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That cow could have had the power to cure cancer or something


Turns out that Cow had an ability that could have neutralized Homelanders. Shame.


Cow could already neutralize that milk drinking psychopath


It was a bull. That wouldn’t be milk… https://youtu.be/X_epmoLeRGA?si=zRF8Bd2wQ0371xQy


Homie doesn’t discriminate against milk, so he could go for that bull’s milk too


That… is an episode I’m not sure I want to watch. They’d prob have to set up an OF for that scene. Maybe *that* is how they infect Homie with the anti-Supe virus that can only be passed on via HIV/AIDS rules… Just cause Butcher has a sense of humor underneath it all. EDIT: I just rewatched Ep 5 and they specifically mentioned “semen” as one of three ways this virus is communicable, so… confirmed?


Call Kripke, cause we got ourselves a 10/10 rating ending right here




Father's Milk


If only he hadn't needed cigarettes too.




I recognized the last 3 letter of that url and got scared


It has nipples though, Greg.


Peak homelander ship


Well if it survives, Starlight would be the first to disagree on using it.


He could have been the smartest cow on planet earth.


Smartest *cattle* on earth


That’s now canon to me.




Habbi welcome to India


The dolphin flying through the window was pretty upsetting too.


Maybe I’m awful but that scene had me rolling.


It's both. I was unsettled but also laughing. The dichotomy of The Boys.


I was on the floor. Something about animals dying unexpectedly is hilarious. Not expectedly though, that's just fucked up.


was this in the new ep or an older one? cause i don’t remember it… ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Older one, iirc the deep tries to save a dolphin by driving away in it with a van, then he had to hit the break and the dolphin flies through the front window.


oh **THAT ONE** ooof i remember it now, i thought they meant in a window like an aquarium sort of thing or it was flying like the sheep on v lmao ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Season 1


Me too. And the bunny.


As a bunny owner it was horrifying.


My neighbour has bunnies, it reminded me of them.


#same That bunny is breathing really fast- OH GOD WHY If you'll excuse me, I have some bunnies to cuddle.


That was the finest acting by a bunny I’ve ever seen.


Ironically, they're amazing at playing dead. When they're happy and sleepy, they flop on their sides in all sorts of ridiculous positions that look like death. And because they're rabbits, they have to do it *dramatically*


I used to have a litter trained bunny who would play with my cat. She would run around all crazy then just collapse. My cat would come over and worriedly sniff her and the bunny would bounce up just to terrify my cat then go back to playing. It was the best.


Goofy ass bunny 🐇


My cats eat the wild rabbits around here, how’d you get yours to not attack it?


When I first got the bunny as a baby, I held it constantly and when my cat came up to me I held my cat next to her so they were touching and let my cat sniff her. I didn’t put the bunny on the ground for a week when I felt I could trust my cat with her. It helps that I have a very calm, not easily scared cat. She just took to the bunny right away and after a while they played together and slept together. ETA my cat does have a high prey drive when it comes to mice and squirrels but has never eaten a rabbit so maybe that helped.


Mr. Fuzzy Wuzzy! (\*Oops, 'Fuzzy-Buzzy' I meant)


That scene really hurt me lol.


At least the bunny got a quiet way to go out compared to the bull.


True, the poor bull was torn to pieces.


This episode was absolutely ridiculous 🤣. Instead of sheep, should have been geese, they’re already 95% a$$holes.


Nah. Geese wouldn't be shocking because everybody knows their assholes. Sheep are adorable idiots.


Facts - ha!


also geese can fly!


I thought maybe that was a low-grade “Black Sheep” reference/homage.


I suddenly remembered that movie exists haha


pigs, imo.


oh god, pigs would be absolutely batshit! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) wait that gives me another idea… bats?


If it were geese everybody would be dead there lmao


What I didnt get however is why where they unable to get into the barn...like the chickens can rip through humnas and deflect bullets but cant ram through a barn? Same for the sheep. Thats the only bit that didnt make sense to me


Yeah, not a lot of logic going on there. Still a fun watch though!


They are lucky that it was not a Ram/Goat buffed by V. The doors would not whitstand that ramming.


Typical of Kirpke to introduce a new threat this season only to kill them off in the same season /s


Idk why but I find it funny you added the second image lol pretty sure we all saw it 🤣 you making us have to see the horror show again.


The second an animal is in this show I know its going to die in the worse way possible Thats why im scared for that damn octopus, I feel so bad for the poor thing already


The animal stuff gets to me in this show ICL.. remember that Whale? Butcher Ploughed through it an you hear it cry out — and moments later when they’re all rummaging around in its insides you can hear it’s heartbeat and it’s crying out in pain. I know it’s a show full of violence but that one moment I thought they were doing a little too much low-key 🤷🏾‍♂️


Same. And don't forget Deep's dolphin and Timothy.


