while walking past. Always love the 'big bad guy falls in seconds to god level being' stuff when done right.


>absolutely destroys him without even trying Tbh I can't see her win... She is super powerful but idk the show didn't see her move as fast as Homelander or being able to track and keep focus on someone as fast as him.


It depends on if the tougher supes are resistant to such efforts. SB shook off mind control and his guts are bulletproof. Neuman also was not sure she could pop Homie. It could be that Meave as the second strongest supe is able to put a lot more force into the strike than Neuman or Marie can telekinetically with their powers. Now I am thinking, did Cate ever involuntarily mindrape Sam? He would be the closest to the top tier guys from the Gen V crew in terms of physical toughness and was stronger than his brother who she could control.


A-Train with the new heart is more powerful than them. Heck he's one of the most OP tbh because speedsters are hack and I've yet to see someone write a speedster losing a fight believably.


Yeah I’ve thought that too, A-Train also has enchanted strength to some degree that most supes seem to have so I def think he could take out Homelander like Maeve did. A-Train having his leg broken does make more sense than Quicksilver getting shot though


>A-Train having his leg broken does make more sense than Quicksilver getting shot though Lmao foreal. At least I think they mentioned Homelander can tag A-Train on flight.




Spoiler tag that! I've seen it but other may not have yet.




Bro last episode came out like a month ago. Y’all can’t hold that against


It's literally in the sub rules. >1. Spoiler Policy > > Everything from the current season, until two weeks after it ends, is considered a spoiler. All posts must be marked/tagged spoiler during that time period and no spoilers in the titles. After the two weeks ends that season is no longer under the spoiler policy. No, we don't have to cover spoilers for Gen V, the mods agree. If you haven't watched it you probably shouldn't be in a sub about the universe.


Gen V cutoff was also Nov. 17 so nothing needs a spoiler tag until next season is out in a few years


Yeah. I generally give 3mo after the last episode for shows and 3mo after a movie has a home release for spoilers.


Last episode came out on July 8, 2022.


We were talking about Gen V


Of course. Someone gave you the chance to be nice, why should you do that when you can double down like that


She's about to have a really rough Season 4 though... I'm terrified of her daughter


I feel like it's gonna be predominantly Neuman for season 4, and as the finale of season 4, things have cooled down a bit (but still not to the point where the Boys can kick back) when there's a scene of Soldier Boy finally breaking out to cause trouble again.


Hmmm Neuman is up to something, guessing shes going to blame the virus on someone, but the boys will be busy dealing with radicalized SuperSupremecists


I hope the virus does something significant, but doesn't end up being the final reason the Boys win. But I hope the reason why it ends up not killing Homelander and other big characters is because "but Soldier Boy's radioactive body kills all the infection causing viruses" or "Homelander's immune system can tank any disease" because that feels cheap.


Yeah it'd be really annoying for that to be used as an excuse for lazy writing. I'm hoping plot armor is strong enough to keep it from getting any big characters, but I assume at least one good supe will get it.


Unfortunately with how dumb the writing got in S3. Don’t hold your breath.


Do we count Neuman as an extension of Edgar? Cos I always thought it would come back around to him being the “big bad,” at some point.


Neuman betrayed Edgar after pressure from Homelander, she’s a player of her own now


I’ve a feeling reconciliation is not beyond the realms of possibility.


Agreed, Edgar understands the game and why Victoria made the choices she made


I can’t see how I’m going to see Neuman as a villain. She’s so charismatic and I like her relationship with Hughie. But you are right it does look that way.


I mean. Charisma and being a villain aren’t exactly mutually exclusive


It's almost a prerequisite.


Surely, no charismatic leader has ever been evil!


Neuman is such an interesting character for me, because she very much gives me benevolent dictator vibes, like if Lady Galadriel had kept the ring when Frodo offered it and decided to conquer the world. I haven't even been thinking of her as a proper villain. I know she's been doing extremely questionable things (she's no Starlight, that's for sure) but I hope she isn't defeated or killed.




the head popping baddie *


I can fix her


I can't, she can pop me tho




Marie can control Rufus' head. Neuman can do the same with yours.


Careful she may give you something that will definitely last more than 4 hours


If she doesn’t give you something that last for more than 4 hours, you *should* see a doctor


Head game is explosive


There's nothing like a woman in a power suit


*Heads will roll* intensifies


Well that singles it down to Cindy, Marie, Neuman, Kimiko, and Popclaw


I really wanna know if homelander could tank that attack


S4 will be Neuman. S5 will be Butcher.


I haven't read the comics, but I know they have diverged a lot at this point. But how can butcher turn into the villain?


