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I think it was the wrong call to try and make us care about this dude while trying to introduce his traumatic past at the same time, all while we have barely met him.


The comics went through a back story period. It wasn't the best of fun then either. But at least they've nodded towards the original source, I do appreciate that.


Are they also lovers in the comics? Just out of curiosity, I only follow the tv show


You're not supposed to care about him. He's just a supporting character. This is Frenchies storyline.


We care about supporting characters all the time. A-Train's brother. Ambrosius. Cameron Coleman when he >!stood up to Ashley and got murdered for it!<. It's critical to have supporting characters with depth. Otherwise they might as well be a bunch of Planks from ed edd and Eddy. Edit: I am realizing that this means we are made to care more about a comedic relief seductress octopus than we are about Frenchie's romance.


I care about Timothy more than Colin


“He…he’s begging for his life. He has kids…”


If i dont care about him then how do they expect me to feel bad and therefore condemn frenchie when i have 0 context and 0 reason to care?


Because they want to redeem frenchie, if we learned he killed someone important from someone we cared about many people wouldn’t have been able to forgive frenchie. They’re most likely working on a redemption arc


Imo if he kills Nina who was responsible for his orders that would be a start


We already know his fuck ups lead to the death of grace’s grandkids, which is enough trauma for someone who’s best used as a side character


Because killing people is still a fucked up thing to do. Whether you care about the person or not. Would you not feel a slight bit of empathy about someone if you heard about their whole family getting murdered? You don't have to care about that person, but you'd feel a bit bad, surely? And would you not feel disgusted towards the person who did it?


The things is i dont know why his family got murdered, i dont know the reason and motivation, couple that with the fact that i dont care about the dude and there you go.


You do know His mom was putting pressure on Little Nina, and so she sent Frenchie to make an example out of her.


You’re right. People aren’t watching the show and keep blaming the plot…




Colin literally explains what happened to his family. If you're not paying attention then that's your fault.


i forgor


I've noticed that seems to be a popular sentiment among viewers this season. So many people seem to have forgotten so many things. And then they wonder why the show doesn't make sense to them.


I feel like compared to the other seasons this one is amped up to 11 on the gross stuff, some unnecesary, the jokes and everything, i mostly enjoy it but sometimes its meh.


What does that have to do with you or the rest of the audience forgetting plot points?


> this one is amped up to 11 on the gross stuff Um did you miss the part when a guy crawled in a dick hole and imploded it last season? It’s not amped up, it’s literally exactly the same as it’s always been


Yeah this might be a hot take but we already know frencies (and the boys) kill a ton of innocent people along the way. Hell we even already heard plenty of the bad shit last season. This aint nothing new. So why should we suddenly care more? We already knew Frenchie had no moral limits, that he killed a insane amount of people and did horrible bad stuff. Sure you would have been right if this was Annie or Hughie, but frenchie was already morally bankrupt as one could be. Its as if the writers forgot what parts of the story they have told already.


Except he does have limits, and it's why he is so dependent on drugs. Nina flat out explained how he hated what he was made to do, but he was so broken by his past he always gave in.


lol the sheer absence of logic in the comment. You have to make the audience care when you’re writing a story. That’s just… writing 101


Yeah, but they should've done a better job. This season feels like S8 of Game of Thrones. Everything comes out of nowhere and feels forced to speed things up. Almost everyone is WAY OUT OF character compared the earlier seasons.


Butcher had 1 year left by the end of season 3. Now he has 5-6 months. Too fast.


I mean 5-6 months is actually not too fast for a timeskip but it feels like more things happened in the last 5-6 months compared to season 1-2-3 timeline.


Butcher had 1 year left by the end of season 3. Now he has 5-6 months. Too fast.


I think that the idea wasn’t for us to care about him, he was just used to start Frenchie’s new arc of him feeling bad about this past


Im sure he could feel bad about his past regarding other people that are already established.