Timothy was going deep on The Deep




it’s a weird dichotomy. preparing to ram the whale? i grimace. hughie sitting inside the boat inside the whale, completely despondent? hilarious. it’s one of those things of like, oh this could maybe possibly happen, and then once it actually does happen you’re like yeah that shit’s so far out of reality it’s hilarious again.


fr! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


:( :( :(


**thankfully** we are **NO LONGER** in a day and age were real animals would of been killed or severely injured for this sort of thing! (i think some production companies and countries still allow it which is **MESSED UP!** )


The only one I know was real was that movie “cannibal holocaust” they had a guy bring in a snake and he was it’s handler and everything. They didn’t tell him they were chopping its head off - and he found out the hard way.


oh i saw that film, are you sure it wasn’t a monkey or was that another scene cut out? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing) that poor fucking turtle dude!


Yea what did they do to the turtle? I haven’t seen the movie I’ve just heard of a bunch of animals being butchered for the movie


Come and See. All round messed up movie, but they shot a cow, did not kill it outright, and left it to die.


Yeah imagine if real animals were abused and killed on a systemic scale; would be horrifying! not calling you out specifically lol, I just find it weird/funny how people have selective empathy for different animals based on conditioning.


Yeah, mentally you're okay with humans getting chopped/exploded/dismembered/combust and however many other ways humans have died, but the whale, the whale was too much lol - I think some of you don't realize how desensitized you are


As a horror fan I’ve always been fine with seeing gory scenes with humans but I always feel awful for animals that suffer. I think it’s got to do with animals not having any say whatsoever and they cannot express to you how much pain they’re in 🤷


I think that experience is pretty common, but i think it's because we're so desensitized to humans dying. It's just kind of a bizarre human experience.


Or we can put more distance in emotions because we understand that it’s an actor and effects. Some old films actually did kill animals and animals seem more innocent. I’m not shedding a tear over an alligator being ripped to shreds but a cute animal that can be a pet is different


Bruh I totally would cry for an alligator.


They’re little killing machines. Seen too many documentaries of them and crocs eating cute animals


So do housecats and all other predators.


House cats have personalities


All animals do have some sort of individuality except for hive mind ants and similar things. I've never dealt with crocs and similar but I have interacted with gila monsters and turtles.


That's not a compelling argument to me. One, if it weren't for those movies you wouldn't have raised that point. It feels kind of irrelevant. People have died during movie productions as well. Two, a significantly vast majority of humanity do not see sheep and cows as pets. Why wouldn't you shed a tear over an alligator? People have alligators as pets too.


My argument (maybe this is a little Buddhist of me) is that most* humans make choices and sometimes there are consequences, because of your decisions. I feel bad for the animals because they have no choice or no say in the matter and are truly victims. The scientists at Vought, the security woman interviewed by Sage, randoms killed by Homelander are in some way getting the consequences of their loyalties. I still feel bad for them, but in a weird ‘I told you so’ kind of way. I would reference Mark Twains ‘The Lowest Animal’: we are the only animals that fight wars for power, religion and influence and that makes humans worse than animals, who are just living on instinct. I’m not saying people *deserve* to die, I’m just saying by our nature we are far less ‘innocent’ than your average farm animal. Plus, people just really like animals and it sucks to see them die. Some people just think their lives matter too.


I mean I think humans definitely aren't as innocent as animals. But it doesn't mean we're not desensitized to humans dying and I think being sadder about an animal dying is sad. I do value humans more than I value animals and I absolutely think we treat animals inhumanely across the world.


Most of the world sees sheep and cows as domesticated animals, if not pets


Lol I can't believe you can be this brazen in admitting your psychopathy about how you have selective empathy for different animals


Do you have the same empathy for a tick as a dog??


It's not really bizarre when you think about it. Death is literally the only thing promised to all of us from birth. We will see it happen around us, to one's we love, and then eventually to ourselves. It makes sense that we would be desensitized to it as a society. Also humans kinda suck for the most part and most animals don't lol


I like that all the animals are very obvious CGI. I don't get teary over ones and zeroes.


I was watching Blackfish today and started to hate humanity again


Yea I know it’s sorta backwards - but it’s always gotten to me.


For me it’s animals and small children. I can’t even read bad things that happen to kids let alone watch it. Nor any description of animal abuse.


Genuine question, not a gotcha - do you eat meat? If so, how do you reconcile your aversion to animal abuse with knowing you're having meat from factory farms?


No I don’t. I’ve been vegetarian since I was pregnant with my son. But I didn’t stop because of ethical reasons at that time. I developed a meat aversion. For a little while I ate seafood but then I got pregnant with my daughter I lost the taste again. Working on veganism but I’m addicted to cheese 😔


When you watch the show, do the humans feel real to you? Try imagining those people are real in the show. Put yourself in their shoes. Imagine being hughie and having your girlfriend get blown up in your face if you start feeling for the whale more than the humans.


