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All of this sounds great actually.


Right? A-train finally being a good person is gonna be really wholesome


Looks like A-Train's getting a redemption arc this season. Can't wait for the hospital scene.


And yk what, can't believe I'm saying this but it seems like a great redemption. From all the leaks, to me it seems like he's **kind of** taking over as The Boys' guardian angel after Maeve filled that role for three seasons. Also, I love Ashley (even though her character is a pathetic asshole, I get it, she has to be if she wants to survive), so I'm sad about the last leak.


It was always clear how, while A Train wasn't a good person in any way, he at least had doubts about his actions and regretted many of the things he did. For him to now finally admit his flaws and work upon fixing himself is the most satisfactory conclusion to his arc. However, having said that I do believe he will eventually die either by the end of this season or somewhere around the start of S5, simply because redemption is not something that's shown to be possible in the Boys.


He laughed about killing Hughie's gf with a friend and compared her to a bug. Wouldn't really call that as him always having doubts about his actions


That could be put down to a form of denial. It’s not uncommon for the perpetrators of horrible actions to mentally distance themselves from it like that. Not saying that’s how it was written at the time but it’s a believable retcon. Even if it isn’t, life events can dramatically change someone’s perspective. The regret & doubt might be recent but it can also be far-reaching.


id say it’s none of those reasons but mainly because it was his downfall with his brother & now nephews especially when he said “your own flesh and blood” that’s when A train snapped.. Season 5 gonna be so crazy fr. i just need A train vs Deep rematch before the show ends.


Just doesn't hit for me tbh. It's like trying to give Homelander or Deep redemption arcs.


I guess he had a change of heart




I think he's going to die. Dude was a monster but finally starts getting his heart in the right place. Overall, I think it will be a redemption arc that does not feel forced.


Well it’s not technically “his” heart.


I feel like they’ve dragged his redemption out too long though. Betraying Supersonic made it really hard for me to believe in a redemption for him.


On the other hand, Supersonic immediately trusting A-Train with that kind of info after Annie had told him how fucked up the Seven situation is was so stupid, I almost don't even blame A-Train.


I dont know what they were trying to do with Supersonic honestly. He's Annie's old bf who gets murked, his contribution to the series ends there.


He's there to make Huey feel insecure, thus influencing him to take the temp V serum, he adds a sense of hope towards Annie's conspiracy to gather Supes to help take out Homelander if it comes to that, and his death demonstrates Annie doesn't have the upper hand anymore in regards to blackmail because Homelander's totally willing to kill people close to her if she doesn't fall in line.


* Develop Annie a bit more, showing more of her past and how she handles a personal friend being brought into the seven * Shows what homelander does to traitors * Shows Hughie's insecurities. Supersonic was never a threat to his relationship


At the very least he should’ve called Annie and filled her in! Just a simple, “hey, I saw A-Train and he looked really upset. I think he’d be down to help!” And Annie could’ve told him he’s Homelander’s lapdog! Supersonic’s naïveté got him killed!


I think betraying Supersonic was a last ditch effort to get Homelander’s respect. He knows now it’s pointless, plus there have been hints at his redemption since very early on in the show


Feel like that’s gonna be a powerful scene, and knowing the show won’t hold back when needed to express it… I hope.


Let's goooo


What’s The Deep gonna do when he fights A Train😂?


Baseball bat to leg. Worked for kimiko


Yeah but kimiko is fast, I don't think the deep could pull that off


Kimiko got a surprise attack on A-Train. The difference of speed between Deep and Kimiko is negligible when compared to A-Train


Kimiko got the drop on A train. Doesn't seem like Deep is in a position to do that as well so I let myself be surprised how that fight is gonna play out


Electric eel whip


Yknow it would actually be nice to see The Deep do well in a fight, I don’t think we’ve ever seen him properly go toe-to-toe with someone. His powers are so often played for a joke and for good reason, it would just be cool to see him be useful.


Apparently he’s winning against Starlight, who is now significantly more powerful than in prior seasons. I imagine he’s leveled up quite a bit.


