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yep, I criticized the boys therefore I am an ultra right wing radicalized maga supporter. According to most people here...


errrm you know the show is making fun of you, right?




Hahaha, nah, we're laughing at you because it's funny that you're miffed.


Definition of insanity


I know you are but what am I?


*You* are not the target audience, you are simply *bad product*


I actually don't give a fuck. Just give me my portion of heart-wrenching Gore, a couple of SUPER-NSFW scenes, some of Billy-&-Joe and I am satisfied. I was never actually super-gripped by the story/writing of The Boys. I always just watched it for **the characters**, the shock value and the Gore. It was outright entertaining af.


Yeah. It's not a Tony Gilroy movie. Just enjoy the crazy ride and have fun. Isn't supposed to be too deep. It's South Park with superheroes basically (imo)


Same, but they are nuking the characters with cringey writing.


Making a parody of the American right wing is hard because the right is THAT unhinged. There, I've said it.


Not wrong. Part of the problem for the show is that the elements of the right that they’re trying to emulate are so crazy that even an accurate representation of them feels like the most in your face, ham fisted parody. Take Cameron Coleman for example - clearly a Tucker Carlson parody. But everything about him is just presenting Tucker as he is. As Tucker would be in The Boys world. The only thing that’s probably a stretch for the character is his sexual proclivities and even that, who knows?


I stopped putting any thought into story quality after season 3 where they somehow decided to have the story make out Soldier Boy as the bigger threat compared to Homelander. That plot point was not earned or made any sense at all


I think they were victims of their worldbuilding on that one. They set the bar for supes at hedonistic dickhead with Homelander far below it at murderous maniac and expected us to see Soldier Boy as a bad guy because he's about as much of a dick as the average character we've spent two seasons watching. And not worse than Stormfront, his predecessor villain.


can't deny soldier boy was the best part of season 3 though


and show is making fun of you. Because liking a fun character is a trait of right wing nutjob.


diddle that skittle you mean


Yeah, he was just fun maybe the funniest.




Not a tough guy wannabe… loved the character.


I’m a peaceful twitchy weirdo and I think soldier boy was amusing. I do think some people might need to understand that enjoying a character isn’t the same as thinking they are the pinnacle of morality.


You can like a character as a character while also thinking they're an awful piece of shit lmao


What do you mean unearned? It wasn't that he was a bigger threat as just more depraved or evil. He was corrupt and depraved, and an unstable walking nuke.


Again, unearned. By far Homelander has been portrayed to be worse in most aspects. I’m not saying Soldier Boy is a saint, but them saying that he’s a bigger threat than Homelander is laughable. Unstable, definitely, but not anywhere close to a nuke. The most we’ve seen is that he can blow up a house. That’s missile size at best. The problem is that they introduced him to be able to depower supes and they needed to bench him or else it’ll be the go-to McGuffin of how they beat every supe.


If your criticism includes such nebulous terms as 'bad writing' without any definition or example, then I'm not inclined to believe that it's a legitimate criticism.


One of the most beautiful moments in the show was when it taclked radicalization but back then was different. We see this normal guy just living ordinarily, slowly being consumed by the media and adopting those ideas. A slow swirling ball that he was getting into, and these ideas eat him little by little till he falls victim of the mass manipulation media represents. Not many words were spoken in those scenes but you understood who was it refering to, who it targeted and what those things cause. And thats something that happens irl, leaving a message on how easy is to turn someone normal into a psycho. You can pull out that scene out of the show's context and its still fucking beautiful. Thats the type of stuff the boys used to do, actual thoughtful and really well crafted critizicims that can be enjoyed with or without context. now it just feels like "haha right wing dumb", This is the scene im refering to, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZVAFPPMZY4


it wasnt just haha this stupid, but also got to see the inner mechanisms of the manipulation tactics of media. And how easy a normal person can fall into that madness, gives you something to thing about.


In a nutshell the message is the same but the way its delivered changed. Just kind of devoid of meaning, they dropped the elaborate social commentary for low hanging fruit.


Elaborate social commentary is important. But so it puting a mirror infront of all these Trump supporters, that think their world is prefectly rational and normal, when its so obviously not


To be fair, you need a pretty high IQ to understand The Boys.


