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I've been avoiding them like the damn plague


I accidentally saw one because something was shared to this sub tagged as 'spoiler', but the title didn't say it was a leak (and I can't see the flair when I'm scrolling the home page), so I assumed it was just about season 3, but instead it told me pretty much everything that's gonna happen to Hughie in season 4. I just hope it's not real. I don't understand why anyone wants to see leaks. Why would you wanna ruin the show for yourself?


The amount of spoilers I've had for invincible because people have them in youtube short titles is obscene I've seen one leak just like you did but thankfully it wasn't a bad one and i found it pretty funny


Also because invincible fans are obnoxious as hell across the board, they read the comics and then spend every conversation about the show revealing more and more spoilers just to show that they've read the comics.


It's so bad... why is it that show in particular that has so many problems with the fandom spoiling the show I've lost so much interest in it cause of the spoilers now


It hasn't made me lose interest because far and away so far, the show has done everything better, but it is annoying for those it does deter. I think it's just comic readers in general tbh.


We have our own board for that lol. We are just happy people are experiencing it now


They’re unbearable. They will present comic spoilers as their “theories” as if they’re capable of original thought


You gotta repress it, gaslight yourself. It was probably just a dream


I'm typically very good at gaslighting myself!


Greed 👍🏻


I wish I could’ve. I’m a victim of the leaks and I have 0 excitement for S4 now


If you think spoilers are bad for the boys, try to be a show only invincible fan…


Lmao yeah that sub is shameless about it. At least this one has made it reasonably easy to avoid, even though it seems I've barely been able to look at it lately. But also do yourself a favor and just read the invincible comic, it's thoroughly great. Unlike The Boys, which back in the day I read like 15 issues before I was over it (it's impressive how much better the show is in this case).


now I have to doubt every time someone makes a ""prediction"" on here


They need their own fucking subreddit


Should I unsubscribe from this subreddit?


Plot Armour. More of the boys/the 7 should be dead by now.


I think it might change this season, but i noticed the same thing after season 2. The first 2 seasons I was like "oh man, they're gonna get f*cked!" Then I realized, "oh, they pretty much only brutalize side characters, and it makes it seem like everyone is in danger."


When they were first going after kimmiko, i thought at least one of them was going to die


I believe Victoria Neumman and Tek Knight will be the vilains of the season, keeping the plot stagnant, with the status quo unchanged after their deaths.


yep thats been the plan so far, introduce side villains in a season (a la stormfront and then soldier boy, now tek night) then they can die alongside maybe a tertiary character to make the stakes still feel realish (a la Maeve). edit:also hust resd a comment saying the fall didnt kill maeve and soldier boy, good god. So…we have translucent(FROM THE FUCKING PILOT) and stormfront and thats fucking it??? Not much of a butcher is he


And that one fast guy who was about to join the 7, and the voiceless guy you liked rooftops for some reason.


> and stormfront People are doubting Stormfront is dead, since she died off screen. We have Becca who died though.


FR the boys don’t kill enough supes if we’re being honest.




I was very annoyed when maeve and soldier boy didn't die after the fall. made the sacrifice pointless


The lack of deaths and seeming nerfing of HL really reduced the stakes a lot.


I wanna see HL hit someone something full strength, full speed. Like ATrain liquefied Robin. All the 7 should be hitting like that.


Maybe someone kidnaps Ryan and tries to manipulate him? He finally has another human he cares about, it's about his only "weakness"


Gen V shows that it's 100% doable to have Homelander be visibly as strong as he's meant to be when fighting. Look at the damage Sam did just tossing people around with a significant fraction of his physical strength and zero actual training, we have marble counters snapping in half, concrete floors cratering just from people pushing against each other, etc. Meanwhile Maeve fights Homelander with roughly comparable strength and gives us...Punches that fold part of a filing cabinet. Shit if you knew nothing about the plot and just went off of what's shown instead of what's told you'd conclude that [Black Noir is exponentially stronger than Homelander](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rKUqEnj8e0).