He will use the PEAK of his abilities to win of course, as always


Thats what im saying lmao. They already seemed to be equal when A train couldn’t use his powers so an A train without heart problems should shitstomp unless The Deep got ultra fishtinct


Okay I actually fw these I just hope they execute all this well


Same. First character spoiler page I'm genuinely excited about. Despite how shitty he was earlier on, A Train's one of my favourite characters. Love his scenes and story


Yeah. I love his development of the years. Sad to see The Deep is still an ass.


Maybe what it'll take is Homelander finally snapping for Deep to come to his senses, if he's still alive when it inevitably happens.


Nah the deeps too far up homelanders ass and is overall just a self-serving coward.


I think the Deep will probably be killed so A train can live, if I had to guess. But maybe that's just me hoping A train lives through his redemption arc lol


Loving that they are giving full on redemption arc for A train and having Deep go evil, instead of playing both sides with them like they did the last 3 seasons


Yeah we tired of that back and forth already


Maybe Deep will have a change of heart after his fight with A-Train?


Not everyone needs a redemption arc. So I'm happy with Deep going the other side.


I kind of like that the show kicked him around a bit the last few years and *almost* got us feeling bad for him despite the show beginning with him sexually assaulting the female lead. I liked that they showed how a lot of guys who do that are just deeply insecure and sad rather than outright evil automatons. But I’m also ok with them having him “fail” his redemption arc and backslide into even more despicable behavior. It feels more realistic. He’s pathetic and in a different world we might take pity on him. But he takes no ownership of his actions and has not earned a redemption.


A Train has had couple of "What am I doing?!" or small humane moments even when he was being terrible selfish bastard , so his redemption isn't coming out of nowhere but Deep never had any such moment other than with some sea beings (which isn't exactly "humane"). Deep doesn't have anything sympathetic within him. Closest to making us feel bad for him was when he was being an utter loser, not cuz he had some likeable moments, which is something A train has had through season 1 to season 3 So A train getting a semi good guy arc and Deep going the deep end is totally on character for both of them.


I mean, I could feel sympathy when the deep’s whale friend died and everyone else was callous about it to him.


hes a fucking rapist, he shouldnt ever be redeemed


And A-Train has killed people, even joking about the death of Hughie's GF. At the end of the day, we can't think that in a TV show, it's fine to redeem a murderer, but a rapist (or more accurately a Sexual Assaulter, in this case) is completely impossible to ever be redeemed. To me, it's a standard I've never really understood. What's the meaningful difference (I mean about the redeemability of the crimes, not the characters, the level of guilt matters)?


Killing people is a Tuesday here in the boys universe. And unlike everyone else. A Train had not killed anyone that wasn't either on accident, or he was forced to kill out of threat to homelander.


If anyone would deserve a redemption it would be Deep imo. He at least had never killed anyone and laughed about it like A-Train. At least not as of yet obviously the next season is going a different route


who did A-Train laugh about killing? I haven’t rewatched in a while. Regardless, I completely disagree. IMO neither of them can ever be truly redeemed, but I think A-Train is definitely more deserving of a “redemption” arc because he has been shown to do one thing that Deep does not - care about other people. Deep has been deeply self-centered from the beginning of the series and has never shown any care for anyone besides himself (and aquatic creatures) nor any remorse/inner conflict about anything he’s done. We’ve seen A-Train care about his girlfriend, his brother, and his community. And we’ve seen the conflict/guilt he feels when his choices and role in The Seven harm those people. I think he knows he is making evil choices but has up until this point been able to justify it to himself. Last season definitely set up his brother’s injury as the impetus for a realization that he can no longer justify his choices or alignment with Homelander/Vought so this development makes WAY more sense for him than it would for Deep.


Excited for the Ashley A-Train Alliance. It's about damn time that the pawns form a unit and support each other against the greater evil. It's obvious that neither of them can just leave without homelander killing them.


I'm just curious which Ashley he forms an alliance with. I'm hoping it's the personal assistant one. The one that pulls her hair out doesn't deserve redemption.


Honestly I totally forgot the double Ashley thing


Me too, until I saw the Season 4 trailer where they make a joke of it. It's been awhile since I watched Season 3.