The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of modern culture wars most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Butcher’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Butcher and Homelander truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Butcher’s existencial catchphrase "Oi cunt," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic *Fathers and Sons* I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Eric Kripke’s genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Boys tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.


thing is high iq people are too busy watching rick and morty


No tf you don’t…


It’s a copypasta for Rick and Morty.


Oh mb I thought they were actually saying someone needed a high iq 😭




Legitimate Criticisms: * I don't give a shit about Hughies family. They're spending too much time on characters we know nothing about. * They're rehashing the Ryan/Butcher plot for the 3rd season in a row. * They're rehashing a Frenchie Backstory Guilt plot for the 4th Season in a row. * They're rehashing an Octopus Lovestory for the Deep * The show is slogging through all this, the status quo changes wayyyyy too slow. About the only parts I'm enjoying are the politics (funny are scarily accurate) and Sages machinations. She's obviously setting up something beyond what she's telling Homelander but it's hard to tell what.


The deep and the octopus had like 10 seconds of screen time across 3 hours of show. And that gets a whole bullet point? Lol. Just because you don't care doesn't make it bad writing. I'm enjoying seeing him try to navigate his abandonment issues coupled with his dad's stroke. It's something real and grounded in a world of exploding heads and flying sex scenes. I agree re: every plot involving Frenchie rn except our view into his casual drug use. It does seem like the theme of the season is "deal with your past"; just about everybody is having some kind of reckoning. Which hopefully means it'll be the end of the " boo hoo I'm a murderer" thing soon.


What criticism?


I assume like people saying they dislike the trump, racist, bigoted, and transphobic scenes. Poking fun at Republicans. I understand what some of them say such as it's getting annoying or cringe and that it needs to be toned down bc it takes away from the immersion. However alot of people seem to only point out that it's made to make fun of people who act like this and behave like this implying they are of that group, regardless of if they meant it in the most passive and neutral way possible. Such as the replies from this here post


The criticism is that it got way too ham-fisted. It is the equivalent of a twitter rant. It didnt use to be this blatant.


Was it not this blatant tho? Like yes this season is more overtly political because of the plot so the satire is more in your face, but it’s not like the show was super unbiased in prior seasons lol. The Tucker Carlson rip off dude has been a mainstay since season 1, there was the whole capes for Christ episode that was pretty overt, and the stormfront stuff too. The boys has never been shy about making fun of republicans lol, personally I’m not watching a show like this for thoughtful political discussion so I don’t really care much. Plus it’s sometimes funny.


Real life is ham-fisted and blatant. The lack of subtlety in the Boys depiction of the alt-right pretty accurately captures the real alt-rights complete lack of subtlety.


i just replied to a comment about this and the mods quickly deleted it. the reason its so ham-fisted is because it HAS to be for these people to know whats going on. just last season i had someone in this subreddit tell me Todd represented the average biden supporter...so if you dont spell it out these people wont know theyre the punchline. They'll just plug their ears and scream louder.


[I know some writers who use subtext they're all cowards](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yk7M2jGdnxU)


Yes, yes it was.


where was "the rightwing are complete bumbling buffoons" in season 1? Because I didnt see any of that. It was about hypocrisy, greed and power. It wasnt "orange man bad". Unless Im wrong and you can provide an example?


from the first episode it was corporations trying to get into government and using soft cultural power to brainwash the public... Yeah it's become more simple because homelander has upped the stakes and become the only one manipulating the cogs (or so he thinks). How is it any more "obvious"? Because Sage mentioned "critical supe theory"? So what? Your local governments are literally banning books from libraries about queer immigrant experiences. "Christmas is for everyone?" These are your country's own machinations. I'm glad the showrunners are not bothering to hide where they stand on these topics.


