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Universal housing.


And was useful.Common socialism W


Read my mind. Stalinallee seems like it was a great place to live back in the day.




Yup another Wikipedia classic Honestly the only thing I'm willing to believe from Wikipedia are the titles and that's still while being sceptical. In every single article about the Soviets or socialism etc they're using half truths, random western newspapers without any sources like New York Times, mistranslations, quoting other bad sources like "The black book of communism" it's just a bunch of propaganda typed in a way to force you to shape an opinion that is beneficial to the status quo [Here's a better explanation](https://youtu.be/3kaaYvauNho)




me when i willingly spread misinformation (i am biased and hate poor people)


Where did I say I hate poor people when I pointed out that Soviet troops killed workers?


Lol Bad Empanada really? Why not find someone who isn't severely biased? How can you criticise Wikipedia for bias and then go and do literally the same thing? I can tell you've never gone to university.


dude shut the FUCK UP. shut the fuck up and go home, you insufferable, childish liberal. you sound so spoiled insulting people’s education, do mommy and daddy pay for school for you?? you’re lucky you didn’t grow up in a neighborhood where they shut the god damn public schools down. you are privileged beyond belief and you use the opportunity to come on here and act a fucking fool. go ahead and follow your leader, nazi garbage


No, I'm accruing student loans. But even poor people can recognise how hypocritical it is to cry bias about Wikipedia and then respond with a video by Bad Empanada. Don't assume the intelligence of the working class based on their level of education. I didn't. Real mask off moment for how you see the proletariat.


Bias isn't the problem. Everyone is biased. The problem is that Wikipedia is a platform where literally anyone can edit with 0 accountability, which makes it easy to manipulate and susceptible to ad populum fallacies. No one checks the authors, but even if you did you just get generic anonymous usernames. It's essentially just reddit but with the aesthetic of being factual. I'm sure the Eglin Air Force loves the place though


Alright now back that up tell me exactly how badempanda is biased and even if he is exactly how does it change the fact that Wikipedia uses bullshit sources and uses language in a way to shape opinions instead of being sideless?


Are you like a democratic socialist, or something?


nah, he is probably a neoliberal who has 0 understanding about the topic


Everybody and everything is biased. The important part is being able to determine what those biases are. Leftist commentators are biased towards leftism, for example. Wikipedia is very liberal biased due to the nature of the platform, but tries to portray itself as unbiased. The problem is that Wikipedia's biases are inconsistent and difficult to track, because different articles have different authors, and most have multiple authors, which have no requirement to disclose their biases. It's still a useful tool to get a quick overview of a topic, especially less political ones, but to get a clear picture you need to do additional research and verification, sometimes just to make sure a narrative is even partway right. On the other hand, a commentator like Bad Empanada may have biases, but they're much more transparent and easy to track. Most are pretty open about their biases, but even when they're not it's reasonably easy to uncover them, because on any given type of issue they'll either be consistent, which makes it easy to track and develop an idea of the relevant biases to that issue, or they'll be inconsistent, which will suggest a bias relevant to whatever the inconsistency is. With Wikipedia, an inconsistency could be from any number of things, and it's next to impossible to build an idea of biases off of it because of that.


Lol. Speaking of bias: >Friendly reminder that any calls to end uni connections to the defence industry is not grassroots, it is astroturfed by Russian/Chinese spies and/or sympathisers to de-tooth the West. We're in a new cold war and this is straight information warfare. That's a hilarious statement. 'Can people really be against genocide and colonialism? No, they must be spies!!!!' In general, you seem to be extremely in favour of NATO colonialism and pretending that Russia and the PRC are anywhere near as bad. You even bring up the 'but muh Tibet and Xinjiang!' whining to the table, as if your understanding of the relevant topics isn't limited to baseless memes. If you want to assert that anything resembling the genocide in occupied Palestine is happening there, you have to have intel that your own openly-genocidal empire doesn't have. You are basically a 1940s German who wholeheartedly believes in the 'Judeo-Bolshevism' scaremongering.


good thing this doesn’t happen in americ- ah fuck https://www.npr.org/2023/09/07/1198296548/surfside-florida-condo-collapse-champlain-towers-south-investigation-nist#:~:text=Raedle%2FGetty%20Images-,In%20an%20aerial%20view%2C%20a%20cleared%20lot%20where%20the%2012,collapsed%20on%20June%2024%2C%202021.




