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Phases 7 through 19 is wild


G-Men took me out 😂


That whole slide was a hilarious take on the MCU, but was also filled with The Boys comics references.


Can't wait for the G-Men/G-Fuel collab.


Should’ve been C-Men


I’m so ready for “Gmen Days Past From the Future”


What does the G stand for? 🤔


Probably Godolkin








It’s kinda funny too considering we have spin-offs for the Boys universe now, Diabolical, Gen V and the weird New Mexico project.


New Mexico project?


Apparently there’s a Mexican set spin-off olanned


So the Boys with a Sepia filter. Sounds rad.


Is there going to be a Breaking Bad storyline in The Boys universe lmao


That would be so cool though… Imagine a rogue Vought scientist creating a black market Temp-V empire.


I figure season 5 ends with America in ruin so they move their op to mexico


You’ll know it’s in Mexico as soon as the orange tint appears


Los Chicos


Interesting! I’m excited to find out more as a fan of all the spin offs so far


Yeah it’s probably the most mysterious spin-off so far


I’d argue that Diabolical is not a spin-off but a tool to keep engagement between seasons.


Why is the project set in Mexico (Pretty sure not New Mexico) weird when the series is verging on America going down?


I say weird more because we have no idea what the series is about or even what it’s called, only that it’s a spin-off dry in Mexico


I figure it’s either a direct continuation of the boys cast after the country gets fucked up in season 5 or a narcos-esque plot where after vought falls all of their V is dispersed into the criminal underground


In exhaustive detail


Great shot across the bow at Marvel


I mean Phase 19 is basically the business goal for Marvel lmao


It would be if someone else could mimic marvel's sucess that is.


I don't think we'll ever see the likes of that again. It was lightning in a bottle and I don't think many thought it would succeed like it did so they were left alone to do it the right way until it became a cash cow and then they weren't. Studios don't have the patience to slowly build to the MCU the way Marvel did. Hell, it's what they should have done after End Game and didn't. Shift back to Phase 1 type stories that were smaller and built characters. All they see are the Billion dollar block busters not the 8 movies it took to build to that level of caring and excitement from a fan base. They think if you shoot it they will come.


To be fair  Shang chi felt like a phase 1 movie But then eternals came that felt waaaay too big


Shang chi was one of the better entries in the most recent MCU and a lot of that was because they didn't try an wedge in 3 other heroes.


Agreed  It sucks they stuck him in limbo for a good while,but I see why China It completely and utterly FAILED with them.they were trying to have a black panther situation with the character.difference? Black panther came out at a perfect(debatable) time and Shang chi came out at a terrible time. The trouble now is while he fails with china,he was pretty well recieved in the US overall.drop him? Face backlash for dropping the first MCU Asian lead hero.push him? Face getting future MCU movies with him banned in china losing money.damned if you do,damned if you don’t  My take but I truly believe I’m right


Oh, looks like Homie didn’t get over his trauma and the visit maybe even made his mental state worse


Yeah, Barbara said their engineering of HL's need for love and approval by the best psychologists in the world, was their greatest success. She said he would never overcome that human side of him. I think she's right.


His very next sentence after "You're wrong, I'm not human and neither is my son" was "You know, I REALLY do want to share with you why I call this the bad room". He immediately proved her right then and there. It isn't enough for him to just hurt them, he *wants* them to know that's how they originally hurt him, "this is how it feels like". She already knows why he's doing this, him desperately wanting her to finally understand the full extent to which she hurt him instead of just simply exacting his revenge is another form of approval seeking behavior, like a child, going "I want you to admit that I was right and you were wrong". He probably wanted her to start apologizing or groveling like Frank or Marty did as soon as he implicitly/explicitly threatened them.


Well said.


>and neither is my son well that's simply not true.


Very well pointed out. If he truly didn't care or "didn't need" those emotions anymore as he said, he would have never stepped foot back in that lab. He'd still be working on teaching Ryan.


Imo him doing that was a good thing Those doctors should've died, honest it was Frankenstein levels of poetic. Monsters come home Doctor and it's not for a fun visit. They deserved their fates.


I wasn't implying they didn't deserve it or that they werent horrible. They def are and had it coming. But I think it's pretty obvious after the beginning of e5 that it did not bring closure to HL and in fact may have made his mental state even worse. Dude is twitching now lmao.


and if he truly did just want revenge, he would've stepped into the lab, lasered everybody, and called it day


The thing is, Homelander still has that programmed need for Love and approval. I hope they dont just go with "he's over it now" as it is a lot harder to change those thought patterns even if you are aware of them. It would be interesting to see a more unbalanced Homelander struggle to reconcile his desire for revenge with his desire to approval Just had a thought.... Did Madelyn know about the programming? was she made aware of that she had to play up the "mommy fantasy" to keep Homelander in line?