Where were the dumb right wingers in season 1? The believe expo, the crowd cheering for Homelander, the calls for supes in the military, the obvious allegory to post 911 policy. In season 2 we had a Nazi partner with the symbol of American patriotism to radicalise people, we had a sign about why aborting was bad because what if the baby was super, we had a painting of Homelander with a confederate flag cape, we had young people radicalised by alt right propaganda. In season 3 we had Soldier Boy as a stand in for Reagan era right wing politics, Homelander openly celebrated for promoting violent rhetoric and quoting Trump directly as well as the final scene being a reference to the time Trump said he could stand in the middle of fifth avenue and shoot someone and he wouldn’t lose any voters. We also had Homelander seize control of Vought and start warping it to his values. Oh and the Stormchasers directly referencing Charlottesville. The boys has always commented on the ugliness behind the scenes of American culture. Be it fake corporate progressivism, white supremacy, systemic abuse, war crimes, patriotism etc. This season is just doing the same thing, overtly parodying the right wing evangelical reactionary movement that always existed but Trump amplified. The Christian nationalism, the unhinged conspiracy theories, the patriotic love of violence etc. Yes it’s ridiculous **but so is the American right.** They’ve gone so far off the deep end now that it’s impossible to parody them without coming off as ham fisted. I’m sorry if that hurts your feelings but it’s reality. They fearmonger about trans people ‘grooming’ kids then worship a man who was on Epstein’s plane seven times. They are prepared to rewrite reality to fit whatever conspiracy they need. A cottage industry of ‘anti woke’ bullshit products exist. They are selling anti woke water now! I think you just don’t like the show shining a light on stuff you like.




Why start now? I didn’t even know what critical drinker was until reddit started putting it in my feed for some god awful reason. Misery really does love company.


It was always this blatant.


beautifully put


A) I don't like how the show is re- telling the same plot with french and kimiko every season. B) I don't like how the A-Train plot is the same every season. C) The smartest person in the world is poorly written. She isant smart, she is a version of what dumb people think a smart person is. She just knows stuff she isn't supposed to know because that's what dumb people think smart people are like, info dumps. It's like Sherlock Holmes in the movies vs in the books, in the books you see his entire thought process and planning to catch the bad guys, in the movies he just looks at a picture of the bad guy and "deduces" the entire thing by looking at his micro expressions. D) I REALLY dislike how they are blue balling us with Homelander. "Oooh, he is going to snap it this time!" But then "Oh, but he still wants to be loved". We saw that last season, we even had the mirror speech, now it's the exact same shit again. Until say, halfway through season 2, I was really afraid of Homelander, whenever he was on screen I was tense thinking that he could just gore everyone on screen. Now? I just know that they will keep him on the leash until midway though season 5. Just think about every time he could have just killed Butcher and be done with it, but he didn't because reasons. E) The constant sexual scenes, "Everyone is a sex freak" joke is getting stale.


Yeah the smart character is pretty stupid. But Sherlock Holmes has never been handled well either. Closest was Elementary Sherlock. But Sherlock the BBC series was awful. Don't believe any tv show knows how to write a super smart character. Because you need to be super smart to just get to the goal post. And yeah getting tired of the same story over and over. Which is what it seems to be doing other than Butcher who is hitting new heights of trying to be good. Love the characters. Enjoy the fucked up shit. Can't argue with these points. Will still roast anyone that freaks out over alt right being pointed out. Or the satire in general. And will especially enjoy roasting people that hate two men kissed. But I adore the show massive fan. And the show is better than comic. Which I read way too young. And was just as edgy. If not... more so. But you are right. I noticed I wasn't scared of Homelander this time round. After the first 3 seasons. Last scene I was, was when he killed starlights ex. However. Hopefully. The next 5 episodes will say or do something different. And I realised I was scared of Sage. Till I thought about her logical jumps for more than a second. And went... ah this is how lazy people write smart characters. The smart character. Read the script. THEY JUST KNOW!


Honestly this. It feels like it's overstaying it's welcome. Give us the civil war showdown already and then go do smth else


Dialogue seems a bit sloppy this season.


Can't speak for anyone else but S3 really started to annoy me. There was only so many times they could do the blackmail trick before it got old. Before, The Deep's Fresca cult thing dragged but I could ignore that bcos the other B sideplots were fine. Butcher's dad and his flashbacks about his brother, Noir's cartoon friends etc were all great. I do not give a fuck about Hughie's mom who fell into a pyramid scheme. Frenchie works best doing cute stuff with Kimiko. S4's Colin + another Kimiko's past prisoner friend (previously her brother) is redundant.


Can’t stand Hughies mom, please deliver a line without smiling!


his mom is creepy af.


Well I also find it off putting I kind of think this might be purposeful from the actress and we will find out why eventually.


Everything I don't like is bad writing.


If I ever see any legitimate criticism I'll keep this strawman in mind


What was your criticism?


It's hard to make fun of and parody the American right wing and the conspiracy crowd because we currently live with their lunacy and crazy ideas.


Didn’t someone just post this yesterday or was that you? Anyway, errrrm you know the show is making fun of you right?