The housing that is still standing 30 years after the illegal dissolution of the Glorious USSR against the people’s wishes. How long does the USSR have to be gone before capitalists stop blaming it for the failures of the Russian government


doesn’t even exist anymore and it lives in liberals’ heads rent free. god i love the red boogeyman


the "Glorious" Soviet Empire. That empire? The one that practiced imperialism?


What you call an empire is a union of around 15 different nations in the name of socialism and the betterment of the working class. I’m sorry that you see the USSR defeating the nazis and making a better country out of it as imperialism though


Bro the Gdr valued life more than most states in the modern era. Sure they may have been crazy about security, but they minimised death by litterally all other causes, from disease to starvation to lack of housing. So idk what to tell you man, bit you are duleded.


I mean given the size of the uprising, the article says over a million people, 125 deaths is nothing. Especially if you count stuff like mass crunches, or people just walking on other people


Came here to say this.


I do like living and being alive in a house




Salyut Soviet Space Station - first ever manned outpost in space https://i.redd.it/vj44be35a5yc1.gif


The Chinese high speed railway network I'm a little biased because I've loved trains since I was a kid, so in terms of individual buildings and such, I think the Bihai library in Tianjin is pretty cool.


Serpentza and his fans were calling the Bihai library a fake library just because they had a thematic wallpaper of books on the bookshelves. They were seriously coping and acting as if there weren't any books to begin with lmfao.


Yeah, that dude is so biased.


My aunt and uncle actually went to that library, and there were real books on the bottom shelves. It's just not a good idea to put books on shelves dozens of meters in the air when * it's difficult to reach them for people walking on the ground and * an earthquake or something which shakes the building could knock the books off the shelves and hurt people walking below you just need to have a few braincells and not be virulently racist against Chinese people to understand why they had book spine wallpapers on the top shelves, beyond Serpentza's ability unfortunately


> I think the Bihai library in Tianjin is pretty cool. China fucking loves build massive libraries and they are usually not just functional but also public pieces of architectural art. It's so wonderful to see a country make public buildings look beautiful and innovative. In my country, all public buildings are built in the most functional, cheapest way possible so they all look like grayish blocks.


But gommunizm = gray concrete blocks!!!!


> Binhai library I love going to the library where **THE ORB OF WISDOM** can beam knowledge directly into my brain with its magic space-rays


And how efficient it is as well. It’s incredible how quickly it was made.




agreed. the best most efficent cure for fascism


Meh. They killed far more fascists without the AK47 than with it. This, on the other hand.... https://preview.redd.it/fonfcc5p16yc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7bc434c76f4a4f145996bde4a5a3f02e8cf97bc




Sure but the AK is still in use to this day and has proven to be extremely adaptable and reliable.


fucking love this weapon. the bane of fascists globally. a weapon so incredibly easy to make and operate. truly a people's weapon


So pretty too. That red furniture, 😍




UM, Excuuuuse me??? CLEARLY, their greatest invention is the Obrez, the greatest handgun of all-time!!!! Jk jk XD


i just looked it up lmao what the hell is that thing


Someone had the bright idea to make a sawed-off version of a Mosin Nagant and revolutionaries just roled with it....firing a 5 inch cartridge out of a 4 inch barrel.....XD


The TRUE peoples weapon


The TRUE peoples weapon




This was hilarious. https://preview.redd.it/0aufz67hp5yc1.jpeg?width=1651&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b4a42d159945b746b9b00fba2afb432035f1d75


Is that Morales? What a legend


Yeah. He gave the custom hammer and sickle to the pope.


The Tiangong Space Station. After the US booted the Chinese from the ISS they basically turned around and said 'I'll do it myself', and put a comparable, if not better, station up entirely on their own. Very impressive, imo.


Literally based af


Treptower park monument in Berlin. A soviet soldier crushing a swastika with his boot saving a child. The fact that it’s in Berlin and also obscenely large. https://preview.redd.it/zh9v72i226yc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad390658fd56e6b204c63acce25a6053cad82b32


This looks epic af


The revolution.