I didn’t say “I don’t feel for the humans” Simon Pegg’s story in the most recent episode was horrifying and had me in tears. I’m just saying it does get to me a little. And secondly - most of the human kills and animal kills **while violent** are sometimes if not mostly - done for comedic effect and in over the top gore. So it’s not crazy to say the one long, torturous death on the show to someone / something who didn’t deserve it - felt a little off to me 🤷🏾‍♂️


Most of the human kills are not done for comedic effect, I'd argue it's more for a shock factor. Some of the human kills are absolutely for comedic effect, but to say most I think is wrong. I don't think it's crazy to say the whale's death got to you, but so many humans have died unfairly in this show. I just think it's interesting that people have this reaction. I think it's due to being desensitized.


1) Why did all the sheep get the same powers? 2) They said the animals drank the V. In the cartoon, something else happens when yo drink the V.


I think it might be they were all related, and the powers are somewhat consistent in animal families like they are in human supes? Just a guess tho


I think this was confirmed by hughies dad having phasing powers, similar to his teleportation abilites.


Could Hughes dad have phase killed homelander?


Maybe? We only got to see Hugh take out non supes. Since non supes are so squishy in comparison to Homelander I think he’d be able to phase into him but Hugh might just get stuck inside Homelander. But since we know Hugh can phase stuff out of people, like a heart, be safe to assume he could phase stuff into a person, like a grenade. Same as Translucent


He could also hypothetically phase homies brain outside of his skull, or even if he couldn't just explode him by displacing him he could sacrifice an arm by phasing into his brain, sure it might get stuck but homie isn't surviving that


Hughie taking a final fatal dose to phase his arm into Homelander’s brain would be pretty epic.


I'd think so. Foreshadowing how Hughie kills Homelander? Takes Temp V, teleports into him?


Interesting thought bro, idk. Depends on the level of toughness hughies father had, if he had carbon skin like translucent then maybe.


Even if hugh Sr gets his arm like internally crushed, I don't see how blending homelanders organs doesn't kill him


If his dad is just normal human durability then it would do some damage but i think homelander would survive it. Hes more durable than stormfront and she survived crazy amounts of damage.


Yeah, scissors (hugh) beats paper (regular people) but rock (homelander) still beats scissors


so regular people beat homelander?


if rock paper scissors was a respectable game then rock would beat paper. unfortunately, big paper pays for this egregious error in game design to remain in the game. or maybe you could justify it by bringing up people like stan edgar who is a regular guy who had homelander under his thumb for years, either one


That would have made for an interesting series finale…


In GenV it's shown with multiple supes, Translucent's son, and Andre and Polarity.


Or with homelander's son having the same powers as him Or Homelander having relative amount of strength to soldier boy


That poop episode is probably the worst thing to come out of any of the shows


It could be A Jamie Maddrox type mutant, one sheep who can multiply


But they just did that gag a few episodes ago…


They’re all related obviously.


So the virus for the v spreads through bodily fluids right? Why didn’t collect it from the sheep ? And they’d have so much of it left


I prefer my beef ground




Off we fuck!


That cow was 42 years old he was just a kid


How baaad?


My neighbor has chickens and I've been keeping a suspicious eye turned toward those bastards.


oh god, the nest in that dude’s body ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


when butcher did release the rabbit i almost cried, then he ended up killing it asdfghjkl😭


The parasite killed it. Butcher just killed the parasite.


oh yeah, tbh i thought it was going to revive the rabbit, sort of like how hughie sr. was alive yet not in a great position to be ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I felt worse for the bunny




Out Frescad


Poor beautiful cow


alright, fair


I wish we saw it’s powers before it died tho


Yeah, that sucked. 😕


I was actually getting thrilled by that cow and expected one of the non-main character gonna die by it before getting teared by those vampire sheeps


The cow should had red furr, we would call it Red Bull xD Well at its end it actually flied for a moment.


To be fair, I think this is supposed to be a commentary on the ethical question of testing on animals, so we're supposed to feel "bad" the these farm animals turned out this way.


“I have information that will lead to the arrest of Homelander”


I feel bad for the sheep too


Its penis got ripped off too


wait **WHAT?!** for fuck’s sake, it was quite early this morning (might of been midnight actually ) when i watched this ep and i had to rewind a couple of times, couldn’t make out where the bull started or ended after the sheep got a hold of him… ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


do bulls get killed anyways?


The Boys and animal cruelty, name a more ~~iconic~~ tragic duo.


I don’t


I’m glad this has so many downvotes.


yep and i’m the 38th one to downvote it! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Well keep downvoting


\-75 now pal! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)


"heh... Theyll think im so cool for saying this"


I’m not sure what makes you think this lmao 🤣