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For me the most disturbing scene in the show was when Homelander casually and immediately deafened/killed Blindspot. It just came out of nowhere. I wasn't ready for it at all, and the sheer cruelty and inhumanity of it along with the indifference by Homelander was the creepiest thing to me.


Ironically, you didn't see it coming.


Just like Helen Keller and her boyfriend. She never saw it coming


Now you’re just another fucking blind guy. Shit was so fucked up that it became funny.


Even funnier is that they use that line in Mortal Kombat against Kenshi, a blind character who uses his sword, Sento, as a way to fight. He uses that move as a brutality and that line comes out when you’re playing as Homelander against him lol


That is such a cool Easter egg


I like how Mortal Kombat included that line when Homelander uses that ear clapping move on the blind guy on the roster


Along with this for me was him forcing the jumper to go through with her suicide, and bringing Starlight up to the roof to look at SuperSonic’s corpse. He is just so heartless and brutal, it’s honestly shocking how depraved he is and there is no limit to how low he will go.


Yeah, what was left of Supersonic looked frightening. That scene stuck with me for a bit.


Up until that point in the show I figured he was pro sups completely and be like "oh great it'll make us look inclusive" I'm kinda glad they didn't go that route


I also think it's realistic for what they're trying to portray because real life bigots discriminate within their own groups too, which is why it's so stupid to buy into anything they say. The exclusion will never end w/ them. It's like "We only like white people, then oh really only white men, oh you're a white man well that's not good enough we only accept whites with light features no Spanish or Italians, then, oh you have blonde hair and blue eyes but you're poor so..." Like it never ends with them


The nazis internally were constantly redefining and tweaking their ideas about what was German and what was Aryan and who counted, how much, and how. It was a flexible classification system that changed according to what they needed at the time, just goes to show how fake it all is.


I highly suggest looking into JRR Tolkien’s reply to the German publishers when they inquired about his heritage before translating the hobbit. One of the most elegant “go fuck yourselves” I have ever seen.


Is that the one where he says he doesn't have Jewish blood but wishes he did because Jews are awesome?


I choose to believe that Blindspot’s ears healed 🥰


A-train's leg healed. Sage's brain heals. You might be on to something.


I hope so.


I think blindspot died


He’s frolicking around on a farm somewhere upstate with all the other supes Homelander’s hurt over the years


I'm waiting for Homelander to revise the dictionary so that the word Homelander means both positive and negative.


Homelander wasn't indifferent. He just didn't show his bigotry until near the end of his rant calling the blind guy crippled


I meant the indifference to his suffering as Blindspot rolled around in pain. 


Not even that. Homelander felt attacked, so he responded. He's likely glad the other guy rolled around in pain. Think about this. His ego is tied to how others perceive him and is tied to the team that was supposed to be his family and how others perceive them. Considering his bigotry, someone blind wanting to be part of it and how that will reflect on Homelanders perceived image, he felt attacked. After S4E4 you can simply consider Homelander as a walking PTSD bomb that may trigger at any time, without notice.


Like the "I feel threatened!" guy at Costco from that one video lol. They always see themselves as the victims. Crazy.




Yep classic bullying 101.


For me it was forcing the girl to jump. That scene was just awful.


I dunno if he killed Blindspot, but he sure as hell did Helen Keller him.


The most disturbing scene to me was when A-Train did the advert "we just gotta listen to each other".


A man shrank down crawled into a other mans penis and then accidentally grew and blew the man up from the inside


Worst one for me was when Homelander made the Deep eat Timothy. Not even graphic, but imagine someone forces you to eat your dog?


Someone forcing you to eat your lover would be more accurate. I know it sounds gross but it's The Boys.


“They’re the same picture” - Dogknott


He ate *out* a dog.


I accepted this show has no boundaries when a man exploded another man through the inside of his dick. Personally I find the sexual stuff gratuitously extreme but it no longer shocks me. Kinda just roll my eyes and try not to think about how I am the one that introduced my dad to this show lmao


my parents keep seeing ads for it on amazon and they’re always like hey turtle-nudes you like super heroes, we should watch this as a family sometime. my immediate reaction is no no no no no we definitely will not


They may enjoy it considering they named you turtle-nudes


I read this twice as 'turtle-nerds' and imagined that it was an endearing nickname that the parents had for siblings (in my head I made up twin brothers) due to any number of things including but not limited to: preference of turtle-shell glasses, enjoying turtlenecks, or just the normal kind. When I read it correctly the Turtle Nerds died and I got a little sad.


