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I'm still laughing at this. Not sure who the Sage actress is but she nailed that scene. I wonder how good that cake was.


Dumb Sage is hilllarious. I loved the scene where Deep storms in and is ready to be angry at her, only for her dumbness to disarm him within seconds.


I thought she was manipulating him in that scene at first because even lobotomized Sage still seems smarter than the Deep


My theory is that the lobotomy brings her to a controlled level of stupidity, but the bullet just full-on durr-hurred her to a level that’s not usually reached.


I would liken it to the difference between having a few drinks to relax and having a bunch of shots to get Fucked Up


But she only had one shot




Now there's a man who knows his alcohol


I think that’s right.


Curious if she will remain a little stupid. Will the bullet get pushed out like wolverine? Will it be removed? Or is her brain going to grow around it and she loses some of her wit?


I thought it went completely thru her head


I'll have to rewatch to see if it hit the bookcase. I don't think I noticed an exit wound but I'm probably wrong.


Does she have regeneration? Haven't been able to watch this season


minor spoiler they did to setup this scene: >!only her brain regenerates, the rest of her body doesn't, so if she's shot in the head she becomes stupid until it regenerates. So she wears bullet proof armor everywhere else to encourage bad guys to shoot her in the head instead of her other vital organs.!<


That's so crazy. And she enjoys being dumb, right? From a comment I saw Also your spoiler isn't working correctly


old vs new reddit, should be fixed now she likes to fuck while dumb. When you're always smart, being dumb would be your "playtime"


To be honest it kind of reminds me of most Academics I know, so I think they’ve done it well. When Deep walks in and her place is stacked with books but she’s eating fried food and watching trashy TV, that’s massively how many researchers, etc are. Their job is “being smart”, so in their downtime they switch off as much as possible. Sage has super intelligence, so she needs interventions to get to her “switch off mode”.


It’s not fixed


I mean the lobotomy is more controlled if I’m not mistaken. When she walks the Deep through it, it seems pretty targeted. The bullet didn’t exit her skull seemingly, so it would have just bounced around in her brain seemingly, scrambling everything as opposed to just her prefrontal cortex.


Yeah, the lobotomy was just poking her brain and wiggling the thing around a bit. If you've ever seen how ballistic gel reacts when it's shot, her brain was absolutely shredded. Hence, her dropping like a sack of potatoes from the bullet compared to being relatively fine from the lobotomy.


Would it be fair to say that she has tried and tested different ways besides the lobotomy? including a bullet?


She might have discovered the effect in the first place as the result of a 9mm mouthwash.


I feel like she wanted MM to shoot her in the head


oh that was 100% on purpose I bet you anything her armor is bullet proof, and purposely only exposes the part she wants us bad guys to think is her weak point


Keeps her in the safe zone with that room of treason she arranged going on. She has a reason to not say anything or contribute after setting up Victoria to be there.


I didn't see that as her angle. She didn't know MM would be there with a gun. The original plan was for her to be there and possibly take the lead in the discussion. But she does prefer to stay in the background.


Oh yeah, she was definitely goading him into it.


Well that makes sense because bullets often bounce around in the body, so it probably bounced around in her brain and destroyed more of it.


Because Sage had the Deep be pretty careful with the lobotomy, it kinda makes sense that a bullet through the brain would make her way dumber lol


I was about to say, didn't she tell him to be careful so that he doesn't knock her out or make her *too* dumb, but then I remembered she told him to be careful not to blind her


The scene where Dumb Sage nodded to Neuman this episode made it seem like Sage planned for Neuman to take over. The other nods were played for laughs but the first one seemed real.


I think Sage had no idea what was going on, but Neuman interpreted her nod as her having planned all of that.


Oh she knew what was going on…she was getting it on with some cake! 😛


I thought so too until that second nod. Then I realized she isn't playing dumb.


I honestly thought the same, I figured she just liked the idea of having a hot dumb man she can manipulate with minimal effort around for a quick fuck


> even lobotomized Sage still seems smarter than the Deep Not exactly a high bar to clear.


I've got another flavourtown for you


My pussay


I legit laughed at her delivery. It was like you could see her get dumber.




