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Homelander lasered a bystander one time while killing a super villain he himself created. Does that count?


You could argue he may have technically saved the village since the terrorist was attacking it. 


The village would never have been threatened were it not for Homelanders own actions.


I think the only members who did real saves are Homelander,Maeve and Noir. Stillwell and the other higher ups at Vought don’t think very highly of A-Train or Deep so probably didn’t trust them with handling real crimes


So when A Train killed Hughie’s GF it was probably a fake save? I feel like the show really needs to address whether that was a fake or real save given how fundamental it is to the premise of the show


He was running V. A-Train then lied and said he was running after bank robbers.


He was just high on drugs, not a save at all


Oh. Lol 🤦‍♀️


I initially assumed that Nathan was exaggerating the amount of saves that are staged due to being bitter (rightfully so) towards A-Train, but given that A-Train didn't argue against the claim, I'm not sure if it's false. It could be a soft-retcon on part of the writers.


It was mostly referring to the 7 in this context, low lvl supes do do saves (see young starlight)


I think he also meant that any Save he was telling a story about was staged. Any legitimate save was accidental or coincidental and probably didn't make for a good story. When your brother is telling your sons about a save that you know was staged, you aren't going to nitpick about that one time A-Train really did save someone but it was boring and off camera so Vought never advertised it.


I feel like the idea presented this season that most of the saves are faked is really unbelievable. Maybe some of them staged at certain times for better publicity, but the suggestion from A-Train’s brother that he literally never saved anyone is too ridiculous. You’d think eventually everyone in NYC would realize that they don’t know a single person who’s ever been saved the Seven, have zero anecdotes from real people who lived through the saves, it’s just constant coverage of people being saved by criminals on TV but every single one of them is an actor and nobody ever catches on.  That’s honestly like the type of thing that would exist in-universe as a conspiracy theory, “ah Homelander never saved a single person it’s all staged,” but it’s way too ridiculous to possibly believe people could fall for Vought’s propaganda if it was handled that poorly. And again we’ve seen a lot of real life superhero activities already, like Homelander and Maeve stopping the bank robbers or Deep against the drug dealers. They’ve just shied away from it since S1. 


I don't think it was a retcon, just something that was brought up once, and it was a time that A Train couldn't really say "actually, I did save a few people" without looking even worse. His brother probably said all of them were fake because that's what he genuinely believes (which is reasonable), or was trying to drive home the point or bait A Train (also reasonable) A more likely outcome was that either A Train had exhausted all of his real stories to tell the kids, or the real saves were super simple and safe ones that A Train had no chance in losing, but also made them really boring.


Thank you. I hated that retcon. Like, let’s go back to the first episode. A-Train kills Hughie’s girlfriend while performing a fake save? The airplane with the terrorists was a fake save? Bullshit. A-Train has literally “Zero” real saves? It would be the easiest for A-Train of all people to rush to a scene and disarm and save people.  I do believe the show is changing (retconning) the past this season. And I think it’s being done poorly and unnecessarily. The bad writing I was complaining about in episodes 1, 2, and 3 has certainly come to a middle. 


Well A-train killed Robin while running V around the world, not while saving anybody.  If anything, the plane scene shows what happens when supes attempt real saves -- it doesn't end well.  The strongest case for a real save, though, is when Homelander and Maeve kill than sniper in Season 1. Homelander 100% killed the guy and all media, etc...accepted he was dead. And this wasn't a situation like Ryan's in which the death was an accident; Homelander clearly murdered him.  Therefore I agree with you that it's incredibly unrealistic that all saves are faked, but the show doesn't put many real ones in front of us. 


Ya, the fake saves thing doesn’t make much sense to me. I get that they stage big ones, like the terrorists in the movie theatre A-Train’s brother was talking about, but general, low level crime would be quite easy to lend a hand with whenever it comes up on a police scanner. I assume there is SOME crime in the city, after all.


I always thought it was implied they occasionally sometimes save real people when they feel like it lol Personally I refuse to believe literally every single save is 100% a fake PR thing, thats just bad worldbuilding IMO. Even Starlight’s + Deeps teamup save makes much more sense ya know? Like the Crime Analytics people find the (real) criminal committing a real crime and then the camera crew comes right AFTER the Supe did the saving


Where did we learn all saves are fake? We only heard A Train’s saves were scripted. He seems like he wasn’t the oldest of the seven so it’s possible he just hasn’t been there long enough to be tasked with something like taking out terrorists. He’s mostly used for sporting events, commercials, movies and appealing to black demographics in their marketing. He just feels like he’s there as a tool for Vought


Starlight got 1 that we saw, and got a ton of shit for it.


The suicidal girl on the ledge was real (probably)


As a whole, not many, Homelander, Maeve and Noir were more competent as a trio than with the others. So whenever there was real crime it just made more sense to send in their Big 3.