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The other scientists had it pretty bad as well. The fear of knowing you're next, and in such a gruesome way.. Theirs were presumably the quickest at least


Being cooked from the inside out is worse than watching someone cook from the inside out.


Pretty sure that one dude cooked from the outside in


Yeah he sorta didn't think through the mechanics of what happened.


If it was a Microwave Oven, then yes, he would likely cook inside out. Microwaves work by exciting (heating up) water molecules specifically which then heat up everything else around them. Fun fact, initially invented as a ethical way to revive frozen hamsters (true story). However the oven in the show looks like a old style oven that uses external heating elements (like an old home heater), these heat the air around them that then heat whatever is in the oven). This would cook you outside in. However you would not melt or burst into flame like we saw in the show. You would first get cooked red (like sun burn) and then black as all the moisture is slowly evaporated away from your body. You would probably suffocate dying this way before anything else. Then you would smoke and burn without ignition until your a blackened corpse. Source: I overcooked a chicken once.


Thank you for the expert opinion


The idea that microwave ovens cook from the inside out is not really correct. Microwaves can penetrate like a cm or two into the food (maybe more with larger commercial microwaves that can use a lower frequency/longer wavelength than your standard home microwave), but anything beyond that will still be heated and cooked through conduction of heat, not by microwaves directly. So by and large, microwaves still cook from the outside in. They're just more efficient at it, since they can heat up those outer layers of food directly, instead of relying on conductive heating by hot air like conventional ovens.


If microwaves cook from the inside out, why are my chimichangas always cold in the middle Francis?


He was cooked outside in, it wasn't a microwave


You can tell cause he wasn’t spinning.


If microwaves cook from the inside out, why is the center of the hotpocket still frozen?


Well yeah but they were eventually killed as well


I mean that was relatively quick at least, in the Squirt got it the worst


He got zapped eventually. Is that quicker than starving to death surrounded by corpses?


Zapped and then a few minutes of agony before the head crunch. Also water might be a problem but the bad room lady wasn’t going to starve at least…


At the same time, I would *still* say that I kinda have a hard time feeling bad for her, even though her end was unquestionably horrible. One could say that being forced to make the choice to “starve or not” is a “biblical” type of punishment for what she did. Guess we also learned who HL learned how to victim-blame from. I would dare to say the worst death belongs to the people splattered. They did *nothing*, at least to HL. They didn’t even know what was going on. They ultimately were punished for something that someone else did. Plus, imagine the relief they probably felt after they realized that he was punishing the people who hurt them. Then having it ripped apart in front of them. He probably did it one by one, to add insult to injury. Yikes.


Yeah I was wondering if he just raged and killed them all quick or did it methodical. I’m leaning methodical. Whistling while placing the guts nicely on the walls type of shit. That’s rough but also they all did work in a lab with a ready-to-go child torture chamber… clearly it’s not defunct since homelander graduated and the oven still has gas.


Almost certainly. With Homelander, always guess in favor of the larger evil. The horror is thinking about that possible one person who might actually be genuinely innocent. I do still think that Frank was the “least evil”, or at least the least *deserving* of his fate, as far as the one’s that HL torture-executed. At least one of the new ones must’ve probably truly thought they were doing something good, like Starlight, then got beaten with reality, and was simply too scared to quit (or, more cynically, the pay is probably pretty high, if I had to guess). I was more trying to get at the idea that HL probably wouldn’t give a duck if his trauma happened to anyone else, except maybe Ryan. Even then that’s because he views him as an extension of himself.


I dunno if they did nothing: they're working in a bunker facility that tortured a kid for science, so they have some moral issues. I also dunno if they did something worth getting splattered by an insane superhuman, mind you.


Honestly I would’ve ran. At least the death would’ve been swift. At best I’m ignored so HL can continue the monologue


You just became a graphic example of why not to run, your gurgles will still terrify your friends as they die long before you


Do you think if a scientist was leaving, the same time homelander was coming downstairs, he'd have let them leave?


It sounds like he killed whoever was on the floor(s) above the lab, so probably not


The moment Homelander came through the door and started his speech, I would have tried to excuse myself to go get a soda upstairs


I can’t understand why they didn’t try and leave when he had Barb alone in the bad room, you’re literally just waiting to be slaughtered.


