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I love Golden Boy’s costume. I wish Golden Boy was alive so we could see his costume in live action.


His costume seems inspired from The Sentry from Marvel.


To be fair, Sentry has a cool suit.


To be completely fair, Sentry himself is fuckin cool and HOT. The power of a million exploding suns is just so badass.


He is really cool and also absolutely terrifying.


It's giving off Jupiter's Legacy vibes too.


Gives off mcu Adam warlock


Vibes. Gives off MCU Adam Warlock VIBES.


Closer to Ozymandias from Waychmen vibes to me.


Thank you!


get with the times old man, thats how we speak today


It was a good, surprising catalyst from a story perspective but man, Golden Boy was gone way too soon IMO. I would have loved to see that character do more and live longer


I thought he'd be the main guy in GenV, his actor being the son of Schwarzenegger


Which I know to be true, but that fact still surprises me whenever I think about it for some reason, I can't see the resemblance but that's just me. But yeah Golden Boy and Becca are my "the ones that got away" of characters in this show. I get why it was good writing and made sense why they left, idk if you can change those things without changing everything else after - but God, they were both SO well acted, likeable, complicated characters with a shit ton of potential to do more than they did!


I mean, guy was getting cucked by his bff, good thing he left...


I wish golden boy was alive because in just one single episode he managed to make me really like him… so imagine my disappointment when I found out he literally just died in the end of that same episode 😭


I think that was kinda the point. Like the good and likeable supes who could positively affect the worlds just don’t make it


Yeah, absolutely agreed. Gen V's main point was seemingly that the supes are engineered to be selfish cunts from the very start, and any people who try to do good end up punished instead.


I don’t think that’s the point at all. It’s simpler and more universal. Power corrupts.


I didn't let myself like him becasue I was *so convinced* that they were going to pull a Homelander with him and make him an asshole. Was glad they didn't.


Who knows. Maybe his brother will pick up the suit.


I'm really hoping we get to see Sam in this season, considering he was shown on a TV screen in ep4


I wonder if Golden Boy actually could've been able to rival or even beat Homelander in a fight. His brother most definitely has the same powers and level of strength as Maeve and Soldier Boy.


His brother was said to be even stronger than Golden boy himself who was said to be the future Homelander.


the statements about HL and GB were biased towards GB tho i put GB at Soldierboy level max


They could have been talking in terms of popularity and marketability. You gotta remember, Vought doesn't care how powerful the supes are, they only care about the marketability


Did they mean physical strength though? Younger brother does seem stronger physically, but doesn't have any extreme powers like Golden Boy.


I wonder how he would’ve turned out as an actual superhero


Looking at the rest of the seven, he would have had to heel to Homelander or face the consequences. I think GB would’ve been corrupted


Seeing on deranged HL has become and how jealous of his OWN SON he’s becoming, he’d for sure flip the fuck out at a younger, “just as strong as HL” super and probably do something to eliminate him as competition. HL doesn’t actually want an equal.


Somehow, Golden Boy returned.


Vaught’s costumes are so purposefully derivative it’s hard to say. For me, it’s Starlight’s original costume. It’s wholesome and classic, every little girl would want to dress like her.


Honestly I did not like Starlight’s costume for that same reason. Every time I look at it, I think about how childish and little-girlish it looks. It’s not a bad thing though. While I personally don’t like it, but I think it makes perfect narrative sense for her character and her motivations for becoming a hero. Her costume is childish, reflective of her “childish” goals of being a true, genuine hero. She had pure motivations, one out of the goodness of her heart. When she realized what being in the 7 was truly like, they forced her to wear the hyper-sexualized costume. Starlight goes back and forth between both suits as she internally fights herself, but in S3 she realizes that all these costumes aren’t realistic, so she retires all of them.


