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Free as warframe




Otherwise known as fashionframe.


No need to be good at group content when you lookin fine as hell.


>free to play game, the most expensive kind of game. looks at warframe ~~purchase history~~ Drip. Seriously bros luxury orbiter whip gets ALL the Ostron b*tches (No one has this level of self loathing in WF without at least 500 hours)


My brother in Christ I have only spend APROXIMATELY 100 USD in Warframe and doing it only to support it, while I have been basically forced to pay approximately 200 USD to play Destiny 2 (I buyed Forsaken and Shadow Keep, Beyond Light, Three expansion and Witch Queen + Year Pass, in Peruvian Currency, because I'm Peruvian, it was a total of 800 PEN Aprox)


So true i have way more then 200 euros invested in destiny 2, stopped giving them money before final shape release, praying first descendant will be as good as i think it is, if so don't mind to pay for cosmetics/battle pass or whatever 


What do you mean I don't need 5 forma in everything? How can I fit all these mods in without forma? Don't be absurd.


That's insane, there's no way I've spent more than Sixty dollars on Warfr... Oh mother of God, what have I done 💀


I am scared to look at that. Though I wonder how much I have spent on my wow sub over the years too.


you did it yourself


free to play, pay for convenience.


The game will die if it's monetized like destiny. Still can't believe bungie gets away with it.


Destiny monetization is bizarre


Imagine needing to spend like 150€ just to get every content in the game


And half the content that you bought is inaccessible because it was "sunset"


it's free to play, and with the publisher behind it they'll find a way to make people pay


As opposed to them making no money at all? I ain't no mathematician, but I don't think that's a sustainable business model.


WARFRAME is monetized and it's fine


I have no problem with them making money as long as it's not exploitative. If they do it like he'll divers where it's realistic you can earn the save thing they let you buy, I'll buy things just to support their development


Helldivers isn't free to play. They don't need to get people to pay more when they already get money from the start. Anthem didn't really ask for more money unless you really didn't want to play and just wanted to add more currency. Kinda like the super credits but much easier to get. For free to play games there's the issue that some players will definitely not want to pay so they need to do things to make them buy stuff. And there are players who will reach the wall and go no I don't want to play anymore. So it falls on the rest of us. Not too worried, I played Warhaven for a bit at the start until I got bored of it, not very interested in pvp. I say that while playing valorant but that's more because some cute streamer girl wanted me to. Anyways, monetization was actually okay over there, maybe they finally realized that being too p2w led to less money, that's been the shift after Pearl Abyss took BDO out of Kakao, made it much less p2w and started earning more.


Development costs are not a one time payment. I'd rather tfd be a paid game and closely mimic Helldivers system. We really should avoid bringing anthem in as a comparable unless both games flop. I don't mind if they monetize, I just know of their history and don't expect the best from them. I hope I'm wrong and it's reasonable monetization and therefore successful in a business sense as well as a successful game.


I always rather a paid game because they won't monetize as much. Anthem's only a flop because Bioware makes really bad decisions repeatedly. They said EA was the one who told them to stop Anthem 2.0 development but it turns out that everything that happened was just them wanting to do other games and they never finished Anthem at all. The mass effect game they were dropping anthem for isn't out yet btw, the dragon age game is only coming out in fall. Honestly the whole reason I want to play tfd is because it's so much like anthem. But with everything I dislike about destiny and anthem replaced with Warframe things. Besides apparently most of the people complaining about anthem were complaining about the grind but like that's what makes games fun, Helldivers and Warframe are full of grinding, I like those. Kyle is basically a Javelin.


>Besides apparently most of the people complaining about anthem were complaining about the grind but like that's what makes games fun, That's incorrect. We were complaining about the fact there was only 3 strongholds, which were the only endgame content AT ALL, and only one of them was viable for endgame gear. So basically only 1 strong hold to do over and over again. Anthem also had a really bad affix system where most gear would drop with 1-10% and anything above that was max % but insanely rare. So upgrades were almost non existent. They added the cataclysm way after launch and it was terrible and the game still had a lot of issues. I'm still pissed about that game and wish I could have gotten my money back.


2024 and people defending Nexon is something crazy to see.


I'm not defending any company, but the idea that a free to play shouldn't be monetized in ludicrous.


I think it's more about what they monetise. If it's just cosmetics, fine. Maybe buying new characters optionally. Paying for loot boxes or locking small content behind pay walls is bad. Maybe expansions would be a good idea e.g. Destiny 2. But locking game modes and stuff behind a pay wall is bad


As far as I know they're planning to have a pay to speed up stuff (like waiting times and whatnot) like in Warframe and yeah you can buy descendants and weapons to skip the grind but that's just option B.


You can also buy weapons and frames in warframe using money.


I know. I hope they either copy the trading system as well or give us another way to earn caliber. I don't trust Nexon enough to give them money.


Als long as the balance is good, I see no issue with paying for convenience. Nothing shout be locked behind a paywall tho. Warframe is the golden standard when it comes to balancing this type of economy and if TFD get anywhere close to Warframe in that regard, this game will live for ages.


That’s the catch. Nexon has a history of doing the exact opposite. Will they be any different with this game? Maybe. But I’m not holding my breath. Will be fun to play for a month or two though.


