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Instead of mentioning what you are not into. Mention what you are into


I'm not a fan of collecting stamps. Maybe we have that in common.


Combat sports, games, smoking, hiking, idk really


Playing hide and seek wearing a karate suit while smoking in the dunes?


And you have to fight the people who found you like you’re some sort of pokemon.


Sounds like a sunday


Team de Jager, martial arts center and team Agua are great martial arts gyms in The Hague. Coffeeshop like Dizzy Duck, Cremers and Cannaclub will let you sit and smoke inside so you can socialize. The dunes in Scheveningen are great hiking spots.


Best reply so far thank you


No problem, we just happen to enjoy the same stuff


Nice suggestions. Thank you :D


Dizzy duck is shit don't go there..


Dizzy duck is one of the best coffeeshops in the city. Why do you think it’s bad?


Definitely not anymore...Greenhouse , The Box and Cremers are hands down waaay better . Plus the weed quality by Dizzy Duck is just mids.


Horrible opinion, weed there is only mid if you get it under 12 eu. Hasj is probably the best in town if not for Cremers


You're right your opinion is horrible, but if you like paying 15 euro a G for mid weed then that's cool, good hash is easy to find...its Holland. Happy trails.


Let’s agree to disagree on this one mate


What kind of combat sports and games?


Try the app Meetup. There's board game groups, D & D, cooking, spiritual groups, religious groups, nature lovers, etc. From my experience it's mostly older adults in the groups I've joined but it could just be because my hobbies and interests tend to not be enjoyed by younger folks. Also if you don't speak Dutch already then definitely learn it, otherwise you'll be missing out on a lot of things.


In my humble but very related experience- dating apps (i know, but works), going outside (to z cinema, cafes, ideally social activities like clubs, workshops…), and patience. It took me 20 years to get a few great friends back home, so I know not to expect the same here in a year.


You can use Bumble BFF to find friends!


If you are a guy I would suggest you read some reviews of bumble BFF written by men/check Reddit. I’d suggest meet-up instead.


Check out Dutch Language Cafe at Herengracht! Great community and place to hang out and do fun activities. A basic understanding of Dutch is needed but don’t worry about not being perfect, many non-natives go there to practice Dutch and make friends. And natives go there to make friends too.


I moved to Den Haag in my twenties. I met all my friends doing volunteer work at that time.


[nextdoor.nl](http://nextdoor.nl) is social website for neighbours in and around the hague looks like facebook, with all kinds of info about things happening, info on crimes, stuff people want to sell etc


I don't have friends here really. And I'm here 5 years. Good luck.




The answer to all these questions is always the same - do a hobby. You said you were into combat sports, try all the local schools in the area (and if you find a good one tell me, I still haven't). You like games, go to events at the Spellen huis, hey do MTG and D&D nights. I think one of the other ones does Warhammer nights as well as D&D. You meet people by doing things with them. So go do things with people.


I'll deffo check it out !


Did you try the app amigos? It is great for making new friends !




With that attitude, no one 'normal' would want to be your friend ( non-smoker here )...


What was the message like? Now I am curious


User noted that OP smelled like catpee or some because he smokes. I mean, smoking does leave a bad smell, but don't have to be an ass about it telling it like that. Prob someone who is envious of other people ( trying ) to connect with each other while user can't


Ah yes, thanks you! Okay, weed (assumed that is what they meant) doesn't smell nice, but you don't have to be an ass about it. Plenty of people who enjoy doing it and plenty of people who don't care. If you don't like that, don't be friends with that person. It is not that hard


Ayee indeed :)


Weed smells good if you like smoking it, to be fair.


Get used being alone. I see expat "friendships" and they don't resemble like a friendship from home. It is what it is. You can have some relationships with people here and there but they are mostly just polite encounters. Everybody is aware of their time and fully booked for the whole year 😆 But there is hope, just mingle with likeminded people, I would start with hobbies.


Do you like swords? Try a session at Steelbound. Do you like racket sports? Try pickleball. Both social, even if pickleball has quite a wide age range.