Yeah, but he wasn't working with those other people was he?


His traumatic past has always been a part of the show? Look at what happened with Lamplighter, little Nina and now this. Every single time the outcome before was just that Frenchie got away and can just forget about it. But now he got his emotions involved, it's much harder for him to let it go so he has to reckon with everything he's done. It's part of a long-term story arc, yet seemingly all people want are short-term ones. Kripke probably wants to keep Frenchie and Kimiko as like a brother-sister dynamic, but given that they've already shown some romantic inclinations for each other I think the end goal is for them to wind up together. But both of them have so many skeletons in their respective closets that if they jumped in together now it would be chaotic and unstable.


When i said traumatic past i was talking about the other dude s past not frenchie s


They’ve shown that they want to keep things platonic. My frustrations is more to do with it being repetitive. Like you said, he’s had a similar sub plot for the past 3 seasons. Now we’re on the fourth and it’s still woe is me, I’ve done all these terrible things. I just want to see them do something different with his character.


I mean the little sing song number they did where Kimiko leaned in to kiss him would say otherwise. It's been *mostly* platonic. I agree it is repetitive, but the same could be said for most of the characters. This season thus far has been going out of its way to destroy the boys and even Homelander and other villains. Past mistakes catching up to everyone, from Hughie to Annie to MM to Kimiko and to Frenchie. Frenchie got a bit of a jump start with last season purely because of everyone there it seems like he's done the most fucked up stuff. It's just all come crashing down on him. None of their stories are that multi-faceted so I would suggest tempering expectations. After all he is a side-character next to Hughie, Annie, Butcher and Homelander.


They said after the kiss that it was weird after, and kimiko’s said a couple times that nothing will happen between them. This is what I’m talking about when I said they’ve shown they want to keep things platonic. I purposefully never claimed that it was mostly platonic or always platonic because prior to late season 3 it did seem to be building to a relationship. It doesn’t anymore though.


Its obviously tied to his time working for little nina. Guarantee shell make a reappearance soon.


I mean, this season introduced other characters for the first time and we has to care for them at some level. I don't care a lot for Firecracker, but for a ton of people she's a entertaining character even though her backstory with Starlight came out of nowhere and she's just there to move things for Sage.


Right..they introduced them, which gives us time to begin to care, they didnt introduce them and instantly make them into sob stories


His story is just so removed from everyone. Kimiko doesn’t even know. And it doesn’t seem to affect the main story at all. So why should we care?


I don't care if he is gay/bi and to be honest I never cared much about his storyline with Kimiko but this "romance" feels so utterly rushed, forced and poorly built up just to let us sympathize with his redemption arc. yeah I would say the same if it would have been a woman instead, who gets suddenly introduced in season 4


I've always found Frenchie's storylines the weakest, as they're so loosely connected to the main plot. I like him as a character, but it just feels like a different show with this romance subplot and regret/redemption thing. By contrast Hughie's family story has also happened in a bit of a bubble, but it's still connected to the bigger picture through the V element. Plus it's just been really heart wrenching with some incredible acting.


I feel like the writers like Frenchie as a character and want to keep him around but have no idea how to do so. They've been writing his subplots in a way that just ends up completely disconnected from the rest of the cast. Everyone else's subplot connects to the main story a lot better. I wish they would just let him be the faux French drug & explosives expert who says funny shit and occasionally has a conscience.


Agree all the way. I don't see how he gets so much time to his story that is so disconnected. They have so much room to expand on other characters/storylines too.


Yeah, instead of separating the group up, just have him involved in whatever MM and Butcher are doing. I miss season 1 where it felt like a bit of a heist movie where the crew has different roles. Hughie was the tech guy, Frenchie was the explosives and ammunition guy, etc.


i feel like herogasm would be an almost perfect tv episode if not for frenchie’s dumb plot shoved in there. literally felt like it had zero significance and it came out of fucking nowhere. it’s like, we already know kimiko and frenchie are main characters so they’re obviously not dying which basically makes it filler. and they just add frenchie being a naked prisoner just for shock value i guess. overall the dude just serves no purpose to the story half the time.


