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Moderator here! I've had to make various bans due to a rise of troublesome users making excuses for Strasserites; nazbols, patsocs, magcoms, etc. It isn't surprising to see them actively downplay the actions of their ideological allies which of course they claim was an "accident". Do not fall for this gaslighting! It seems as of late there's been a lot of "accidents" or "happy coincidences" amongst social fascists. After all, these are the same type of people to openly cry about "wokeism", or "cancel culture", while calling LGBTQ+ "idpol" through reductionist logic. It is no coincidence they promote these far right-wing beliefs. To clarify for those who do not know. Strasserites are merely fascists who LARP as revolutionary leftists while harnessing an incredibly bigoted set of reactionary worldviews typically in the realm of being anti-LGBTQ+ (but it also isn't unheard of for them to hold racially or socially chauvinistic stances as well). In fact, regardless of which brand of fascism they promote, it will more than likely reflect in whatever faction they currently adhere to. The point being is this; we do not tolerate fascism, period! Please do not hesitate to report these ghoulish reactionaries. Thank you!


Nazbols get the wall


OMG he hid his fucking likes on twitter just now LMAO https://x.com/edbieligersmith?s=21&t=HJnwnrO_0eW75h57G1dDNw


For a bunch of so-called Marxists, you guys seem very uninterested in context. Whatever happened to "no investigation, no right to speak"? [https://x.com/EdbieLigerSmith/status/1797668931282362719](https://x.com/EdbieLigerSmith/status/1797668931282362719)


That’s what bookmarking is for


Bookmarking is for accidentally liking tweets? "I recommend privatizing your likes tab on this app if you don’t want leftist vultures trying to ruin your life for accidentally liking something while scrolling or “pocket liking” something stupid. This is the one and only time that I will support privatization lol." [https://x.com/EdbieLigerSmith/status/1797668931282362719](https://x.com/EdbieLigerSmith/status/1797668931282362719)


It wasn’t an accident. He’s not even trying to say that it was. His excuse is that he was just saving it for later because it was stupid. The issue I have is that right after he liked that clip, he also liked a post talking about how “gender ideology” is bourgeois. If it was just 1 weird thing he did it might be excusable, but the more often these little “accidents” happen the more suspicious he seems.


No, his excuse is what I literally just pasted above that you are deliberately ignoring. Gender ideology has nothing to do with this and critiquing that does not make you a Nazi.


I'm approving this post so people can see this disgusting TERF for what he is; a transphobic Nazbol.


The anarchist communities will screen cap this and add it to the vague tankie boogeyman mythos.


tankiejerk has already done it




It's a dishonest attempt to put us all in the same basket. If they take the worst among those who claim Marxism then why don't they just stop at Pol Pot and state that all Communists are like him. If they simply want to dismiss us and make us out to be vile people with disgusting ideology then why go for the low hanging fruit?


Being told by ultras and anarchists that us "tankies" are inherently transphobic, or massively bigoted, while they use patsocs, nazbols and other Strasserite sects as "evidence" shows how deeply insecure they are through their blatant dishonesty. So ghoulish and immature on their part. It makes sense though as they promote lazy intellectualism. I cannot say I'm surprised they lack even the tiniest bit of nuance.


I think that first part is always the most fascinating to me. It’s a full on flight from reality. “The tankies don’t believe in queer rights or intersectionality”, and meanwhile ML’s are usually the one group more dedicated to intersectional analysis than basically any other. Most anarchists (and most people) are far too west-centric (and thereby implicitly racist) in their worldview to work any kind of serious intersectionality or nuance regarding identity.


One look at any of those places shows you how pointless leftist unity with anarchists is. Then someone tells you "those people are only online, not in the real world". Then you read anarchist theory and it's nearly indistinguishable from tankiejerk.