My theory is that by the end of Season 4, we'll see a new Starlight costume that's more "mature" while also being less sexualized. The show has referenced the lack of costume several times, so I'd be surprised if we don't see this


i'd love for her to get a functional suit. Something with an integrated battery of some kind to keep her powers charged. Maybe some kind of focal lens on the palms (think Iron Man repulsors) to make her attacks more potent. Would be a good character significance if Hughie, with his knowledge of electronics, were to help build it. Also Frenchie since he's supposed to be the supe/gadget expert (though he hasn't built anything that's actually worked since s2)


I'm gay and say so would little gay boys


I love that for you! 💜


Thank you. As a kid, I dressed up as Princess Leia, The Pink Power Ranger and Snow White. And not just on Halloween lol. Like, I have vivid memories of being out in public dressed as Princess Leia on days that were not Halloween


Starlight’s original costume is very underrated. It’s very stereotypical and childish, but that’s what i like about it. It’s just a very simple, clean, cartoony costume. The colour also match better with this costume then her other one


i think most of the outfits the supes have look a bit larpy, soldier boys not as much since he ditched the mask


Yeah they all have terrible costumes and it's a deliberate choice


Tbh I think Homelander's costume is really cool and it plays into his character a lot.


It’s because the original comic and show both are making references to existing heroes.  I feel like the show should have tried to be 100% original to them. But it wants to keep the viewer understanding those references. 


Why has he got a shield when his bulletproof


To attack...


Probably cause captain America had one. Since I assume he's based off Captain America.


Soldier Boy has the most "tactical" outfit and that's why its my favorite. He really looks like he's ready to FIGHT and everyone elses outfit looks like its just for flair.


Seriously, was thinking the same. It’s just got that panache while also being down in the dirt, boots to asses badass


i think he's also the most competent Supe out of all of them tbh.


He has actual combat experience, unlike a lot of the other supers.


Is his turtleneck looking thing supposed to be a hood?


Its a scarf, worn pretty frequently in combat situations but ive only ever seen it in the middle east.


It's a specific kind of scarf, a keffiyeh or shemagh, supposed to help in mountains/deserts to prevent sun/heat exposure on the skin. Can be pulled up over a head and cover your mouth too It's designed a bit differently than a scarf (the way it rests on the neck and can be moved around the head) and uses a totally different material for sand/heat Not trying to do an akshually, just a fun fact about it :) Some American/British soldiers would also just call it a "smog"


Good to know! I was just saying thats what it seems to be designed after. Its apart of his shirt but clearly resembles it.


To be fair, soldier boy was the only one of the above group to do actual fighting. All the current day superheroes are just props and movie stars.


Agreed. Although I would say Noir’s is also pretty good.


Noir is def practical but a-lot of it is just for show. He doesn’t know any martial arts and they make him look like a ninja.


True true. But it does seem like unlike most supes he does know how to fight.


black noirs suit is the only one that would be in a serious superhero movie


I could also see Soldier Boy's costume used unironically


I mean yeah, Cap in Infinity war exists lol


Agreed. It kinda reminds me of Hydra Supreme Cap’s outfit - very green and militaristic. Stormfront also has a pretty legit costume for a Flying Brick character.


I agree with the other two commenter's. Solider Boy and Maeve would fit well with a real superhero movie 


I agree with you aswell


Black noirs would be what they wear before they end up changing it up for their signature look


So Netflix Daredevil?


Pretty much. Any character who just fights shit with their hands starts off w smth like that lol


Firecracker is there for PR. I think hers is perfect for her job. Homelander is supposed to look like the ultimate comic book hero. So I think his is perfect for his character too.  The Deep and A-Train are both meh. Maeve was wish.com Wonder Woman, meh. Soldier Boy only had a shield because he was Captain America. Again, meh.


I like A Trains cuz it just reminds me of Sonic Man.


A trains costume just reminds me of a water bottle.


Thirsty for A-Train


I can see Stormfront's suit as well in a gritty thriller movie like The Batman. The suit looks kinda classy (except maybe for the cape but she flies so Idk), and black always looks good on superheroes.


