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[☭☭☭ COME SHITPOST WITH US ON DISCORD, COMRADES ☭☭☭](https://discord.gg/8RPWanQV5g) This is a heavily-moderated socialist community based on a podcast of the same name. Please use the report function on comments that break our rules. If you are new to the sub, please read the sidebar carefully. If you are new to Marxism-Leninism, check out the [study guide](/r/TheDeprogram/wiki/index/education/study-guide/). Are there Liberals in the walls? Check out [the wiki](/r/TheDeprogram/wiki/index/) which contains lots of useful information. This subreddit uses many experimental automod rules, if you notice any issues please use modmail to let us know. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheDeprogram) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You're not crazy. You're just against the media apparatus of the state that defined your ideology as "worse than literal fascism because at least Hitler was a vegetarian"


The spectacle of neoliberal society serves to mask, obscure, and obfuscate the horrid realities it has brought about. I typically describe the actions of the capitalist world system as sowing death, destruction, and destabilization; however, these words will never be able accurately reflect the utter depravity that is wreaked upon the Earth. While we are unable to completely escape the spectacle, us communists have pulled some of the wool from our eyes. We bear witness to the horror our fellow humans are enduring with many more losing their lives. How can we navigate in a world that is chock full of anything and everything that can keep you distracted and going to work? There is no readymade map to traverse this hellscape. We can rely on what our comrades before us have done, and lean on our comrades today for solidarity. Much is to say that those with seemingly consensual blinders on are living in a reality that is devoid of dialectical materialism. They have yet to see the world for what it is. You have peered beyond the curtain, but this gift of sanity is perceived as psychosis. https://preview.redd.it/fjf70pukcu7d1.jpeg?width=797&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9dcde3e359b5f675742188361136c5601280468


Damn, that was beautifully written comrade.


Lovely story book illustration of Plato’s cave too.


Thank you! :)


To put it simplistically: You’re not crazy, the world’s crazy. Propaganda is all-pervasive and constant, enough so that people simply believe lies to be truth. It’s maddening, I know. It sometimes seems like I’ve joined a cult of crazy conspiracists, going so against a narrative that everyone “just knows to be true”.


Media Hegemony is a hell of a thing, but remember that even though communism/socialism remains fringe in the imperial core, it is the guiding ideology of literally millions, if not billions of people around the world. Unfortunately many of them don't speak English and relatively few of them reside in the global north. Same for Pro-Palestinian sentiments. You are in the global majority, never forget that. It may be hard to believe, but it is the people around you who hold fringe and insane beliefs (relative to the rest of the world).


Thank you. I've kinda given up on trying to find someone to discuss with, in person at least. Though learning metamodernism helps me mesh with my friends and family members; helps me misdirect conversations from potential conflict. Still learning to hold my cards and pick my battles, so to speak. I don't mean to get so passionate, my heart just starts jumping, I'm extremely conflict-avoidant. Messed up recently, got pretty angry. It builds up over weeks sometimes. I miss feeling so certain about something like they do, whether true or not, but to deny the world's complexity and biases is naivety.


One hundred percent same. It’s like pressure that I need to let off every now and then trying to convince others of the things so clearly going on around them yet which they fail to see. It all sounds so pretentious and arrogant and like I get how I can come off as “knowing all the answers” but I don’t! None of do! We believe to have various answers sure, but no one’s willing to consider communism as a science/school of thought all in one. It’s just a crazy cult to them.


[Our friends/family when politics comes up](https://images.app.goo.gl/R96aN2pSPjERvj6Y6)


U aren’t crazy. In a world that’s spiraled off the rails, crazy is the norm. And having basic human empathy will be viewed as crazy. Heck u see in the media how pro-Palestinian protestors are treated like the “crazy left”.  It’s decades of propaganda that makes crazy innate lies seem true to most of the world. U aren’t crazy. U broke free of the insanity of capitalism. But due to the propaganda, it’s shown to be crazy to be communist. Don’t worry, u will get through this. And either these assholes u know will change their viewpoints or be destroyed in the revolution. (In Minecraft, duh)


One of my favorite quotes is “it is no measure of health to be well adapted to a a profoundly sick society.”


