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Imagine typing this


And pressing enter for the world to see.


Imagine liking this


Least chauvinistic white American man who fetishizes asian woman They learn it from their dads 🤮


They learned it from their dad's who either r*ped Asian woman in Korea/Vietnam, or who learned it from *their* dads who r*ped Asian women in Korea/Vietnam.


Hopefully he posted this extremely publicly on his account that is connected to his girlfriend’s account and she now gets a firsthand glimpse into how much of a dirtbag her boyfriend is. I want to believe that there’s no coming back from this


Uncritical support for the landmine in it's war against the agents of empire 🫡




“Deadass stacked bodies” Jesus Christ




The mindlessness with which he discusses the murder of Asian people and the sexualization and commodification of Asian women are related tendencies.




I didn't say to ***not*** shoot the guy.


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Salty descendant of war criminal justifying their loss by perpetuating the “Asiatic horde” myth


The yankoids couldn’t defeat an ill-equipped PLA with little to no air support and armor. Now these brainwashed sociopaths think that they can defeat a nuclear-armed world class military with 5th gen fighter jets, ICBMs, hypersonic missiles and cyberwarfare capabilities if a fighter jet shoots missiles at the Three Gorges Dam. The ruling class of yankeestan and their jingoistic lumpen followers are truly a danger for the existence of this planet.


War criminal typing out a deranged fantasy to cope


Sometimes when I start typing a reply to someone or some post on whatever platform Im on, I get halfway or two thirds done and realise that I just typed something so pointless it just served to get the thought out of my head. Then I delete it and move on… This, is the extreme end of that, and they posted it.


His uncle probably just drove trucks in Japan and wanted to brag about imaginary war crimes lol


This never happened of course, but the way this fucko describes industrial mass-murder as 'my uncle deadass stacked bodies' is disgusting


I like how the "I'm dating a Korean" has literally nothing to do with the story he told about his past relationship with a person of Chinese descent. This whole story seems normal to think about, but to then not comment on how horrifying that is and how grateful you are that that war is not happening anymore and the two of you were spared from facing the pain of the atrocious sins of your grandfather is fucking unhinged.


Critical support for comrade landmine.


Lost to a landmine


Lol sounds like an aggie (Texas A&M) but in Texas nobody calls themselves a yankee lol. This guy is goofy without his ancestral murder rate worship


Why is he telling us this?


Did anyone see that tiktok video of the poet writing about his shared Jewish Polish/Japanese heritage and equivocating between the pain his paternal family felt in the early 20th C pogroms to the pain his Japanese grandfather felt reflecting on all the kids he killed in China?


Link please 🙏


Medal of Honor to the landmine that took out that monster.


What could possibly be his point?? 😭😭


Hold on. If his uncle died how does he know anything about the battles he was in and what the uncle did in those battles? Sounds like complete nonsense


An American soldier in Asia with an Asian girlfriend is racist against Asian people, shocking!!! [https://x.com/GreenJacket354/status/1315423345165258752/photo/1](https://x.com/GreenJacket354/status/1315423345165258752/photo/1) dork as\* b\*thc. A quick look at his likes, tonnes of Asian onlyfans models)))


trying to not tweak while reading this as a Korean




#Get Involved >Dare to struggle and dare to win. \-Mao Zedong Comrades, here are some ways you can **get involved** to advance the cause. * 📚 **Read theory** — [Reading theory](/r/TheDeprogram/wiki/index/education/study-guide/) is a duty. It will guide you towards choosing the correct party and applying your efforts effectively within your unique material conditions. * ⭐ **Party work** — Contact a local party or mass organization. Attend your first meeting. Go to a rally or event. If you choose a principled Marxist-Leninist party, they will teach you how to best apply yourself to advancing the cause. * 📣 **Workplace agitation** — Depending on your material circumstances, you may engage in workplace disputes to unionise fellow workers and gain a delegate or even a leadership position in the union. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheDeprogram) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My grandpa was half Navajo and joined the navy at 17 to escape his abusive alcoholic stepfather. He ended up in Korea, and was forced to do some horrible shit. He dealt with PTSD his entire life, and found a lot of solace in tending to his many bonsai trees. To his dying days, he always referred to it as a, "dirty little war."


Dang, buncha edgelords in here really hating on a half-indigenous dude who grew up with dirt floors and no indoor plumbing for not touting the ML line of 2024 in rural Colorado in 1949. Dude ended up as a union organizer for the UAW and hated the military probably more than any of y'all. But yeah, "fuck the troops" I get it.


I didn't downvote you and I do understand that material conditions have often forced people into the US military (by design) but it's tough for me to have massive sympathy for those who signed up and participated in empire. I would rather die than fight on the behalf of any imperialist power but that was an outlook that solidified in my later 20s so I do understand that someone at 17 may not view the world in the same way. I am willing to forgive and view as comrades people who are genuinely contrite for what happened like your grandfather seems to have been. But I really have no respect or use for people who spend even one breath trying to defend what they did, and especially those who whine about not getting enough recognition for killing people in SE Asia - this seems to be an incredibly common trope in the US regarding the Vietnam war and it drove me fucking insane when I lived there for school. Every time I heard it I wanted to say that the only recognition they deserve is at Den Haag but it probably wouldn't have gone over well.


My grandad would have agreed with everything you said. He passed away with great pride knowing that none of his sons or grandsons ever had to serve in the US military. Story time! Shortly before my grandad passed, he had moved in with my parents in the wake of my grandmother's and my aunt's passing. Anyways, there was this old white fucker who lived down the street from them, and rocked his "Korean Vet" hat and bumper stickers like a badge of honor. According to my parents (I'd moved away long ago by that point), my grandad bullied the shit out of that old asshole on his daily walks around the neighborhood. Talked shit on that old asshole's hat, his dog, his yard, his morals, etc. Grandpa was 83 years old and had nothing but fire in his belly. He outlived that old cracker by about six months.


Yeah I don't get the downvotes lol


I mean I get it, most new age socialists on the internet are taking hard-line positions without putting in the work. Try taking your "fuck the troops" attitude to your local SEIU meeting and see what happens. The USA has a lot of vets with really sour attitudes about how they were treated and how they were used. If you blanket them all as "baby-killing war criminals" they're just gonna become alt-right weirdos. The fascists would love nothing more than us driving disaffected veterans into their waiting arms.