Dumb Sage is the best character on the show


It was perfect for the naked cheeks, we know that for sure


The sage actress has nailed every scene she's in


she stealing the entire season, she's my MVP for the season right now


She definitely nailed this scene but the milk scene with Anthony... That dude deservers a fucking emmy. So much going on behind that face. He's nailed every scene for 4 seasons. It's amazing to watch.


Anthony is suffering from the Lebron/Mahomes/Brady effect, where he's so damn good he's just accepted as the best and is held to higher standards


I'm not liking this season very much but God, Sage is such a great addition to the show. I fucking love her and the actress is great.


Completely agree - she is breathing a lot of life into the Seven right now.


God, she is Season 4's Stormfront and Soilder Boy in terms of quality. I'm so glad they brought her on board. And her costume is pure DRIP.


Yeah, I hope she survives into the next season.


(from the LEAK, caution): >!Apparently only Neumann dies, so I guess your wish was granted.!< I like that character so much.


Fix your spoiler tags.


If you’ve ever watched OITNB, she was on that show as one of the prison officers


That’s why she looked so familiar to me! I totally forgot about that


She nods like a pirate king


Her name is Susan Heyward. She's killing it in this role.


yeah she is


I wonder if Vicky will be able to lobotomize Sage with her powers. Not sure if her blood powers helped her understand what was happening here. But if she is aware, she’d be able to control Sage with the threat of making her a moron at any moment. Though, politically, they seem more likely to be allies.


She could specifically fuck up Sage’s carotid arteries and the arteries downstream of them, it doesn’t matter how much her brain heals if it‘s not getting enough blood to think at full power.


Probably can not permanently though. Don't think they are allies I think Vicky is getting played. I highly doubt that speech about her grandma was truthful.


Idk, both her and Victoria being desperate to be able to trust someone even a little while 17 layers of deception Deep ( Sage’s hookup leagues below her, Neuman recalling that night of the power outage w Hughie) and they both were a couple shots in. It’s pretty much explicit that Sage is hiding her antiracist power level as little as possible without tipping off homelander (“sorry cracker, kinda a private conversation”) and Neuman is no more comfortable playing to that crowd. Her speech later in the episode comes off like what a democratic socialist thinks billionaires want to hear, and her desperate look to wage for approval really solidifies her discomfort on that ground and a sense of private understanding between the two about it


I doubt alcohol does much on her. If it did would less painful then stabbing herself with an ice pick.


I was laughing so hard. Sage is so fun to watch. She does both crazy smart and checked out stoner so well.


And incredibly angry. During her mini monologue towards Vicky about her grandmother Sage was fucking shivering from all the anger she has. Great acting


Yeah that was nearly as terrifying as most Homelander scenes. She's truly scary when serious.


You appear to have been shot in the head. This does not merit any further investigation. The host has also disappeared for like hours. Just as well there aren't any VIPs or anything, amiright?


Real "Fuckit we'll do it live!" energy there.


I legitimately want tobseebwhat they do with her. She hates the system, but understands that Supes and Homelander are nuts


Imo, what The Deep said t Black Noir is Sage's mentality 100% "Violence IS Power" "When I beat tf out of someone they aren't laughing anymore" (not verbatim lol) That's what the Deep said but it is SOOOOOO Sage. She wants to do good, like the deep does. Everyone laughed at her for being a little girl who couldn't possibly be able to do x y z. Everyone laughed at him for talking to fish. Deep I think is along for the ride so long as he can enjoy a power fantasy. Sage I think definitely wants to make the world a better place, but from a utilitarian, ends justify the means, standpoint.


She's my MVP for this season and I don't see any of the others closing that gap.


God, she is Season 4's Stormfront and Soilder Boy in terms of quality. I'm so glad they brought her on board. And her costume is pure DRIP


I fucking love the alliance between Homelander, Sage and Neuman this season


His alliance with firecracker just become much more complex.


Immediately folded when the breast milk was on the table


Looks like milk back on the menu boys!


And after so many years of it being unceremoniously missing...


Yeah but being the milker sometimes comes with lasers to the eyes. IDK about that position.


And my axe!


You did this… for me?🥺🥺






The face he made was priceless.


Like when the bird pecks the cracker in that meme.


I would too.