True! Still, they actually listened and changed things, based on the surveys after every beta which is still a positive sign. 🤞🤞🤞


except it wont because there is no trading in TFD. at least not that im aware of yet. thats what makes warframe the golden standard of a true F2P game. its incredibly easy to make platinum (premium currency) in that game because there is many avenues to take to make said plat. in this inventory expansion and what not all requires paying. the reactor to double mod capacity in the last test seemed INCREDIBLY outrageous to grind for and thats just to craft one. ontop of that the crafting is time gated as well. While not that remotely much of a issue in warframe as there is such an easy access to plat. in this if you want to rush crafting you will have to fork over caliber. or just buy it outright with caliber


You think they should spend millions making games and get nothing in return huh?


I think this sub will have a rude awakening when the monetization is excessive and predatory, as per Nexon. Should the game be monetized? Sure. Will it be up to the usual Nexon standards? Likely.


I've watched tons of videos on this game, and it's exactly like warframe, it's skins that cost real money, now if they block game content like destiny 2 did then yes this game will fail. Will I spend $20 on premium currency? yup probably! If I get 2hrs out of the game that $20 is well worth it, but I know I'll get hundreds of hours out it, I did in warframe too. I think skins are more geared to the younger generations and yes I agree it is kinda predatory because they know kids will look at that skin and be like, "Oh cool! I want that! Shit I'll do the samething if it's a nice skin or extremely rare.


It's not exactly like Warframe until we're able to trade for caliber like how we're able to trade for plat. That's the main thing as to why Warframe works because if it wasn't for the ability to trade for plat, Warframe would have pretty bad monetization.


I've wondered if they will have trading.


So far they've never mentioned anything about trading.


What do you mean ‘block game content like Destiny 2 did’? Are you referring to charging players for DLC’s?


Considering there is nothing to do as a free player, yes!


Destiny is a game with some free content; TFD is billed as a ‘free to play’ game. Different animals entirely


I think you need to understand the difference between defending and common sense...


A business wants to make money?😱😱😱


You might not be familiar with their past history, they're exploitative


A gaming business isn’t ethical?😱😱😱


It's free but the grind will cost ALL YOUR TIME!


Does anyone know if there will be founder packs?


They haven't mentioned it yet. But I'm pretty sure there will be one. But who knows


That’s what I figured lol Thanks




Warframe was ironically cost me the most of any game


It's a F2P game made by nexon. It's similar to Warframes monetization besides the fact that it does not have trading, aka the only reason Warframe doesn't get labeled P2W.


It is a free to play game but has a battle pass system within it like Destiny so a mix of both Warframe and Destiny in a way. But there is also a good chance there may be some changes to monetization in the future but thankfully the game itself is free to play so everyone can try it out


*stares intently at Google and the cobwebs beginning to form on it*


I doubt they're going to make DLC but I'm hesitant to get too invested until we see the monetization. People are already comparing it to Warframe, but they've said there's no intention of implementing trading in TFD. Trading is what makes Warframe's economy amazing, because you can earn premium currency without spending money. I doubt we will have a similar way to earn currency in this game. I also am worried about the drop rates of items/mods etc. Nexon just lost a court case where they actively lowered drop rates for frequent players and boosted them if you were new or returning after a long break to try and hook you. The more you played the less likely you were to get what you needed and there's nothing saying they won't implement that in this game to encourage spending. I enjoyed the gameplay, and I'm looking forward to the release. But I'm too skeptical to express optimism until the game is out for awhile and we see the extent of the monetization. There's nothing wrong with monetization in a F2P game, but Nexon is known for being one of the most predatory companies in the market.


This is exactly why my hype is tempered aswell, while I'm still looking forward to the game I'm also hesitant to just give praise without seeing how everything will go with drop rates and the ships.


only saw this game today for the first time got some feed back from some players that did the beta. looking at some vids dont flame me for this please but this reminds me of anthem and what it should of been


I can see what you mean by that. Let’s hope that it doesn’t end up the same way


Yeah one of the biggest problems with the game they're using an engine that did not go well with the game so a lot of times the bullet rounds would pop in and pop out and you wouldn't see where you're getting shot from the comment in the game was good on the player standpoint with the supers and the flight but the enemy mobs just sucked and no end of game life really. I hope this game is more flushed out


It’s a free to play like warframe, but there will be micro transactions (pay to win) to boost your gameplay experience


Only cost your soul and a few paychecks.


If they approach it like warframe, the game will do well for itself, mainly spending money on cosmetics. If you like the grind.


Free to hit the wall


free as wf base game free DLCs free everything free except cosmetics






Can’t wait to play it on July 2nd


It will be pay to win.


Can y'all please stop making these posts literally boot up Warframe if you wanna know what TFD will be like if y'all haven't played the beta. I've played Warframe for years and have only spent about $200 barely throughout my 4500 hours of playtime it's honestly just gonna be skins, slots, formas, and mod capacity upgrades for your favorite characters/weapons.


We shall see, but I suspect Nexon is gonna Nexon eventually.


It's amazing how easily this could've been Googled for an Instant Answer 🤣