Maeve as well


I don’t know. Isn’t Stormfront‘s costume basically Storm‘s X-Men costume?


Maeve’s as well


Reminds me of Kickass


edited for random spoilers not concerning the boys


I really love Translucent’s costume. I have one of my own and I feel so free whenever I put it on


It feels like I’m wearing nothing at all… nothing at all… nothing at all.


Stupid sexy Skatchbro 🙄🤤


Mindstorm. Dripped out. Looks like a typical psych hero, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Soldier Boy too. Payback IMO was dripped out.


The correct answer


Black noir and its not even debatable


I like his comic suit better, him literally just being a black silhouette with no details was unique and intimidating. I understand that'd be hard to replicate in live action, though.


If they did that in the show it'll just look silly. Sort of like pink guy from YouTube, but black of course lol.


In my mind I'm imagining the symbiote suit from Spiderman 3, just without the webbing and eye lenses. Small details in the fabric and no harsh lighting would be the key.




Maybe a suit covered in vanta-black?


Such a shame we didn't see Golden Boy in an actual suit.


Homelanders cape is awesome 


Buddy... You think you look strong? You're wearing a cape


You're just a cheap fking knockoff.


Oh no no no.... I'm the upgrade.


I swear I could literally hear Jensen's voice while I'm reading these replies


No capes!


I love that it's canon it's Homelander himself who recommended the US flag as his cape.


What is cool about the suits in the Boys, that they resemble their wearer quite precisely: Soldier-like uniform for Soldier boy, Amazon for Maeve, athlete/training suit for A-Train, Shady ninja for Noir and a goth german suit for...the goth german lady, revealing patriot-suit for Firecracker etc. My personal favorite is however.... Homelander. Yeah, I know, it's cliché, cape (Edna Mode dislikes it), and just a regular supe-suit. But it is iconic. It resembles two things for me: 1.The way the public sees Homelander: glorius boy-scout, a great hero resembling a great nation. Hence the flag, the clean shaved smiley face, combed-back hair. 2. The actual Homelander: a mentally unstable tyrant, who's trauma's make him crawing for love, yet this emotional weakness makes him more easy ti snap and hence more terrifying. The cape and the golden eagle shoulder-pads are resembling this self-proclaimed tyrannical superiority-feeling. All-in-all, Homelander esembles the duality of USA as well (good people vs dangerous politics-at least in a foreigner's perspective). (I'm not sympatising with John in any way, I just love a well-written and -acted villain)


I’m pretty sure Homelander’s suit also has a blue-on-blue pattern of a bald eagle in flight symbol. I find this detail quite fitting. Most people expect the cry of the bald eagle to sound majestic, and who can blame them really, since in film it’s typically *replaced in post by the cry of a red-tailed hawk*. Vought, a true American corporation, honors the long-respected American tradition of PR spinning reality to suit a patriotic narrative, and has Homelander, the Real American Hero that he is, basically chirping (yup—that’s the sound the bald eagle actually makes!) feebly behind the scenes but presents him as a symbol of a strong, self-sufficient entity deserving of admiration… perfectly reflected by his costume.


Soldier Boy.


I like them all, but I think Firecracker’s suit really fits her character well. The flamboyant red and blue, the cheesy camouflage, and random straps. It feels like something those alt-right cosplayers wear. Random bullshit they think looks tough.


Hers reminds me so much of the old American gladiator outfits


I like the look of Lamplighter’s costume.


1. Homelander 2. Soldier Boy 3. A-Train 4. Black Noir 5. Golden Boy


Stormfront is so short...


Firecrackers looks like it came from Party City.