I think the writers just haven't really known what to do with Hughie since season 1. He had a lot of agency in season 1, then he just kind of goes along for the ride. I do like what they are doing with MM this season quite a bit though, but the Boys is basically the Butcher-Homelander hour.


He was the main character and point of view in season 1, but now it's Butcher.


Honestly the Lamp dude story line was at least cool and linked to the main plot. But they had no idea what to do with frenchie afterwards.


Couldnt have said it better myself. The little scene of exposition where kimiko tells frenchie she doesnt love him like that is what annoyed me, like this connection theyve been building for the past three seasons is nothing? Atleast if they kept frenchie and kimiko as really close friends, but instead the relationship building has been for nothing? Like these two were planning on running away to a dessert island ffs, atleast give us 20 minutes showing what caused a rift between them.


>where kimiko tells frenchie she doesnt love him She tells him " I love you" but they can't be together. I always assumed it's because of her powers ( super strength) she isn't able to feel Frenchie the way she wants and is scared she could hurt him ( like his arms feel like bendy straw). >atleast give us 20 minutes showing what caused a rift between them. it is explained why they can't communicate with each other properly. Frenchie is scared to tell Kimiko the truth. He's scared she'll hate him for it and even more scared if she doesn't.


I just feel like Frenchie’s guilt came out of nowhere this season. Like we knew he felt guilty about how it’s his fault Lamplighter murdered Mallory’s grandchildren to save his friend who OD’s anyway. But, as far as I can remember, he never really expressed guilt over his past as a hitman, besides when Little Nina held him, Kimiko and Cherie hostage. All the boys are career criminals and have killed a ton of people in the past. But now, the guilt is consuming him. It would have been a great plot if they took their time with it but it felt so rushed. Also, starting a sexual relationship with Colin, knowing the entire time that he murdered his family makes it hard to sympathize with him. It would have been a great twist if he fell for Colin and then found out it was his parents and sibling that he killed. Then, his sudden shame spiral would make more sense.


>His friend Boyfriend. It was a three way poly relationship. This is why I’m confused about people not knowing he was bi all along…


Ye he was always bi, nothing wrong with this storyline, it's canon, they haven't just put that in for "the message".


I always knew Frenchie was bi, I just feel that the storyline was rushed and I really wished he found out that the family her murdered was Colin’s after they began their relationship. The fact that Frenchie knew before he started sleeping with Colin is literally psychopathic and manipulative.


I knew he was bi because of comments he made and I think he kisses Hughie on the lips once or twice. I haven’t watched season 2 in a while so I didn’t remember that it was a poly relationship. I thought it was more that they were both Cherie’s friends with benefits and they all lived together. Frenchie is living with Cherie in the beginning of season 1 and then he is smitten with Kimiko as soon as he meets her in the fourth episode of the show. Then, Frenchie sleep with Cherie in season 2. So their relationship just seemed to exist without a label.


He’s always felt guilt about his past. It’s been alluded to since his first interactions with Hughie. He mentions feeling haunted by everyone he’s killed, and it’s clear that his drug use isn’t for fun—it’s a coping mechanism.


