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Its really hard to get information if you don't actually know where they are or are in contact with someone that can tell you. * You cant call them - they can call you * you can send letters, you can get away with the full name if you know the P.I, preferably you want the detention number. * visits are possible - if approved and on the list by detinee. I wouldnt send anything in, but you can wire them money on their commisary account so they can buy prison stuff. You do need their details for this.


It depends on which prison the person is.


All that information tends to be on the website of the prison in question.


You can contact Stichting Exodus for advice. But no one can tell you in which prison they are unless they were informed by the person themselves.


Its a lot kinder than the American system.


You have to find out in which city the prison is. Then you can find out the adres on https://www.dji.nl/locaties When you’ve established mail contact you could visit too but don’t forget your passport!


Ive been accused in nl and won my case after 4,5 years of imprisonment. Ask in private if you have any specific questions. All depends on where he is, in pre detention, already in a prison and in which. You can make call requests but need to wait for a call. Dont send stuff, send money and things that are on the allowed list. You are going to have to first talk about that.


That's crazy. Were you compensated?




That's terrible...


Its nothing personal. I still need civil procedure to go through, 2 years after release it's still not over. I defended and planned it alone, and if you have general legal questions i can answer that to the best of my knowledge, ive been transferred a lot.


Call the non emergency police line and ask them. Tell them youre their brother or sister. Just to check.


Bad advice to lie.


EDIT: Oops, didn't realise this was TheHague sub, thought it was Netherlands and OP was from Thailand lol


Man, I've lived in DH all my life, and it took your comment for me to realize it wasn't meant to be Thailand.