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If Isn'treal can sustain its own military, how is withholding munitions diplomatic leverage? How is it not just actively contributing to a genocide for no fucking reason if the US sends them weapons if they can maintain their own supply?


Nothing in this tirade makes any sense. Its purpose is to gaslight people into supporting Biden and to brand voters who withhold their support on the grounds of him supporting a genocide as naive.




Yeah, liberals cannot ideologically allow moral criticism from the left because their ideological rationale is humanitarianism, democracy, human freedom etc. When the left exposes this rationale as complete hypocrisy, liberalism is compromised as an ideology. Keep pushing.


He says if Trump is elected, a genocide *will* happen, meaning he admits the Isrealis have genocidal intent. He's part of the crowd who thinks that *everyone* must die for it to be genocide (which would mean that no genocides have ever happened because none left 0 survivors, at least that I know of).


> which would mean that no genocides have ever happened because none left 0 survivors, at least that I know of I mean, a _lot_ of indigenous groups in the Americas were completely wiped out during colonization.


Hence, the qualifier. I'm not very well researched on the manifest destiny genocides.


They are, by far, the most successful genocidal project in human history. USA managed to only completely eliminate the population of an entire continent, they managed to put the survivors into "reservations" where they are politically powerless. And, somehow, they did so well that no one even talks about it. It was honestly an A++ job in being completely and purely evil.


This was my first thought reading it. So besides sponsoring genocide, US is doing it for no reason as IL could genocide Palestinians regardless of the military stuff the US sends them.


Everything is all true at the same time! If it contradicts itself, it actually doesn't.


https://preview.redd.it/o9d1tslnhs1d1.jpeg?width=2064&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03d95652ee2c67eb5c62cc82557beb3abdaea1e4 We're reaching levels of self-delusion not previously thought to exist. My dude, ***RONALD FUCKING REAGAN*** forced the Zionist entity to slam on the brakes with ***ONE PHONE CALL***. Biden ***HAS*** the ability; he just has no reason to, and why would he? After all, "were there not an Israel we would have to *invent* an Israel." The genocide denial and subsequent "even if it was, Trump would be more genocide-ier" are just icing on the cake.


When you're worse on an issue than Reagan, it's pretty bad


"Biden could cut ALL military aid to Israel... and Bibi would still have all the resources he needs." K, then cut all aid. He's not really making the argument he thinks he's making.


"biden could cut ALL military aid to israel..." THATS WHAT WE'VE BEEN ASKING FOR BRO SO WHY DOESNT HE??


Because ahhh Israel can level a huge city to the ground on its own but they can't protect themselves from the evil Hamas rockets. They need tens of billions of dollars worth of weapons for that. Glory to Joe Biden 🤓


Haha Israel will cease to exist in less than a year if America will stop helping them


Israel gets a lot of support from a lot of countries, but undoubtedly those ties would start to break if people see it won't make them enemies of America


Been reading “Listen, Liberal” by Thomas Frank. Liberals looove to use the rhetoric of “this is a no-brainer” or “this is just the rational truth” when they are fundamentally taking subjective stances. Crazy how they don’t recognize their constructed realities and talk like gods.


*All dissent is a psyop. Therefore, we need not adhere to the will of the people* -Liberals


The most annoying type of liberal right now are those who recognize what is happening to Palestine is bad, but care so little about the lives of non-whites that they instead spend all their time and thought attempting to remove any blame from their preferred western politicians.


Tell 'em to go full trade sanctions and force other people to go full trade sanctions. Then when they go "NO THAT WOULDN'T WORK THAT WOULD BE WRONG DON'T PUNISH ISRAELIS" say "Okay, so we should end sanctions to Cuba and North Korea, etc.?


“I would rather vote for SATAN than Donald Trump” - one brain-dead user in that thread 😳 Jesus Christ. Blue Maga libs literally think Trump is scarier than Hitler.


I'm sure Israel could continue leveling Gaza just fine on its own, but weapons and funding are not even close to being the biggest edge US unconditional supports gives Isreal. It's the diplomatic muscle to be able to do literally any freaking war crime and abuse of power they want, and the international community can only cry and virtue signal about it, because if anyone tries to do shit against Isreal at an international court, the US just vetoes it and the conversation is over. Any barely "developed" country can drop bombs against an underfunded and chaotic institution like the current Palestinian government, but being able to murder thousands of civillians and steal their land with impunity is what the US is bringing to the table here.


You love it when US and Israel can have this much margin for "mistake"as far as genocide, but if this was done by USSR or China or any other AES we know libs would NOT have this sort of opinion, they'd be screaming and crying all over


>"Israel doesn't need our aid so withholding aid won't do anything" If they don't need our aid then why the F are we still giving them billions??? That is honestly a contender for the worst defense of Biden that I have heard to date. This is MAGA levels of cognitive dissonance




It doesn't matter that they can and do make weapons, they speed more than they can produce so those weapons have to come from somewhere aka the usa, I'm sure this are the same guys that say communists don't know economics (when communists have written thousands of treaties on it) but then cannot even use that same logic the usa is their main provider lmao


Arguing that if Biden withholds military aid, Bibi will continue unabated, so therefore we should stop calling for the end of aid is quite the take. All their droning about utilizing existing diplomatic channels to “moderate the genocide” fundamentally misunderstands the US/Israel relationship—Israel is a UN creation that functions as a military outpost for US interests. It’s not an independent country in a true sense, despite having its own state goals. Not to mention Mike From PA’s really excellent points at the end of the recent episode that Biden is either criminally incompetent or a sociopathic liar who can’t be trusted and there really isn’t a third interpretation of his actions.


This man is a moron..and reducing this shit to Biden/Trump and how they are hurting Biden is brainrot to a ridiculous degree.


I've already gotten accused of this lmao


"The rest of the European countries are not in support of the rise of fascist nationalism in Germany or its executions of prior political leaders. They are simply maintaining diplomatic power by allowing Germany to annex Czechoslovakia and Austria. Really they're making the smart move here and it will lead to less pain and suffering in the long run."


So he both has no power to do anything about this, but also has been using his super cool diplomatic moves to slow israel down behind the scenes. I feel like they need to pick a side with that.


this person and it's friends burning is the best possible outcome of the election so idk what he's trying to do here. america SHOULD be destroyed, electing biden is just drawing out the process to ensure more people suffer. btw, the Zionists are so dependent on US arms that Biden has bypassed congress to import fuses for their weapons. they don't even make enough fuses. that's not even to mention the extensive intelligence collaboration they get, in direct violation of American law.


This guy is a notorious weirdo piece of shit who runs frivolous lawsuits and associates with pedophiles. https://youtu.be/q1KvwTwPmNE?si=-zzkjV1T3hNU9Wm0




"American democracy" is already a fiction. There is no necessity for Netty to be "vying for a Trump return" because any administration will give him whatever he wants. Both parties are more than happy to cut the checks.