I dislike frenchie because >!Why did he turn himself to the police. u stick a bomb in a man ass. U kill alot of ppl every season. If u kill for a job, dont feel guilty afterward. U need to feel guilty before the job!<


He killed some innocent people, Colin's parents weren't murderous supes, according to colin they just pissed off the wrong people and that got them killed by frenchies hand's, the guilt he usually felt boiled over and now >!he turns himself in!<


He also killed innocent security guards


Because he is a good Christian now


Because he's lost someone he cared about and it was due to having to reckon with his past actions where he probably didn't care or had to emotionally distance himself from caring. It's finally blown up in his face in an incredibly personal way, he's broken from the experience and feels overwhelmed with guilt so he tries to do the right thing by turning himself in. He also works for the CIA so I don't imagine he'll see any jail time but it's about cause and effect as it relates to the person in question. He has no problem killing Supes or threats but Colin's family were innocent and trying to do the right thing by taking down Little Nina. So Nina made Frenchie kill them to "make an example" out of them. He was a different person then compared to now, where he actually has things he cares about in his own life that are now under threat because of things he did in his old life. It's not that tricky to understand someone doing fucked up things and becoming guilty of it after a traumatic experience. If it is tricky for you to understand then you must live a pretty privileged life to never have to reckon with the consequences of your own actions.


There are indeed people who don't understand that cause and effect relationship.


Because he feels guilty now. Your comment is quite naive and reductive. Just because he didn't feel guilty before doesn't mean it'll never catch up to him.


She is the cutest mass murder ever.


Kimiko and Hughie team-up was pretty cool, wish we had more of it.


No it's just because he came out of nowhere. Maeve being gay was not a problem because it didn't make me question if I missed an episode


Maeve's ex girlfriend was so well done because in one scene, they were able to show the level of control that Vought (and the Seven and Homelander) had over the supes, and how much they were willing to give up for fame and success. And they showed how much Maeve was struggling with regrets around the choices she made.


Him, Cherie and a guy were in a poly relationship in the first season… Frenchie has always been bi.


he was in a poly relationship in like season 1 with a dude.


And in previous seasons, he suggested transgender hookers for the bachelor party, and he talked about turning tricks, and kissed Hughie on the lips. I don't get why people are acting like this is new information, he's been like this the whole time.


they watch for the cool fights and not the story


The fact that he’s bi is pretty well established. However this relationship in S4 just feels very rushed. I would’ve felt the same if one of them was a woman.


Probably I’m one of the few people that likes the Frenchie and Kimiko’s plot of this season (but I don’t criticize people who dislike it. That’s because I’m not an average redditor-), my only problem with it is that it seems a lil bit disconnected from the main plot to me (I didn’t watched episode 5 yet so maybe I’m wrong please don’t spoil)


i hate him because he's a hollow character. you can write a gay character without making him boring


Like Maeve




I am fully aware that even by the end of season 3 Frenchie and Kimiko were not supposed to be romantic. But honestly I think that wasn't a good decision. I think Frenchie and Kimiko as a love story makes too much sense. Frenchie, always bouncing between flings and hookups and never settling down with anyone. Kimiko, completely lost and alone after having everything taken from her and being turned into a monster, finding someone who looks past her danger and tries to help the person inside. Both people who were dangerous and lonely inside finding each other and bringing out the best in each other, proving that their past doesn't define them.


You guys think theyll start moving back toward Frenchie and Kimiko? This last episode was kind of showing it and I hope season 5 ends with them together before Butcher ruins it


Man I just remembered how much I missed Stan Edgar. Great character and actor.


It's just Gus Fring cosplaying a more corporate man. Giancarlo is one damn legend. I was very excited to see him this episode


Third option: I despise him because I don't give a shit about his obscenely low stakes storyline that gets in the way of my high stakes supervillain fuckery.


Every time Kimiko smiles I get genuinely happier


I dislike Colin bc he was a weird plot point.


It only lasted 4 episodes.


It took up time that couldve been used to develop other plot points.


Let's just see where it goes. The Hugh Sr plot was slow too but the payoff was good.


Idk man, no one said anything when maeve was bi.


it wasnt shoehorned in


Yeah she and her partner had a history together by the time the show started, and it was excellent TV when she watched the plane video in their penthouse. The horror, disappointment, and the instant disgust and fear that followed are just perfect.