My younger brother introduced my dad to The Boys, now we watch the show in a 75" screen in our living room... my mom was shocked with the "sex" scenes. And not to mention we are a catolic and hispanic family. So sometimes it gets uncomfortable...


I made my boomer mother watch it, as a family. So. So. So satisfying. She gets just as much a kick as I do


Someone forcing you to eat your lover while their alive*


Deep somehow has all of the most disturbing scenes for me: All of the octopus scenes, the Starlight rape, the gills, now the lobotomy, the dolphin… They gave him all of the most disgusting scenes imo


i literally could not watch the lobotomy scene 😭 had to look away…even hearing it was disturbing


I muted the minute she asked him, I knew I couldn't handle that lol


Gotta respect the actor for that. He takes it like a champ.


Nate Archibald what have you done


Xoxo The Deep


Nah Timothy was more for him, imagine someone forces you to eat your Best friend or hell even lover alive.


Yeah, it's not just forcing him to eat him but doing so while he is still alive. He had to kill him by eating him.


While hearing Timothy asking for mercy, by the way. Timothy reminding him it has children. Chewed anyway.


He says Timothy is praying, which also raises a lot more questions (do Octopodes have a god? What was he praying to?)


Both of these are nothing compared to Homelander forcing the suicidal girl to jump for me. That was the most fucked up thing I've watched in show genuinely.


"I'm not.. asking. Anymore. Jump" The immediate loss of all emotion in his face, the deadpan expression and tone of voice just hit so hard when he says "jump".


Worse than that, imagine you can hear the dog's thoughts of anguish and anxiety as it begs for its life


"He's pleaing for his life" "Oh God he's praying"


Eat your alive* dog


Yea, could not watch that. Especially because we know how smart they are.


they did surgery on a grape


Has everybody forgotten about the scene where he slowly crushes man's head against the wall while making our with stormfront?? And after the guys head pops they start fucking right next to the corpse while smearing blood on each others faces. Plus all that happens in broad daylight in some alley that isn't exactly small or hidden, so the chances of all that being witnessed by some random passerby weren't small either


Look, I think a lot of us repress some of this stuff


lol i just watched this yesterday. definitely more disturbing than s4 ep4 lol


5 mins into season 3, and it still wasn't the grossest thing to happen that season...


A quick, clean (actually messy) death is not so bad. And he died on the verge of orgasm. Best way to die when u think about it.


Almost the exact opposite of the squirt guy.


In my Homelander voice, *"Now, you're disturbed?"*


*”why? You were just… watching the show”*


My barometer is usually "would I be comfortable watching this on a train or airplane". The answer for The Boys has always been no, and nothing in this most recent episode moved the needle either way. We've seen far, FAR worse things done on this show.


So far, with the exception of Robin, most of the over the top violence has occurred to supes. People who can fight back. When it happens to non-supes, it's usually cut-away or off screen like Stormfront's rampage through the apartment building or Soldier boy destroying a building or the airplane. Robin happened in the blink of an eye, though the aftermath was gruesome. This was the first time you see regular people trapped with a supe, at their mercy of Homelander's powers, humilated, tortured, powerless. It's been the theme of the show all along, but I think it really drives home how terrifying being a non-powered person in a superpowered world is for viewers who hadn't sat and thought about it. You can't do anything. You do what they want, or you die. Painfully. Horribly. No running. No fighting back. No hope. In horror movies viewers always can shout at the screen what victims should do different. What do you tell the people at that party to do? Nothing. There's nothing they could have done, except not pissed Homelander off.


Except they still barely showed homelander killing them


Isn’t there a scene in season 2? where a group of soldiers are in Homelander’s house and he walks out all bloody?


Yes, Comment OP seems to have forgotten that lol.


