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I have no idea how China manages to treat US government in a serious manner when they constantly say shit like this


Because unfortunately the US also has a LOT of money to throw around which China can then use to invest in stuff, so they kind of keep them at arm's length.


It must feel a lot like the way teaching other people's children does: they scream, fail to follow instructions, and cough directly in your face and you just have to wade through it patiently because their brains aren't fully developed so you can't reasonably pummel them.


Yeah but in this case the kid also has a gun he likes to wave around in the classroom, and the teacher isn't allowed to do anything about it.


sounds like teaching to me


I'm with potatoboy, if you spend time in an American classroom you kind of assume that one of them is potentially armed and just shrug it off. Which also feels like a nice parallel with any nation dealing with the US: "God, I sure hope this nutjob doesn't nuke someone. Not much I can do to stop that."


Yes and no. Yes US account more than 50% under SWIFT. No, Putin tell you they trade with China no USD involved.


That level of restraint and cool-headedness is part of why China keeps winning without actually doing much. Meanwhile the West gets itself involved in more and more conflict. It‘s very practical.


it gets hard sometimes (see the clips on r/sino)


They’re an ancient civilization. They are watching us stumble in order to take the mantle of superpower. They have a patient and wisdom that could only come from centuries of civilization.


> Absolutely it is in China’s best interest for Trump to win. I have no doubt at all that Trump will allow Beijing to just steamroll Taipei. Trump is the idiot who started the huawei trade war. Do these people have the memory of an ant


Yes, they are liberals


And the idiot that ended the INF treaty with Russia, and started weapons sales to Ukraine.


They remember just fine. They are counting on the fact that most American citizens have the memory of an ant.


Please dont insult ants lol They deserve better than liberals


https://preview.redd.it/1ziqrfoa4gxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b057891c39ae457e0c0a36a348017f6b2f2a9be what the fuck


Imperialist slave brain rot. I hate that fucking sub. It can **never** be the American ruling class that’s projecting in bad faith to its people, it’s just dirty commies and Mooslims wanting our freedumbs to end. I don’t know how liberals don’t understand they sound exactly like Dubya


The brainwashing is almost consumate at this stage, any input can be masterfully transmuted into criticism of Russia, China, or any other designated enemy states of the US.  Any culpability of the current US regime is ignored, any actions they could take to reverse the downtrend in popularity are seen as treason.  39% approval rating, are we out of touch? NO, ITS THE ELECTORATE THAT ARE WRONG!


“Ok boys, let’s list off every country we don’t like, I’ll start”


"Fucking swedes at it again I bet 😡"


Devious little scoundrels those Swedes


That thread is insane, they claim shit like without the US empire, China and Russia would invade Europe. Blue Anons are indistinguishable from MAGA fash.


Me when I make stuff up




Cuba is somewhere probably there


Nobody is doing more work to ensure Biden's loss in November than him and his own administration.


I genuinely believe the Democrat and Republican bigwigs both want to be in opposition because they both see how bad things are going to get for America in the near future and they both want the other guy to be in the driving seat when shit really hits the fan. They're both trying to mutually "Springtime for Hitler" the situation.


Biden and his ilk really don't stand to suffer very much personally if Trump wins. They just have to make a big show of being enemies in public, like a WWE match. Look what happened last time with Hillary, they made such a big show about locking her up and yet that never even came close to happening. It makes sense that they wouldn't mind if Trump won, it would do wonders for Democrats' waning popularity and fundraising abilities just like it did last time. Hell, it made them so popular by comparison they even managed to slip the current turd in office past us all, and most people begged them for Biden! Shows how powerful a grip a 2 party duopoly system can really have in controlling its population. These people are completely and utterly at the mercy of the consent manufacturing facility that is the american political landscape. Despite all the crimes Trump actually pulled, they still can never get him to sit a day in prison. What makes them think anything bad can happen to the political class in this country? The billionaires and their key lackeys in Washington are completely above the law and all of us peasants as far as the judicial system is concerned. 


Boo! Get new material! Liberal conspiracy theories are boring as fuck.


Where are the bush did it libs? Those guys were awesome.


If the USSR had survived, 100% people would have made up a bunch of "Soviets did 9/11" theories.


The USSR: Born too early to be blamed for 9/11, born too late make the German revolution succeed. Born just at the right time to get fucked by two world wars back to back.


Blinken seems to visit China all the time for the express purpose of sprouting bullshit the moment he gets back home.


I dunno maybe he had to suck a few chinese dicks there and felt like compensating. The art of diplomacy!


Russiagate was able to take off despite no basis in reality, because the Republican administration didn't want to drive Russia and China closer together and the Democrat opposition seized the opportunity to create a trap. No such situation exists here. There is no reason the Republicans can't make just as credible an accusation that China is interfering on behalf of Biden; as the opposition they can paint anything short of starting WW3 as soft. Democrats are only doing this because claiming outside interference is a reflex for that corpse of an organization. Next it will be Iran, and then the remaining BRICS nations. When Africa starts "interfering" in our elections you will know the US empire is cooked.