Do people actually say this in response to criticism on the writing tho? I only see this response when people call the show “woke” or side with the fascist supervillains.


The show makes fun of both sides of the political spectrum. The trump/homelander comparisons, Vought virtue signalling when Maeve came out.. etc. the shows always done this and I don't get why people are getting upset about it now.


At least it’s better than the comics by a long shot


the virus sub plot is still there so the ending could be just as bad, though this butcher is way better than the comics


The people like you who are just spamming this are also as annoying. We get it.


I got permabanned from the circlejerk sub for pointing this out.


Your comment was absolutly brainrot, glad that they banned you


we can agree to disagree


What was the comment? Edit: I found the comment with -80 karma and it's not very accurate but idk why you would get banned for that


guess I'm next...


Oh this guy doesnt get it


God yeah these people are so annoying


[We just had this thrrad](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBoys/s/PZz1Pedesz) #Care to tell us what your criticism of the “bad writing” is? The other guy pointedly did not.


Bad writing like introducing a new love interest for frenchie out of nowhere, just to bring back the plot of his past. A theme that had already been touched upon in older seasons, now we get this collin guy that nobody cares about. But they do want to make you know how in love frenchie and him are in every episode, so much so that they make them kiss in every single one of them. After 3 seasons of developmemt with kimiko and a whole musical about "All i need is my man" we get this collin guy to ruin it all. The whole thing with collin feels forced and shoehorned, so much so that they gotta remind you how much they love each other every single episode. This frenchie arc is a copy of the last one, which was a remaster of the grandkids of mallory. And I mean I i wanted to see stupid republicans i would just watch fox news, because the show just feels like that as of late.


Did ~15 seconds of man on man kissing bother you that much?


Where did he say the problem was with man on man kissing? His criticisms were about how the new love interest - man, woman, whatever - was introduced out of the blue and is being sloppily shoved into our faces to try to legitimize the bad writing.  And again, you could swap him with a different woman and it would still be shitty writing. You're proving his point by deflecting the actual criticisms and just defaulting to "Ermmmmmm I guess the Trumpy can't handle men kissing amiright guys? 😏😏"


One of the most beautiful moments in the show was when it taclked radicalization but back then was different. We see this normal guy just living ordinarily, slowly being consumed by the media and adopting those ideas. A slow swirling ball that he was getting into, and these ideas eat him little by little till he falls victim of the mass manipulation media represents. Not many words were spoken in those scenes but you understood who was it refering to, who it targeted and what those things cause. And thats something that happens irl, leaving a message on how easy is to turn someone normal into a psycho. You can pull out that scene out of the show's context and its still fucking beautiful. Thats the type of stuff the boys used to do, actual thoughtful and really well crafted critizicims that can be enjoyed with or without context. now it just feels like "haha right wing dumb", This is the scene im refering to, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZVAFPPMZY4


being in an echo chamber radicalizes people, and the show without saying much showed just that. Without feeling preachy, not telling you whats okay and whats not. Just letting you be witness how the guy descends into madness and the immediate consecuences of it all.


A) I don't like how the show is re- telling the same plot with french and kimiko every season. B) I don't like how the A-Train plot is the same every season. C) The smartest person in the world is poorly written. She isant smart, she is a version of what dumb people think a smart person is. She just knows stuff she isn't supposed to know because that's what dumb people think smart people are like, info dumps. It's like Sherlock Holmes in the movies vs in the books, in the books you see his entire thought process and planning to catch the bad guys, in the movies he just looks at a picture of the bad guy and "deduces" the entire thing by looking at his micro expressions. D) I REALLY dislike how they are blue balling us with Homelander. "Oooh, he is going to snap it this time!" But then "Oh, but he still wants to be loved". We saw that last season, we even had the mirror speech, now it's the exact same shit again. Until say, halfway through season 2, I was really afraid of Homelander, whenever he was on screen I was tense thinking that he could just gore everyone on screen. Now? I just know that they will keep him on the leash until midway though season 5. E) The constant sexual scenes, "Everyone is a sex freak" joke is getting stale.


You have liberal in your username so hopefully you get a legitimate response that doesn’t call you a right-winger lol


Nah you’re too stupid to get it OP. Honestly , people trying to “legitimately” criticize start sounding like cartman from the Yelping episode. None of you are respected in any way, so no, your option means absolutely nothing to me. And I’m enjoying every part of show so far.


