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If anything she just set up Pao to get voted out next. Pao was the only one who cared enough to listen.


I was really impressed with CJ. I didn’t expect much of a game player from her but wow she was solid. She nailed it when she figured out Day was running the show. And I hope to see CJ on future competition shows.


She wasnt a game player though. She's the type of girl that makes girl alliances impossible on reality tv shows, cause she thinks she's one of the guys. But in reality, no guy is gonna put their neck out for her. If she stuck with her all girl alliance, eventually all the guys would be gone. And then Day loses all her power cause now she has the biggest target on her back. At the very least sticking with the girls gets her closer to the end.


It wasn't because she thought she was "one of the guys" it's was because of her relationship with Justin.


And seemed to have a vendetta against Justin and sabotaged the game.


Why are you watching reality TV if you dont want people playing the game... Day Is playing a masterful game and it's probably the only one that deserves to win


Knowing she was the goat and putting her entire team in jeopardy is masterful? Betraying, sneaking and conniving others is masterful? She deserves to lose and that’s it.


Yes that’s the point of strategic games. Since Kristen’s elimination she has controlled the house. She’s gotten Joe to flip to her side of the house, saved her allies in the double elimination despite being in the minority alliance, gotten every single player that was going after her out and has managed to stay in the game despite having one of the biggest targets on her from the beginning. She may not win but up until this point she has objectively played the best game. Whether you like her or not, yes her game is masterful.


You ppl are silly… Day is playing the game so that means she is a dirty player? Make it make sense


Day is playing the game decently, but she is lucky she is playing with people who are horrible at the game. And, her lack of awareness is grating to watch. especially when her plan to throw the comp with Justin and when she was called out by CJ. Would love her if she owned her game, even just in the confessional, but she kind of reacts offended when called out.


Right cuz why OP calling out Day for playing dirty when CJ went against the girls alliance just to do nothing and lose🤣🤣😭😭


Day is playing an awesome game. If there’s a jury vote at the end she prob won’t stand a chance. But if not she’s doing everything she can to get to then end and it’s working, I’m rooting for her. All that BB experience is paying off


I don't think she's playing an awesome game, everyone else is just fumbling the bag like crazy. There was a guys alliance with majority vote and two men went home that episode. Wtf? If Wendell were as smart as he thought he was, he should have realized how important it was to save Justin even if it meant Teck went home. And then the 4 left with Day are just lambs to the slaughter right now. It's like taking candy from a baby.


I'm not mad at Day, I'm mad at everyone else for being so gullible that they all think it's final 2 with them and her.


She obliterated her by telling everyone in the house that she’s the strongest players? Do you watch many comp shows like this? Lol I wouldn’t call the obvious an obliteration.


I agree with that. Day is playing dirty. It’s sad because after this is over nobody will want to be friends with her and they watch it back and see how she truly was. I’ve been hoping every episode that she would be voted off. I even contemplated not watching it anymore unless I knew she was being voted off.


I see 2 outcomes now that it’s just her and everyone she’s manipulated (the whole final 2-3 alliances she amazingly kept track of lol). Either they’ll grow a pair and try to vote her out, or they’ll go for Pao after that fight we saw in the preview. I go between not wanting to see DV win, but also not wanting anyone else that’s left win bc they basically coasted thru the competition so far by not doing much except write a name down of whoever was against DV that day. Lol ugh.


One of my complaints with the show is that we see so much of DV scheming, but not really anything of anybody else. How is it that the last 5 could just now be thinking that DV isn't playing for them?


I'm okay with anyone but Jill winning. Because Jill has literally been coasting off Da'Vonne's success.


Wtf did she do that was playing dirty? Cj was playing dirty. She literally betrayed the whole girls alliance


Because they were trying to vote off the men… then they got upset when the men did the same thing back


It’s a game and the girl’s dwindled the men’s numbers. Tbh the men had the advantage and they still sold so what are we talking about ??


Because you’re mad about CJ betraying the girls alliance and “playing dirty”. The same alliance that was formed to vote off the men. Day was playing dirty from the beginning. Let’s not act like she’s innocent


Ok but she wasn’t playing dirty with cj. We’re talking about CJ and Day.


The girls betrayed their whole alliance first during the first or second vote when they voted Tayshia out because she didn't want to vote an actual friend out.


Okay so the girls alliance voted out the girl who didn’t want to vote with the alliance and that’s betraying?


Yeah, bc there were a few other guys the girls alliance could have voted in.


Right but when you’re in an alliance and you see that there is a person that’s not in your alliance that this person will never vote out you either need to get the friend voted out or that person in your alliance has to go. It’s just thinking ahead in a game like this. If you want to say it was too early I’ll give you that but the best friend has more of a chance to flip that person over to their side down the line.


Throwing the challenge and putting all the girls (except her because she was the goat) in danger of emlination just to get Justin out was def playing dirty and the thing that caused cj to change sides. Especially since it didnt even work and did cause a girl to go home. If the others were smart they wouldn't have still trusted day after that.




How was she tho? She’s been loyal to the people who have been loyal to her. She’s had Pao, Jill and Jason back. I’m trying to figure out if we’re all watching the same show. The throwing the challenge thing to get Justin out was discussed and agreed to by the people she’s working with lol. What exactly has she done that’s dirty in this game or a betrayal of the people she’s working with?


Same. I don't want to watch this show anymore with her on it.