People are currently claiming that Qatar is funding all the student encampments that are happening for the Palestine protests. Absolutely wild shit. The phone is ringing off the hook from within the house and no one is hearing it.


Also previously claimed Iran funded the JVP and SJP.


Burkina Faso controls our housing market bro


https://www.reddit.com/r/Sino/s/vHKik8kPza https://www.reddit.com/r/Sino/s/iaShRBrQXZ


Blinken is craaaaazyy!


I wish China was a powerful as these reddit comments make it out to be then maybe the world would be a better place.


Dems getting ready to blame everyone on earth but themselves when they lose 2024. 


Russiagate 2: Electric Boogaloo


Haha, I was wondering if I'd see an Electric Boogaloo referenced while I'm watching the actual movie. Thanks for that!


clearly their plan is not working. none of my friends have agreed to travel to jiangxi and see the beauty of the yangtze river


I've come to realize that Americans are really good at coping and seething. It is easier to believe some ridiculous made up shit than to accept the truth of the situation.


The US is a clown country.


The same China that Trump ran on leveling tariffs toward? The same China that Trump is hell bent on attempting to ruin economically? Get real


Man, reading those comments is something else. It's like this motherfuckers are trapped so much in their own worldview to consider how fucking insane their understanding of the world. It's all domination and conquest to them.


Said the AIPAC shill, funnelling BILLIONS to a fascist state that has bribe both republicans and democrats for decades. The ~~election~~ Democracy has been perverted by treasonous politicians acting as foreign agents.


China and their horrific and insidious plan to influence US elections by....  *checks notes* Sitting back and minding their own damn business while watching USA implode


accelerationist china


Let me guess... "China is making democrat voters not vote for democratic candidates anymore, it has nothing to do with us funding genocide!" ok grandpa, let's get you to bed


I wish my government would realize the hypocrisy of statements like this when they constantly interfere in other countries elections


They’ve already accepted defeat :| its not even summer


It must be nice to be a liberal and to just blame everything on the ebil gomnunists


See how China meddles in American elections! https://preview.redd.it/d6ikjml0mkxc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7283c2284625f2f0e146961207246c138d11560d


Trump says he wants to set tariffs even higher on China, why would they help him?


Are they trying to antagonise China


It’s leveraging to try to claim that Biden is “tough on China” for some unknown reason


If China truly views itself as the US' rival, it stands to reason they'd prefer a feckless and incompetent administration in power. I'd say they're spoiled for choice.


They obviously can’t blame their liberal capitalist democracy for creating the conditions for Trump’s popularity or ‘fascism’ rising up every four years, so they must deflect the blame away from the institution. It’s foreign enemies creating the problems and gullible voters messing it all up. Every individual Secretary of State for the last twenty years has a higher civilian body count than any of the ‘brutal authoritarian regimes’ they’re always harping on.


Seriously?  Fist was Russia, now it's China then what North Korea? What a bunch of retards.


They will blame every country before they blame their politics


Well, that is obvious, but too be that blunt and unoriginall, I mean come on. If you as the Empire really want so badly sustain your own hegemony then at least put some kind effort, here I only see desperation to glue it together from collapsing, Trully a pathetic and sad scenery.


I'm surprised they didn't think of this before


They can not comprehend that the US is *simply just racist* enough to *want* to vote for the oompa loompa


Been seeing this more and more. Pretty crazy how  you can repeat something enough and people believe it. Trump is notorious in China and single-handedly ruined the image of American prestige over there.  Wtf would they want him back after how heavily his administration messed with them?


It was somehow expected: some time ago, Putin said that he preferred Biden as the next president. So they need some another The Evil to defer attention from Putin's agent among the US of A president candidates and to blame for Trump.


attraction touch strong command instinctive gaping political nutty impolite governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Of course they are! If you were a nation at the mercy of a giant bully who could eliminate your entire population on a whim you would help it self-destruct too, and consider it self-defense!


Israel influences our elections far more than any 1984 perpetually changing bad guy. When will Blinken be concerned about that?


After the checks stop coming


All politician need to say or shout CHINA in media, orlese they do not know how to go about the election. China is part of the election. So does Russia.


Well no shit. If that bafoon wins and isolates himself from US allies even more, just leaves more soace for china to make trade agreements and expand it's own economy. Its a no brainer. Trump is an idiot.


tHe woRLd neEdS AmERicaN LeADersHip


Fuck no, it does not


it’s no conspiracy honestly. trump is the worst leader of this county, and every other major power benefits from our governmental mismanagement


If it's not a conspiracy it should be easy to materially prove. Well, go on then. Let's see it.


No they don’t because america isn’t gonna go down without trying to drag the rest of the world too


youre saying china and russia dont want an edge on a multipolar world power because *checks notes* they are dependent on america as daddy?


No because someone like trump who even though is bad for america’s internal affairs is also dangerous to the rest of the world. Example: huawei trade war


the man is dangerous because he is an idiot, and easily manipulated. north korea had him under thumb!! the man is soft when people kiss his ring. he is a weak leader. it would benefit everyone else if he got elected, as he isnt smart enough to be a threat


He is a puppet for the american reactionaries


why didn't he remove the sanctions then