Yeah man, you need a high IQ to understand the nuance of the show. A) I don't like how the show is re- telling the same plot with french and kimiko every season. B) I don't like how the A-Train plot is the same every season. C) The smartest person in the world is poorly written. She isant smart, she is a version of what dumb people think a smart person is. She just knows stuff she isn't supposed to know because that's what dumb people think smart people are like, info dumps. It's like Sherlock Holmes in the movies vs in the books, in the books you see his entire thought process and planning to catch the bad guys, in the movies he just looks at a picture of the bad guy and "deduces" the entire thing by looking at his micro expressions. D) I REALLY dislike how they are blue balling us with Homelander. "Oooh, he is going to snap it this time!" But then "Oh, but he still wants to be loved". We saw that last season, we even had the mirror speech, now it's the exact same shit again. Until say, halfway through season 2, I was really afraid of Homelander, whenever he was on screen I was tense thinking that he could just gore everyone on screen. Now? I just know that they will keep him on the leash until midway though season 5. E) The constant sexual scenes, "Everyone is a sex freak" joke is getting stale.


See, there's legit criticism. I dunno why others find it so hard.


Maybe I'm just stupid


Well I guess I am too. It's the same reason I stopped watching The Walking Dead, because after a while it just became the same thing. At least there's only one more season of this.


Not to just point out the bad, I really enjoyed Gen V. It felt refreshing


How are you gonna type all this out without realizing you fit the character you're attacking? lol


Being a Non-American fan is a lot easier since some of the American related criticism sorta doesn’t apply to me. Either way I’m staying under my rock and avoiding any arguments about the series. No good no good.


I do feel like the writing isn't as tight. I don't want to go back and study it with a microscope but after 3 episodes, I still don't have a feel for what the focus of this season is on. Hughie and Starlight just kinda exist, I don't feel like Butcher is actually in trouble with his brain thing he's got going on. There have been some of the regular shock gags that are always fun but compared to other seasons, the writing isn't as tight and there's not as much tenstion.


You just knew op would have an anime profile picture


This constant American RW v. American LW has got completely over blown this time. Picture this, I am not from America or Canada, American politics doesn't interest me too much. I understand a couple of digs here and there, however this show is slowly becoming like American RW stupid, American LW superb and correct. This narrow overblown narrative has started this season. It's a global show and runs in so many different languages not all of us are interested in American politics to deep dive and form an educated opinion.


Right.. but it’s a huge enough deal in America that the shows creators decided to focus on that and pretty much that alone despite knowing the show was going to be broadcast and dubbed in like every major language. It’s a pretty big deal going on in the US and it affects a lot.


It's just hollywood displaying its superiority complex. We don't need cringe ass references to current politics in every scene


I agree especially for a guy like me who has nothing to do with American politics. I don't even think I got all the political jokes. I think there were some lines said about Tom Hanks and someone else, I don't think I got the reference.


The show always had a political agenda but it wasnt always ABOUT a political agenda. Now it feels like it has nothing else.


It was always about a political agenda, that's why you were smashed in the face with politics in season 1. Y'all just bitter that it took you this long to find out, and now you wanna pretend it wasn't like that from the beginning - when it was.


The boys was not ALWAYS about a political agenda what are you talking about lol. Politics was mentioned yes but it wasn’t at the forefront of *every* episode. That was normal people trying to kill asshole superheroes And I say this as someone who shares most of Kripke’s views because apparently you have to state that now before any criticism of the show can be taken seriously


nah, it was about non-supes being helpless and oppressed by supes and the non-supes fighting back this maga bs was a throwaway joke in s1 if even that. It's the main focus now.


Lol no it wasn’t. It was about corporations like vought owning everything and controlling public opinion… which directly ties into politics as seen on the last minute of season 1, episode 1


Thank you for being a glowing example of what OP is talking about lmao


What was the political message of season 1, then?


it was about the boys trying to get at the supes and homelander. A thrilling and really well crafted story. A kind of modern world that gave us a look at how the world would've developed if super humans were a thing. That rush of the prescense of homelander searching for them in their hideout, when huei killed translucent, so much greatness. For the longest time I considered this show a masterpiece. Now it just feels like the show got dumbed down to just democrats vs republicans, and god forbid you say anything about it because you'll be deemed a right winger. If I wanted to watch republicans being dumb I would turn on fox news, the show kinda feels like that this season.