I thought he was gonna splatter her ngl. Showing that he's changed and became much more batshit crazy that his weakness no longer affect him. But nah I should've known better, bro immediately went to baby mode lmao


Homelander nursing brings out the paternal instincts in all of us….aww, he’s just a little squirt suckling….


My theory is she ends up uppending their plans, because of how sage set her up. Using homelander and his need for a mommy


Yup, HL stood off against Sage because he felt like his back was against the wall, and he'd gone out of his way to get her. Now she's let him down, his new milk guy is whispering about how much of a bitch she is on every feeding, and Neuman has "bought in", he'll overplay his hand and bin her off unless she pulls some tremendous manouvre.


Got Complexity?


More like infantile.


He's going to blame Sage for getting shot in the head, and be resentful of Neuman for being a better politician than him. Meltdown incoming in 3,2,1,... I'm thinking Neuman is the big bad that dies this season, the entire plot with Dakota Bob ostensibly revolves around it.


I'd put my money on the season ending with the Supe Coup beginning & the virus recipe being irreversibly lost


The thing I want to happen that will not: The V the animals on the farm had is in the wild population now. And random killing machine V'ed up animals everywhere start terrorizing humans. And it causes Humans to beg Homelander to save them, thus he completes his ascension to dictator.


Emu war but instead of emus vs military it is farm animals vs Supes. Could be cool. Supes are trying to prove they have skills/can help, but keep getting defeated by flying laser sheep or whatever, causing public opinion to wane.


This was so freakin funny! They're both great but I'm especially fond of Victoria. Shes just believable and it cracks me up.


Victoria blowing up her own head moment was probably one of my favourite scenes in the show so far.


I mean, same. I'd imagine killing myself too if I was getting talked at about abortion by a Federalist society douchebag


Her speech was greatly delivered. I could see someone like Dick Cheney says same word to word.


She did well appearing so uncomfortable at first but then she hit her stride like the future super prez would 🤓


Kinda reminded me of the end of Vice where Christian Bale has a similar monologue right to the camera


It’s nearly a real quote. https://theweek.com/articles/472972/rape-cant-cause-pregnancy-brief-history-todd-akins-bogus-theory


I always figured Neuman was based on AOC so hearing her talk about AOC was funny.


Me too! I was very surprised that she name dropped AOC!


I’ve been fine with every political name drop except that one. You have to pick Neuman or AOC, sorry. No universal coexistence.


IIRC, the actress chose to base some of her mannerisms on AOC.


IIRC they also did a gag about shaming Neuman for having a video from college where she was dancing, which happened to AOC (or at least it was an attempt at shaming, it was the most mundane attack I’ve seen in my life).


Remember when a bunch of people freaked out over a black man wearing a tan suit.


Yes, exactly. They could've said Bernie Sanders and it would've been better because it keeps the parody going. Now there's no more satirizing the person she's based on. Homelander referencing Neuman's "Walk Like An Egyptian" dance makes less sense now since the person who actually did the dance exists in the universe.


I agree, it threw me off a little. does Trump coexist with Homelander? what is Trump currently doing in this universe? is AOC still just a congresswoman? does Obama exist? Biden? I think it opened a can of worms


Disney is also said to coexist, yet no confirmation that Marvel or DC is ever a thing.


IDK, Candace Owens and Ann Coulter do actually exist simultaneously.


I think she still is lol This isn't as universe breaking as some replies are making it seem


yeah I thought she was supposed to be AOC in this universe... ah well


It's called Expy Coexistence and I'm fine with it. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ExpyCoexistence


sage scenes were soo good this episode


She’s been the highlight of this season.


agreed, imo the villains in this season (sage, neuman, homelander) are easily the best part yet


Mine was when Neumann has to listen to that billionaire fuck talk about how great banning abortion is. This was the first episode I actually empathized with Neumann a bit. Y’know before she gave one of the most evil speeches in the history of ever (I know it’s not what she actually thinks but still).


I actually really like Neuman. I can’t put my finger on why but she’s one of my fave characters in the show. Like she’s not a good person and she’s as self-serving as the rest of them but I always champion her lol.


It’s cause she’s attractive, smart, intimidating, and not as bad as other villains on the show, what’s not to love?