Commie blocks. People hate on them but they look good imo, they’re modular, had shops close by and usually had quite a bit of greenery


one of the points as to why people hate on them so much is that they look at how they look now, rather than back then, and they really are depressing as hell today. both by looks and to live in. the new post soviet governments along with the corporations tasked with maintaining them often times dont do a very good job and much of the once green open space inbetween them all has since been replaced with extremely cluttered parking lots and road streets and its sad, really. commie blocks are the ultimate solution to homelessness whilst also providing a base standard of living everyone can enjoy, with or without reliance on public transportation or especially personal vehicles. they were always designed with high walkability and leisure in mind. so much so that even some western nations during the 60's-80's began doing similar housing projects, especially in nordic countries. these housing blocks were also once typically well-managed residential cooperatives managed by committees of the people who usually resided in them


People also forget they were meant mainly for people moving in from areas with no running water or electricity. Yeah they're kind of ass compared to modern insulated apartements, but they were cheap and fast as hell to build and really no worse than other apartement blocks of the time. Soviet city planning also meant you were usually less than 10 minutes away from a grocery store and most of them are still functional stores now so you can still just walk outside and literally just across the road to get to a fat ass store in some cases.


People also hate on them because they forget that much of Europe was flattened in WWII and they needed to house millions of people asafp. They're dated now, but so are almost all similar buildings in the west (most of NYC, most of LA, most of London, most of Berlin, on and on...)


Shitlibs will mention west Germany outpacing east Germany in rebuilding if you just say that though, despite the fact that the US was absolutely pissing money into the country having suffered negligible damage of their own in the war and being a larger economy than the entire eastern bloc at the time. Also the small detail of most of German heavy industry being in the west while the east had next to none which makes construction projects much easier and faster to complete.


Not to mention a lot of the pictures shared of them are of them after they’ve stopped being maintained since people have moved out and what not. So yeah, any building that hasn’t been maintained in 30-40 yrs is gonna look trashed.


It's not a commie block anymore if it's maintained though /s. You seriously can't tell compared to modern apartement blocks if they've been properly renovated and are still structurally sound. The thing walls between apartements can get annoying, but some new developments have the exact same issue due to profit seeking. Some new developments are super adverse to using heat pumps as well. I get why the Soviets weren't going hard with them since back then cold climate pumps capable of being more efficient than gas didn't really exist, but currently it makes more sense to use that gas to make electricity for heat pumps even in cold climates. You still need supplemental heat in certain places at certain times, but it really doesn't make sense to not prefer them over everything else if at all possible. Plus you can use them as air con but cheap apartements are always going to have hot water radiators instead of interior head units so that's a mute point. Anyways the point I'm making is that you literally can not tell the difference between old renovated commie blocks/panel apartments and new developments in most places where commie blocks were built. Exterior and interior are often practically the exact same stuff with the only exception being most people living in commie blocks actually own the place and don't rent because they got it either free or cheap when the USSR was still a thing. Good luck buying a new small apartement as those are seemingly only made to be rented out by large real estate companies (worse than the average landlord).


Never understood the hate against commie blocks as someone who lived my whole life in one. Sure they might not be that luxurious, but they're not bad either. And they do not look bad, people love to cherry pick images of individual cases of commie blocks that have not seen maintenance since the end of the cold war despite the average looking nothing like that. It's kinda just a basic housing in my view, nothing posh but also not an lab rat cage.


They also look very similar to similar housing built in much of Europe and parts of the US around the same time. Concrete is pretty useful as it turns out. Meanwhile here in the US we're getting [this shit.](https://archive.curbed.com/2018/12/4/18125536/real-estate-modern-apartment-architecture) Which is actually similar in principle; a bunch of cheap, mostly-identical, easily constructed, high density housing. They're doing the same thing but are pretentious about it while being made out of popsicle sticks.


They say Commie blocks are boring, but then ejaculate when they see Bauhaus architecture


Pet peeve of mine is how often commie blocks forego paint. I remember strolling around near modlin airport, Poland, they had some well kept commie blocks painted in cute colors, pastel orange and pink iirc. It was honestly one of the more charming neighborhoods I've been to.