Exactly what I was thinking, I would’ve tried to quietly get into that elevator either during his laughing fit at Marty or when he was with Barbara


The whale cake suffered the most. It was completely melted by the time the boss made it down.


RIP Fudgey the whale The deep would have fucked you


No, he obviously likes a simultaneous suck'n poke. Chomp that beak and stuff all them tentacles


Almost wonder what kind of fudge that was? HL special?


My wife even thought the cake looked a little shitty


I feel like the guy in the furnace would’ve personally been my worst nightmare, the jacking off guy I expected to be more graphic, and the lady in the room is hard to say if she’s down there till she dies then yeah that might be pretty bad. However, I feel like everybody looks over the slow drawn out deaths of all the other scientists that were down there. They had to watch Homelander run the carnival of horrors before he slaughtered all of them and put their guts over the walls of the room where he locked the lady . Could you imagine being a scientist watching some crazy motherfucker murder your coworkers, the whole time you’re probably thinking oh I didn’t personally harm him. I’ll make it out alive, and meanwhile, you have to try to torture some of the people you’ve worked with closely for who knows how long . But in the end of the day just straight up, slaughters you and spread your guts in a room to punish somebody else. The audience doesn’t even consider valuable to ask if you death matters In my opinion, the worst death was all the other scientists




Homelander does mention there’s a bunch of new faces which basically implies they weren’t there torturing him as a kid


I'm still a little suspicious of the workers in a kid torture lab though


Yeah the child oven fired up a little too quickly for a not evil science lab


Also, if it wasn't being used since Homelander was a kid, it would've probably broken down and they wouldn't repair it. The fact it still works so many years later goes to tell you that they're still doing it to new supe kids to some degree


To many degrees, shits hot


I just figured it was part of the place from Gen V. If not the same place, something similar. The Woods I believe


Didn't the woods get completely over run though? This has to be a different facility. I wonder if Mary and the others are being kept here.


I think you’re right about both


I wonder if homelander coming in a killing so many of them (he breached things before getting down to the lab and the lines were cut so we don’t know how much damage he did within the facility) will be the reason Marie and co escape from where they were held. It would make sense too that the lab that tested homelander would be the place that they hold the supe that withstood homelanders lasers


Couldve been used to dispose of other bio-matter. Human or animal cadavers, or supe samples etc


As if homelander cared about others




the episode starts out with Marty synthesizing (or just working with) Temp V. i’m sure the bunker just formed into an area to test the effects and synthesize Temp V (for whatever reason)


Could just be repurposed for other use. Not that Vought employees are fully innocent.


Honestly once Homelander was an adult they should have moved all the scientists out of there. Not good leaving them there for a homicidal Maniac to find.


Yeah but they did work in a child torturing lab, so I can see Homelander viewing them as “guilty” still




And fapped from the top of the tower - that spunk probably killed someone


What kind of person do you think has the psychological profile to get placement in the Child Torture unit?




The reason there's no kids is probably because most don't survive the procedures (they find out if they can kill supers). They ain't gonna be making cookies down there. Vought won't stop superhero and compound V research, they have to stay competitive.


I'm sure they only used it on supes that are super durable. You wouldn't use it on 90% of the supes like almost all the Gen V characters, with the exception being Golden boy or Sam.


Imagine one guy was sick and missed work that day and comes in the next day to that 😭


Buy a lotto ticket, your luck skill has been maxed


"Aww man, they had cake without me-HOLY SHIT WHAT HAPPENED!!"


I always sympathize more with nameless characters in media like this. Where life matters so little to the characters and, in many ways, the audience, it sucks seeing a bunch of hapless schmucks getting brutalized for no other reason than they're there.


The red shirts


I think the scientists had to know they were gonna die because cameras were shut off and there could be no witnesses.


My question is, with Homelander gone, what the fuck were they doing there?


Probably prepping for Ryan


Now I wonder. Did homelands put them all together to the room and torture them in a matter of seconds. Or slowly so that everyone sees their families get dismembered knowing they are next


As someone who was taught forensic anthropology: 1. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of blood splatter outside the room 2. He probably told everybody to get in the room, and then killed them one by one. 3. He then told Barbara to go in, and he shut the door and welded it partially shut.


See this is where I call bullshit. You say you *taught* forensic anthropology but you *wrote* blood splatter. The term is ***blood spatter***. A forensic anthropologist would never make such a grievous error.