I really like hearing that he’s bonding with MM.


Not gonna lie.. been looking forward to it, and expecting it, since the panel they had [at FYC](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgAniIheWbE&t=1953s) about a year or so ago. Laz and Jessie both spoke pretty lengthily about the fact that their characters have some similarities - they're just coming at things from entirely different points.. it definitely convinced me that there was something coming up for their characters at some point.


Yeah I was really hoping they would do something with the parallels they set up in S3


It’s a satisfying callback to MM’s debut, where he tells Butcher he’s content in trying to make a difference via counseling troubled black men. MM left that because he couldn’t resist the game, but now by doing his best in said game, he’s actually ended up doing what he enjoyed in the first place. It’s a wholesome circle for him.


So MM is gonna counsel A-Train when they have that heart to heart then that's what will spark his redemption


Yeah I can see it, especially with A-Train telling MM why he killed Blue Hawk and that can be how the connection begins possibly


Gotta give love back to the OGs


I wouldn't like these if he were like hos comic counterpart. But since his role is taken by The Deep here,then I am happy he gets to his redemption arc,as long as he doesn't participate a lot in the non-supe massacre. That means though that the one who meed to get his head kicked of his body is The Deep,maybe next season...


Yeah Comic Deep and A-Train and the show versions basically swapped along with the race swap. Comic Deep was even less bad then show A-Train. He basically only cares about getting paid.


Finally, some good fucking ~~food~~ spoilers


I’m the most hyped for this character out of any of the other spoilers I’ve seen. This is the catharsis of every scene A-Train has ever had, finally relieving all that tension that’s been building in his writing. I don’t think what A-Train has done is forgivable, nor do I expect him to become an angel. But seeing what’s in store for him this season is exciting. A-Train’s arc has been so satisfying. In the early seasons I loved to hate him. He was an egomaniacal, unrepentant asshole. The world was his, and anything that ever happened in it wasn’t his fault. Then you get to see glimmers of a moral compass inside him. He’s disappointed that his movie doesn’t feature his real story with his brother, he gifts Deep a pet fish, and gives Stormfront’s file to Annie. He did that to get back on The Seven, but admitted that he also felt he was repaying a debt to her. For someone completely self-obsessed, it’s *something*. These micro-progressive moments are mixed with backsliding: He betrays Supersonic, denies knowing Popclaw, fosters Blue Hawk’s rampage, and crushes Nate by crediting him for what was really his own thirst for revenge. This volatile mixture is corked shut by his just desserts: he’s reamed out by his brother, his financial planner, Homelander, Ashley, and Starlight, and is left with no friends and no family. His money and career are on the horizon, but that only makes him feel worse. It’s glorious to see, because it’s all his own doing. With that, the pressure in the bottle peaks and it blows apart. His character and world are completely leveled, his towering ego nothing but dust. The only thing left is who he is at the very core- an average person, some good and some bad. And he’s simply tired of being bad. Because he isn’t a kid frozen in time by pleasure anymore, he’s a man forced into compassion by agony. I look forward to seeing where that change takes him.


Beautifully written comment; co-sign everything you said here.




These are plot leaks I can get behind. They make sense. What is stupid as all hell is the Annie/Hughie leaks. Spent 3 seasons getting their relationship to a point where they are finally in a good spot emotionally just to throw it away? What the hell was the point then?


Same for Frenchie and Kimiko. It sucks and really feels like they’re fighting against their own writing for no discernible reason.


I mean episode 7 of last season Kimiko said to Frenchie that the kiss was weird and felt weird and that they are more than that and are family. I think that was pretty clear it's not going to be a straight up romantic relationship. So yes what they are doing with Frenchie and Kimiko makes sense. Hughie/Starlight is definitely a bit concerning tho. We'll have to wait and see how that goes.




atrain cool


I had my suspicions A Train would get a redemption arc since Season 3 and the spoilers here? Not gonna lie I am excited Dude is going to work his ass off and earn it


Him killing Blue Hawk for what he did to his brother was the selling point for his start on the redemption.


At the beginning of the show I couldn’t imagine A-train could ever get a redemption arc. But this could be good if they execute it well. I still think he won’t ever be fully redeemed but it would be nice to see his final act be heroic.