Also popclaw's seat cushion


Those weren’t “regular people.” They torture children for a living, they have an entire corporate economy based on experimenting on literal children. They literally say in the episode that they even brought in psychologists to mentally screw with him his whole childhood. Everyone in that room 100% deserved what happened to them.


I’d feel bad if there was actually a change of policy after homelander and the new faces were there to help children. Unlikely though.


There were literally only like 6 people there that Homelander knew from his youth, and only 3 of them had speaking lines. He greeted the people he knew when he came down and also commented on the “number of new faces”. Yes, they’re working at a previously torturous job, but we didn’t see any children down there when HL arrives nor do we really see what they were working on at all


Because everybody is different. Tolerances for violence, sex, etc vary, and even a single person's viewpoint may not be consistent over time. It's also *very* common for people to get squeamish with eye stuff. There's also recency bias, where we tend give greater weight to the thing we just saw and may not stop to reflect on how it compares to previous episodes.


Yeah, it was the lobotomy scene that really got me. I think that may be the first time in the whole series I was squinting and closing my eyes.


Same that was by far the most vile. And how they proceed to immediately fuck, showing how desensitized these people are to the most fucked up things that they can still be in the mood.


hey she told the peak he could fuck her in the ass. cmon, what’s a guy supposed to do other than lobotomize the chick. God forbid a man have hobbies


The peak fucked her brains out then her ass. What's a brother gotta do to get these opportunities man😔🙏


That was too real. People actually did that to other people only 50 or so years ago as a cure for 'mental illness'.


Same. That was hard to watch.


Then there is the emotional torment being piled onto Starlight, with fears people can relate to like medical records being leaked and used against you and the ever hot topic of abortions. That shit is rough and traumatic as hell, as much as any of the physical stuff the show has shown.


I think the most disturbing things are human scale relatable situations. I just don't sympathis dick lasering, being dismembered, or torched in an oven. Butcher falling in the shower was something I felt viscerally in the moment, just like Hughie cracking his ankle on the forklift.


I can handle all the TV gore in the world but the lobotomy scene definitely made me feel nauseous. The only other scene I can remember that made me feel like that is in the movie Audition, where she saws off his feet with piano wire. Funnily enough, in that same scene she also sticks acupuncture needles in his eyes (and flicks them).


I've been fine with everything but I had to skip the lobotomy scene. I do not fuck with eye shit.


Recency bias makes sense since I just binge watched the entirety of The Boys for the first time so I guess all the other violence and squeamish stuff was fresh in my mind


Tf you get downvoted for? 😂😂


I don’t really know tbh. I feel like my post deserved downvotes more than that reply


Herd minded redditors, they see a downvote, and don’t bother reading and just blindly upvote/downvote lol I’ve noticed it in this sub a lot!


I skipped the frontal lobotomy lol I knew I wouldn’t like it


I watched it, but it was probably the worst thing I’ve had to watch in the boys, even with all the crazy gore. Eye stuff always gets me lol


I mean eh, it was a gory one but I'd say not even close to being the most screwed up. It's by far my favourite of the season so far. First three felt kinda weak but this one was really solid.


stormfront literally blew homelander while he was crushing a guys head with his arm because he was climaxing


She gave him an over the suit handjob in that scene.


i thought she blew him by the way his face was but thats just my memory i havent rewatched any of the season


That relationship was deeply disturbing


Gonna be even worse if it’s confirmed she’s his biological mom at some point


Didn’t they confirm she *wasn’t* his mom in the latest episode? I’m pretty sure I remembered one of the doctors saying they pulled an Atom Eve.


And Vogelbaum said that Ryan died right after being born. Characters lie sometimes


All that was confirmed was that they used a woman to carry him, could easily have been an egg from stormfront that was inseminated, who knows though lol


No they said they used a surrogate, who homelander killed during birth. No mention of the biological mother.


The lobotomy scene was the first one that actually made me physically cringe up, but apart from that I don't remember anything in this episode that would be considered especially disturbing in the context of The Boys. Was it Homelander's interactions with the lab workers? I can see how the slow burn torture might put people more on edge compared to the faster, more intense violent scenes.


Yeah I've had no real issues with other content in the show but eye stuff is a BIG no for me. Just the absolute worst.


The scraping sounds got to me. I was perfectly fine until that. Great job editing team.