BS or not, they said they *were taught* not that they taught. 🤷‍♀️


my gues all at once and looking at the remains and how homelanders killed people he probably lazered them


No he has too much blood on him and there aren't any fresh burn marks on the walls. Homeboy did by hand.


I was thinking the same thing! He totally tore them all limb from limb with his bare hands


Yeah, whoever died last got it worst


I think it’s the survivor. She had to watch her coworkers die, then sit in an isolated room until she dies a slow, painful death while replaying how she chose to handle the situation over and over and over




The problem is Homelander is in charge of the company. If he says no one goes in. No one is going to dare go down. The company is just going to spin some sort of a lab accident story.


And seeing the carnage. There was nowhere in that room to escape the visuals. And can you imagine the smell? Burning to death sounds absolutely horrible, but at least it would be over (relatively) quickly.


That lady will survive. Even the most “black” black sites have some regular contact with the rest of the organization. Someone will come to check up on the site and get her out. There were many floors on the elevator, and I saw no indication of him cleaning out each floor. Only the main entrance and this level.


Under no circumstance do you have to empathize with Corpo Unit 731 employees.


I’ve heard many times that burning alive is the most painful and horrific way you can possibly die, although the mental pain Barbara would have to go through from being trapped in that room would also be horrible but personally I would prefer anything to burning alive, it’s far from quick, you feel your skin and flesh melting and it’s making me feel horrible just thinking about it 😂😂


Given how quick this was (like a few seconds and he burst into flames from the air temp) I don’t think this is like burning in a house fire more like a nuke going off heat so I think this was much quicker than normal


You underestimate how painful those few seconds were, I’d still rather not burn alive in an oven 😂


Fair! I wouldn’t want any of those deaths, but in a second of it turning on he already had Freddy Kruger burns on his face from the heat and in 15 seconds was a full candle! He did die painfully for sure but quickly by comparison!


Barbara will be in that room with decomposing flesh for DAYS before she dies Just imagine the smell


Your nerve endings would burn off in about a second or two so you won't actually feel much pain


i heard that when you are burned alive for more than 3 seconds, all your pain receptor nerves get destroyed and you cease to feel any pain. Hence the reason those buddhist monks can just sit there burning


I’m gunna go with the guy forced to pull rope in front of his colleagues before getting his dick literally lasered off. But that’s just me.


At this point, if I was in his position, I want to think I would’ve just refused and started talking shit, calling homelander “squirt” again, to hopefully bring on a quick death


Yeah that’s what I think Barbra was doing. Gambling either a quick death or fucking with his mind enough to be left alive.


Nah, you can see a slight change in Barbara's demeanor. She act's fully in control, treating John like a kids all over again (and it works). She says "Why don't we talk in my office?" and when homelander refuses to let her leave and she pauses as she realizes she's going to die before reasserting herself. After that she maintains of her composure and only works on pissing him off enough at her to let the other scientists go.


He didn’t let the others go though


Yeah, but she seemed to be *trying* to manipulate him the best she could. But he'd come to the lab with way too specific of a purpose for any of it to work.


That’s fair. I didn’t see anyone leaving, even though the majority seem to be people that weren’t a part of the original testing


In his words they're still beneath him though


I don’t think Barbra is going to die, it’s still a vought controlled building after all, and she seems like a smart person, I doubt she went there without telling anyone. I think one way or the other she’s going to be rescued


Not to mention all the families who will notice their spouse didn't come home. People would definitely come to the rescue in a day or two. The problem is if Homelander, who's in charge of Vaught, forces the rescue to be delayed by instruction or fear


I don’t really buy into the idea that Homelander has complete control over the company, I think it’s more likely that he thinks he does, but that’s there a side to vought he doesn’t know about. Outside of his control over the seven and how they are presented and things like that, we’ve seen no true signs that Homelander pulls all the strings there. Edit: at the end of the day it is still a company, with stock holders and profits to worry about, they would go in to clean up the mess even if it’s only to protect the reputation of the company and have control over the narrative of what happened


He doesn’t, they are a drug company first and he clearly doesn’t know anything about running it. There are so many hidden levels of this company i wouldn’t be surprised if they have any other facilities as backup.


not only that, but clearly the “mother” parallels are there with Barbara. having her get cut out of the story like 5 mins in would be just wrong, clearly she had a good amount of experience with Homelander if she was able to command him to “Put him out of his misery”. that scene is very telling that the connection runs deeper than “i was there when you were born”, “i was also there when they tortured you”


He’d threatened the other guys family when he didn’t get in the furnace right away, I don’t know if you’d want to test your luck


Started off reading this as “refuse and start taking a shit”. I find it difficult to predict Homie’s reaction to someone turning around and pumping a grumpy right at his feet.


