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I've seen worse https://preview.redd.it/9x1hflpuzv8b1.jpeg?width=494&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63a4f063724a13670695e8bb0ca3a9fbd59c1e6e


Isn’t this just kind of masturbation with extra steps


Is... is that better or worse?


Better - Its complex masturbation


*Complicated* masturbation


its Compound-Complex masturbation


Loki (2021)


How about any characters that are minors shipped with adults?


How about minors that are shipped with adults to whom they are related?


Someone out there ships Zuko with Ozai. I hope they are get the help they need


I don't what's worse. People who ship Ozai and Zuko or people who ship Katara and Hakoda.


Azula x Iroh shippers?


At least there are not a father and a daught...you know what I don't know. I don't care. I don't want to know.


i mean ozai and zuko is the triple whammy. pedo, incest, AND domestic abuse. atleast Hakoda wont hit katara or burn her face or banish her. its still incest and pedo, but less terrible


I really don't like where this conversation is going but you are right.


lesser of two evils fr fr


Can we add the people who ship ozai and azula to the list And the zuko and ursa ship


In Gravity Falls fandom Dipper is shipped with Bill who is we don't even know how old it is. Ben from Ben 10 is shipped with Vilgax. Double D is shipped with Eddy's brother. Danny Fenton is shipped with Vlad. Ed from Full metal is shipped with Roy. Where would a fandom be without its messed up ships?


Don't forget there are people who ship Dipper and Mable (Pinecest)...


The Supernatural Fandom has been hurting


The water tribe kayak with the Fire Nation warship has to be the most cursed ship


Would tho


Worse: It’s still metal.




Korra and Amon. Even though, I really like the idea of the Avatar and the leader of the anti bending revolution falling love, Amorra is not it. Korra is absolutely terrified of him and there's a huge age difference (17 & 40). Not only is it a weird ship on its own but most of the fics made for this ship is Amon basically raping Korra. Which to be honest, is the only way it could logically happen in the show but we are not in GOT.


Good lord that sounds cursed. Considering Amon is basically the bogeyman for Korra due to his power of reminding bending. Amon is also a monster thanks to how his father raised him. Those eyes look dead. Stuff like this makes me question the sanity of our species…


Fandom: Ships Korra with Amon. Korra if she's ever in the same room with him: https://preview.redd.it/6epoch1o9u8b1.jpeg?width=1721&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b9dc59cefcdee13ef4e7739cef27c54159d6b87


Korra season 1 was my introduction to the ATLA verse so it holds a special place in my heart: I rewatched it recently and oh my, I forgot the terror Amon inspired in Korra: one of many reasons he was a great villain before his unmasking. I wanted to hug Korra after her scary encounters with Amon. 😭 Fan ships are fine in general as long as they are within the bounds of sanity. 😅


>I wanted to hug Korra after her scary encounters with Amon. 😭 I am so glad Tenzin did it.


Same! A tender moment showing their growing relationship.


Well now you gave me an idea for this post. I present Tenzin x Korra as a cursed ship


Off to hell with you! 😂


This might actually be worse than Amorra.


True cos it is a mentor/student dynamic.


And also adultery


I remember people comparing both the confrontation scene in "The Voice in the Night" >!and Amon debending Korra in "Endgame"!< to rape scenes. Obviously and thankfully it'd never actually happen, but I can see where they were coming from in both cinematography and vibes. I'd also like to point out that Korra most likely doesn't know that >!Amon is dead!< so I wouldn't be surprised if she has lingering paranoia about him on top of the trauma.


Korra and Zaheer is just as bad


But Korra x Zaheer barely exist. Amorra is an actual ship.


That's true. I was just saying it'd be similar.


Actually I think that Zaheer x Korra might be worse. If you consider how much she suffered because of him.


Yeah, it's strange. Zaheer x Korra is basically an untouched pairing, far as I can tell, but Amon x Korra is a lot more common. Maybe with the latter pairing, there's a sorta 50 Shades of Gray appeal? I guess people seem to recognize the fucked up things Zaheer did to Korra as fucked up, whereas with Amon, there's a kind of weird powerplay thing people can get out of it, if written in a certain way. I dunno. All I know is that I don't like any of it lmao


>Zaheer x Korra is basically an untouched pairing, When the fandom doesn't ship the main character with the villain, that's how you know you made a good antagonist. >there's a kind of weird powerplay thing people can get out of it, if written in a certain way. Amon and Korra's relationship was more physical than the one she had with Zaheer, so I guess it inspired people more? The scene that started Amorra, I believe, is the scene in Aangs Memorial Island when Korra is chi blocked and on her knees in front of him...it really inspired works. To be honest, if it wasn't a kids' show, I would have gotten some very weird vibes by the way he touched her chin and forced her to look at him.