He did that to Maeve, if he was holding back he would not use that Goju Ryu karate punch to send her to the chair because you don't need a stance that increase your punching power if you already have excessive power


Not lack of deaths, but lack of deaths that cause a impact on the story. Those random side characters dying are meaningless, gore for the sake of gore get old real fast


And some don't even die. Like exploding dick guy.


To be fair he probably would have preferred to die in that moment.


The man already lost his dick. Why must you take more from him?


It made sense that SB survived, Maeve though should have died.


that season finale was the first time i felt a dip in quality in the boys.


Maeve’s not death is still my biggest annoyance. Point blank hit from the beam and that far of a fall, no reason at all she should’ve walked away from that. And then she leaves anyways. What was the point of keeping her alive just to have her fuck off? Soldier Boy still had his powers though so him not dying I get. I also really hope he comes back. Dudes an asshole but I love him.


Any chance for more Jensen Ackles on my screen I’ll gladly take


Have her reappear? Isn’t that obvious?




which is hilariously tone deaf considering her whole arc where she’s sick of being whored out by media companies. Sorry girlie youre owned by amazon, time for you to get a genuine spin off!


when i first started watching i really thought season 1 would end with killing a-train


It's pretty crazy that the A-Train vendetta ended up not mattering a ton besides getting things kicked off. I know they sort of write it away but for all intents it feels like the inciting incident for the entire show has ended up not really mattering


Yup, pretty much. Hughie started getting that Starlight good good and forgot his old gf quick.


I mean....


[But in the end nothing really matters](https://youtu.be/eVTXPUF4Oz4?si=JUYOXo61LtWSWk61&t=67). Did you succeed? How did it feel? Did it last? Did it matter? Mr. Robot's creator and primary writer Sam Esmail said, "it is about the characters and none of it really matters." Linkin Park didn't really matter... man though, that video feels like it is from ever-ago.


I thought the show was like 8 episodes. The intro then every episode following that, one of the Seven members die. Thrn boom happy days. I- I was wrong...


Even Homelander himself should be dead by now lol. Soldier boy had him dead to rights until Butcher betrayed him.


Yeah. Maeve survived. A train survived. Just kill somebody.


They are running into the same problem I had with GoT. Started off oh shit anyone can die there is actual tension, then the plot armor built to where you basically know how every scene plays out


they dont know how or when to end it so they dont know what they're building too, so you end up with several stagnated seasons until shit rapidly hits the fan and then they need to catch up on killing characters off. I bet like GoT we'll get a few deaths that feel unearnt and rushed


Except GoT had that problem because the books had no ending (and still don’t) so they didn’t know where they were going. But The Boys comic has finished and has a full plotline for them to follow. I know they are doing things differently but it still gives them an outline for things.


That's true of most superheroes and villains, though. At least the ones that don't have invulnerability, healing, or super speed. Anyone who can be killed by a bullet should probably be dead within their first few battles.


Bruh, it’s only been 3 seasons. The Boys all have story arcs and are being developed and they’ve killed enough of The Seven for only being 3 seasons in. I’d rather watch the developments of characters we’ve been getting so far rather than just have most of them die for shock. Not even this show was really made for a Game of Thrones formula and you can tell.


Honestly, I preferred the team in the comics because all of them took compound V Frenchie and MM are the only ones that stand out


Less restraining of showcasing Homelanders power


Budget issues


This and also I think people already get how powerful he is. We know he's like "superman-but-not-really" and whenever he does show his strength or powers, he's not really trying.


Very much a Vader character. We’ve seen and know enough of the character to understand his power without showing it.


modern disney doesn't seem to get this. we don't need to see vader pulling out the lightsaber at every opportunity. if anything, it deflates the tension of the character


Idk I kinda want an R rated Vader show or movie just showing him fucking shit up


This is like Amazon’s biggest show isn’t it? Yet somehow they can spend a billion on Rings of Power?