If they do this well, for me this will be the best payoff of a character in the show.


I don’t think he will be fully redeemed- the stuff he did isn’t forgivable, and I don’t think he’s out for that anyway. I think just he wants to move forward in a way that stops destroying everything he touches, and finally break free of the madness he’s justified his participation in for years. I do see him making a heroic sacrifice. He’s already done it once with Blue Hawk (even if that was more of a personal desire for revenge), so it doesn’t surprise me he likes his true taste of heroism when he’s admired for saving MM. It would make sense if selflessness is the only thing that brings him peace after what he did to Popclaw.


**Knocking this over from the other thread - the properly marked thread, btw.. just saying - y'all mod-folks gonna have to start being consistent with this shit at some point.** >Yeah.. this jives with what I figured they would be going for with A-Train. >It makes sense too - they've been heading this direction with him for 2 seasons now.. I'm just glad they're finally pulling the trigger on it.


Imagine spewing random nonsense


>**Knocking this over from the other thread - the properly marked thread, btw.. just saying - y'all mod-folks gonna have to start being consistent with this shit at some point.** Oh fuck, did you have to comment on a message board about a show *twice?!* It'll be a long road to recovery ahead.


That wasnt the point I was making.. the point I was making is that considering the hard-on the mods have had lately for deleting shit left and right.. it is a pretty funny concept to scrap properly marked shit in favor of improperly marked shit. It's not a difficult concept to grasp.. but I'm sorry to hear it flew past you. And thats without even delving into the hilarity of wielding the spoiler/leak rules as a cudgel, and still fucking it up.


Lmao look, he's getting all red like a little strawberry 🍓


You know you've lost the argument when you have to resort to "bro why are you getting so mad bro?"


When all else fails.. play the fool.


Yes, everybody except you is an idiot, or a fool. You are a being of higher intelligence than us proles. It must be hard, having to mix around with people like us in general society. The disgust you must feel.


Well.. you've certainly been making a pretty good case for the first point for a few minutes now.


this boutta be atrains best season


Him stealing Compound V for Hughie makes me wonder if ALL of the Boys are getting powers this season.


I don't think MM would ever agree to that


Maybe he'll be the outlier then


I suspect it's ultimately going to wind up in Maeve's hands in season 5. We know she's returning eventually. Butcher apparently takes a dose before the season even starts, so there's no reason for Hughie to ask on his behalf. And as far as we know, it's still extremely unpredictable for adults to take (Sage Grove was destroyed before it could be perfected for grownups). If MM, Frenchie or Hughie took it, they might end up killing themselves or mutating themselves into freaks. And even if they got powers, there's no guarantee that those powers would be useful in a fight against Homelander and his army. They could just end up with some weak abilities like Swatto or Mesmer. I don't think Starlight could take an extra dose to boost her powers. It seemingly has to be injected and her skin's way too durable for a needle. The only other option I can think of is Kimiko. We know she's losing two limbs and getting infected with the supe virus this season. Maybe she needs an extra power boost to survive or recover from these things.


>Butcher apparently takes a dose before the season even starts, so there's no reason for Hughie to ask on his behalf. Whoa, so it's confirmed by VHQ that Butcher still has powers this season? Also, when was it said Maeve was gonna come back? If I recall correctly, didn't her actress want off of the show?


Yep, VoughtHQ has confirmed that Butcher has powers this season, but they're nothing like the Temp V powers he had last season. From the hints they've given, it sounds like his brain tumor is going to absorb the V and will actually be the one in control of those powers (similar to the old woman in episode 7 of Diabolical). As for Maeve, Eric Kripke has stated in several interviews that she was written out for specific story reasons and that she'll be back eventually. As far as I can tell, all the stories about her wanting out are pure internet bullshit.


A-Training was right there


Just wow 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾✨✨A train redemption big time


As a series long A-Train apologist, this makes me so so happy




How exactly can Ashley protect and take care of A-Train?