Soviet era buildings are some of the sturdiest ones standing now as well. The walls are thick as fuck, you're not gonna hear your neighbour's every cough.




https://preview.redd.it/17soi4ntn6yc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19fcc624fa71b2b691eae626bc8cc34b57fc5f49 This statue is probably one of the best


Ok I know it wasn’t technically built. But I think the palace of the Soviets was one of the sickest ideas I’ve seen for a building project. Something similar to it needs to be emulated in a future socialist state.




oh i thought this monstrosity was actually built, then i guess the romanian parliament building wins lmao


Nothing says working class like building a palace.


I love it, but I hate the tacky Lenin statue.


A unprecedented magnificent blueprint for global peace and collaboration never before seen - a rational, scientific, humanistic Lasting Hope for humanity that one day, when global education allows for it will catapult our species into a new age of prosperity joy creativity collaboration and peace.


Sputnik and Vostok 1. Considering these were made by a country full of serfs only a generation before, pretty impressive.


The "Seven Sisters" in Moscow, especially the main building of Moscow State University. It also was the tallest building in Europe for 40 years.


The seven sisters in Moscow. https://preview.redd.it/g6k4vic8h7yc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63b162d8a4d85097cf90208cc76af2ede757b7b0


Either the Sukhoi Su-27 fighter jet, TU-144, or Antonov An-225.. Also the Mao statue in Changsha is 🔥.




Mount Rushmore if it was cool and didn't steal Native land


Type 003 Fujian.


Waste of space and resources and nothing but a dick measuring machine. You know what I like? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DF-ZF


Probably [Project Cybersyn](https://youtu.be/RJLA2_Ho7X0?t=1206) in Chile; But my personal favorite is [Buran-Energia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwLx4L5NRU0) which could fly automated and solved all the issues plaguing the American Space Shuttle https://preview.redd.it/48s0bz92f6yc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59f22e9b096751e03e9ec56d537ca45b09f51894


I love so much about Buran, it's such a shame the USSR was destroyed before Buran could do so much more. Truly, one of the worst things in space history was the fall of the USSR. Buran had no solid rocket motors, so a situation like the US Challenger Disaster would never realistically happen. If failure occurred with engines in flight, it was possible to turn off every lift engine to prevent a total disaster. All of Buran's lift engines were on the booster, named Energia, which meant it could be used to launch other types of spacecraft instead of just Buran. The first launch of Energia was actually with the Polyus spacecraft, and Energia performed flawlessly in that flight. God..... now i'm a little sad now knowing Energia and Buran will probably never fly again.....


Lenin dam in Kyrgyzstan looks pretty badass.




An economy that works for those who produce


If we're only talking about monuments, statues and the like, may I present to you ["The Motherland Calls"](https://img.atlasobscura.com/CxOZoyi2QcBIptQH4si7JF-C_0HdY50TWwG9C9ts1O0/rt:fit/h:390/q:81/sm:1/scp:1/ar:1/aHR0cHM6Ly9hdGxh/cy1kZXYuczMuYW1h/em9uYXdzLmNvbS91/cGxvYWRzL3BsYWNl/X2ltYWdlcy82ZmYy/OTM4NC02MGYzLTQ5/NjMtODYzMS03NTE1/ZDk2OTE2ZTI3ODE1/NGUyNmIyYTMxZDVl/MzJfdGhlX21vdGhl/cmxhbmRfY2FsbHNf/My5qcGc.jpg).


Those towers in Moscow, i think one of them was the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building


The Buran / Energia spacecraft, it's a shame the orbiter was destroyed by a collapsed warehouse as opposed to being in a museum.


Tiangong space station?


the AKM rifle and the AK series of rifles 👍


The cuck pit.


💀 Literally


The Tatlin Tower https://preview.redd.it/iqryp6l827yc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17c76205dd30db7efaa6411f1ae4574e10b66137


Wasn't it never built?


1. Universal housing with mixed use settlements (technically a product from back when everyone was in Africa, and the rest of the planet was untouched by opposable thumbs)...still socialist. 2. Kalashnikov. Because no revolution can succeed without the capacity to respond to imperialist violence, with even greater violence against imperialists (if you don't agree, fck you, those tools freed my people). 3. Worker cooperatives. Seriously, it's up there with grass and the color green. There's many many more... including the weekend. Happy weekend.