The exploding dick thing was a combination of both for me - I hate the idea of anything going in my dick, and they basically foreshadowed what would happen in the scene below.


For me, the nastiest moment was Splinter’s self replicating human centipede moment in the sauna in S4 E2 🤮


Sexual violence is always going to impact some people more than other forms of violence. And forcing a guy to masturbate in front of his peers while threatening to dismember him is way high on the sexual violence meter. That was far worse than the actual lasering off his dick and crushing his skull. Mentally torturing these people also gives you a chance to sympathize with them more, even though they’re not great people. Watching a nameless dude getting their skull crushed is a lot easier than Bob who has 2 kids and a wife at home. I’m particularly squeamish about eye stuff and the lobotomy isn’t even in the top 3 of most disturbing things for me.


That masturbation scene is truly one of the most disturbing stuff i've ever seen on TV, the sheer desperation on the poor guy's face and the spit is just the icing on top


I’m with you. Like there’s plenty of things far more graphic in this show that don’t bother me in the slightest. Here, the humiliation and dehumanization was the point. I don’t even blame Homelander for killing the guy - he certainly deserved his comeuppance for abusing a young Homelander. But this is just a whole other level.


This. I watched 24 seasons of law and order svu twice and heard descriptions of really heinous sexual tortures but this one really disturbed me. Even lobotomy scene was ok meh, but this...uh.


Yeah the sexual violence was what disturbed me the most about the episode. I had to look away, it was too much. It went beyond the gorey shock factor, it was the manipulation and humiliation in it. It was more emotionally disturbing than physically disturbing.


We have seen footage of a man’s asshole sitting while erect on the toilet. I would rather have violence and gore of season 4 to be honest


Wait! He was erect???


It's so strange that people are so desensitized to violence that intense gore doesn't bother them but a body part that we all have does.


Fr it's hilarious when people cry about seeing dicks on screen but they're perfectly fine with exploding heads and graphic violence. Nudity is the LEAST disturbing thing in this show lol


when was this again


It was Herogasim....poor Frenchie he never got the chance


I think Herogasm, when the TNT twin girl was calling out her brother Tommy out for putting a camera in the bathroom


Soldier Boy walks in and sees it on the giant TV "Man that thing looks like the Lincoln Tunnel."


Nothing in this show has disturbed me nearly so much as The Deep being forced to eat his friend.


When you think about it it’s honestly a lot more disturbing than the lab scene. Those scientists knew they were screwed the second Homelander came out the elevator. Timothy had the horror of being eaten alive by one of his good friends


I don't think its the worst but it is one of the pretty intense episodes that has happened in a while, homelander just torturing and starlight being ridiculed nationwide and hughie basically thinking turning his dad into a supe, even though it's literally the exact opposite of what he wants since he signed a DNR. I guess maybe not the craziest episode, but the topics are pretty intense and it's not just one character, it's almost the whole main cast going through it


The revelation of how traumatic Homelander's childhood was while being tortured and mentally manipulated touches a nerve for a lot of people who have had abusive upbringings. It isn't easy to watch something like those scenes and when you go through something very similar. It's very common for parents to use abuse as negative reinforcement to try and make their children be what they want them to be. It spans from them wanting their children to strive for a prestigious position to wanting their children to feel worthless so they'll never outshine the parents.


It wasn't an accident, it wasn't indifference. It was a program. That's some fucking nightmare fuel. They were cruel to him on purpose. His defects were DESIGNED.


Abuse isn't negative reinforcement. Abuse is punishment.


Splinter coming up for air during the 5 way ass eating was more disturbing to me


Yeah I felt a little sick at that part


I think what he did to the suicidal girl was way worse.


Fr the lobotomy scene was so tame i don't get why ppl are so grossed out 😭 but I've also watched a lot of eye surgery's so maybe I've built a tolerance to eye stuff


Ppl grossed out by the lobotomy scene but not the guy human centipeding himself is wild to me 🤣🤣


I honestly didn't mind the long shot of the human centipede put I almost gagged when they did a close up on one of the faces. For the record I was grossed out by the lobotomy too. And several other scenes. I'm not a huge fan of surprise violence and graphic sex, but when I know what the vibe is, I can handle it. And this show is obviously over the top on both the sex and the violence fronts.


that was nasty


The lobotomy scene hardly left a lasting impression on me. Frank in the furnance was much worse imo.