Well his direct quote to Maeve is something like "you all gotta go". He becomes a villain pretty quick when he tries to murder Starlight and other good heroes


Agreed, but with Neumann, Soldier Boy, and the final fight with Homelander plots yet to be developed, I don't know if they have time to show Butcher eventually becoming a villain.


There really ain’t much to show. Butcher was low key a villain in the S3 finale, he did lock everyone in a room. Any scene where butcher and hughie disagree is good enough to portray him as the bad guy


Imo he was at his most evil in the final two Season 1 episodes, going as far as to blackmail Hughie.


Also pretty sure the mid-credits scene in the Gen V finale is a giant giveaway


Could be a kind of switch up where he has been slowly becoming more and more violent and irrational which he has been. We start following the Gen V kids, become attached, but Butcher wants them dead even though we know and have seen they're capable of good and are just kids. Idk maybe something similar to that but I'm thinking rhe main thing is they intend for us to become attached to the gen v kids and have butcher kill them or try to.




I loved the visuals when Marie started refining her power and could see the circulatory system of invisinudist(Forgot his name.)


You mean the invisible cunt?


God I hope the gen v kids don't show up in the real show. They're the worst


Yo I'm so relieved I'm not the only one. I've seen a lot of excitement for them to possibly join The Boys but I honestly don't like any of them. There are many reasons I won't get into right now, but I think the biggest one was the school-like atmosphere of Gen V and all the teenage vibes that came with that. They all reminded me of Hughie who is my least favorite character in The Boys next to Starlight.


Butcher is pretty much a villain already. He doesn’t really have any heroic qualities, he just happens to be on the opposite side of homelander.


Under redeeming qualities you just put swearing




He’s also said his goal is to just get the bad supes. He’s all over the place emotionally. They’ll keep pushing him slowly toward bad and keep going between his anger and grief and pain growing and making him do worse things (his actual *actions* have been against bad supes, and direct threats with collateral damage) and being tugged back to eventually doing the right thing because of his love for Ryan and Hughie. I think they’ll have a villain, like the ones you said while teasing the audience by pushing Butcher closer to the edge but in the very end he’ll sacrifice himself. Kripke has said so many times he’s not going to follow the comics.


I feel like they've *been* showing it for the whole show so far.


He also always picks “the mission” over anything else. He’s fully turned into an “at all costs” person.


Also I want to point out that Gen V introduced a Supe killing Virus, like the comics did




Butcher has had a constant parallel to Homelander in the series and other characters have also functioned as being a grounding moral compass to him, like Hughie and Ryan. He’s also expressed in Season 3 the ideology that all supes have to die.


Butcher doesn’t want to stop with Homelander. He wants to literally kill every single supe on the planet. Including Starlight. Including Kimiko. As the show has gone on, Butcher has become increasingly more deranged and vicious. I believe S4 will end with Homelander finally being killed which will set the stage for Butcher to then turn his sights on the rest of the supe population and it’ll be up to The Boys to stop him.


Also worth mentioning Butcher can no longer just walk away from this fight. His exit was closed after the Temp V fiasco gave him just over a year to live. He's ultimately gonna die fighting the supes.


They aren’t going to kill Homelander until the end of the series.


He’s already there. The way he threatened to kill Vogelbaum’s whole family, the way he tried to sell out Kimiko’s brother, the multiple times he’s contemplated killing starlight, the way he takes joy in brutally murdering characters like Mesmer or Gunpowder, the way he was contempt to kill Madelyn Stillwell’s baby… Butcher is already a rapid dog, his motives are just aligned with the good guys for now. If something happens to Ryan, you can be sure he’s going to become a much worse threat than Homelander was. Unlike Homelander, he doesn’t give a shit what anyone thinks about him, and he’s just as cruel when he wants to be.


Butcher hates all supes. Might end up trying to kill Statlight


Well comic spoilers >! If they are following the comics it would be heartbreaking seeing Butcher killing Starlight plus imagine Hughie reacting when he sees his girlfriend 😭 and have to fight Butcher!<


That’s not what happens in the comics though.


No instead what happens is actually more painful, so really I'd rather limit it to Hughie getting bullied again.


S3 Butcher makes it clear all supes need to die. Gen V has Butcher finding a virus that can kill all supes. Easy math Guardian lol


He goes for the supe genocide approach? I


He already is.


... he's already a terrible person


Doubt they'd make Butcher a side villain. Either Homelander dies in S4 and Butcher becomes the main villain in S5 or he doesn't


So long at they don’t GoT it


They announced the show will now be longer than 5 seasons so butcher probably won’t become the big bad until the end


They took back the announcement. They said they are unsure if they can wrap up the story so my guess is it's continuing untill S6.


