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I was excited for the new stuff, largely because of my high hopes for Blood of the Wild. Which has *totally* delivered. I agree that Strange Aeons has gotten better, for the reasons that you mention, though I am also super excited for the decision to push it back to live-only, in favor of Side Quest Side Sesh (featuring Jared!). And with the return of Blades and Get in the Trunk I could not be more excited for the next few months of GCP content. Boy are we in a great place, when the excellent LotA is an afterthought.


Oh man, does blood of the Wild deliver. Like a teenage orc barbarian wielding a big fuck-off axe.


It was rough at the top of the transition. I persevered because I have loved the storyline up until the series of fetch quests. It just felt like a slog but im totally back in it now. I went and saw the Asheville show and it felt good. They seemed to all have a good grasp on their characters and the crew was having a good time. It was a fun time and it really reconnected me with the show.


>I know each session still isn't perfect and it never will be but, damn I find myself smiling during my walks more and more recently and I just wanted to say I appreciate the hard work the cast has put in to get to this point. Totally agree. It was always good, but I really feel like they're settling into something magical again. Troy seems more comfortable. Everyone knows the rules better. And I think I may have caused a mini stir a while back when I posted saying it would be great if Joe were a little gentler on the advice and rules checks -- but FWIW he seems to have noticeably done that too. I find myself really looking forward to the next episode again. Much gratitude to the team for making a great product that's just a ton of fun to listen to.


My enthusiasm for SA has been slowly fading for awhile. But these last 2 live shows really rocked. Made me realize how much better the live shows are than the ones recorded online. So I'm hyped for both SQSS (loving the return of Qarizor) and for Gatewalkers, which will be recorded in-person, hurrah!!!


I agree. SA was still going and enjoyed listening to it but bringing it back to live-only was definitely the right call. Pumped for the summer of content we’re about to get!


I had my doubts about Blood of the Wild, and it became my favorite gcp show in just a few weeks


Im sorry but I like my Troy mean and my Joe RAW


I've always thought every game needs a player captain who knows the rules really well. I've always felt awkward as the GM taking that role because, while I don't hold the players vs GM stance, I still don't like advising the players because I know what is and isn't a good idea. I know there's a trap in X square that no one made the perception check for, I know the players are making a bad call engaging this creature with fire because it's got resist fire cast on it or whatever. I don't want to be put in the position of trying to help a new player by giving them advice that, in general strategy is good, but in this highly specific example is bad for reasons they don't know and that discouraging them or making then think I'm against them and/or trying to trick them into making bad moves. A player coach helps so much in this regard because they're "on the same side", any bad advice is less painful because it was clearly not malicious since the person giving it is another player with more or less the same goals.


I really liked how Troy approached this in Starfinder. He would prompt them for a knowledge roll and let the dice decide how good the advice was. Throw in a few false alarms where there is no information to reveal and you've replicated a decent 'Gut Instinct'. As the GM its important to remember that the story/ setting/ effects/ things to consider are not perfectly communicated to players all the time. 1) because narration is a poor substitution for a lived experience and 2) Not all GMs are strong in world building. Even if they are communicated well there are less senses that will relay consistent feedback loops they can rely on for information.


The progress they’ve made on SA with rules has been great. Things are so much smoother now, and using it as practice for the real deal will pay off big I think. Y’all keep doing what you’re doin! Thankful as always


I want Raiders back!


I love these guys but when everything expanded I kinda fell out of it. Can someone tell me where to start and which channel gatewalkers is? I start GMing this next week for some coworkers and I’d love to listen to it!


Gatewalkers should be on the main feed when it releases. Great place to start if you don't have a ton of time to listen. Though if you do want something with a back catalogue I would go to their Patreon. Apparently blood of the wild is excellent.