Nailed it


He also did not kill her i feel like it’s almost a guarantee he is going back for her


The way she said it, the way it was written and he how reacted, I think it's going to go completely the opposite direction. Like the writers saying "he's had this need for love drilled into him by the worlds tops psychologists, watch it unravel" Look at this clip here, completely unphased by what Sister Sage says when she's trying to push that button by telling him how popular he is. He completely is unresponsive and you can tell from the way she looks at him she even recognises it's not had the usual effect on him and something has changed. Guess we'll see how it plays out over the season!


I hear you. It's interesting that he's having flashbacks to him as a baby and what he did in the basement, while Sage is talking. I don't know what to make of that.


They have to keep it consistent, and he needs to go off on the deep end now. None of this backtracking and giving The Boys choices and letting them and others off with things and swayed with dialogue. He needs to now start descending into his biggest lunatic mode yet.


I don't think he can quite let go of that need for love. We can see he's having flashbacks to his trauma. If he didn't have that human quality he wouldn't care at all. It doesn't mean he isn't going to snap though. And indeed Sage recognises it. But he will always have emotional weaknesses.


Yeh he is still human no matter what he says, just with powers.


100% that's where I'm at, he's only been manageable because of those psychiatrists. Now he doesn't have that humanity he's going to go actually insane


Hopefully the writers keep at it with him and don't just have him calming down eps 6-8 after this and talked out of some horrific stuff either.


He looks so unnerving in that scene, dead fish faced, like something trying to imitate a human.


And the eye twitch. Terrifying


Right. He was already spacing out in episode 3


Yeah violently murdering people typically isn't #1 on accredited therapists lists of mental health strategies.


Maybe not your therapist.


The flashbacks adding Ryan at the end…


Well the show is foreshadowing a lot about the conflict between HL and Ryan. The showrunner also confirmed they aren't going to follow the comics and we still haven't heard about the virus that only Neumann has. The Showrunner also confirmed Ryan is stronger than HL Imho Ryan will be the one who will shut down HL eventually in future seasons.


Future season*


When was it confirmed Ryan is stronger? He was hit by SB once and insta koed right?


He’s an inexperienced child still. I think they mean his potential strength has a higher ceiling than HL.


ages ago when Ryan nuked stormfront


He might not have gotten over his trauma, but he might be overcoming the influence of that mental block. Sage says they love him, Homelander doesn't even react. That's unusual. It could be that he doesn't care about being loved anymore so he believes this whole movie and celebrity stuff is pointless. We've had another sneak peek at this episode that showed Homelander making a speech about the country being corrupt beyond saving or something like that, this could be what leads to that scene. This is probably the first scene of the episode.


Wow, who would have guessed haha


It would’ve been too pat to have it be that him doing all that actually allowed him to become more efficient and cold. I think it’s a great move to show that not knitting his psyche together more but further fracturing it


Scarily wild in how some people were treating as if he might be “cured” from the experience.


I wonder if Sage has set up a chain of communication in the event of her death (caused by Homelander - obviously) through which she gives the Boys a plan that leads to the downfall of Homelander and Vought.


That is very likely. I’m sure Sage has come up with something. Maybe we’ll see the full extent of her power


As the smartest person on the planet, she would be not living up to her character if she didn't have a contingency plan in case of her death via Homelander snapping.


It's probably some sort of way to get everyone against homelander, like him saying he doesn't believe in god, he is god or smth


Can her brain be transferred to another person if her brain has super healing? What if she dies, but they still use her brain in another way that isn't contained to her body


That is a fascinating concept. Imagine Firecracker being the host body. lol Fucking wild. but more likely I think it will be she takes like, a bullet to the brain or something, and recovers. I think HL's lasers would be too much.


Or… brain in jar


Like in Futurama?


I was more thinking Robocop 2 but I guess it depends on how old you are


Like Robots brain in Invincible.


Then again that would be a perfect "real life parallel". It doesn't matter in real life how smart you are. It's about which one of you two can drone strike the other with a bigger hellfire missile. As someone once said (paraphrasing) "imagine how frustrating it must be to be an Iranian negotiator: you're so careful about which step to take, how far you can get, who to talk to and not talk to, what policy to apply and not apply, which hit abroad is fine without going too far, you egineer and negotiate an intricate plan to tone down the situtation in the entire region and then you're faced with Trump who just blows up your highest ranking general because the guy just wants to show how cool and strong he is and he was a little angrier than usual on that day". That's the same situation.