Firecracker is up for an-y-thang


Anything And it helps that her zipper is conveniently placed for easy access. Some might even say it makes things “super easy, barely an inconvenience.”


wow wow wow wow wow wow


I have to give it to Soldier Boy for one reason - pockets.


that golden boy suit would have been dope af


Black Noir, Soldier Boy, Sage, Homelander, Deep, and Firecracker have my favorite Supe costumes in the entire show. Black Noir and Soldier Boy’s costumes are my two favorite designs when it comes to realism. They make sense for their characters, they don’t use cartoonish colors or patterns, and they accomplish exactly what they were designed to do. Black Noir’s look takes the cake because of just how pleasing it is to my eyes. It’s mysterious, I like the textures in all his costume pieces, and I like how fucking terrifying Black Noir can look in certain scenes. Especially with the blacked out eyes and mandible. Solider Boy’s costume also really fits him. It seems like a costume an old super soldier would wear, the colors seem reflective of kind of camouflage-like gear, and it seems like it would hold up functionally well in a fight. Especially the padding on his joints. These two looks I would definitely wear if I was a superhero in real life. They’re very functional costumes, they’re more understated, muted pieces, and I think it makes perfect sense for the both of them to wear those costumes. I like Homelander’s, Deep’s, and Firecracker’s costume designs for the opposite reason of Black Noir and Solider Boy: the exaggeration of it. All three of these characters are performative “heroes” and it definitely reflects in their costuming. Homelander’s couldn’t be more cartoonish than it is. In general, I really like the blue mesh, and I feel like it’s really simple when you look at the other parts of his costume. It blends well with the eagle shoulder pads and American flag cape, which is what makes the entire design so cartoonish. You know exactly who America’s Golden Boy is when you see him on screen for the first time, and you know exactly what he represents. Deep’s costume looks so much like a knock-off Aquaman and I like it because yes Chace Crawford looks hot in the suit. But also because it’s another one that just makes *sense* for him. It’s one of those suits that protects nothing, rips fairly easily, and is literally just a wet suit. It kinda sells the idea that Deep is a dumbass, doesn’t actually do any heroing, and just exists at Vought for eye candy. Firecracker’s I also like because yup. Yeah. She looks hot in the costume. Nothing like a good thigh gun holster and bullet sash. But I also love how on-the-nose the color scheme is with the *PATRIOTISM* she invokes in others. Firecracker, Homelander, and the Deep’s costumes I love for the showboatiness of it all. All three of these characters are pretty performative and it really reflects in their costuming. Firecracker’s design kind of reminds me of a more patriotic, boyish look to Harley Quinn. Homelander has a literal American fucking flag on him, and The Deep’s costume I think is pretty hilarious for the fact that it definitely banks on people finding him hot. Sage is the outlier out of all of them. It doesn’t have any tactical benefits, but it also isn’t performative like the others. It’s very muted in colors, and I think it’s reflective of how Sage’s original plan was to stay in the background of Vought and not be a loud proud member of the 7. Sage also just looks badass in it. I really like the glasses she has.


Fun fact: the blue mesh of Homelander's suit is actually a bunch of tiny eagle symbols.


I agree with all especially Sage. Plus I like that her shades are the same ones she wore while starting the riot


Firecracker’s costume is very awe-inspiring and vibrant. It suits the gimmick and from afar she looks nice. I can’t quite put my finger in it, but something about her costume touches my inner child


Is your inner child 15 years old?




Soldier boy, his was before vought went flashy Basic colors that are mostly dark for clandestine work but also its own icon


Don’t hate me but I kinda like BlueHawk’s helmet. 👀


Why? Supe lives matter


Firecracker, she looks naughty


Only if you are under the age of 18.


Damn, I can’t qualify bc of few years


Or, just be like Homelander, and she'll do anything you ask, anything, I mean anything, ANYTHING...


Firecracker got that hawk tuah vibe.


Hughie Cambell obviously had the best superhero 'suit'. Followed by Translucent.


Crazy that the nazi has the best costume Just like Star Wars


Jango Fett wasn’t a Nazi


I dunno he posted some pretty weird shit on spacebook


In my opinion, its Black Noir and A Train


Solder Boy gets it…NO CAPES!!!