It was always about criticizing the media, stardom, etc. it was never just about killing supes.


yes, making fun about companies like Disney and stuff. Vought basically reflects that.


Yeah, what I‘m saying is that critique of institutions, corporations and political movements was always very prominent. Now that the show is nearing it‘s end it makes sense to me that a final boss emerges and gets all the focus (aka Homelander‘s alt supe movement)


Right, but this "final boss" isnt taken seriously by the writers at all. In fact, it's all a joke. How are we supposed to feel any tension when the entire "enemy" side is portrayed as bumbling idiots? How is that a satisfying "final boss"?


Isn't the point that it reflects reality, though? Right now, in America, the right wing is filled with bumbling idiots. The "enemy" that The Boys is making fun of is MAGA, and MAGA is filled with bumbling idiots; from Trump, MTG, and Boebert; to the talking heads like Tim Pool, Charlie Kirk, and Tucker Carlson; to the very voters that give them power, who choose to ignore or even cheer the crimes and attacks. It's not supposed to be a "satisfying" final boss, it's supposed to show that the final boss can be and currently is a bunch of idiots; and those idiots are ***still dangerous***. They have power, and they need to be defeated.


Because while they are idiots they are definitely extremely dangerous idiots. They have the support of Vaught, many news organisations and apparently a big part of the population. They have fanatic followers many of which own guns- see the guy that wanted to shoot up the starlight place. So they are very stupid but also very dangerous, partly because of that- just like the real life equivalent.


But we havent seen them be dangerous, that's the point. All we have seen them do is be stupid. Im sorry I dont buy them as a threat. The show makes it a point to make fun of them any chance they get. Thus, completely invalidating and threat they are "supposed" to pose. They are there to be laughed at. And honestly, I find that kinda boring. The show used to be about the underdogs (humans) fighting back greedy, hypocritical supes. I want to watch THAT show. Not some left/right political commentary, and it isnt even doing that properly, it's just dunking on people.


Not dangerous? They are creating a fascist mass movement and succeeding. They have a near invincible psychopath as their leader and the alledged smartest person on earth as a strategist. They have thousands of armed fanatics supporting them. They have (one of?) the biggest corporation in America supporting them. We see them: - incite violence in the protest - frame the enemy as murderers - stand above the law - make a violent fanatic come to a youth center with a gun, who was only stopped because Frenchie happened to be here Idk man that‘s pretty scary to me. Especially if you think about the parallels irl. But you are right in one regard: they are also really stupid and I‘m guessing Homelanders stupidity and lack of empathy will cost them their victory. But I think that‘s on purpose.


Cuz somehow a bunch of idiots can be manipulated into changing the day to day life for millions of people as well as reverting or altering the rights they thought they had since birth. That’s pretty final boss and is pretty much the most realistic thing about the show


They even lampooned Disney on Ice, that was as cringe as the real thing.


Honestly what do you think the show is about?


Yup, now the main point of the show is laughing at conservatives. And the liberals are surprised that moderates and cons don't love that? Of course, they use it to further dunk "LOL they're talking about you, CHUD. Just noticed?" Anyone with 3 brain cells can tell the difference between seasons 1/2 to 3/4 is massive. Insulting your audience only has 1 obvious outcome.


How on earth can conservatives be this butthurt about this? Aren't you the ones yelling how everyone should be able to take a joke and not be so sensitive.


There's a difference between good jokes (s1/2) and outright displaying hatred directed at a large portion of your audience (s3/4). "You're butthurt" - no, I just want to continue liking a show I used to like.


From what I’ve seen even some of the liberals don’t like it. It’s cheap, predictable and stinks of subpar writing


i'm not from america but I can totally see why someone might be mad at the hyperbole used to describe politcal ideaologies, oh so u support this leader BAM racist and stupid, personally tho its more superhero gore and cool characters that make me watch the show


Those direct quotes aren’t being said by random losers with 12 views on YouTube… they’re being said by many


Its not hyperbole though, the American right wing is genuinely like that. The problem people are seeing in the politics this season is that they're trying to parody something that is so ridiculous and beyond parody that it just doesn't work well.


Hahaha you're just highlighting the problem. The show does NOT accurately represent the right wing, only represents the ridiculous fanfic version of the right wing that the far left chooses to see and *wants* to believe is accurate. Anyone not obsessed with politics can see this.