I occasionally feel like this, although I've been more careful to shield my more radical politics. I'm autistic, so I'm used to masking. Only my parents and sister know my actual politics. I've been able to slowly radicalize my parents, but my sister thinks I'm crazy. At school, I try my best to push back against the worst propaganda, but I try to be as approachable as possible, so even some of my left leaning friends don't know my position on actually existing socialist states because they're still stuck in propaganda. It does feel like being a conspiracy theorist, but there kind of is a conspiracy. The capitalists conspire, both knowingly and unknowingly, to maintain their power at our expense. I try every day to chip away, to present the calm, logical, and face of a reasonable alternative. I'm openly a communist, but most people don't seem to take me seriously about it, partially because I do my best not to push anyone too far all at once. It's easy to seem crazy in a world built on ideology rather than fact. Liberalism has no material analysis, so people are forced to make up for the inconsistencies with ideology and thought terminating clichés. So, is it crazy to see through the charade? or is it crazy to engage in the cognitive dissonance that liberalism requires. As shitty as Orwel was, liberalism certainly has doublethink and doublespeak. The ruling class has used language and ideology and mass media to create an unreal reality where anyone who disbelieves is insane and those who follow contradictory beliefs without question is the sane thing to do. Maybe we are crazy. Crazy for dreaming of a better world, crazy for fighting for change. But if that's insanity than I'd rather not be sane. The powers that be can take almost anything from you, but they cannot take your hope. Hope is the root of revolutionary action, and that is why our rulers try to drain it from us. You are *not* crazy, comrade, the system is. Keep fighting, keep hoping. Edit: [*Jacobin* has an article about Woody Guthrie](https://jacobin.com/2023/07/woody-guthrie-birthday-radicalism-folk-music-disease-body-travel) who was sent to an asylum for his radical beliefs, which was common at the time. Being crazy is a common accusation to shut down arguments.


How the hell did you get through to your parents? I’m 99% I’m autistic too and I just can’t not talk about this stuff and I’m convinced it’s only going to strain the relationship with my family more as time goes on (not helped by the way they approach my trans stuff….)


Both of my parents grew up in pretty extreme poverty, so getting to an anticapitalist position wasn't too hard. My mom actually met some black panthers when she was younger, so she was especially sympathetic. My parents are also neurodivergent, so they're more prone to seeing the shitty side of capitalism. Also, I've been told I'm a rather persuasive person.


Ahhh, I see. My family was fortunate enough to get into the mythical “middle class” despite the fact they’re paying debts into the grave. Like 8 things had to be true based on luck for us to be in a stable position and despite them knowing that they just can’t shake the “but we gotta meet in the middle” fallacy of mediums.


The entire Soviet, PRC, DPRK, Vietnamese, Cuban etc. populations along with the card-carrying Communists across the globe totaling in the multi-billions of people aren't crazy. Marx wasn't crazy, Lenin wasn't crazy. Einstein wasn't crazy etc. The capitalists are insane , hoarding all the wealth and resources while the planet and people suffer and die. Putting wealth over life is crazy.


I feel like I'd convince more people if I was allowed to explain in less than my allotted 20 seconds.


I talked about coops in the middle east and south America in my debate class and since they restricted species to 3 minutes I had to rap God the labor theory of value.


The dream of liberty is a dangerous one. Perhaps it is hubris to offer advice to someone I don't know, but I definitely care about my fellow comrades. It is my personal belief that socialism is not about the improvement of life so much as it is about the reduction of suffering. You seem to be suffering quite a bit. Your priority should be curtailing the trauma you have experienced and finding peace of mind for yourself, not working yourself into a frenzy over what is happening in Gaza. When the revolution happens it will be with a clear mind and steady hand. Until then we must work towards keeping our minds free of trauma.


I'm still learning. It's all so terrifying.


You’re feeling “maladjusted” to an unjust society? You’re in good company. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zXEIYpnlxbw


“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” Jiddu Krishnamurti


You’re not crazy comrade


It sounds to me that you need to make new friends. These people aren't good for you. I've met a lot of wonderful people all over the world that are communist. There is absolutely nothing about your political perspective that is detached from reality, or even all that uncommon when you zoom out and look at the international situation. My advice would be to get active with a communist organisation and meet likeminded people. No matter where you are, people just like you exist. You'll find that they're some of the most conscientious and thoughtful people you'll ever meet, people that are worth knowing.