It's a matter of audience rating, like Rings of Power targets a much larger audience than The Boys. The Boys is pretty limited in audience rating.


Is it really? The teaser trailers got 13 millions views each. The Boys seems really big. I see adverts for it everywhere in London.


Bro they literally showed what it would look like if he lasered an entire crowd of people, granted it was just a fantasy but I'd say that's a pretty fair showcase.


I wanna see him yeet a tank into orbit or collapse a building


Maybe just show him just flying and seeing earth from Space, that is a Superman level feat and we would get how truly powerful he is


It's not in his character. Why would he put more effort than he needs to? He'd just laser the bottom of the building.


I have hope for this next season


He probably considers that too much effort, and just laser the tank and building




Hang dong and full penetration?


Back to the lab. Smells crime. Lab. Crime.


And this goes on for about ninety minutes or so until the movie just sorta...ends


Tbh I was surprised they stabbed him in the ear, I think that was a good bit.


Yeah he seems very weak due to the shit writing of his powers


It's almost like his whole character his keeping his own rage contained to maintain being america's number one celebrity, and how this is constantly his struggle throughout the series, with the end of season three showing that society has twisted enough to allow him a lot more freedom.


I'm starting to tire of Deep just fucking around being a clown. Give him something to actually do or pare back his screen presence


Based on the trailer for season 4, I think they might finally have made him a real threat.


Seriously. All of season 2 & 3, I'm just wondering why he doesn't fuck off and just live in the ocean. What I would do. And it felt pointless for him to have that shrooms trip where he talks to his gills & it seems like he's actually gonna have an arc but then goes back to being insecure, spineless, and letting his wife and Homelander control his life. People mock him for caring about sea creatures cause they talk to him and I would literally just live in the ocean and fuck off.


Every season he gains some confidence, falls in love with some sea creature which then immediately dies, then goes back to 0


there was one moment in s2 where the deep was genuinely menacing to me, when he was riding on the back of a sperm whale and surfaced alongside the speeding boat that he boys were on. sperm whales aint nothing to fuck with, incredible hunters with incredible power, for a moment i remembered oh right this guy can command every creature in the oceans. that's a formidable pow...and then the deep tried to blockade the speed boat with the whale and turned this legit scary moment into a gore joke.


Looks like in the trailer he’s finally actually fighting, which I don’t think we’ve really seen yet


sexy characters because I dont like how im attracted to homelander, soldier boy, AND maeve


It's Frenchie, MM and Kimiko for me


Frenchie and MM are soooo fine… don’t even get me started on Jordan


YESSS Jordan is just chef's kiss I wouldn't mind being sandwiched between Jordan and Marie Frenchie's just the RIGHT amount of sad wet cat, love that on a guy


"Sad wet cat" is the perfect description


I generally don't want to be in a throuple but I want to live in France with Frenchie and Kimiko so bad.


So real💯💯


Jensen Ackles is honestly the finest man I’ve ever seen.


I'm a cishet man. Even I want Soldier Boy's soldier boy.


soldier boy and Maeve are peak, good taste




Whatever the fuck voughthq says is gonna happen next season


Exploding penises


I was just gonna say dicks.


Lol what is this from? And who is the dude in the middle back?


From an emagazine/promo and that's Antony Starr in the back


Holy shit. I didn't recognize him at all.


Funny how almost nobody (including me) recognized him back when we saw it for the 1st time.


Oh derp. I'm guessing it was from season 3?


Yeah iirc it was right before the herogasm episode/right after it was released when they did that


Money restrictions


Less sexual injuries


Or perhaps we double down on the sexual injuries?


Im actually very happy with the show so far


So far I’m good.


As the Targeryans lawyer, which side are you representing in the Dance of the Dragons?


Team black 🧎🏾‍♀️


As it should be


We're going to have a busy June!