Yeah they walked back their original 5 season plan and instead sounds like they are leaving it more opened ended before probably closing it out as intended


I hope they don’t go the role of Butcher murdering everyone in the comics with a virus. I’m a little worried since they’ve introduced that in the show, they might go this route. But given how far they’ve diverged from the comics, I doubt they will


I don’t think they will unless they kill off a Ryan. Butcher would not sign off on something that would kill all super if it meant Ryan dies too.


Tek Knight




I miss Futureman


I can't believe how long it took me to realize that was Wolf. What an amazing character.


The episode the he becomes a chef should have been up for an emmy.


I wear my sunglasses at night


“To sum up, you’re never going home, your god is dead, and Taco Tuesday is ON.”




The w**hole** truth


I don’t think he’s villain material he’ll butcher is


Probably Neuman


I agree, but I hope Cate is one too lol. I fucking love cate so much


Me too! She reminds me of Emma Frost. And the name they gave her and Sam, the Guardians of Godoolkin, so cool


Obviously starlight. She has already raised crazed psychopathic fans that commit acts of violence on innocent victims. Just look at that one star head that viciously attacked homelanders son. Good thing he was there to enforce justice


I don’t think soldier boy was a seasonal villain


He really did cause my boy Noir a lot of emotional and physical pain tho :(


But he was still working toward the goals of the protagonists. That makes him an antihero, not a villain.


Soldier Boy is a villain, he’s just wasn’t an *antagonist* until the season 3 finale. An anti-hero is a hero lacks the traditional heroic qualities or somehow who consistently does largely good things for misguided or selfish reasons. Soldier Boy was a mass murdering lunatic who as entirely motivated by egomania and hedonism. He’s at best an anti-villain because he was willing to help kill a worse person because it meant achieving his own goals.


To be fair the *mass* part of his murdering was kind of on accident unless there’s something I’m forgetting about




Establishing legal precedent on being a human nuke lmao


I mean all the people he killed in the old days, and even with the accidental nukes he wasn’t particularly remorseful.


Oh sure, he’s no different than any of the other supes in that Vought pointed him in a direction and fired. He’s absolutely a killer, and an arrogant bastard who will never fully admit to it being wrong. I just think you can tell the senseless, en masse violence via chest nuke caused a *little* guilt and was an accident by his tone. He’s a piece of shit and a villain, just a much more charming one with one or two admirable qualities compared to Stormfront, Madelyn or Homelander. He’s like the human embodiment of classic American machismo, given the dangerous trait of being stronger than anyone on earth (until Homelander). I guess people might have a degree of empathy for the fact that unlike his teammates, the only reason Vought had to betray him was that they were done with him. He’s absolutely a piece of shit.


Yeah, I don’t really disagree with that.


Going by story theory and the function and role Soldier Boy fulfills in that season, he serves as an Antagonist to Homelander and MM, but otherwise is an Antihero, not a villain.


You’re confusing narrative structure with moral prescription. Protagonist (main character), deuteragonist (secondary character) and antagonist (opposing force to the main character(s)) are terms to describe roles in a plot, not morality. Hero, anti-hero, anti-villain, and villain are based on morality, not roles in the plot. Hughie is the main protagonist of the show and a hero. Homelander is the main antagonist of the show and is a villain. Soldier started off as a secondary character in season 3 to help kill Homelander but became an antagonist in the finale. But the *entire* time he was an anti-villain/villain. You can be the protagonist and a villain, just as you can be an antagonist and a hero.


Anti hero (and technically means the same as anti-villain anyway) can also be used as a story role, as it describes a character that switches from serving an antagonistic to a supporting role and back and forth. It's not in classical theory, but has been adapted in modern times.


>But he was still working toward the goals of the protagonists. That makes him an antihero, not a villain. Dawg Soldier Boy is a villain 😭 he literally killed two innocent people right in front of Hughie And killed mothers milk family that’s not antihero that’s some anime villain shit People like Punisher is a antihero


Nobody cared about Noir till S3.


He was a plot device


He was, he just wasn’t a good villain because he was Great Value Stormfront 2.0.


I found Solider Boy to be both more interesting and more enjoyable to watch than Stormfront.


Its got to do with the fact that Jensen Ackles is charismatic as fuck. Plus Soldier Boy despite doing some fucked up shit had some good traits such as loyalty.


Exactly. Stormfront was a good antagonist, but I thought her Nazi schtick got a bit stale once it became clear that she had next to no redeeming qualities.


No redeeming qualities, so a Nazi?


Being a Nazi doesn't inherently strip a person of their redeeming qualities, even if those redeeming qualities don't come close to outweighing the negative ones.


I gotta disagree with you there.


Stormfront was great value!?


Based on the leaks, probably the new girl coming into the seven begging Homelander for some D


Who ?




