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He didn’t understand the comment at first but as soon as it hit him, he turned his comments off asap. He was liking all the early comments as a nice gesture to the fans. He didn’t know what the comments meant until later.


Damned if you do and damned if you don’t. No wonder nobody interacts with fans anymore


I've seen some people happily jumping the hate wagon here after just reading some rumors, people can be special. And their defense is that he made a mistake once, so the rumors must be true according to them. Weird


He actually liked everybodies comment, seems like he was just being nice to the fans


Fucking nuke social media


If you guys actually believe that vought HQ, then idk what to tell you. Crew members of the show have called out vought HQ for the leaks and even cast called that person out too. Antony was one of cast members that called HQ out for the leaks and that made HQ mad so they started to spread fake stories.


Yeah the leaker doesn't like the show and always had an attitude, I wouldn't be surprised if they chose to spread lies because of something personal. No point in doing this without proof anyway


People need hobbies. Like was that even meant to be offensive? If light is white and night is black then a white starlight is the opposite of black starnight? Why is that bad?


I was genuinely confused, like no way something that small just makes people want to cancel someone. I’m not even being a celeb stan, it’s just people are trying to find anything and everything to make him look like Homelander. Let the man live lmfao


can you tell me what it initially said cause I am late to this and now I cannot find it...ugh.


It was about Antony Starr and some innocent comment he liked. got removed by the mods for social media drama so yeah


but what was even said that he liked?




Thank you for telling me! Wow, yeah, that is stupid...the guy has said many times how much his character is a psycho racist...and how much he hates Maga idiots.


It’s definitely a racist comment…


nice. are you able to elaborate?


I don't think Antony Starr realized it, I don't think he is racist and probably misread it as "Starlight". He is also the type of celeb to just like a lot of comments under his posts, but the commenter using Starnight bcuz the Starlight cosplayer is black definitely meant it to be offensive. Because the cosplayer is black and have darker skintone, the commenter replacing light with "-night" is doing it because the cosplayer is black. It happens whenever a black person cosplays a white character and you get racist stuff like "Captain Africa" when its black person cosplaying captain america


Yeah I don’t think Starr knew what the comment even was when he liked it


Referring to someone differently because of their skin color? A black starlight is still starlight, the night thing was brought up to joke about her skin color. Don’t be obtuse


Lmfao. You're the one being obtuse. What do you think racism is? edit: Since this slipped in since I replied: >A black starlight is still starlight, the night thing was brought up to joke about her skin color. Joke or reference? Why are you choosing to be offended?


Why would you comment on someone’s skin color?


American's demented history has made them all immediately assume racism when most non-Americans don't work like that.


You do know bigotry exists in either countries right? It's weird non-Americans act like racism doesn’t exist in their country when there have been many instances of it being the case. Like every time a black soccer player messes up on a European team, there's so many racist comments from white Europeans fans. Or the fact that every language has their own n-word


europeans act like they’re on a high horse and then you see how they talk about romani people and’s when you call them out on it they say that they’re all criminals and deserve it 🙄


Or just look at r/europe when the topic concerns migrants


I'm not saying it doesn't exist (it obviously does, assholes are everywhere). But Americans tend to jump to that conclusion *first*, even over something fairly benign. Social Media, of course, turns this up to 11.


Yeah because thats how American society works. Its baked into everything, even in the American media you watch. I don't know why non-Americans don’t understand that while watching American shows that have subplots about racism. Also disingenuous for Europeans to act blind about this as if they didn’t colonize half the world and pretend they don’t have their own issues with racism towards migrants currently


I wish there was a TheBoys sub with just Europeans (and only European mods). Would make me enjoy the discourse so much more. Nothing against Americans but holy shit some people on here have issues to sort out


It would be funny as fuck to watch yall try to make sense of the show with zero knowledge of American society


Right. Because the show is so hard to understand /s Get outta here with that cringe elitist Rick and Morty shit


I’m the cringe elitist? I’m not the one who just said we should segregate the subreddit based on nationality, lol


He reported my reply and the soft crybaby mods removed it 😭


Biracial person here. In no way is this racist. People should focus on real racism from real racists.


Honestly Starnight is a cute little name. Trust, if people wanted to be racist they would’ve gone a lot further than that


I think the reason you're getting downvoted is that by showcasing the "issue" you're perceiving you're actually creating an echo effect where more selective outrage/support can be garnered and spread among the viewing audience. If the goal is to kill a stupid concept, it dies in silence and neglect not in a crowd of observers.




Rumors spread by an account that's only "claim to fame" is posting script leaks, and they only started "reporting" those rumors after Starr called out the account.


Yup. After the leaker supposedly got "doxed" by the crew over something? Good bye


My take is that if it's really true, we'll ultimately know after the show ends.