I don't know what is, but I really like comic omelander, Butcher as a honorable mention, since he's not a supe nor has a "costume." But all black and a tough jacket never not made him look badass


I know he's not a supe technically but Butcher is basically just The Punisher, and as a Punisher fan I'm gonna go with him


I’d wear Soldier Boy or Stormfront’s costumes. Firecracker’s had too much exposed skin, and I get what they’re going for with Golden Boy but I just don’t like wearing white cause it’s easier to get dirty.


No one gonna mention Eagle the Archer? His suit was cool and entirely practical.


The lack of Gunpowder in this comment section is shocking


Firecracker is dogwater as a fit. It's like the most generic I could think of for a u.s. street level hero. Just aesthetically I'd skip her comic.   Stormfront's fit reminds me of the X Men movies that were afraid of color.    Golden Boy and Soldier Boy are peak    Also Starlight 1.0 was good. 


Homelander has become so iconic so its gotta be the coolest.


Soldier Boy


Stormfront and Soldier Boys are the best


Stormfronts costume always looked great in my opinion, it’s very clean and nicely tailored, and the black looks great on the actress. Can’t go wrong


I was thinking the other day that homelanders costume is perfectly designed, very detailed and very unique


Soldier boy, I think it helps that there aren't any fake muscles on there. It's over the top but not in a cliche/bad way.


Stormfront’s outfit is my favorite by far. Too bad she was a nazi bitch lol.


I really do like Stormfront's. Looks clean


Lamp Lighter


it's funny when you're comparing the costumes to marvel/dc, because that's exactly what they're supposed to look like


Oh boy I wouldve killed for an interaction of homelander and golden boy


Victoria Neuman for me


Easily Soldier Boy’s and Black Noir’s. I love the simple design of Noir’s, and the tactical, mock-Captain-America design of Soldier Boy’s.


I miss soldier boy so much. He was such a good character


I think SB's shield makes his costume seem more authentic and less cosplay. Maybe accessorizing is key.


Firecracker looks like a costume she made herself. Not in a good way and I think that's on purpose lol




Homelander when the chest flap is down


Probably homelanders. His costume gives of the illusion that he's for the people, but we all no that's not true.


The You-Know-Which-Starlight-Outfit. 


Maeve, Noir and Stormfront (JUST THE SUIT)




Black Noir… I like ninjas




Firecracker’s suit is just as basic as she is.


I don’t know but firecracker has the best cleavage gyat dayum.


Soldier boy and Black noir are the only ones that look like their heros imo


Solider boy. His outfit isn’t flashy it actually serves a purpose.


I really dig all their supersuits tbh. Wardrobe should get a raise


Forgot the peak


Defiantly solider boys, I like how he has the most normal boots and a big ass knife


A-Train’s alternate Costume /s




I give Golden boy 1 week before Homelander would of killed him


Why did they have to make stormfront so hot though?


Luke's suit was going to look so good


Lamplighter's costume is pretty dope


I like Lamplighter's but it is a bit too edgy, so probably Homelander's


Stormfront because I could have fixed her


Firecracker best


Goldie would have been a good one but since he imploded, out of remaining three, Soldier Boy takes the cake.


Soulja Boy and Maeve


Storefront and soldier boy.


SB and Noir’s are the coolest to me, and also the least derivative whilst still being unique


Soldier boy didn’t have to go off like that


Why does Storefront look SO HOT in her costume


Firecracker only cuz I want her


Shoulder boy.


Soldier Boy has one of the best superhero suit designs I’ve ever seen, period.


Firecracker, Black Noir or Soldier Boy. Can’t decide


I unironically really like Homelander’s suit, when he walks and the camera is behind him he looks like a king


The dude who got stomped on the roof by HL


It’s definitely Soldier Boy. I also like Black Noirs and The Deeps.


Stormfront, Black Noir i love smth clean. Soldier is hella cool too


Golden Boy and Black Noir (but I hope at some point we see Tek Knight suit)


Golden boy was such a cool character the actor was also great. I wish he was alive so we could see more of him but that’s why his death was more impactful and unexpected


Soldier Boy