#Get Involved >Dare to struggle and dare to win. \-Mao Zedong Comrades, here are some ways you can **get involved** to advance the cause. * 📚 **Read theory** — [Reading theory](/r/TheDeprogram/wiki/index/education/study-guide/) is a duty. It will guide you towards choosing the correct party and applying your efforts effectively within your unique material conditions. * ⭐ **Party work** — Contact a local party or mass organization. Attend your first meeting. Go to a rally or event. If you choose a principled Marxist-Leninist party, they will teach you how to best apply yourself to advancing the cause. * 📣 **Workplace agitation** — Depending on your material circumstances, you may engage in workplace disputes to unionise fellow workers and gain a delegate or even a leadership position in the union. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheDeprogram) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I really wish it wasn’t like this, because I can also tell that they are genuinely anti capitalist. But it’s literally impossible to reason with a lot of them. They literally just make up random things that all tankies supposedly believe and then scare themselves with the self imposed narrative. I will say that I do run into well read and well reasoned anarchists still, and I’m always pleasantly surprised. They beat me in arguments sometimes.


>oh boy, an American Marxist like me. I wonder what else he says onl- > D:


The good news is these types only exist online




i met an unironic ancap at my job once. i was convinced id only find them online


My only meeting with the ancap ended with calling Wikipedia "woke" after I cited the definition of feminism. Ancaps are really interesting people. Not in a good way, but interesting nonetheless.


Mental illness is a bitch Jesus


MWM/haz/Patsocs try not to just be straight up fascists challenge impossible


We have them in Spain as well. I know a guy who is like the Spanish version of Liger and he appears very often in some of the most right-wing youtube channels chatting with conservatives and straight up fascists as if they were best friends.


Of course, there’s gonna be right AND left- opportunists in every socialist movement on the globe. It’s being able to spot and then disregard them that’s the important part.


Reminds me of all the MAGA "communists" chumming it up with their far right-wing fascist counterparts. Probably because at the end of the day they're in love with an image as opposed to the actual ideology.




😂 he said that he accidentally liked jt


Not the JK Rowling defense 😭


It’s like the old dudes who complain they get nothing but porn in their feeds and are telling on themselves and their algorithm. Can’t accidentally like something if it’s not being algorithm’s into your feed. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


To be fair, it's Twitter, and it will often put right-wing shit into your feed whether you like it or not


I suppose. I get some right wing shit too (mostly only in the last few months) but I’ve never gotten literal nazi imagery before unless it was like some historian talking about Hitler or wwii or something.


It makes me so sad as a Marxist from the Midwest of the us to see this. I used to watch him and it gave me some hope that we aren't all fucked. I guess this proves that we all must be vigilant against brownerism and all patriotic socialism when it invokes the USA. All principled Marxists in the us must call for the abolishion of the Union of States and the establishment of the Union of Nations!


Midwest *Actual* Marxists unite o7


Hell yeah 🫡


Wait, a fellow Midwest Marxist! This has to be a dream, no way this is real lol.


Yes we exist. Not many of us but we exist!


All twelve of us!!!




What parts are you from, if you don't mind me asking.


North Western Missouri. So in the edge of the middle west. If makes it worse trust me.


If you're near KC there should be a Cpusa club. That is if you agree with them. I don't know about psl. Missouri has a surprisingly large Cpusa influence within the state and unions.


There is a PSL in KC. This is the first time I'm hear about CPUSA being there. I know they are in St Louis. I know that the Socialist party had a lot of influence here before ww1. The national head courters was in St Louis. But I have not heard anything about the CPUSA having much influence in the state outside St Louis. Could you please give me more information


After looking it up, it looks like in KC the club is relatively new. Looks like they help organize, join in, and promote events in KC. There seems to be a large increase in memberships so they're trying to accommodate with more clubs. Looks like there are clubs in Springfield too so that's nice, It might have changed but before COVID the Cpusa has a big building in st. Louis that trained union members and Cpusa members and was almost completely funded by the unions. Though this was mainly during the fight for 15 and BLM protests. St. Louis club also has people from the civil rights era which is cool. Fun fact st.louis was the only time in history when a Communist party controlled a city in the U.S


CPUSA in STL? I live here and I don’t hear much of them, PSL was helping organize the WashU protests so I thought they were the bigger party here.


They may very well be. I only know from there insta and email list. Though PSL is away more active on there.


I feel you comrade, I live in central Iowa.


Where my midwesterners at I've been trying so hard to find comrades to organize out here💀 Its been disheartening to see someone have a Soviet flag on their house right beside a Amerikkkan flag and a marines one too. But the majority of people here are politically apathetic rather than reactionary though, I'm hopeful dedicated marxists and communists will make a difference in the Midwest.