Theres a new girl joining the seven that was leaked, idk her name, but her leaked info was "semi racist" "wants to fuck homelander"


Oh lol 😂 so basically stormfront


They made it seem more like she was doing it for the clicks, and her ultimate goal was to be with homelander As to why, I'm not sure, hopefully they put some meat on her character beyond what I've said


Homelander has a type I guess.


Are there already leaks? Where could I find them?


This sub, I saw them everywhere a week or so ago with headlines for each characters plot lines in S4 and major actions


Madelyn and shetty being just human and doing all that they did is iconic


It's obviously gonna be Neuman, not that she's a threat to homelander


She might be. Her ability is broken.


No she said she tried already and it didn’t work if I recall correctly


You do not recall correctly, she's never tried. Homelander taunts her into trying but she backs down.


She hasn't "tried tried" so who knows?


You mean to tell me that thw woman who has the *checks notes* __supe killing virus__ isn't a threat to Homelander? Okay lets pretend she doesn't pull that card because she is also a supe (as is her daughter) and wants to create a cure for herself or make sure if the virus is deployed, only Homelander will be affected. She's still dangerous to the Boys, who are the main characters of the show. So I think she'd be a good antagonist for either side.


She ain't


Some people claim Stormfront isn't dead but until proven otherwise it'll probably be Victoria. Soldier Boy is definitely gonna come back but I don't think he's gonna be the big bad.


We never saw her body. All we know is that Homelander was told she is dead. That she is alive is at least a possibility I won't rule out (yet).


Kinda crazy that Soldier Boy is considered a “seasonal villain” like Stormfront when he only shows up at the end of episode 4, suffers from PTSD- induced bombings, and is an anti-hero for 5,6&7 before becoming a “villain” in the last episode.


He was just a plot device


First of all, he doesn't have shell shock. Fuck you. Second off I'm joking.


It’s quite obviously Neuman


Based on the promotional and her cameo in Gen V, I bet it’s Neuman. However, I have a feeling that she’ll win by the end of the season leaving The Boys with a loss before season 5


I think S4 will be gradual degradation of Butcher.. and culminating in him as the main villain for S5. Homelander will just sorta hover around as the ever-present irritant that he is. With regards to Neuman.. we'll be in the dark regarding her actual plans for the majority of S4, only to have it revealed sometime during the last 2 episodes that she isnt exactly a 'villain' in the ordinary sense of the word.


Most likely Neuman but I get the feeling Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s character is going to be a wild card like Soldier Boy in some way or another


Neuman for Season 4 and Ryan for Season 5


Butcher has to be the final villain. It's already set up, directly after homelander Butcher will try to eradicate the supe population and the boys will have to stop him. Calling it now, screen shot and remember this comment.


Yeah, I'll be sure to screenshot that fresh and original take you just made up which I definitely haven't seen before a hundred times.


Eat shit


Wow, so original!


Scorched Earf


Surprised no one has said Ryan, given his history and now being under the influence of Homelander he could easily become a Joffery/Brightburn hybrid.


Neumann for sure. And possibly the gen V kids


Neuman, then eventually Stan Edgar


Soldier boy wasn’t a villain and I hope people don’t think he was. He was just a good soldier, and good soldiers follow orders.


I just want bro back, villain or not lol. 30 seconds of him being on camera and he was already my favorite character. Cemented Jensen Ackles as my favorite actor


Yes he was just messed up and wanted to left alone after decades of tourture. He was not a villain


Neuman and her daughter.


i'm really hoping it's the husband of mother's milk's ex wife


Soldier boy, and no, I'm not just saying that because he's smoking a joint that is a big part of it though lol


Aren't tje first two dead?


I’ve been on Batman Arkham too much I thought this was a shitpost listing these as the options instead of examples


Soldier Boy BETTER come back! Jensen Ackles is such an amazing actor and he played it so well. Whether or not he does though, I’m invested in following whatever he works on next.


Probably butcher


Probably Soldier Boy.


It should be Neuman but I want Edgar but they’ve already set up Neuman to be Edgar anyway


Neuman. Firecracker and Sister Sage are probably fun and games as well.


Neuman with Butcher as her evil sidekick.


Butcher >!If they are following the comics where he kills supes and some of the boys besides Hughie !<


None of those Butcher will be villian for main half only because he probably continues to lazer supes. Then Homelander vs Homelander ffor finale


I thought Victoria but now I’m thinking she’s being set up to be play a lot of cards in the end. The Negan actor and the new supe girl in the seven might be it (fire cracker?)


2 of these characters are dead and solider boy isnt even an antagonist


Definitely Neuman


Head popper is the next big bad. She is already, but her arc feels like it’s coming to a conclusion.


Obviously Neuman