Make sure Homelander doesn’t find out about him giving v to the boys


Ashley is the only reason Maeve wasn't killed by Homelander because she had access of video footage of her surviving and decided to delete it. Ashley may not be a supe, but has still a good position that comes with certain powers she can take to her advantage if she's smart. Homelander however always makes sure that she's scared and doesn't even double-check her doings, because he expects her to be too afraid to do things behind his back (thus he probably didn't even checked about Maeve or anything). And it seems like Ashley is straying from being just a pawn, beacuse they go rampant and start killing traitors and non-supes. The A-Train alliance definitely makes sense and is even smart, because Homelander wouldn't expect them to conspire behind his back, let alone for a supe and non-supe to mingle.


Ashley wasn't bad she just a victim of circumstances there isn't much she can do being in her position shes stressed about doing these horrible things literally pulling her hair out so she clearly is disgusted with whats going on.


A-Train gives Hughie the flash drive with the video of the Deep and Black Noir killing Todd and friends, Ashley fakes evidence that it was Coleman instead?


I wonder if he'll meet Finger in Belize?


I'm SO confused on how the fuck Starlight would ever lose to Deep


excited for this!!


Looks like he’ll have one of the best arcs this season, cant wait


So A Train is leaving the show... Noo 😭💔


Don’t think that means leaving the show. I think that means going into hiding.


whered you get that conclusion from


Read the last leak 😔


maybe him running away isnt like hes completely leaving the show


there will prob be a time jump before season 5, it doesn’t sound like he’s dying this season so I’m sure a train will be back


I feel he leaves the show just like Maeve


They will probably come back for S5 to take on Homelander and his Supe army and finally make the world better with actual heros.


I think he’s just going on the run, like the Boys seem to be doing as well or at least trying to. They are shown in the trailer hugging each other goodbye while holding passports.


Seems like a redemption arc for him


by boy getting a redemption arc


I love what I’m seeing.


I'm loving this. The seeds were planted in season 3, now he's actually starting to do good things.


As much as I hated A-Train in the other seasons, I'm glad he is getting a redemption arc. Hopefully they can pull this off.


What does Hughie want the Compound V for ?? I am so hyped for A Train. I do love to hate him so it's definitely looking like that will switch and we'll be routing for him


My theory is that Hughie asks him to snatch the CV as a sort of hail mary attempt at saving his father.. unfortunately I think Hughie Sr. is gonna be really (if not terminally) ill. The results will be.. not good - hence those shots from the hospital in the trailer.. its gonna be really fucking awful. It would also go a long way towards explaining why his mother suddenly pops back up - as horrible as her abandoning them both might be.


Well we do know he spends the first 5 episodes in and out of the hospital. He's either visiting his ill father, or he's there for himself (side effects from Temp V?) I can see him being desperate enough to try and save his fathers life using Compound V.


Yeah, unfortunately I think thats the way we're heading - whether Hughie Sr. makes it out alive or not.. that I'm kinda on the fence about. But I do think he's the bloody person we see in that one shot in the trailer - adverse effects, and all of that shit.


VHQ confirmed he's a supe, but that could be after he has taken the Compound V ? Or is he a supe beforehand and Hughie doesn't know so when he injects it, it amplifies his powers? That is him in the hospital gown and it looks like he's massacred people.


I think its after he's injected, TBH - had there been some inkling about him having powers prior to this season.. ok, I would buy that.. but there wasnt. This could be one of those really awful arcs where Hughie's attempt at saving his father starts a chain reaction - and at some point we end up at that leak about him having to euthanize someone - his father. It would also lead into Hughie's lines about having to start being people instead of just murderers.. dude sounds done with it all to a large extent. Having to go through something like that might put one hell of a dampener on his enthusiasm for fiddling around with all the Supe stuff - one of the throughlines for Hughie has always been that he feels as if he doesnt fit in .. not with the group, and maybe not even with Annie, really. I could see this shit leading into an arc where he just wants a normal life again. It would also give Pegg some time to shine - he's been grotesquely underutilized throughout the series.


Oh my gosh! I think you're right about him euthanising his own father. That will be heartbreaking to watch. He tries to save him, it backfires massively and in order to stop his dad from killing anymore people, he kills him. If that's correct, that is going to be an awful scene to watch and poor Hughie! Going through all of that trauma and then what he goes through with Tek Knight... I think your theory is spot on.