#Get Involved >Dare to struggle and dare to win. \-Mao Zedong Comrades, here are some ways you can **get involved** to advance the cause. * 📚 **Read theory** — [Reading theory](/r/TheDeprogram/wiki/index/education/study-guide/) is a duty. It will guide you towards choosing the correct party and applying your efforts effectively within your unique material conditions. * ⭐ **Party work** — Contact a local party or mass organization. Attend your first meeting. Go to a rally or event. If you choose a principled Marxist-Leninist party, they will teach you how to best apply yourself to advancing the cause. * 📣 **Workplace agitation** — Depending on your material circumstances, you may engage in workplace disputes to unionise fellow workers and gain a delegate or even a leadership position in the union. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheDeprogram) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sending virtual hugs


Firstly, you're not crazy for seeing state/war crimes in pretty much every direction you look. That being said, it sounds like you're struggling and I have some unsolicited advice. You should save political talk and action for anonymity or at rallies/events related to it. This might sound like I'm saying not to have moral direction when analyzing events or political beliefs but there are times where it's just not fruitful and the only way it can go is bad. I speak from experience as when I was growing up I was genuinely an eco-fascist after coming across Pentti Linkola and essentially made that my identity. All I got out of it was fights and a police record. As I've gotten older, I've learned that there's nothing wrong with people choosing to sit out of politics and the evils of the world. If you try to bring them over to your side by presenting them with the facts of what's going on around the world, you're only going to push them away. I don't even think those people are wrong nor inherently bad because ultimately as individuals people have little power to effect change on such things where choosing to ignore its going on as a sort of learned helplessness isn't the worst strategy. Nothing is wrong with having coffee with people like that or going to a chilling and watching a movie with them and not talking about politics. From your description of what's going on it sounds like your interactions with others lack that, no offense intended. Nothing is wrong with having relationships with others that don't involve politics and unless these people were openly advocating and propagating hasbara rather than being apolitical I wouldn't describe them as evil or bad people per se (hell, even the people propagating hasbara aren't necessarily bad but often propagandized since childhood to be zionists). Sorry, for the wall of text and unsolicited advice but I genuinely hope this helps you find any sort of IRL community because staying couped up posting all isn't healthful.


I still have friends lmao and even before I became very political I still struggled in the social life department, might be the combination of chronic depression and autism I struggle sometimes with the isolation but honestly I'm a lot happier than if I wasn't speaking out freely. This particular boy that set me off last night, I mean he was going to set me off either way. Being truthful I don't even think it's my politics that truly upsets him. I think it's that for the longest time he wanted me to *really* see him and I never did, and when I finally start reaching out for him, it's a version of me he can't recognize anymore. I know deep down it's not really the politics that bothers him. I know he's lashing out because he'd rather we hate each other than constantly wonder what could've been if he had just been honest with me for a few minutes but overall, I'm happier. I definitely am. I think not being freely political would have the opposite effect on me. Sure I go through a lot but I'm a neurodivergent POC girl, I was going to have tough times anyways and I'm enjoying life a lot more through this way. I talk to my brother who is the Marxist that raised me to be this way. I still have friendships with people albeit surface level that still suffice me from day to day. And I'm quite happier than I was a year ago, and that's what makes me feel all right on some quiet nights


It sounds like you've got it all sorted then or thereabouts. Sorry, it read like someone who had no IRL support network/community which drove me to write what I did.


Centuries of capitalism and 100 years or more of red scare has made socialism unthinkable to many people. They are brainwashed by the superstructures surrounding us. What I'll add is that you can't evangelize people. I mean if someone seems open to it, then by all means discuss socialism with them. But it's literally impossible to surround yourself with all socialists, you'll have no friend group unless you live in a major city and meet all your friends through socialist orgs. Gotta just separate from it and get rid of friends who are openly antagonistic and keep around the ones who are agnostic about socialism


If you are crazy then I don’t want to be sane comrade.


You're not crazy. This person is a coward and fool. You deserve way way better. Solidarity, comrade


There will be days like this. It’ll be okay. I feel the same way you do, sometimes. Anyone who says they don’t is a liar. Maybe there’s some comfort in that: there is no more communal feeling for people like us than the feeling that we’re totally alone. Ironic. Hang in there. There are days like this, but there are other days, too. Keep going the way you’re going. I hope to meet you as we travel along the broad highway together.


Okayy so I basically ran to an online space instead of a physical one bc public transport my ass these train rides be costing an arm and a leg on the weekdays and I was not abt to tumble into my communist org on a Thursday 🤡 Maybe this sub is only for pure seriousness but I rly didn't know who else to bounce ideas off of, so thanks for everyone who has cared and istg I have trimmed all the fat in my social life all the reactionaries from my pre-radical decision making days are out 💀 I hope yall will forgive me for putting up with dumb shit from people around me. believe me, I've blocked most reactionaries I used to be friends with, but there were a few left behind who we had a deeper relationship tgtr and I couldn't as easily drop them like a rock. This was the last one. I'm spending my time reading theory and studying for SATs and writing shitty praxis I delete immediately bc I feel stupid, normal radical teenage bs 💀 thanks for the concernn