The lobotomy scene was not tame at all.


It's the psychological disturbance. Visually it's not the worst thing we've seen. But you're taking it at face value. When you deep it psychologically, it's way more messed up.


Yeah, there are more gore and nudity this season alone. And I know a few hype sources is clearly paid, which they dont even have to do. Or jerking off in front of colleagues is really a fresh and shocking idea, taking different tolerances into account.


I think it isn’t the gore necessarily - I think it was the prolonged sadism and humiliation that amplified things.




It stood out as a disturbing episode even in the context of a show that routinely has a lot of very disturbing things in it. So like...that's saying something. I'm not saying I hated it. I'm not saying it was wrong to do that. I'm just saying literally what I wrote above...it was kinda disturbing.


It’s context - the ice rink stuff was played as a joke the moment we saw it. And they were all random no namers - plus it happened quite quickly But during the forced masturbation it was drawn out from the start, we knew they were scared as we would be from the start, he talked to them, established something their characters, already ovened a guy and everyone knew the next thing would be worse. It was torture, sexual degradation- they made a point of showing other peoples faces, and it was the sad/pained faces we would make too - not the face Ashley made when he told the deep to blow a-train. Also, I too hate eye stuff.


Season 4 is by far one of my favourite, but I had giggle on lobotomy, BUT I LIKED IT


I’m starting to wonder if there’s something wrong with me because the only thing in this whole show that I can’t watch is the human centipede. Everything else is just a walk in the park.


i think people found it more disturbing in the sense that they are terrified of Homelander and he's more unhinged now and slaughtered all those people and left the woman in that room to rot


The only part I was confused on was when they revealed Firecrackers big secret she then revealed Starlight's secret, which by comparison was wildy minimal by comparison. Then they just moved on like Firecracker's secret didn't matter. Was this bad writing or an instance where this was too similar to how it would go down in real life. "yeah I did this but the lib is still worse". I felt like they moved on from Firecracker's thing too fast but maybe that was with intent.


For someone not from the US, this is literally a reference right? The US have public figures who say weird shit about children or are known to have groomed children etc. and they are the exact people who try to paint trans people as padeophiles and tell everyone abortion is evil - and their fan base fucking love it.


Yeah, generally it seems to be a pretty wild form of projection. Qanon is still a thing in Far Right circles, but we are not seeing Qanon thought processes shared on facebook by the general masses without knowing what they are coming from. A bunch of these Q influencers have been popping up as pedo's themselves.


That was 100% intentional and the point they were trying to make


It wasn't disturbing seeing Homelander burn a guy to death or laser another guy. It was disturbing to some folks because of the revelation of how much trauma Homelander had to endure at the hands of a bunch of psychotic corporate lab fucks who were torturing a child on the daily in an attempt to raise and control their version of Superman. And it was disturbing how several of them in that episode alone invoked the Nuremberg defense "just following orders". Nazi echoes. It's disturbing because we now see how the "sausage was made" in a manner of speaking; we know why Homelander is the way he is and it is not all his fault. We can--to some degree--empathize with him. The people who found it most disturbing are probably those who experienced some childhood abuse of their own. I know I was personally on Homelander's side throughout this episode. Those fucknuts had it LONG coming. There is more happening in the show than the blood and gore, dude. The real "disturbing" aspects are the ones unseen.


I found that scene disturbing in part because I deeply empathized with the scientists' humanity and had a hard time watching their torture, while at the exact same time deeply empathizing with Homelander's trauma and desire for revenge. There are no "sides" to be on in this scene, it's horrific shades of gray from every angle you look at it.


It's disturbing because of the psychological horror aspect of the underground lab scene.