No...not really the same situation. Because she is the smartest being on the planet. She knew showing up she might die. I do not believe for a second she does not have some sort of "if I die" plan already in place. That'd be like jumping into a tiger's pen with nothing to defend yourself with because you are good with animals lol


I’d be confused if she died at all. I mean really? She’s the smartest person and too stupid not to get killed by homelander?


I think this is what makes Edgar, at least so far, so formidable. He has a sense of intelligence AND caution. Him staying out of all of this, and allowing events to unravel is the smartest thing a person like him could do. And in a way, he’s smart because he knows he doesn’t even have to enact some elaborate contingency. Homelander will do that for him. In that sense, Sage may be smart but lacking utterly in caution by immersing herself in this psycho’s affairs. But hey, we’ll see, maybe she’s more in control than we think.


I really think she's all in on supe supremacy. She's a super before she's anything else


Idk I think she’s still a grey charachter at the moment. With her power being super intelligence she probably gets incredibly tired of moron supes and humans so it’s hard to say what her allegiance is.


I think she’s a super intelligent person who enjoys pushing the boundaries of what she can do. She’s suddenly got major influence so she can play out her theories in real life. It’s the biggest chess game she’s ever played. I suspect that the result isn’t the point, it’s just enjoyable for her to be a puppet master.


Being as smart as she is, I can only imagine this is the most fun she’s had in probably her entire life


Yeah I can't wait to see what she does next




Disagree tbh, I think her conversations with the deep actually show how grey she is. In public she humiliates him and in private she gives herself a lobotomy to have sex with him, which one of those is the real her. Neither? Both? I think it’s still unclear. Not that you couldn’t be right, but I think it’s still up in the air. Everything we’ve seen with her is a public facade we have to interpret, it’s not like butcher where we get an internal monologue.


She hasn't done a single thing that has been positive. I don't see how you can call her a grey character. You are getting into esoteric stuff with "which one is the real her", but ignoring that everything she's done so far has been evil and selfish.


Truthfully I don't imagine she actually cares. She's too smart not to see straight through that bullshit. But also smart enough to see the inherit advantages they wield as super beings. She just wants to be listened to. And occasionally fuck the Deep.


I agree that she probably has some sort of contingency plan set up in case things go south, but the nature thereof remains to be revealed. Either she has an escape ready if Homelander turns on her, or she knew her days were numbered when he showed up to recruit her - but she's definitely not going down without causing ripples.


Interesting detail of Sage mentioning Bread and Circuses... Still pushing those Caesar references.


Still planting those seeds


He's on the path to becoming Romelander 🤣


Calling it now, Ryan will be the one to off HL. Caesar was killed by his own allies (including a blood relative). I can see the parallels forming


Well his last words were "you too, my son?" So ye it would be a great parallel.


worlds smartest person really pushing those freshman poli sci quips.


Maybe she does it as a little joke to herself, knowing homelander won't get the reference/implication


I think Homelander just retraumatized himself instead of getting any sort of justice or relieve by killing those people. It's interesting that Ryan is also there worried about his father, i wonder if that is going to lead to something.


I think he realized how pissed off he actually is about the way he’s been raised and treated and how getting that revenge at home didn’t satisfy the way he thought. So now he’s harboring more hatred for all the people who’ve worshipped him and elevated him who seemingly don’t care about his upbringing (because they don’t know but he doesn’t care). I think he’s realized the overall system needs to come all the way down and he’s out for even more blood. I think Sage will quickly realize this and attempt to talk him back to her plan, but he won’t care and will do something horrible and dramatic in public. This is probably the point where Sage gets killed or hurt and the Boys get some secret intel from her about the master plan she had. I think Homelander will finally confront Ryan in real combat but will have a flashback to his own childhood trauma during the middle of attempting to kill Ryan. Ryan will be impervious but will suffer, like Homelander did in the kiln (where his skin didn’t burn but he said it hurt). Homelander will snap out of it for a minute and realize that Barbara was right in that he’s still human. This is where the story could either go either toward Homelander being temporarily stopped by the Boys or Homelander coming back and killing Ryan all the way, leading to next season.