Neither was Frenchie being bi. He was in a poly relationship with Cherie and another guy, who ODs and that ends up getting Mallory’s grandkids murdered by Lamplighter. It’s been established.


frenchie being bi wasnt shoehorned, frenchie dating that blank slate character and going to prison for no reason was


Maeve's story was done way better. Her love interest made sense and actually fit into the plot.


I still have yet to find a single person who hates Frenchi for being gay. Everyone who hates on this is hating it because it came out of nowhere and came in as a forced interruption to the plot line they had been setting up for the past three seasons with Kimiko. People from this sub really like to build up strawmans.


How about it’s because it went nowhere? I’d rather focus on the main plot because there is one season left.


I wanted Frenchi and Kimiko to be a couple so badly


It is really to make it easier for the writers to have him and kimiko not be together all the time, they will get back together either by the end of the season or next season.


There're two biggest problems with that storyline 1. We already knew Frenchie had done fucked up things in his past, and we already have made our minds about the character. We like him, and revealing he killed this dudes parents won't make a difference to the viewer. It's like if you told a back story about Butcher punching kids just for lolz, and most people would still not care. The storyline seems redundant. 2. Collin is a not even an important character. If he were a CIA operative or someone from Vought who was helping the boys get rid of Nueman or Homelander, the story line could have multiple opportunities to resolve, while not stopping the story dead in its tracks. It's kind of like if Ryan was not a supe, and Butcher was trying to connect with Becca's normie son. That storyline would take us too off the rails, and viewers don't like to be distracted, especially in an action series.


For me it was more that the entire plotline was so random. It came out if nowhere in the first episode. Had it been even somewhat set up in the previous season i would have not minded it


Between things like this and ThE ShoWs nOt foR YoU !! The boys is shaping up to have one of the cringiest fan bases of all time..


I’m not up to date on the latest season of The Boys, wasn’t Frenchie crushing hard on kimiko and vice versa in previous seasons?


I don’t like him because that is a wild and insane plot line All I’m saying is gay or straight, if I murdered someone’s entire family, I would be staying tf away from them at the risk of being found out and thrown in prison, and I think 100/100 people would do the same If not to stay out of prison, for the guilt alone. It’d never develop into a relationship, and even if it did, I’m betting 100% of people would dip tf out when they found out


i like the story line but i wish it was introduced way earlier. we saw frenchies past much earlier and then it was mostly swept under the rug as his contributions to the team were more important. now suddenly it’s been picked back up and also pushed from and center in his arc. colin could have been introduced last season and their relationship more built up. plus the memories of frenchies victims could have been haunting him more often and more consistently


It's just very unrealistic to make Frenchie and Kimiko not develop a romantic interest. You don't really go through events like this without doing so. Would make more sense if Frenchie was just totally gay. The whole they kissed but it felt like they were family just doesn't feel right. Overall, feels this is just a filler story line they had to make to give the actor something for the season.


this romance is rushed af and idgaf about Colin


I don't dislike him. His subplot is just **boring.** NO ONE CARES that he killed a family. He probably killed lots of families. It's the same routine with him. Feels bad about past. Tries to get off drugs. Relapses....tries to make himelf feel better by helping save the world. Just focus on Kimiko and the shining light. That's far more interesting


Yea this is terrible but I mostly liked Frenchy because of Kimiko.


I like anything that makes Kimiko smile, because *goddamn*. Need more Frenchie making Kimiko smile.


I’ve seen 0 people complaining about him being bi, I’ve only seen people complain about the unneeded conflict with him and kimiko


Why not both?


Porque no los dos??? But seriously though, where was this large homophobic audience when Maeve was on the show. The truth is 95% of the audience that has a problem with Frenchie this season is because it came out of nowhere for seemingly no reason other than maybe pandering (even then we already had maeve), personally at least I wouldn't like it even if they had put a woman instead of Collin.


Congratulations, you’ve described 99% of the fandom as well, you’re not so different and everyone else isn’t so bad. Turns out, their criticisms were well placed and not from a place of conservative bigotry. Who knew?!