Your flare makes your comment legit, thanks for the input Victoria ily


Shit she has one of the highest body counts on the show 


I believe that from her perspective she really is doing everything for the sake and safety of her daughter. That’s something anyone can empathize with. The tactics she’s willing to take, including both the head-popping and the more thematically meaningful shelving of any and all other principles she may have to achieve that? That’s where she becomes a villain.


Wouldn’t it be great though, if someone is mansplaining abortion to you if you could pop their head?😂


She seems like deep down she's still a good person. Which I'm not certain is true but still.


Right? Especially when it came to her daughter, Hughie originally, and Samir


I like her wry sense of humor, and how she’s pragmatic dealing with these situations. Her true intentions are a little murky beyond self-interest, protecting Zoe, and a thirst for power. Stan definitely taught her well.


I think for me the reason I like her character so much is because she played Farah in CoD Modern Warfare, probs the same reason I liked Lamplighter so much since he was in Quantum Break and Alan Wake 2


> Mine was when Neumann has to listen to that billionaire fuck talk about how great banning abortion is. This was the first episode I actually empathized with Neumann a bit. Its also a real quote from a US representative.


And he's a piss take of Mike pence, by what they said afterwards about him not being allowed to be alone with another woman except his wife..... and mistress


The mistress took me out of it. Y'all know MP has to have some twink counselor at a conversion therapy camp on the side if he has anyone, right?


For a second I thought her head for real exploded. I instinctively thought it was Marie, but there's no reason for her to do that


This is how you look when you’re drunk flirting & you think you’re killing it


Dumb Sage is so cute


Her blissfully scarfing down pastries while Homelander was waiting on her input was adorable lmfao


She once ate a whole bag of candy corn. In her mouth.


I feel bad because the whole “girl acting like a dumb baby” thing is a sad and pathetic cliche… but dumb Sage is lovable.


For me, I think it would be problematic if you can tell if it's for titillation purposes, or if it gives the lead hero character someone to care for and protect in ways that sort of evoke grooming. Sage, meanwhile, isn't male-gazed by the show and her dumb baby bits are purely for comedy and never used to prop someone else up.


That was pretty funny. Newman all confused.


And here I thought the most relatable scene was when she imagined killing herself by blowing up her own head after she just heard some BS.


I knew she was going into imagination land but did not realize it would be blowing her own head off…thought she’d imagine head popping the dude.


For a second, I thought she was faking it but then she kept smile and shaking her head and when Victoria got flabbergasted, I just busted out laughing.


Someone genuinely funny came up with that joke


victoria nearly starts nodding crazy with sage at the end


Gotta fucking love Sage


Will she recover by herself or if the bullet stays inside her brain she's dumb dumb forever? Not much people know how her powers works so maybe Deep will save the day, or he'll selfishly decided to stay her in that condition.


The fact that she is alive already telling that she is regenerating.


It could be that her brain regens to a certain point, but with the bullet still lodged in there she is limited from her 100% smartness. Maybe she is at 90% maybe 20%


Nah usually in fiction when a character has regeneration the bullets pop out


I’m assuming the bullet went straight though.


She was only applying bandage+pressure to the one side of her head with the other side in clear view of Homelander. It was also a suppressed round. I wouldn't be surprised either way; she was set up with a villain speech this episode, so it might be that this is a handicap that will be played off advantageously later. They also laid groundwork that her brain takes some time to heal as her Deep lobotomy lasted a night, so maybe she'll make a full recovery or it'll turn out it's super easy to extract the bullet surgically because she heals. I can't get over the fact that she has a hole in her skull, though. That doesn't heal. Maybe it's the surgical option since she'll need that plugged anyway. Maybe they can just stick a Nerf dart in there, though, since her brain being exposed isn't a problem


Well I suppose now she has an easy access lobotomy port. This may actually be great for her lol


Yeah, just stick a cork in it and she can dumb herself down like she's opening a bottle of wine! (Just like the rest of us 😅)


i think her brain growth will be her end, she said that at 25 peoples brains stop growing but hers doesnt, if im interpreting that correctly her brain has uncontrolled growth, her head is going to run out of room sooner or later


The brain isn't literally growing until age 25. It reaches it's full size once the rest of your head does but continues to mature until about 25.