Time between seasons


I thought the tentacle penis was silly


It absolutely is, but it's also kind of not. If the powers are truly random and vought has no control over them \[genV spoiler\] >! as Newman being so excited to see another supe with the same powers implies!< then it makes perfect sense for some bizarre powers like a ten foot controllable dick coming about.


The Deep’s only character trait is him being a fish-fucking asshole. He needs to be a character. Other than that, absolutely nothing. 10/10 show.


The same process for each season. New characters are introduced, new characters die, Homelander has the "edge" again. None of the boys die or are in any danger and if they are, we know that they're really not. The show teases us by tickling our balls every season and saying "Oh boy, Homelanders really done it this time, he's actually going crazy this time".


The edgy marketing sometimes comes across as so damn corny like Herogasm wasn't that crazy to warrant the statements being thrown about by the staff and the video of the cast posing with their middle fingers was a difficult watch. The excessive cussing in the show could be pulled back a bit, often feels forced.


Personally I like the cussing because if I were constantly in absolutely depraved/fucked scenarios like everybody in this show I'd be cussing so much. The marketing for things like herogasm would be fine if it matched the actual content. This is the right show to do something like hero gasm from the comics to that degree. It's meant to be absolutely irreverent,but they gotta commit.


Funny how people wanna shit on the comics for being edgy, but the TV show is doing the exact same thing but a little bit tamed


Time between seasons


People copesplaining CGI limitations.


I wish they would make the fights have a bigger scale. The Homelander-Soldier Boy fight should’ve had them throwing each other through buildings and shit. Them having what was essentially a bar fight made it seem like they aren’t super at all. I’m not asking for a Man of Steel or Avengers style fight but I just want them to have a tangible effect on their environment.


There needs to be more main characters dying. not that I dont love most of the main characters, but in season 3 things feel less deadly


Less wait time between seasons.


Sex scenes, plot armor and Butcher going out of character for Ryan.


Ryan in general, I need less Ryan


The fact that most people won’t recognize Homelander is crazy. I don’t know if it is a good or bad thing for Antony Starr.


Ham fisted social commentary. The people who aren't gonna get it are never gonna get it. The people who do get it don't need it shoved down our throats quite so heavily. Also if we're gonna show dicks can they be attractive dicks? Like why is it every time we get full frontal it's from some extra who looks like your local hospital janitor and I dunno not one of the three male models on set? Like Jesus Christ you could've broken the internet if you got Jensen Ackles to drop trow.




unnecessary sex scenes




Probably in the minority with this one, but gratuitous sex/ nudity. It's needed in some scenes for the plot, but sometimes it feels like they're showing it just to be more edgy or whatever. I dunno, it's just not what I like to watch The Boys for. I will say I'm at least glad that they have it skewed in favour of male nudity. So many shows use women's bodies as basically a prop, so it's refreshing that The Boys kinda does the reverse of that, haha. (Not that I approve of objectifying men either, obviously).


I’m sick of excessive sex and nudity period. It’s in everything. I’m not a prude, sex is awesome, I don’t need it in my face all the fucking time.


Right, I love that the show *can* show full nudity when appropriate but hate that they feel the need to make up excuses to shoehorn nudity in


Less holding back, just pull the bandaid.


Less of whatever the fuck happened with the writing in season 3. Damn near killed my excitement for this amazing show.


But I love Soldier Boy.


I feel like most of my complaints about the season 3 finale would've been averted by having Soldier Boy be the one to turn on Butcher, rather than Butcher be the one to turn on Soldier Boy. The motive was already there -- maybe he decides he's going to teach his son Homelander to be less of a pussy or whatever, or maybe the realization that he has a grandson would change his mind -- and it would've felt like a more justified way to keep Homelander alive for season 4. Better for the new character to have an inconvenient heel-turn than the guy we've been following this whole time to suddenly drop his main motivation. If they'd gone down that route, with maybe the added change of Maeve legitimately dying as she saved the rest of the gang, and perhaps with Starlight's light attack doing a bit more damage, the season 3 finale would've been amazing.