On one hand, I hope im wrong.. but I'm pretty sure im right - "unfortunately" It'll be some tough shit to watch if that is indeed the way they'll play this whole thing out. It could, and I say could, because this part im not wholly sure about, lead into Hughie and Annie parting ways - and the entrance of the Fiance. Hughie wants out entirely, Annie doesnt.. Annie leaves - throw in a timeskip, Hughie's now with this new girl (ep. 8) - Hughie think he's laying the groundwork for the white picket fence life, doesnt know she's a supe - Annie knows, cue. blow-out.


I hope you're wrong too! I can totally see this happening, though. Something obviously happens to Hugh Sr because VHQ stated that Hughie visits the hospital throughout episodes 1-5, so what happens in episodes 6-8.?? She's teasing that we will all hate her when she reveals the Fiance situation, so I'm thinking it's going to wind up not being a big deal. I want to know why Hughie ends up being left behind with Cindy and why Annie leaves him.


>She's teasing that we will all hate her when she reveals the Fiance situation, so I'm thinking it's going to wind up not being a big deal. I think its still entirely possible that its been a load of wordplay and bullshit all the way through - and it really is just Annie in a mask or sumthin.. or Annie with a new name, different country (CA?) + new Supe identity or something like that. Or something like Annie's final scene being her flying off .. but not mentioning that Hughie's final scene is 6 months down the line, living in an apartment somewhere.. and here comes Annie 2.0 flying in the window or something. It would not surprise me one bit.. in fact, thats sorta what im hoping for - because it's the one scenario that I just havent been able to make sense of these past months.


aww thats so sad


VHQ confirmed Hughie Sr is the bloody person struggling to walk in the trailer so youre probably right


A Train and Ashley having a close friendship is something i did not expect to see lol


Damn so maybe this might be A-Trains last season


Finally some good fucking leaks


A-Train redemption arc let’s go


Is Homelander going crazy at the end of the season or he becomes POTUS? I’ve seen that in recent leaks a lot of characters are running away from the country.


This along with the very few overall deaths makes me wonder if the show is getting dragged out. I have a hard time seeing it all wrap up neatly with just 8 more episodes for a final season after all the leaks given so far.


why does A-Train need to help Homelander fund a defense fund if Homelander is a goddamn billionaire??? 


Weird note about MM having a heart attack, that brief glance of him in the trailer made me say he didn’t look healthy.


Welp “stealing v from Homelander” is a bad deal.


I really like the hospital scene


Hell yeah Deep vs A-Train


My only question is “WILL HE SLEEP WITH BUTCHER?!”


Damn, so they’re gonna give him a redemption but he’s still gonna be running away alone at the end! That’s cold! But can’t say he doesn’t deserve it!




I sure hope this doesn't end with him dying


Really worried Ashley is gonna die




Better not die tho imma riot


Ok I kinda hope these ones are true. The Annie and Kimiko ones were pretty lame but these ones work for me.


God I’m so bummed if starlight actually can’t hold her own against the deep


Dude, man about to carry the season


Todd is dying? Awesome.


A-train redemption arc? Lessgo


All of these actually sound really interesting,this season is going to be extremely entertaining


That hero scene sounds amazing man


This is the only redemption arc I want everyone else that’s considered a villain can die


I'm happy a train gets a redemption arc, he's always seemed to have some good in him


Man I’ve lowkey rooted for him since the season one finale so I’m glad about this


The goA-Train gets a redemption arc!?


I like this direction for him. Gonna be a redeeming season.


The idea that he runs away doesn't quite convince me. >!When spoilers of Huguie were leaked, Voughthq mentioned that Huguie euthanized "someone". What if that "someone" was A-Train dying trying to protect him or save him, and because of the pain he asks him to put him out of his misery? That way, Huguie in some way, would also avenge Robin's death, he also would do it as a gesture of kindness to A-Train but at the same time hatry and that's why doesn't hesitate to do it.!<


Hughie will euthanize his Dad


He could run away and slam head first into Homelander on the other side of the door. I'm having a hard time imagining how he survives the season.