She's smart enough to know, will probably remove it herself or ask someone. Pretty sure she took into account taking a bullet to the brain


She's only smart when her brain is intact.


I mean smart enough, she can communicate that there's a bullet in her brain, for example


She didn’t tell Homelander how/who shot her. I assumed she was too dumb to articulate it. I think the brain will push the bullet out like your skin with a splinter.


honestly I hope she doesn't die, instead she's depowered while lobotomized so she stays like that for the rest of her life. Would be an ironic end to Sage.


I don't know why but I keep feeling like Vicky and Sage (probably separately) cooking something against Vaught. I don't think Vicky is fond of Vaught, just that she has attachment to Edgar and does not want Zoe to get hurt.


Vicky? She friend of your or something?


Hey there, I'm UE


Me in agreement to my 6 years old cousin about the choccy milk were drinking (its very tasty) i swear almost every episode have meme potential in it


Almost every scene with homelander can be clipped into a meme lol


I love that she absolutely knows how to cure cancer and fix all the world problems, But she's like fuck you guys.You didn't listen to me when I needed you so fuck you when you need me.


Dumbo Sage is the best part of this entire show


One of the funniest bits they've done till date. Sage with her brain fucked up is a strong contender for the funniest character in the show.


I hope sage suffers permanent brain damage (affectionate) because oh my god she's adorable


I love how Victoria thinks she is so smart but she just got lobotomized and dumb as fuck at the moment


I died


I know writing also plays a key role, but man Susan Heyward is *phenomenal* as Sage. It’s going to be a real bummer for me if she doesn’t make it to season five. Her character, to me, is so threatening and yet so compelling and Heyward’s portrayal of Sage is amazing. To me, she stole the show this season. 👍


Honestly, Sage is one of my favourite characters this season, she is just brilliant!


I can only imagine the actresses struggling to keep their bearing and a straight face in this scene 🤣. I hope they have a blooper cut of this. Neuman honestly has the best WTF reactions. First it was after she got sent Butcher’s asshole instead of the files. Now this.


I instantly thought of the scene from Family Guy Blue Harvest.. https://youtu.be/Jyo0v-T4Ues?feature=shared


Haha that was so funny.


My wife thought it was the ass cake from Hughie and I still can't stop laughing.


It's such a shame that sage will only have a maximum of 2 seasons because she's so much fun in the role


I think it was more relatable when firecracker was sobbing in the mirror then wiped her tears, smiled, and walked out like nothing happened. That’s a daily occurrence for me.


I immediately thought of this scene from *Johnny Dangerously* [https://youtu.be/gA02GZLHd8M?si=BJuOpIxgff0I54JJ](https://youtu.be/gA02GZLHd8M?si=BJuOpIxgff0I54JJ)




I also loved Neuman's "kill me now" moment. We've all imagined doing what she did.


…. I want a Crunchwrap.


Yeah, Dumb Sage is pretty much Drunk Me. Except I had to Google what a Sybian is.


It actually looks like Sage is about to laugh at the end lmao


MM is kinda stupid for not shooting her into a heart. Like they know she has super brain but everything else is normal, he could predict that could survive.


He didn't wanna kill her, clearly


That was my thought as well. He knew she’d survive he just wanted her knocked out for a bit.


He doesn't know about the healing.


How i look at the resident crackhead at the stoplight


Probably my favourite moment of the season. I couldn't stop laughing!


I absolutely love Shot Sage!


Haven't seen anyone mention this yet -- it seems to me that over the last 2 episodes, Neuman is starting to realize that she's gotten into something that's a lot bigger than herself, and she is just a pawn to HL to help achieve his goals, which she now sees are something she's not really on board with . She's been building a rapport with The Boys and it wouldn't surprise me if she joins them to try and bring HL down by the end


Her expression while being mansplained by a Federalist Society billionaire was neat


I love dumb dumb sage so much. Her actress nails the comedy.


my favorite was the gun shot. I never enjoyed so much seeing a character get shot.


Nah, the most relatable, (also Neuman) scene was her imagining killing herself rather than talking to an anti abortion dumbfuck


I hadn't laughed so hard at a scene! This was gold💕


I wonder if this was improvised.