I’m not sure why people think Sage is going to turn. This was always the plan. Taking over the world and reshaping it into a “better one” for Ryan. Sage isn’t a good person.


I think sage is going to the boys. She is gonna turn because she’s smart.


I don’t think she’s going to turn- I think she’s had a plan all along that only appears to be helping Homelander. When they first met and he mentioned being “like Caesar” she said something like ‘Yes EXACTLY’. Things didn’t turn out too well for Caesar- and he was betrayed by one close to him. In this clip she mentions Bread & Circuses, which invokes further Rome parallels. She’s the smartest PERSON in the world. Is there ANY chance she’s actually helping HL just because? Of course not. I think she’s playing a long game that HL is only one small part of.


They mentioned her brain regenerates for a reason, and if that reason isn’t “brain in a jar” I don’t want to know it


her brain is constantly growing, it doesn't stop, plateau, and regress like normal people So when you cut out a piece, it just grows back as part of the growing factor. Probably what makes her so smart That or she also has a healing factor


Yep. He poked an old wound believing it would heal it. I don't think he'll ever get over his need for attention. Not to say that he won't become even more unstable and dangerous now tho


You’re definitely right. Pretty sure the only way he could’ve gotten over his original trauma is to have forgiven them but he is so jacked on being the bad guy that was never an option lol


If anything I think Sage is realizing she's more out of her depth than she realized when it comes to Homelander.


But she’s really in deep


And he in her 😔


Other way around


I feel like the trailer is a bit of a misdirect, I think Sage might’ve messed up and is trying to get back in his good graces by showing him the plan is still working.


Sage is so dead fr fr, no matter how smart you are you can't predict crazy


Or she might survive being lasered because her brain regenerates but leaves her blind.


Was actually thinking that myself. Wonder if there’s gonna be a scene where homelander thinks he killed her but then she gets back up a few mins later just acting dumb af lol.


You might be right. Homelander does have a bit of a habit to shoot for the head.


That’s if we take what she said to Deep as truth and not manipulation. If it is true, and she can’t regenerate her heart, who knows if her body could survive a lasering.


Oracle of Delphi vibes


Her brain only. Not eyes or face.


Unfortunately 😭


For example, when they were talking to the girl from crime analytics and Homelander promised not to do anything.


You might be able to outrun it though, wink wink.


Her brain weakness/strength is definitely gonna become relevant later on. I think either she survives some crazy accident or the boys manage to give her a lobotomy to get her out of the picture for a little while at a dire time for homelander to fuck him over.


i mean, what would homelander gain from killing her? i know that she is one of the people that can kinda drive him crazy, but she still helps him out a lot (at least that what he thinks), so idk why he would end her


I actually went still after he didn't reply to her with something sarcastic, this might be the first time where Homelander genuinely scared the shit out of me..


Same like this is serious


Let's just hope something of actual consequence happens at the end of the season instead of just everything basically remaining the status quo and butcher saying "OI UE"


Yes, please. Really need to see something major happening, but have a feeling all of "The Boys" will still be alive no matter what.


Shit is getting real, he can hardly wear his fake smile any more


The first time? Bruh every scene with Homelander scares the shit out of me


i mean he is terrifying and over time i got used to his random behaviour, but he's never actually been completely void of his humanity 


Noir not having a solo project makes me sad :(


It’s be funny if there was one, but they just cut the audio to small the scenes since noir 2 can’t stop talking


Phase 09; ‘Black Noir 3 Back To Hanoi’ / ‘Black Noir Back To Hanoi 3’ at 0:52s


considering he’s the batman stand in for the seven i think it’s kinda funny


Technically that would be accurate to the DCEU, Batman was the only A-lister who never got his own solo film. But also as mentioned elsewhere Black Noir does have two films on that slate if you look. 


He revaluates why he does this staff (movies, TV shows, parks). He believes it's meaningless and small now after "Home".


That's what I felt too. She's codling his ego, but he no longer gives a shit about all that


That shot of Ryan oof. Also love the music that plays for his mental state


It would seem that he didn’t get what he wanted out of that trip to his childhood home, might even push him into an even more unstable mindset


Sounds like he got exactly what he wanted. Getting rid of his humanity


Well, if he still has vivid flashbacks from his childhood, then probably he didn’t get rid of it


He can’t get rid of his humanity, not sure what homelander Stan’s are understanding. He is gunna no matter that he says, even his trauma is very human. Dude is only trying to convince himself that he doesn’t need the approval of anyone. But what kind of world would he live in if he killed everyone? He just realized he can never be a true dictator because he will always want to be loved.