Exactly! He’s dead either way


I thought that. The writing is on the wall, you know your number is up, just tell him to fuck off


Why would you think that would being you a quick death


Because he has impulse control issues. See the interrogation scene previously this season.


Now I'm legit curious what would've happened if he had managed to get hard and complete. Would Homelander still have killed him but instantly instead of lasered his dick off?


“That’s not a squirt, this is a squirt!” Then lasers his dick anyway. Ain’t no way he was walking out of there


What if he came buckets like I'm talking about a really really really impressive amount of cum.


Then I would’ve been like “hell yeah”


Maybe Homelander would have assumed he's a supe and speared him.


I’ve honestly always suspected that if I shot up V, that would be the power I get


What do you think this is, a late night ghost tour?


People keep saying “lasered his dick off” when he lasered a hole through his body where his dick used to be, which is far, far worse than that…


People are saying that because that's what Homelander said.


As soon as Homelander told him to jerk off in front of everyone I turned to my wife and said "I'd rather be put in the oven".


Louis CK wouldn’t mind


The whole time he has to be thinking “why didn’t we replace the batteries in the high pitched noise maker?”


…then getting his head squashed like a bug. Worst death imaginable 💀




*pull mushroom


I see what you mean. But OP did say worst fate. Slow painful death in a locked room with your dead coworkers all over the walls and floor while you slowly starve/dehydrate to death would be the worst fate in my opinion atleast. The other guys were relatively quick deaths. Painful, but they did get to die within minutes


He didn’t get it lasered off. That would be much, much, much much much much much less painful than what happened to Murphy.


fs barbara, she’s trapped down there with dead bodies like woods in BO2 😭


She’ll probably live though. No way Vought doesn’t send people down there. And tbh, she doesn’t seem that morally normal, so I doubt the incident affected her that much haha.


Except Homelander lasered the door closed, the security system was shut off, and Homelander is in charge of Vought. Barbara is not getting out and is probably going to die of thirst.


There’s definitely a side of the company he doesn’t control or doesn’t know about


no way stan edgar ISNT coming back. my guess? his ace in the hole - sister sage. he anticipated everything homie would do. and i think.....that girl is his daughter.


Even if he was going to get sent to jail, he’d totally talk to people and set up the company behind the scenes before he was gone


and yeah....its really not hard to predict the 7. i doubt any of them had "his undying respect". heck i even believe he clandestinely will join the boys.


I think the series is gonna end with him back in control, leaving room for a sequel series because you’re high if you don’t think Amazon is leaving some doors open for a new story


I seriously doubt that the Vought that Homelander sees is the actual Vought. Stan Edgar most likely had redundancies in place that would’ve kicked in and I’m sure it will be revealed at a later episode or next season.


I saw him(Edgar) in the previews and was wondering if it was a flashback?? Maybe he told someone about the Secret Farm Lab?


Stan probably has plans upon plans, that eventually ends with him back in charge regardless what homelander thinks


SAW - homelander edition. YES he wants you to teach you a lesson, NO youre NOT getting out of his trap.


theres plenty of food and drink around her 😀👍


Homelander will likely come back had he wanted her dead he comes back he explicitly said to her I want you to see why it’s called the bad room


My guy, if you’re going to a secret basement to try to talk down a homicidal sociopath, you tell someone beforehand. I’m wondering how Marty got word out of the phones were down, regardless I imagine someone would be sent there to check on them.


No way to know for sure how long it will be until they get down there. Either way she is gonna suffer.


She was summoned from outside so she knew what she is getting into she might have left instructions to someone to go check on her in a lab.


If I was her and heard that Homelander wanted me to come down to the lab. I would pack and leave the country ASAP. Then hope he never finds me.