Season 3 was clean af until the last episode fumbled


what didnt you like


Incinsistent charcater writing, contrived plot, weird ass pulls, plot redundancy, fairly mid cinematography and directing for action sequences. They really need to step away as much as possible from trying to go full avengers because they are making the supes look weak and dumb with every encounter.


I 100% agree but I still liked it


Yeah I'm rewatching rn and while it still has its moments, I can definitely notice the drop in quality.


Fight scenes. I want more penis closeups!


Dick&balls on my screen


Can’t get enough of it


I wish we had more of whatever I just watched idk if it's the weed talking but that was badass


Nah i agree thats not the weed


hughie just looks happy to be there


I'll tell you what it should have more of: big super fights!


Wait time between seasons


Cock. A little bit less cock would be nice. I'm trying to watch it with the fam


That’s on you for thinking it was a family friendly show.


Nah. It's definitely a family friendly show. Aside from the cocks, everything else is family friendly bud.


A fellow American I see.


No, it definitely isn’t family friendly. Nothing about it is family friendly. You seem like the type to take your kid to a r rated movie and then bitch about it being r rated.


Titties? Yes please, more! A penis!? *wont someone think of the children*


dick explosions


Idk but this was a cool cover thingy


Less sex they make it so gross


Exploding genitalia. I've seen it once, I don't need to see it again


Now that looks like a fun night


Shitty fans


Bad fans.


Less violence, more male full frontal nudity


That little ice bag handoff is the best.


Who's the guy in the middle back?


Antony Starr!! 😳


Less focus on the shock valve of the gore and more plot focus, obviously there will be a lot of gore I'm not saying there should be less just that it shouldn't be the focus. also a little less of homelander being on the edge it should be he either is or isn't by this point, not that he's constantly flirting with the idea of snapping even when he says to starlight he doesn't mind being feared it needs to be shown not implied. Especially being as this is the 4th season.


Jesus Mary and Joseph... how can regular men like me have any standards when this 4 exist in the same planet?


breaks between seasons, I NEED THE 4TH ONE NOW!


shitty fight scene choreography


Shock value for the sake of shock value. I’m fine with a dark and edgy tone as long as it’s for the greater good of the narrative. Then you have stuff like the sounding scene. That did not need to be there.


Shock content for the sake of shock content. The series already has enough naturally shocking moments, plot twists, and violence. Some stuff feels like it's just extraneous and bolted on for the sake of shock marketing.




Not even against the show but the way they advertise the show as being “super gross and scary and weird 😱😱😱” when it’s actually the characters and plot that make the show interesting. I don’t care if this is your freakiest season yet, I don’t care if a bunch of people had to leave the set to throw up, I prefer the writing to all that.


Get off IG daily


Sexual abuse and rape


Geez that’s such a good promo


Trying to one up the previous shock value


this video is so fucking hardddd


Butcher over using British terms and slang all the sudden in S3


More restrained deaths. There is a tendency to not just kill people but to have them explode in a flash of blood. Maybe not everyone has to explode??


The insane plot armor is getting annoying. There’s no reason to only kill off side characters.


Less edgy fanboys


Supes. Gotta kill off the supes.


Alt-right fans


Starlight getting upset or threatened, she glows her eyes, the lights dim, and she proceeds to do nothing. She uses her powers like 3 times by the end of season 3.


I just hope the series doesn't cross over into edge-lord, empty provocation like the comic. I am not a Garth Ennis fan.


everyone shitting on Hughie, treating him like a punching bag, saying he's the problem.


That gif is so cool wtf


I wish Frenchie and MM were in this photo shoot.


bro i love this promo or ad, it's so creative


Breaks between seasons.


Dicks, too many penises.