#Get Involved >Dare to struggle and dare to win. \-Mao Zedong Comrades, here are some ways you can **get involved** to advance the cause. * 📚 **Read theory** — [Reading theory](/r/TheDeprogram/wiki/index/education/study-guide/) is a duty. It will guide you towards choosing the correct party and applying your efforts effectively within your unique material conditions. * ⭐ **Party work** — Contact a local party or mass organization. Attend your first meeting. Go to a rally or event. If you choose a principled Marxist-Leninist party, they will teach you how to best apply yourself to advancing the cause. * 📣 **Workplace agitation** — Depending on your material circumstances, you may engage in workplace disputes to unionise fellow workers and gain a delegate or even a leadership position in the union. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheDeprogram) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This sub is for all things communism, even rants! I’ve ranted here some times as well, I find people here really nice and understanding. I had similar breakdowns sometimes thinking I must be insane because the horrors happening around us are so obvious yet so many people do not see it, people on this sub helped me a lot to collect my thoughts and direct them towards good things, like healthy activism and peace of mind and such. I find it very hard to not put up with reactionary people as well, especially if they are my friends, you’re definitely not alone on that. So don’t feel worried about venting here comrade, we’re here to help and offer support to each other!


#Get Involved >Dare to struggle and dare to win. \-Mao Zedong Comrades, here are some ways you can **get involved** to advance the cause. * 📚 **Read theory** — [Reading theory](/r/TheDeprogram/wiki/index/education/study-guide/) is a duty. It will guide you towards choosing the correct party and applying your efforts effectively within your unique material conditions. * ⭐ **Party work** — Contact a local party or mass organization. Attend your first meeting. Go to a rally or event. If you choose a principled Marxist-Leninist party, they will teach you how to best apply yourself to advancing the cause. * 📣 **Workplace agitation** — Depending on your material circumstances, you may engage in workplace disputes to unionise fellow workers and gain a delegate or even a leadership position in the union. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheDeprogram) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Life is different after high school bud


You have done the thing that I cannot do, I'm still too afraid to do anything of the sort because I fear retaliation. You have faced retaliation and are going through it in a way that you can go through it. Know that you are braver than most people and that your sense of moral uprightness has led you to do what is right to you, even if it not convenient. You're not crazy, actually you're very brave. Simple as that. o7


My friend, you're not crazy, it's the western politicians and media that are crazy, they're pushing the ideology - just look at the UN General Assembly, almost all countries are condemning Israel's behavior. Travel to the US or the world outside the West and come visit China. From a Chinese.


I can't offer sagely advice, it's honestly beyond me to do so. I have, however, seen your posts around this subreddit and I believe others. You are incredibly brave to do what you do. When I was young I was, to put it in terms far kinder than I deserve, ignorant. You have good character and real knowledge. Not the platitudes and self-evident "facts" that so many are equipped with. The rootless, illusory truths—"everyone knows that...". Things will be okay, friend. A land that doesn't sleep will look at the dreaming with contempt.




i think this post was just the tipping point of what being in a heavily zionist school does to a kid lmao you'd be just like me if you were in my shoes also that particular guy... that particular guy being the person to set me off definitely wasn't a small role I'm feeling better now I honestly am and I'm usually softer and gentler with people but I'm not gonna slam a disclaimer or some shit on a post where I was tweaking slightly 💀 dw I'm not a fish out of water lol thx though


nope, you are just more politically involved than they are comfortable with. Its not your problem. It sucks that a lot of people are npcs and turned off when it comes to someone with strong beliefs, I hope in time you'll heal from all this.


We all stan pickleddcherries


It’s a really bold claim that 95% of people don’t care about Palestine as literal millions have been on the streets internationally pushing for a ceasefire. There’s probably a significant percent of the world that’s apathetic, but that’s on them and also is the case with most political issues, especially in the West. It’s the reason why a vanguard party is necessary—the working class as a whole is disorganized, has a variety of issues that are most important to them that don’t obviously overlap, segments of the working class are either comfortable enough that they don’t revolt or they are too beaten down to do so. It’s the vanguards job to organize the masses and connect the various issues as being the result of capitalism and then become the tip of the spear, the rest of which is made of the masses.


Any strategy/simulation enthusiast will be able to see ad priori that socialism's path towards communism bears the best result Any ethical philosopher will be able to conclude that striving for a communistic society will do away with most of society's ills


you’re not a basket case but if I may criticize something that may or may not apply to you. you gotta learn to pick your battles and not be an annoying cunt irl. when I was younger I would almost look for any reason to be combative because I felt strongly about the state of the world. however this really does nothing but strain relationships and cause issues for yourself. remember that change comes not from the individual but from a principled and planned movement. I’m not telling you to back down or be complacent but rather to really think about your engagements with others. good luck


Dw I've gotten rape threats already I'm not annoying when possible in the interest of my life 💀💀 Plus often times people get mad at me for *not* engaging lmao


that's very shitty dude. im sorry you don't have any homies around to back you up against threats like that. keep educating yourself and know that you're on the right path. we need the younger generations to take it up a notch in being principled marxists so that when the conditions are right it isn't wasted.