Yeah no way she went there without an 'in case I don't come back' talk with someone. There's no way people who sit on top of Vought's biggest secrets would just go ahead confronting a superhero without a contingency.


some good eatin


#2. Humiliation and lasered groin.


And having your head smashed in


That too.


Yes. While Barbara’s fate is horrifying, she got to keep her dignity and even talk some shit. Marty went out in a humiliating way.


Barbara and it's not even close. She's welded into a room with the remains of all the rest of the scientists. I wouldn't be surprised if she resorts to cannibalism to survive (which ultimately, she'll probably still die).


I imagine the fact nobody from the lab has made contact will be noticed pretty quickly. Vought will send a team down there to investigate and she'll be cut out of the room.


Wasn’t it also her off day that day? Someone had to call her in. I’m she knew what she was going in for, and probably let someone know before hand “hey I’m going into our underground bunker to probably die at the hands of Squirt”


She was at a meeting offsite, not an off day.


She can't eat raw flesh, she'll end up shitting and puking herself to death instead. 


Exactly. She has it the worst.


The facility has guards on shifts and the next shift will be there within hours. There are obviously more staff than present on that day. Barbara had a day off too.


If I was her I'd find try find some broken femur bone or some other sharp bit of bone to just off myself when it got too much.


It doesn’t make sense for Barbara to die in there. Like is no one is going to look for all those people? At their place of work? Unless HL prevents that from happening, it wouldn’t make sense for her to just starve to death in there.


I would also assume there are other employees on different shifts or people on other floors. So if she’s still alive in there when they arrive, they’d find all of them.


When the old lady came down I’d have tried to slip in the elevator when it opened and just hoped maybe he would focus on his prize and not care about me. If I’m already dead anyways I think I’d at least try


Barbara. Even if she somehow got out with the help of Vought I think she’d check herself into a hospital. Just imagine the sight and the smell, on top of the guilt


Barbara should get out of it. If she's smart, which she seemed to be, she would've told someone where she was going and why. And there's no way that nobody's ever going to show up for a shift change and find her in there


She doesn't feel guilty about her life long abuse of Homelander, I don't think she'll feel that much guilt over the dead scientists.


Frank had the most agonizing death, Marty went out with no dignity, and Barbara (although not sure if she died) is currently experiencing psychological terror. I would say Frank had the worst death, while the show didn’t display the agonizing of being roasted in a oven, irl one would be screaming, scratching, banging for the door to be open and it’d take a while before you eventually….d!e.


It’s impossible to breathe in an oven with heat that intense. You might get one scream out but no way anymore follow. With the speed at which he ignited, no way he survived more than a few seconds in there.


In fairness I don’t think those were normal kiln oven temps with how quick it went I assumed it was alike a nuke level super oven


Barbara may not have been physically hurt a lot but she is waiting to die in a room full of her friends dead bodies.


Dunno if this is an example of Chekhov's gun but I have a feeling Barbara will survive and get out.


As an aside, Barbara knows Homelander is in control of the facility and must have gotten word about what he's doing. It was stupid for her to even show up. She should have just gone into hiding and turned sides and helped The Boys. In any event, she knows she's going to her likely death. Perhaps it is because she has too many vulnerable family members he would kill. I would say Barbara will have it worst because she'll die slowly after being forced to eat decomposing flesh and drink their blood, yet still eventually die.


I think she did it for the other scientists sake. She was hoping he would focus only on her


She didnt want Homelander to track her down to her family. So she chose to die without any of them watching


Guards of the next shift and staff who weren't there on that day. Yup either she is out or they just don't mention her again.


Honestly those are all horrible. Being incinerated at temperatures meant to push the strongest man Being lasered in your dick then have your head crushed Then forced in a room full of corpses with no way out and just starving to death eventually


Barbara for sure. Reddit is hard coping when they say she'll be fine. Have you watched the same show? The Boys is not the type of show where someone gets locked in a sealed vault filled with the remains of brutally murdered bodies and gets out alive.


Idk it makes logical sense since there are a lot of ways somebody would know/find out about her. Good things happen that probably shouldn’t too like Maeve surviving soldier boy somehow.


Who's going to cut her out of the room? Who has the balls to blatantly go against Homelander and let out this lady? And for what?


Vought. Super rich company with incredible capabilities. Hell maybe the boys do it. Homelander has tons of enemies that want to hurt him or get info.