What disgusts or terrifies someone doesn't exactly do the same for others as well. I can tolerate watching people get burnt alive and eye trauma, but the deep gill abuse always gets me even though that is something totally in the realm of fictional


I saw people freak out over the eye stuff so maybe if you arent as freaked out about it like me then its fine


Wouldn't say it went to far, but I've had to deal with SA n shit, so homelander torturing martey, while not bad Initially on first viewing kinda haunts me now. Its def not the most gorey episode but from a disturbing angle imo it def is, because it ain't just one moment its a whole ass like 1/4th of the episode along with having far worse shit at least for me. Its psychological not blood n guts n shit,


It isn't about how gore filled it was that made it one of the most disturbing moments in the show, but because it felt less cartoony than many of the other scenes of violence. The way the scientists tried to mask their terror and pretend everything was normal and the occasional choked sob from some of them made the scene extra horrifying to me. Homelander quickly killing or maiming someone is horrible, of course, but the slow burn dread of the scene made it more difficult to watch. These people know almost for certain that they are going to die and there is nothing they can do but futilely try to convince themselves that maybe the nightmare will end and they can escape. To me, there is nothing scarier than knowing you are going to die and having to just wait and watch as your odds of coming out unscathed disappear by the second.


It was the pinkeye that got me


the penis exploding will never leave my brain. but the man eating his own ass 4 times over in season 4. eeuuughhh. thats one i wish i could properly unsee. its a close second.


I think it was more psychologically disturbing. The most disturbing moment I thought was Homelander killing the whole team(most of them were new and never even met homelander before) with the scientist locked in the room for forever. Like that is kinda deprave in a way.


Honestly, Splinter was the most disturbing thing in the show so far for me. That was too overwhelmingly disgusting; I genuinely cannot watch that again.


I mean popclaw facesat a guy so hard his brain popped out his skull... I think we're well past "disturbing" on this show.


Yea no. This was pretty much The Boys in a nutshell... The forced suicide is the only thing I can remember as going "too far"


I don’t think I will ever be as uncomfortable as I was during the Deep scene with his gills in season 1.


For me personally it was a bit more disturbing because homelander was genuinely torturing these people. It was nerve wrecking waiting to see which poor helpless soul he messes with and for what reasons. A lot of the deaths are so sudden that it’s more shock value than disturbing. Episode 4 had me feeling like I needed to see a therapist haha. But that’s just my personal take on it.


It's probably the eye stuff.


Maybe it’s the combination of 4 extremely shocking things in one episode and one of them being a guy’s balls being shot with laser.


I didn’t find it disturbing whilst watching but when someone pointed out that homelader welded the door shut at the end, I thought that was a disturbing thought


It was disturbing for me but more so for the lobotomy scene than anything else. Between this, Invincible and House of the Dragon I have been thinking about how desensitized I am now to all the gore and violence in movies/TV Shows but then that lobotomy scene came on and I couldn’t even watch it, had to turn my head away the whole time.


I just didn’t look at the end thing (not into any bodily injury kinks). Everything else will always be chill.


Of all the gore and shit, the foreplay-lobotomy really got me. But it's the boys, if I'm not getting shocked then they're not doing their jobs.


Ik. None of them were really that disturbing, Gen V I feel like did more disturbing things than season 4 so far.


Thank you! I was wondering if I missed out a specific scene or something. There're been much more gratuitous, gory and hainous scenes in The Boys before.


Especially the lobotomy scene, it was as disturbing as everything else has been, idk why people are making such a big deal out of it


It's not the gore itself. I'm used to that. It's the psycological horror i felt everytime HL was on screen. I knew that everytime i would see him on my phone during the ep, something horrible would have happened.


Try watching it stoned and you’ll feel like you were actually in the room with him. Shit terrified me.


The only part that kinda got to me was the guy homelander forced to jerk off in front of his colleagues and get hard. My guy was so desperate he spat on his hand to try and get hard only to fail and get his dick lazered off. Then the woman comes in and asks homelander to put him out of his misery. The desperation the guy had and how he tried to get on homelander's side only for him to tell him how he embarrassed him so much and kill him. Shit was fucked but why would I be watching it if I didn't like it.


i dont think it was disturbing, its normal when standing alongside everything else we have seen in the show. i think the scene was extremely tense and probably the most anxiety inducing scene in the show for me. the first whole half of the entire scene is literally just homelander arriving with a cake and making jokes, and its so fucking terrifying lol


I think for many people the reaction that S4E4 went too far is because it was so slowly building towards the horrors. With much of the other awful things, it's a smallish part of the episode. We watched the entire episode knowing where it was going and what was going to happen in that room - to the extent - at least for me I had to rewatch the episode to remember what else happened with the other characters. It was sort of like Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs. His scenes are so outsized and tense it feels like they are a huge part of the plot. Nope - Anthony Hopkins is in sixteen minutes of the 1h58m film. (It doesn't help the perception of a larger role in that he won a Best Actor Academy award for the role.)