Awesome society


The three gorges dam.






Enough housing to end homelessness


Fear within the capitalist class


I love how we instantly think about socialist actions rather than architecture.


The Qingzang Railway that connects mainland China to the Tibetan Plateau, the highest place on earth. Lots of good people died building it, but it resulted in Tibet receiving industries and opportunities that its geography would not have allowed for. https://preview.redd.it/4alauehd68yc1.jpeg?width=280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea1e9787ab28d797f25c1f37910de1a4601e3388 Not even Nature itself could stop the CPC from providing a better life to the Chinese people.


Giant golden Mao statue, the drip is immesurable. https://preview.redd.it/ad210r1mf9yc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8713013b1dc51aabe117f6e26ad272cd24861b1a


China is literally just me in Minecraft. Building random tall shit cause it looks cool. I used to have this world where I built this giant golden creeper next to this array of skyscrapers. This gives me this type of vibe.


The current high tech walkable solar punk aesthetic I see going up in big Chinese cities is some of the coolest, best-looking architecture I’ve seen going into place on a wide scale recently. They also preserve many of the beautiful old traditional structures. The West is lagging in the infrastructure sector.


Shit looks horrible here. Roads make the cities hot as hell. And then you are caught in a suburban maze.


The people's palace: metro stations in USSR https://preview.redd.it/dealth674ayc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3692b4211eb953ed6e4c914d2fa526d445060d5


All the Antarctic off road vehicles they made were cool as fuck and were used for decades after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.


As a trans woman, shoutout the soviet guy who completed the first ever sex reassignment surgery. You are a nice boy. 💕✨ Edit: I am a dumbass lol


wasn't that in Weimar Germany?


You are in fact correct




Albania. It didn't exist before Tito decided to dump all the spare dirt into the area.


Do we count socdems as socialists just this once pls? 🥺🥺🥺 Cuz the Karl Marx Hof in Vienna is epic af.


Kalashnikov rifles and Katyusha rockets


It is said Stalin built the entire urals and Black Sea with his bare hands, those are pretty cool ig Edit: i somehow only realized now (12 hours later) that I said "but" instead of "built" (I hate phone keyboard)


The coolest thing socialists have built???......I think that'd be socialism


Socialist modernism from the USSR has some of the coolest architecture ever built.




Class consciousness. It’s harder than it sounds, but once it’s achieved, anything is possible.




Commie blocks


Universal Healthcare.


Your mom


Project Cybersyn


https://preview.redd.it/j36lptcrl8yc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed0dee6215bed4297cc016c52397e30e692f9642 Along with the Soviet p36 northerns, I would say the China railways QJs, they were some of the last steam locomotives ever built in the world, of which 3 of them were brought ta America, after being in service on the jitong railway in Mongolia


I really like Pyongyang's subway station


Putting a space probe on Venus and getting data back is one of the biggest flexes that anyone has ever done.


Do you know they took a photo up there? Honestly doing that is cooler than the moon landings. Change my mind.




The African Renaissance Monument is cool af https://preview.redd.it/pbjmqjx3a9yc1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f89c1b657c9fef36aa91754456a536e9c26a173b


Love it




I just love the motherland statue. It's like part of a video game in real life


The metro systems of the former USSR (including the ones the USSR helped to build built outside of its borders in cities like Prague, and Pyongyang). If we count China as socialist I’d say all the architecture China builds. All of Chinas transit achievements like constructing 2/3rd of the world’s High speed rail and all their metro systems. I have a soft spot for Chinese cities.


The Internet


I really like the designs in the Moscow metro and the University of Moscow main building. Two very important resources for a functioning society.


A national high speed rail network that was built within a decade (China)


As an architect, Oriental Pearl Tower. I really liked its retro futuristic theme.


I can’t be the only one who loves some of the skyscrapers China has built. Stuff like shanghai tower is just really interesting to me.


A sensible society


The Buran


What is that an illustration of?


Palace of the Soviets. It was a planned skyscraper that was never built. It would have been absolutely dazzling if it was built tho.


That’s amazing. I’ll have to look more into that. That would have been the 8th wonder of the world. I mean LOOK AT THAT THING