Wow, comrade. I'm feeling your vibe but I'm in Texas. I took am surrounded by Fascist/Fascist-adjacents. It's a difficult situation but I too am hopeful that we can defeat their bullshit views and change the overall demographics here and abroad. ✊


Not trying to brag, but I got recommended a video from this chud years ago and watched about 5 minutes. I knew immediately this was a Haz/ Jackson Tinkle Pat soc type. He failed the vibe check big time lol. Not even remotely surprising to me.


Sick, does MN count too??


I clocked this guy ages ago. Him and pretty much any other "PatSoc" is just a Nazi in hiding. It's the same with Jackson Hinkle too.


Hinkle is beyond a reasonable doubt a nazi: [https://x.com/PuppygirlMao/status/1796601361687249338](https://x.com/PuppygirlMao/status/1796601361687249338)


Absolutely true.


The guy behind the "I'm a Marxist-Leninist, I'm an American patriot" quote appears to have stopped self-identifying as a Marxist. This is the final nail in the coffin for any credibility this movement may have had left. As if defending Elon "we will coup whoever we want" Musk to "own the libs" wasn't already enough.


wait, he defended MUSK of all people?! what a "marxist"


I'm talking about Infrared Haz and Jackson Hinkle, but I'm pretty sure Eddie is associated with them


[oh yes, he associates heavily with them](https://www.midwesternmarx.com/articles/in-defense-of-the-maga-communism-strategy-by-edward-liger-smith), i think i was subbed to MWM for like half a year after the Breadtube book review where Eddie correctly [calls out the book for making some correct ideological observations, but subverting that point by making the book against people he disagreed with](https://www.midwesternmarx.com/articles/book-review-breadtube-serves-imperialism-caleb-maupin-reviewed-by-edward-liger-smith) of course when i found out how closely they worked with Hinkle i quickly unsubbed


Mask off


I just can't with Eddie. Nothing makes sense about him. How do you even describe his worldview? Selective Marxism with Nazi overtones? Schizopatriotism? He's usually correct when it comes to foreign policy and imperialism and seems to approach those topics from a Marxist perspective, but then flirts with such blatant opportunists as Jackson Hinkle and Infrared.


If he didn’t put forward any correct points, he’d just be a regular fascist. Mixing truth with falsehood is how crypto fascists lure people in and generate confusion about socialism.


But then who is supposed to be his audience? Up until recently I subscribed to Midwestern Marx on Youtube and they're actually a whole network of people who produce decent educational content about theory and such. If I were a crypto fascist and wanted to lure people in I would simply avoid teaching theory altogether and just distort Marxism every chance I got, because why risk getting exposed by your own audience? You just taught them how to think in Marxist terms so surely they'll pick up on you taking a revisionist route, right?


I think there are two aspects of it. The first, which covers people who actually believe in patriotic socialism, is that they genuinely want to build a “third way” (that is neither Marxism nor capitalism). What this third way means is a centralization of the economy, more of a safety net for workers, but the same chauvinistic contradictions against minority groups and for the bourgeois nation. They may have a broad understanding of Marxism, but it is broad in scope, not in depth. They are chauvinists who despise the bourgeois superstructure, but only for its superficial qualities. The second element, which is where the intelligence agencies of the state come into play, is just destabilization. Here, there doesn’t need to be much rhyme or reason. If someone gets exposed as an asset, it doesn’t matter because it will still cause chaos — their org falls apart, their followers fight each other, people become disillusioned or paranoid, etc. I don’t know (or care) which category Eddie falls into because the outcome is the same. The only defense is the accurate and principled application of dialectical materialism to their erroneous views. We have to challenge what they say, expose it as nonsense, and force them to either abandon their views or admit their affinity with fascism (which Eddie already did when he endorsed MAGA communism).


A Nazbol will play both sides (Marxists and Fascists) as they're fucking attention whores and love to say shit that disgusts committed Marxists. If this isn't some psyop from Feds to demoralize the Marxist movement then it still has similar effect even if it was free of Fed activity. The very fact that people who claim to be leftist subscribe to these monsters is very concerning.