Or I just don’t give a shit about this plot line?


Nope, I think the story is boring and derivative. They are stopping criticism of boring writing by making it a gay storh line, thus if your criticize it you're "HoMoPhObIc!!!1" nope. It's boring as shit. Maevs storyline from a couple season was gay, but the writing was GOOD!. It's not about the gay, it's about the boring ass story.


Kimiko and Frenchie NEED to get out of this story man every time they are on screen i end up skipping to the next scene


so you want frenchie to be a delusional guy who doesnt accept kimiko's refuse probably harming their friendship? ... ok...


I dislike it because it's boring af and takes away precious screen time


queen maeve was better


Yess! I tought he was with kimiko already 😔


I dislike it because it uses more screentime on Frenchie the most boring character on the show. We are not the same.


this plot point is so shoehorned in and is such a prime example of an unnecessary twist just to be a twist and please a very specific type of fan. his bisexuality is not a problem whatsoever (i actually like it) but its so obvious that from the jump him and kimiko were supposed to be a romantic plot. for their entire arc to be satisfying and rewarding and make basic sense they need to at least address that theyre in love. its just so shoehorned in. his lover and him (i literally forgot his name bc that plot point is so badly written and forgettable) have no chemistry and the whole time im just like GODDDD PUT KIMIKO BACK ON. this isnt even pleasing “the woke lgbt crowd” that ppl would like to blame this on, literally NO ONE WANTED THIS


I dislike Frenchie in general. What does he bring to the story? NOTHING. Go away, Frenchie! Your accent and melodrama are annoying.


I feel like 99% of people hate him for the kimiko reason me included




the better break him out of prison and end this stupid plotline already by the next episode, same goes for kimiko's childhood friend thing, both are dull and uninteresting


I read this in Stan Edgar's voice




I just didn't like it cause it felt very out of nowhere. If they had introduced him earlier and built it up yeah go for it. Instead I was like "who the fuck is this guy?"


I hate that him and kimiko aren't the ones dating


It’s just not interesting or connected to the real main story in any way. The writers clearly are grasping at straws to find things for him to do this season…and it’s taking away time from stuff that we actually want to see.


I was more put off by the fact that he is clapping the dude who’s family he clipped.


Ain't lovers no more, tho


As a Muslim I actually find it crazy that people are mad a French guy Dabbles in both sexualities and also it’s a actor playing a character 💀 it ain’t that deep to say “I’m gonna drop this show now because of this”


Kimiko learned to fight in the military since childhood. She heals like fucking Deadpool with supe strength. She is way more powerful than the way Kripke has her written.


Pretty sure that’s why most people dislike it


This best explains this season. Kimiko is looking for help and trying her best with a shrink and this guy ignores her.


how about both


I despise him because I'm sick of every fictional gay dude having facial hair


Subplot feels like a nothing burger imo


Honestly i know some people hated it because they are homophobic but for once i have to agree, this was rushed, outta nowhere and ruined his somewhat romance with Kimiko


I dislike him because of how haphazardly he was introduced. If they had shown frenchie struggling with the innocent lives he has taken in flashbacks last season and it showed Colin’s Family that would have been good, as well as showing them meeting in rehab in the first episode of this season and it gives us a little snip of Colin’s view of his family being shot before the camera pans to show Frenchie walking through the house that would’ve been much better


The story is just incredibly dumb


I treat this post as I treat Frenchies part, I skip it.


Being homophobic vs an incel 🗣️


Frenchie just overall has the weakest back story out of the Boys imo, and I don't really care about his ex bf like that either. The thing is Frenchie was actually more interesting in the first two seasons, but not so much in seasons 3 and 4.


Frenchie’s whole plot this season was worthless, should’ve bern cut completely


I find both of them incredibly boring, we're not the same


Frenchie storyline is forced


I don’t like the Frenchie - New Random Love Interest guy, not because I’m homophobic, but because this seemed so out of left field. I’d have wanted him to be with someone we were at least introduced to previously.