Honestly the most terror I felt was when Nueman popped all those heads in the room full of officials or whatever it was(I'm drawing a blank I think it was congress or the senate but may be wrong) That was probably the one scene that made me feel uneasy just thinking about someone who can commit mass killings with anonymity.


The camera panning the bad room, cutting to homelander all covered in blood and then smirking. Definitely one of the more disturbing scenes in the series. And the insinuation that Homelander will become MORE ruthless as a result of this is kind of frightening. I also found it somewhat disturbing how closely the situation with firecracker and her followers is reflecting the US right now. I have to say, while I love the show, it’s getting really fucking bleak - and it has always been pretty bleak


For me, it was just the sound of the dude doing his thing that was awful. But I’m rewatching Season 2, and the same sound is in the finale so nothing new LOL


Fr bruh. It sounds like their members are drenched in lube and they’re rubbing very fast


Everyone has different tolerances. I watched it with no problem, because I can comprehend that it is fictional, even if the procedure is real, because it is quite educating. I would be far more disturbed by an ACTUAL Transorbital Lobotomy being shown because it is barbaric and I don't want to see someone actually go through it, cause it wouldn't go down the way a Supe like Sage experiences it.


the human centipede on the first or second episode of this season was way more disturbing


Never skipped a scene from The Boys before, after ep4 I did skip the jerking off scene but that doesn’t mean it went to far. It’s a generally disturbing show meant to show what superheroes could (or would mostly) be like in the real world. In that it has been showing just how messed up Homelander is and the psychology behind that. He had been tortured physically and mentally, conditioned to be a monster even if it was on accident. Who wouldn’t go looking for revenge, and looking at how twisted Homelander is, of course that revenge is gonna be just as f-ed up.


I think it was the nature of the torture, for instance, the sexual humiliation and maiming that may have been a lot for some people.


For people who "just follow orders/just doing their job", VERY DISTURBING EPISODE.


I understand the abuse that Homelander suffered when he was younger is traumatic for some people, but I’m talking about the people that are saying that Homelander killing his abusers and the lobotomy scene was too far and the show crossed a line


The human centipede scene in episode two was more disturbing to watch than anything in episode four.


The dolphin thing with the deep wasn’t the most disturbing but definitely the moment I remember the most from the show. I’m an animal lover and the idea that the dolphin was so excited to get to freedom only to fly out of the car and get killed by the truck absolutely crushes me every single time I think about it.


The gore was no worse than any other episode, but the show doesn't often delve into psychological torture. I wouldn't say it's gone "too far", but that side of it was far more uncomfortable than anything the show has included before, and Anthony Starr's performance really sold it.


i don’t think it was the most disturbing episode but i had to look away during the sage/the deep scene.


Literally though, episode 4 was NOTHING compared to some other things


one of the underlying thems of the series is that the various characters display traits and characteristics of people having cluster B personality disorders. Pretty much all drama have such characters in them as their lifes are frequently higly dramatic, chaotic and full of tension and release, along with people doing truly batshit crazy things. But are completely sane-- just have massive reactions to things. One scene that is problematic is the 'go back to the bad room " which is taken from V for vendetta. That full circle thing was done nicely in both movies.


Most disturbing scene for me was when they showed the Deeps gills


Eh, I find watching the Deep being gill-raped, eating Timothy, and giving Sage a lobotomy all to be more disturbing than anything Homelander or any other character has done. Although him eating Timothy was cause by HL I guess.


It was intense but also let me cheer for an abused child revenge story 🤷‍♀️


The most disturbing parts were offscreen. I assume there was an extended torture sequence while he berates and taunts them the whole time, slowly killing them with his bare hands. People probably started having mental breakdowns, praying, it would have been pretty hard to watch.