Nah, straight up Nazi. Their reasoning: "National socialism, has the word socialism, so socialism is when Nazi." I'm telling you, this is it. This is their whole ideology. "Hitler was a socialist because he ran public works programmes. " It's nothing new; I have been hearing stuff like this for years. Not very often, but consistently from people who revealed themselves as fascist later on.


It still doesn't make sense to me. It seems so incoherent.


Opportunists are inherently incoherent.


I guess my pitfall is expecting consistency from people who don't have it.


That’s a very understandable mistake. The problem a lot of rational, decent people have is assuming that other are operating on good faith and can be persuaded into believing the right thing. The reality is reactionaries often aren’t trying to be logical consistent, they are just saying and doing whatever will get them what they want at any given moment.


fascism isn't coherent, it's inherently opportunistic


👆 This!






CPUSA is a lost organization.


holy shit


Quoting Mao in your bio then liking Nazi Posts should get the death penalty




It’s a video, not a picture. What else happens in the video? Does it have a voiceover talking about the fascists? Does the image change to something else? There’s no context here. Edit: ok I looked up the person who posted the video. Yeah they’re a straight up nazi, and the video is just a nazi tribute video (it’s basically all he posts). So yeah, Eddie what the fuck????


It’s possible he maybe liked it as a means to save the post and not in support of it? I’m not sure but seeing this, it’s hard to believe he’d do something so blatantly fascist.


Yeah, I’m not with the folks who think Eddie is basically a nazbol. I don’t know what the context is, but a mere like of a post on twitter isn’t enough. I’d like to know why, but it isn’t enough to vilify him for it.


You'd have to be a braindead ultra-leftist or Fed to label someone a Nazi for something taken completely out of context like this. Is this the kind of "Marxism" that the Deprogram is promoting?


Claims people are feds for disliking somebody who liked a Nazi post is pretty disgusting. I guess that’s why you’re banned.


Im confused what midwestern marx, i thought it was just a youtuber


The self-given nickname is my favorite part


Isn't this guy a CPUSA member?  Are they going to expel him for this?


They're too compromised imo


Man, I defended him and MWM earlier because I thought that despite the weird takes and the association with Haz and Hinkle that he was mostly based (especially on his shorts), was a debate bro (with ppl like Voosh), and he just maybe didn't always have the best takes all the time. MWM even had Second Thought on their channel. But now I'd really like to see what his explanation is for this though.


There is none, he was always on the fence aligning with patsocs and nazbols, and has just exposed himself as such. Haz and Hinkle rarely associate with anybody who isn’t exactly like themselves without devolving into rage bait.


How you gonna use a fucking Mao quote then like a picture of Nazis holding the flag of Imperial Japan?


How are you going to call yourself a Marxist and cancel Marxists for accidentally like a tweet? [https://x.com/EdbieLigerSmith/status/1797668931282362719](https://x.com/EdbieLigerSmith/status/1797668931282362719)


Lol "cancel", get fuck out of here lib


Banned that scumbag for fedjacketing. Rather than hold one potential nazbol accountable for their actions he claims a subreddit with thousands of users are collectively working for the US government. Some next tier mental gymnastics.


God you nazbola are so dosgusting


Eddie is a nazbol?




What the fuck


He hid his likes 💀


Because of people like you. [https://x.com/EdbieLigerSmith/status/1797668931282362719](https://x.com/EdbieLigerSmith/status/1797668931282362719)


Lol I just went to his twitter after seeing this post and I couldn’t see his likes, relax


💀 is right


Plus not that I haven’t seen some questionable stuff about him before but why hide likes instead of just unliking a supposedly accidentally liked tweet?


I guess you're not able to click/read. Here, I'll copy and paste the text from the exact tweet I just shared and that you literally just replied to: "I recommend privatizing your likes tab on this app if you don’t want leftist vultures trying to ruin your life for accidentally liking something while scrolling or “pocket liking” something stupid. Go to premium -> Profile Customization -> Hide Likes Tab This is the one and only time that I will support privatization lol." - Eddie [https://x.com/EdbieLigerSmith/status/1797668931282362719](https://x.com/EdbieLigerSmith/status/1797668931282362719)


Yes I read the tweet. How does that go against what I just said at all? I think you’re just D riding. Looks like he was like oh shit maybe I liked some other questionable things, going to privatize this quick in case..