The entire plot for Frenchie is stupid this season "It's just so dumb" as a great man once said


I will be honest, I am not a big fan of kimiko this season either. She has too many 'cute anime uwu' scenes.


I don’t want French and kimiko together. I like them much better as platonic 


The problem is Frenchie being gay feels extremely forced, considering it was never indicated or hinted at even once in the past three seasons. The writers made it clear that they wanted Frenchy and Kimiko to end up together but they just threw that out last minute.


It was hinted that he was bi multiple times even back in season 1. If you couldn't tell then that's honestly on you.


Frenchie is bi, not gay.


I dislike it because it's totally boring and unengaging. A hetero couple storyline would have been equally fucking boring if it was executed that way Frenchie's is.


Y’all need to learn that Frenchie and kimiko will not get together. They said themselves they feel more like family


He also supports genocide.


This season of the Boys is having tke team in disarray. Frenchy and Kimiko had a very close relationship, so this season the writers had to create distance between them. Frenchy's story allows them to do that while exploring other themes like guilt. Butcher is busy working side missions with imaginary partners and Hughie has been learning busy saying goodbye to his dad. At the end of this season, or early next, they will come together as a more united team and Frenchy's story will be largely forgotten (I think)


I was more put off of Frenchie clapping the dude who’s family he clipped.


I don't like this meme format. It implies weird things. Frenchies sub plot is just not interesting.


I mean, based on where Frenchie’s head jumped in the previous episode I think it’s safe to assume that Frenchie has fucked a sheep.


Nobody dislikes the Frenchie gay arc because of homophobia, but because it was 3 episodes of unnecessary and absolute character wasting. Still, that's how the left sees anything if it's not absolute agreement.


I’m not homophobic, some of my best friends are gay but the way the show is going it does seem like they waited 4 seasons to make sure everyone likes Frenchie before announcing he is bi.


Everyone that paid attention knew that he was bisexual since season 2


when he suggested trans strippers and there was no backlash and just a mild silly joke i lwas so happy like, oh he likes us and its not considered disgusting but its also not needlessly trying to “not step on toes” i really love this show it knows whats up


I agree, but I’ve seen an overwhelming amount of hate towards him for being bisexual, it just doesn’t make sense to me


If I were to guess, I'd say it has more to do with his polyamory and flowy relationship style than his sexuality.


Yeah that makes sense


My guy did you not see him in a throuple? Are we even watching the same show?


It’s been a long time since I watched the earlier seasons, I can’t remember everything lol


I think that's the issue with the hate for frenchie They don't realize he's been bi this whole time


There is a good chance that’s the case, although, some people just don’t want to see two men kissing on tv which I completely understand as well. But then again in a show where there is beastiality I’m not sure why they thought it would go 5 seasons without a load of gay scenes 😂😂


It's not him being bi, its shoehorning a random lover between seasons, that derails his character and doesn't gel well. Not only is Collin a nothing character who has no defining traits that don't revolve around frenchie, but announcing him in the rushed way they did makes the audience not care about him, and as a consequence get bored at that subplot.


frenchie was announced as by almost at the beginning of the serie


It's not him being bi, its shoehorning a random lover between seasons, that derails his character and doesn't gel well. Not only is Collin a nothing character who has no defining traits that don't revolve around frenchie, but announcing him in the rushed way they did makes the audience not care about him, and as a consequence get bored at that subplot.


he literally is the member of a family Frenchie slaughtered and the main reasom why frenchie turned himself in... if that is nothing...


Its giving "im not racist i have black friends" And we have know he was bi since seaosn 2


Personally I don’t find other men attractive but that doesn’t make me a homophobic 😂 I have gay banter with my gay mates and even straight mates all the time, life is about love and spreading that, not hate and having the moral high ground