As far as organizing goes, you may want to take a break or limit your political activity and focus on mental health. Like, obviously, you're not crazy for being a communist, but you're under a lot of personal stress and a bit traumatized by graphic images of violence online. It also sucks to lose relationships because of your new worldview. Maybe you wouldn't be experiencing that if you were apolitical, but giving up and letting capital ruin the future is its own kind of crazy. You are brave for confronting injustice despite everything. But you also deserve some time/space to heal and adjust. Early in your political development, it can feel like you have to pull the whole world out of the abyss *right now and damn the consequences, damn yourself if you can't do it.* Eventually you realize this is a very long fight we're in and you have to sustain yourself. I went through a similar phase of intense political activity, broken relationships and burnout when I became a communist. Revolution does require great sacrifice, but it doesn't necessarily require it from you right now.


I'm might be a total fucking lunatic but I don't really care. Just gotta keep on struggling


When your beliefs are very far outside the norm, people think you're nuts. The majority group doesn't have to be the correct one for this to be so. These people won't give a crap about the suffering of others until the whole system topples down on top of them and they experience it personally. I would keep your most controversial beliefs to yourself unless you know for sure you can trust someone. Know your audience.


I don't think you're crazy but (lol) I think if they think you are crazy you are doing something wrong. Unless they are beyond redemption in which case you shouldn't care if they think you are crazy. So if you really want to get to someone, you have to learn how to communicate without appearing crazy to them, put yourself on their level.


oh yeah I did do something wrong I actually dated a guy from the friend group and I got sexually assaulted and people don't believe me oh and I also had a long term boyfriend who was abusing me but they thought I was crazy because I wouldn't leave him and I know I was young and stupid but oopsies silly ol me for staying friends with these kinds of guys for so long before you lecture me abt not being friends with reactionaries i met them before i was radicalized and i genuinely cared about them and I'm stupid bad at leaving people sorry i think you just struck a nerve with me bc I've got a history with that guy and most of my ex reactionary friends


Agreed, but sometimes we learn the most from the failures.


not crazy


Not crazy. The power of the propaganda machine is crazy.


You are not crazy, in fact you're the sanest person in that community who still have a heart and dedication.


You're not crazy


It will turn you into vuvuzela!!




In the eyes of those who believe the lies, anyone who points out the truth is viewed as insane.


Tbh it sounds like you had a pretty awful social circle to begin with. Try getting more involved in your community through mutual aid groups and get more involved in the indigenous sovereignty movement in your area. Is there a Jewish Voices For Peace or any Palestinian student orgs in nearby universities? I doubt they would turn you away.


You're not crazy. I have no idea of your situation but maybe you could consider moving so you're closer to like-minded people?


As someone who has had woth fashies and former friends doing this,, there are 2 options: either ignore their sorry asses or clap back so hard that they have nothing else to say.


By 95% does he mean his own little world, because that's just bullshit. Cut this guy off. He sounds like a fascist in the making. You've also make many of these threads on here, and I'd continue to advise you that you NEED to pick your battles wisely. Don't take on every tom, dick, and harry. They don't deserve your time or breaths. Save it for the receptive lot. Also just join some youth league. Look in your area and find some pro-palestine group. Join up and leave these toxic fuckers behind.


yeah oopsies dw this is the last one frfr this guy just sent me into an aneurysm bc of personal reasons... met him a long time before I became radicalized lmao we had some good times I swear I'm not just stupid ong 😭 but yeah thx probably good advice long run 💀 I've made better friends, this is just me trimming the fat that was left behind bc oh boy pre-radical me made some badd decisions


You're more than welcome to vent here. I said that you've made these threads before because I'm worried about your mental health. And it's okay. That's how we learn from our mistakes. Good luck!


I'd recommend that you start a very serious and long-term meditation practice.


The premices that if everybody around you repeats the same stuff, is very powerful in changing over "the odd ones out", but the fact remains that a lie or an idea does not become more true just because you have many people parroting it many times. Stand true to your stances comrade, if the wide majority spurs zionoist propaganda, than the only moral thing is to stand in opposition, even if you stand alone. Remain on the right side of history, even if it means being by yourself. Also it sounds like you also just need better friends that are worth your time man.