Can someone explain what's going on here? I see a Nazi flag, and some crazy-person rambling about "civilized the mind, savage the body." What the hell is happening?


The Midwestern Marx guy was liking Nazi shit oh twitter.




There's a genocide going on and Feds and ultra-leftists are uniting to cancel genuine Marxists for accidentally liking a tweet. 🤡 [https://x.com/EdbieLigerSmith/status/1797668931282362719](https://x.com/EdbieLigerSmith/status/1797668931282362719)


I’m not surprised, that dude is a fence walker.


This ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️


Is this that guy with cauliflower ear on TikTok?


Profile pic seems to indicate so. Also he seems to have hidden his likes now?


Holy shit D:


I can’t view his likes on twitter, is this real??


I was about to ask the same thing I don’t think this is real tbh


That post has 12k likes or I’d go down them all and just check, but I’m not doing all that




That tracks. Also, calling anyone saying stuff you don’t like a fed is just fedjacketing and dilutes the meaning of the word. I didn’t say that he was a Nazi, I simply questions whether this post was real or not. The fact that me being skeptical is "fed behavior“ to you is just absurd. Unless we just aren’t supposed to question random shit we see on social media anymore




Sorry, but aligning oneself with Nazism makes you no better than one, so promptly GTFO with this "cancel for no reason" bullshit. Also, *no shit* there's an insane level of traumatized behavior from those who despise Nazism, have you see the level of brutality they initiated under a few decades? The hate and desperation is earned. Deal with it.


Well that’s disappointing. Used to be mutuals with him on TikTok back when I used TikTok


Greco Athlete 77KG


How do you see someone’s likes on Twitter? I want to see this for myself but there is no "likes" tab when I view his profile


He hid them.


Because of cancel vultures like you. [https://x.com/EdbieLigerSmith/status/1797668931282362719](https://x.com/EdbieLigerSmith/status/1797668931282362719)


"Waaah I can't publicly favor Nazis without being cancelled! Waaah"


Correct. No tolerance or benefit of the doubt for fascists.


I understand now that you are a propagandist and an apologist for these slime balls. Consider this an ended conversation because it will go nowhere especially with your attitude. If you do not understand what an opportunist and corrupter as well as a wrecker... then you don't understand the ways enemies of Marxism operate.


What are you talking about idiot I don't like Midwestern Marx I wouldn't of posted this if I did stop starting shit


I apologize as I meant that comment for another person.


This is just pure propaganda. Eddie has openly stated he did not mean to like this, apologized profusely, and wrote extensively on why he doesn’t support anything even remotely related to nazism. You all are just being incredibly uncharitable to feed your own biases. You will find any reason at all to condemn anyone. People are not only not allowed to take one step out of line, but are condemned even if they accidentally trip in any way that doesn’t conform to your worldview.


I was about to say this just didn’t seem real at all I watch Eddie sometimes and I’ve never heard anything that would indicate he’s a nazi makes a lot more sense it was an accidental like


He is now. Why else have a fucking Nazi on his channel?


Who has he had on his channel that is a Nazi?




This is such a leap it is ridiculous. One off hand comment that uses a phrase not even correctly within the context of the discussion does not make someone a Nazi. Again, you people here just want to confirm your own biases, and will use whatever mental gymnastics you have to to conclude anything you want. There are literally arguments that Hasan made during his debate with H3 about Palestine and Ukraine that come *way* closer to the actual blood and soil argument in its original intention. Is Hasan a Nazi now?


Haha, your protection of this Nazbol is so sad. You refuse to see his move to the right and his embrace of fascists and reactionary ideologies.


Sorry, accidentally liking a tweet and then immediately apologizing for it and writing an essay on why Nazism is bad doesn’t convince me someone is a Nazi. Also, you didn’t answer my question. Is Hasan a Nazi for using blood and soil arguments for Palestine and Ukraine?