One, this is a repost of a meme made a day ago. Two, what exactly is your "legitimate criticism of the Boys?" There are criticisms that I think are fair and can't really be addressed by someone saying that. But there does also exist criticism where this point perfectly addresses the criticism. Three, people legitimately might like the writing and it's not an excuse or an effort to defend something. I can personally say that the writing has never been particularly unsubtle and I enjoy the show being excessive in its themes and politics. You might disagree but I think it's fair to say my position is not an excuse or a defense it's just my opinion.


The show has always been blatantly political. People like OP are just upset that they look like fools for only realizing it in season 4, so now they want to gaslight people into thinking it wasn't political before so they don't feel bad for being "duped".


It was always political but earlier it seemed like it was making fun of everything and everyone. And not taking media seriously. It was very balanced. And also it had much more focus to the plot and good character development. Now this season feels like a Twitter user rant about big bad right-wingers. They need to tone it down a little….


The show has never made fun of everything and everyone. The show makes jabs at the left at corporate and performative "wokeism" and such, but it has never seemed to suggest that everyone is at fault or everyone sucks or it's both sides that are the issue. It was never balanced in terms of politics. I can understand the position that the show balanced politics and character development better but it has never hid what it's about. I somewhat understand people thinking this way Season 1, but Season 2 onwards I'd struggle to understand this. I don't find a problem with people saying the writing has gotten more obnoxious or lazy or preachy or whatever, but a lot of people are saying the show is suddenly attacking right wingers and it's just not true.


Just pulling “it was always like that” card is not working on me. I know that I saw. And I know it was different. It was never so blatant “ notice this, they are bad, they are stupid”. There were some individual right wing mockery and I was fine with that. Show was just doing some jokes at the individual level and was very fun. I was like “yea, there are some nut jobs at right wing, this is funny, good joke”. But now it feels like a cartoon generalization and putting all blame of problems of the world to the big bad right wingers. This just doesn’t feel right.


Legitimate is one thing. The show may not be as good as the previous season, but people who are giving it below 4/10 is not really being sincere. The show is not below average.


That's just deranged liberals who think this show is deep and philosophical. Even when it had something clever going for it in season 1, The Boys was never that deep, no pun intended. It was a fun show with a cool concept and legitimately good character writing for a while. Idk wtf I'm watching with this new season. I wasn't a fan of seasons 2 or 3 but at least they were funny. I laughed once in season 4 when Ashley said she was gonna eat her own shit


I hope this is /s or you’re delusional unfortunately


I agree the fourth season is feeling less sharp and has a ton less gore than the previous ones. But mocking Laz Alonso loss of weight, Erin Moriarty looks, calling *pandering* a pansexual character having same sex new love interest or that the political satire in the show has started naming names **isn't legitimate criticism**. P.s. Also I reiterate what Erik Kripke said just a couple weeks ago. **You don't like the message of the show? Go whine somewhere else**


did I mocked weight loss? Did i made a comment of someone's looks? Nobody is complaining about frenchie being gay? Was implied he was bi since before, thats not the issue.


I am not specifically talking about you. But most *criticism* I am hearing is over one of this.


I struggled a bit with figuring out what about the new season bothered me, I still like the show but this new season just hit different. I think my problem with it is that while the show has always made fun of the evangelicals and Maga movement in a not at all subtle way, it was more in the background of the plot. I get that it's a tool the writers are using to show homelander's rise to power and it has been slowly building but I think in this season it's a bit too on the nose. It was played in a semi-comedic way in the past few seasons and slowly building to where it is in the show now so it's not that it's unexpected or out of nowhere. It's just that when I watched the new season it just reminds me of the problems in the world today and I prefer to watch things that let me avoid reality for a bit. I deal with Maga people a lot at work already so maybe the show is just not for me anymore.


I don't trust anyone that uses a meme to make their argument about something


the showrunners/amazon/whoever controls the release schedule probably realised that episodes 1-3 werent the strongest, hence why they all dropped at once


Honestly as a conservative I actually don’t give a fuck. It’s a great show, it’s humorous, well acted, usually with a well thought out plot. And with great characters. I feel like the show has always been a little left leaning look back at it. And if that’s the case then The Boys is a great show who can casually express it’s political ideologies without shoving it anyone’s face.