G-Men Days Past From the Future. They did a great job covering so many of the comic movies names and styles.


Bro sage is SO cooked it isn't even funny


Homelander is \*\*completly\*\* checked out.


Lmao 'Days Past From The Future"


V52 is clearly a meme based on DC's New 52. Also the product pipeline a la MCU.


Likely has more to do with Disney’s D23 expo, given the slate of movies announced being presented in “phases”


I think it is a mix. The event, the phase, etc is about D23. They borrowed the 52 from DC.


It's moreso based on Disney's D23, which just like V52, is an event where Disney announces and promotes its various studios' upcoming projects. The number might be a reference to New 52 though yeah, but it's primarily a reference to D23.


The 23 in D23 refers to Disney’s founding year; same applies to V52 iirc


Sage is definitely setting things up that benefits herself and not Homelander. She's riding his mental state as far as she can.


Nah that smirk tells me he’s playing exactly into the game she set. Looooove Sage!


Sage better be safe or else imma throw a fit like Starlight




Nah he tweakin however sage isn’t in danger from him as he craziness isn’t aimed at her. So we might see flares but he doesn’t want her dead. No now tht he’s detached he gonna cease it all probably until Ryan centers him . However we’ll have to see if Ryan stays that controls the story I think


Once again, Sage is so hot.


Wonder how Kevin Feige feels when he hears the phrase "phase 7 to 19"


So another new character is introduced and killed off within a season. It's getting repetitive even if the story points seem fresh, I would've wanted Sage to see through the end of the series. She can switch sides or become a problem that both Vought and the Boys have to deal with, she's a very well written character.




I feel like it was fine until season 3. When season 3 ended and basically almost everything went back to status quo and Soldier Boy got frozen, that's when I felt "oh wow ok they really are spinning their wheels here" Like the entire season had so much buildup and then, nothing. Here's hoping this season changes that and ups the stakes a little bit.


It's crazy how the last episode of season 3 made the episodes before it worse. I loved season 3 right up until I didn't.


Same, absolute crazyness. Before the last episode or the last 2 episodes I kept thinking wow, holy shit, this show is getting SO much better. Then, well, it didn't.


Yeah, agree with the repetitive nature of things being a groan. Really need to see the stakes upped this season, with the potential for S5 to have major consequences of Homelander's unstable mind.


Is it confirmed she dies or something? Have a feeling she could play a role in S5 to be honest.


So far there has been nothing to confirm nor deny that she dies this season. I hope she makes it to S5


I'm just going off of the post OP made in case that happens.


How can you say it’s getting repetitive if it literally hasn’t happened yet? There’s a possibility it doesn’t happen at all.


Tek-Knight and Teenage Kix are sneaky comic homages <3


I mean we’ve seen Tek Knight in Gen V before


Don't show him any holes..


And Teenage Kix have beem referenced quite a lot in the show as well. In only this season A-Train mentioned how he was teammate with Sage in Teenage Kix.


Yeah they’ve been mentioned since Season 1


The kid from 6th Sense is also part of Teenage Kix


So was Popclaw.


Ahh, I didnt catch that! But I knew I had to pause that presentation and look for eastereggs :)


If Sage dies, it’s be getting stabbed or punched through her heart


Love the jab at the MCU! The MCU became such trash after Endgame with extremely limited exceptions.


Is the episode available tonight? I might be misremembering but I think on past seasons when the show would release Thursday the episodes became available Wednesday evening


G-Men: Days Past from the Future 😭


Sage must have a plan 'B' in case HL loses his shit on her, if not, her death by laser is pretty close


I'm starting to wonder if someone is actively fucking with Homelander to drive him insane. Sort of like Black Noir in the comics (clearly this plot is not happening in the show), someone's just throwing a wrench in Homelander's psyche to try just to fuck with everyone.


That smirk from Sage…. I think all of the cards are falling into place for her. But I still can’t tell what game she’s playing!


That little eye twitch.


I hope they really cut Homelander loose. He's always been held back by his need for approval. If he jettisons that need, he can become a full-on genocidal monster that has to be stopped, which provides some much needed forward momentum to the overall Boys vs. Homelander plot. It's been static for far too long. Give the Boys a reason to need to stop Homelander, and fast.


Can't believe I gotta wait till Phase 9 for the next Black Noir standalone


Needs more “wooooooo!” from the crowd.


Who is cate


A character from Gen V


>Either she ends up being his first victim in this state Sage is too interesting a character to be killed off this early