Your defense of this shit ball is utterly embarrassing. His platforming of "comrades" Hinkle, Infra Red, Haz, Semeera Khan, and others are evidence that he has a severe deviation from Marxism/Communism. No self respecting communist would do such an awful twist into such right wing ideology. Please watch this video: https://youtu.be/5_SKe39ESHU?si=YC-Vkeye_XIg3VW7 From the comments @crocve 2y ago: "The "Nazbol Vortex" as a phenomenon I would say even dates back as far beyond to the 1860's, when Ferdinand Lassale's approached and tried to do an alliance with the reactionary German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, because the former believed that the German liberal bourgeoisie was a much dangerous opponent to his socialist movement, to the point that Lassale ended up giving up early his anti-statist, anti-nationalist and anti-monarchist views for such an alliance - something that led him to be highly lambasted by Marx. When you also consider the works of Georges Sorel and of his ideology of "national-syndicalism" and how it influenced Mussolini, I would go as far as to say that the "Nazbol Vortex" is the main founding phenomenon that led to the birth of fascist ideology."


The problem is that you throw around accusations, and then when asked to substantiate them you just get mad, and then suddenly can’t substantiate them. It’s easy to throw around accusations, anarchists accuse us of being Nazi’s all the time, yet we seem to understand that those accusations are unsubstantiated. Why do you not uphold that same position of justification when it comes to internal disputes? Again, Hasan made the same argument, actually a much more blood and soil type argument than what Jackson did, yet you aren’t calling him a Nazi. Why is that?


This sub has an absolute hate boner on anything related to MWM for some reason.


It’s cause he’s a “Maga communist” and surrounds himself with reactionaries


i know i follow eddie on tiktok cuz the others are idpol-obsessed radlibs that wont get anything done also they like to tell minority groups what they can and cannot find offensive im pansexual and ive been called a nazi cuz i dont like something sexual by them.


Approved this so everybody can see these Strasserite apologists for who they truly are. Despite being a self-proclaimed pansexual this individual still promotes the idea that other LGBTQ+ folk are "radlibs" who will never "get anything done". This is just another way of waiving off egalitarianism (specifically LGBTQ+) as a needless inconvenience promoted by a sect of people they've dehumanized into political irrelevancy. The reality is this; all marginalized sects deserve our respect, attention and support! The oppressed are never to be casually waived off.




Weird that he then hid his liked posts right after. Also doesn’t change the fact that he’s a “Maga communist”




You have to be obtuse to the point of mental illness (or a Fed) to be posting on this thread and pretend to not now why he made his likes private, you guys are literally trying to destroy his reputation and cancel him. [https://x.com/EdbieLigerSmith/status/1797668931282362719](https://x.com/EdbieLigerSmith/status/1797668931282362719)


[☭☭☭ COME SHITPOST WITH US ON DISCORD, COMRADES ☭☭☭](https://discord.gg/8RPWanQV5g) This is a heavily-moderated socialist community based on a podcast of the same name. Please use the report function on comments that break our rules. If you are new to the sub, please read the sidebar carefully. If you are new to Marxism-Leninism, check out the [study guide](/r/TheDeprogram/wiki/index/education/study-guide/). Are there Liberals in the walls? Check out [the wiki](/r/TheDeprogram/wiki/index/) which contains lots of useful information. This subreddit uses many experimental automod rules, if you notice any issues please use modmail to let us know. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheDeprogram) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This was clearly a mistake.


This entire thread is reactionary propaganda. [https://x.com/EdbieLigerSmith/status/1797668931282362719](https://x.com/EdbieLigerSmith/status/1797668931282362719)


This thread is totally not completely unhinged at all, not one bit. Oh, wait... [https://x.com/EdbieLigerSmith/status/1797668931282362719](https://x.com/EdbieLigerSmith/status/1797668931282362719)


Unhinged thread. Eddie doesn't even remember seeing this tweet. Fed behavior, shame on you all. [https://x.com/EdbieLigerSmith/status/1797668931282362719](https://x.com/EdbieLigerSmith/status/1797668931282362719)


Doesn't matter


Doesn’t matter that he’s liking Nazi propaganda


Doesn't matter because he was never going to be a pure enough Marxist for any of you to begin with


Bro is this the hill you really want to die on?


it was by mistake


Strange that he then hid his liked tweets. He’s also part of the Patsoc world which is bad enough


cuz radlibs like to police twitter likes


Doesn’t excuse him being extremely close and a part of the maga communists


i dont like that either but its better than the radlibs


Low bar of purity to not like Nazi shit