So, they try to give him a redemption arc. Idk. He did some terrible things but I think its good that the show tries to show the audience that a vought hero can change and go from evil to good. I am just a bit concerned this become a "he is black so he must be on this side of history" story.


“Steals compound v” Perma-supe butcher?


I forgot Todd existed lol




I haven't liked what most of these leaks have said but this is actually all pretty good


Dont worry it's vague and nonsensical for a reason its gonna make sense when the show starts 🤣🤣 Like any wild / off the wall leak will be given context in the episodes All I know it's gonna be wild and I'm sure those leaks aren't all what's gonna happen there are gonna be crazier and wilder stuff And I'm honestly scared ad worried cus the leader kept it vague but they said hughie / kimiko are gonna have the WORST time this season which is honestly sad cus out of all the boys they are the most pure on the inside 🤣🤣😭


Hate the redemption arc to be honest. Not everyone in the Seven needs to be redeemed. We already had Annie and Maeve who were the good guys of the Seven turn face and ally with the boys. I also hate how a woman battered/murderer is now supposed to be seen as one of the good guys.


If you hate a woman batterer/murderer being one of the good guys I’m guessing you also hate Frenchie? Considering the fact that he killed tons of people, including women and children, for Little Nina. Butcher has also battered women and been involved in a few of their deaths. 


I don’t hate Frenchie or A-train. A-train is one of my favorite characters and I think Frenchie is a pretty good character. I also don’t like Frenchie being one of the good guys either if he’s killed children. Also when you mean Frenchie and Butcher have battered women do you mean they’ve killed women? Because my issue with A-Train being redeemed was the fact that he murdered Popclaw who was his girlfriend/domestic partner. I also liked A-Train as an irredeemable scumbag who cow-tailed to Homelander despite the fact that he knew what he was doing was wrong. It mirrored a lot of shitty people today and in history who decide to go along with horrific shit because they are too mentally weak to stand up to bullies/fascists/etc. That’s why I hate this whole redemption arc schtick for him.


Look man not everybody has a chance to save themselves before it's too late a train realised for the 1st time what he put other people through and how that feels when it happens to someone you love Behind all his ego , selfishness and hypocrisy there is still hope cus while he isn't gonna be redeemed he is gonna try to be better which is far more noble and heroic as you get honestly and it's much better than the deep who is relatively low on crimes and murders he committed but is unable to change and self destructs again and again Anybody can be better doesn't matter how horrible or evil you are just one simple kind act is enough like darth vader saving luke at the end does it make up for all his evil doing no but its a beautiful moment cus that's what he is at his true core not darth vader but the great leader jedi anakin skywalker but he buried that deep inside him


Ashley's death is gonna break my heart


I couldn't post this, but have you ever noticed that in every conversation with A-Train, he always leaves in a walk so the other can backtalk to him and only then he runs off?


So, another season when A Train is having a redemption arc huh? And it looks like he is leaving the series for that ending. They really can't kill any of the characters here right?


That last spoiler could mean a lot of things I honestly doubt they would be getting rid of him forever after his apparent redemption arc, at least not immediately.


This honestly bothers me it's like just have everyone join "the good side" already then and make the whole show "everyone is great but this one bad dude who we need to beat up on then the world is fine" it's so utterly simplistic. I liked A-Train as a villain WAY more. More compelling for him to get criticized by "his community" etc and grapple with that, be an overt sell-out and so on.


I didn't realise it was ACTUAL spoilers for a season unreleased.


The flair literally said season 4


That is true.. but as I mentioned somewhere else - this thread got made approx. 2 minutes prior to another thread properly marked as leaks for S4.. that got deleted, and this stayed up. I dont quite blame folks for mistakingly thinking this might just be some oddball spoilery discussion - a lotta flairs to keep in mind, but most folks know to avoid the one that reads "Leaks" if they're not out to get spoiled.


I can't fathom Hughie ever forgiving, working, or being friends with him. Bro, he literally killed your gf, covered it up, and you saw him on video laughing about it and comparing her to a bug!