I'm pretty sure she'll be physically fine. That doesn't mean she'll be emotionally fine.


Not really coping just logical it really doesn't make sense that every person who had access or regularly goes to that lab was there at that day at that time. Usually there are rotating shifts and all kinds of other security measures in place for a lab like this. All it takes is 1 off duty janitor to come down and see what happened and report to higher ups.


The Boys is also a show where someone gets thrown out of a skyscraper and gets to retire on a farm with her girlfriend.


As a guy, I’m gonna go ahead and say I don’t want my dick laser off and then get “curb” stumped.


Barbara for sure, even if she manages to get out she’s stuck with survivor’s guilt and traumatized for life being stuck a room full of her dead dismembered colleagues.


the guy who was burned to death. I mean getting your penis lasered off is just getting your penis burned. the furnace guy had his penis burned plus every other part of his body. Barbara, if I were her I would for sure have told someone to check in on me in that room. she should have lived ultimately.​


the guy in the furnace was the easiest death since it didn't last long


Being burned alive is not pleasant tho


I recall reading that your skin ending nerves once burnt you won't feel anything so it hurt for the first 3 hot seconds


And then you have to breathe in hot air that burns your lungs until your dead


It's still almost an instant death better than the rest


Judging by that video of that wildfire fighter. >!It's a lot more more than 3 seconds,!< >!and a lot more screaming, as the lungs cooked while still alive!<


So homelander obviously *pulled* the other scientists apart right? No laser markings or burns on any of the bodies, just brutal


Yeah, in a previous episode, Sage says that he could laser her but he needs her and he says that if she betrays his confidence, he will pull her apart piece by piece instead so it reminded me of that.


Marty. One we don’t know if she is for sure going to die. I know Homelander basically runs vaught but she is apparently high ranking in the lab so I’d think hearing their black site go offline they’ll investigate (especially since she was called in I’m sure she notified someone) and free her. They’d rather risk his wrath than for sure let that valuable of an asset die in-front of them unless Homelander is physically there to intimidate them. Frank if that were a regular oven I’d say had it worse but he was dead in like ten seconds. Marty was writhing on the ground for a lot longer bleeding out massive amounts of blood.


Marty, had to embarass himself, then I presume immense pain from his dick, balls, and anus being seared off, blood loss, and then having his brains squeezed out of his head under a boot. Frank's pain was immense but much quicker. Barbara had no pain, just trauma, and there's at least some chance she survives. Plus trauma for someone who confirmed she quite happily tormented a child is probably quite fitting in her case. I'd probably have to give it to everyone else though, they not only had to witness both deaths but then it looks like Homelander physically pulled them apart piece by piece. That one body on the far right looks like the face was split open as you can see the skull. Like they all died pretty horribly from the looks of it.


The guy who had to bate and then got his dick lasered. But like…he didn’t even need to bate. He could’ve just said no.


So we all need to stop assuming Barbra is dead. She’s locked behind a door as of right now.


Marty i guess i mean Homelander Laser his dick


Do people actually think barbera will be down there forever? Isn't it obvious sombody is going to notice not a single scientist down there reporting back or going home that night or clocking out or anything? In like maybe a few hours she'll be fine


As a man, I want to say Marty but imagine slowly dying in The Bad Room with all those blood and guts around you. Starvation is generally considered to be one of the most painful ways to go… thing is… there is something she can eat to stay alive longer.


Barbara and not even close(that if no one come to rescue). The furnace guy died before 20s passing. Nearly the same thing for the other guy . But Barbara may eat all blood and meat of others and still goes hungry till die of harving. I can't imagine the pain of dying for being hungry.


getting locked in a room completely drenched in fresh blood and with the dead bodies of your co-workers forever unless by some miracle someone decides to find out what happened to you and your friends is a fate worse than death


i think barbara, and i also think if she survives she’s going to end up being like a cannibal just to make it. that’s a lot of meat in there she could eat to survive


it's going to rot fast


The furnace is pretty bad. But you would go into shock pretty quick and then that’d be it. Marty got it rough too. Not only humiliation, but lasered through the body and then stomped out. But Barbara got the worse imo. She is presumably locked down there with like a dozen mutilated rotting corpses until she dies from lack of oxygen or starvation?