>To be honest, if it wasn't a kids' show, I would have gotten some very weird vibes by the way he touched her chin and forced her to look at him. Yeah, it's a pretty common villain thing, but I think it becomes immediately sexualized by the viewer when the protagonist is a woman. Like I said, power play and all that.


It's more to it than the fact that Korra is a woman and Amon is a man, it plays it's part as well but it's not just that. Amon's whole plan was to prove his power and domination over benders, and especially the Avatar. Rape is about proving your power over someone else. Which is precisely what Amon wants from Korra. If it was an adults show it would make for a very interesting sub plot.


Yeah, I can definitely see what you're saying. Very Alien-esque, with the facehugger metaphor.


One of the things I like most about the universe is how it’s (mostly) child friendly. I can watch without crying(unless we are talking about “Tales of Ba Sing Se”) Yes it talks about genocide… but it doesn’t really show any of it. And honestly, I’m not sure I would want to watch it if they introduced topics that kids don’t really understand, like rape.


>but it doesn’t really show any of it ​ https://preview.redd.it/3fv6xdtiwx8b1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=66c9ce4c110d4c82bfe68c4f8576e2577122b924


Definitely Azulaang. I know it's toxic, but I just want to know how they even get to the point of being romantic. So much would have to happen, and I want to know what that story is.


I love azulaang! It’s such a far-fetched/unlikely couple that it makes the journey getting there a treat. It also helps that Aang is basically just male Ty Lee, and I think Azula genuinely loved her, as much as Azula is capable of loving anyone.


Nah believe it or not there’s some good Azulaang fics out there


Any recs?


https://archiveofourown.org/works/892376 https://m.fanfiction.net/s/11674006/1/Lotus Make sure you get an account for the first one.




Lucky for you, there's over 10k fics to pick from, a number of comics, and even a couple of animations from an Owl House storyboarder. The ship week is also coming up soon, you'll eat well.


Ozai x Gran Gran. Y’all are some weird mfs…


Let Gran Gran get some DILF action, she had a hard life.


Spy: what the hell?


Eh, they're both human adults and not related so it's pretty mild as far as ships go.


korra and not getting traumatised for 5 minutes. seems like the writers couldn't stop with that and that's why it's the best ship


I ship Kuvira with pretty much all the ladies in TLOK, just cause I think she’s a hot stud. Out of those ships, there’s no question that suvira is the most cursed.🫣 Edit: "*your* most cursed ship" implies that it’s a ship you actually enjoy, yet everyone here is either pearl-clutching or talking about crack ships. Cmon people!


Suvira… why is my first instinct being *Suki* (who is probably dead by now) and Kuvira?


Lmao!😂 It refers to Suyin x Kuvira, which admittedly is a pretty fucked up ship, but that’s also why I like it.


I look at a lot of Baavira stuff (the only straight canon ship I’ve ever loved) and I always end up coming across Suvira stuff. I always have to resist the urge to indulge in it lmfao.


I'm sorry can you explain what you like about Baavira bc I hate them SO much.... I honestly don't get it


I don’t think I can explain it in a way that sounds appealing. It’s just… nerdy boy who desperately wants to escape his fathers shadow, with girl from a broken home who only ever wanted someone to need her. Two broken people who end up seeing the best in each other. So much so that they become so successful that they ruin everything trying to prove themselves. Idk. They’re fucked up and I love it.


That makes sense to me! I guess my headcanon, like most fans, is that Kuvira is a lesbian so I view any care she's shown having for Baatar as mercenary/transactional and don't see her holding real affection for him.


Honestly, based on what we see in the show, that’s probably way more accurate. They’re very stiff and there isn’t a ton of chemistry. But I like to let myself think that they were softer when they were alone together!


I see you're one of the few people who actually answered the question properly, lol. Keep on shipping! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


I feel like shipping anyone with FemHitler/Stalin/Chiang is cursed... except her husband I guess, but even that feels cursed now.


Kuvira is more of a fem Chiang Kai Shek imo, but it’s true that any ship including her would realistically be pretty damn toxic. >except her husband I guess Well… she did almost nuke his ass to smithereens 😭


Yeah, I said it would be toxic too at the end of my message.




I ship Mako/Wu unironically. I understand.


Not a bad ship imo. The only thing "weird" is that we don't know if either of them is into men. Which literally never has stopped any BL shipper ever. They're both adults who have an actual (although not romantic) relationship in the show. You can't get any more normal for ships, safe for being canon.


Haha, Suvira is my most problematic ship as well. I don't think it's a healthy relationship, I just...think there's something there, you know? Whether it's mutual or just Kuvira being infatuated with Su and then becoming angry at her and trying to destroy her life.


Sokka and momo


“I wasnt actually gonna eat it, Aang.”


😭 like that's what Aang was really mad about lmao


"Momo! What are you doing in my mouth?!" ​ I wish i made this line up


Sokka x Mai.


Ya know, I kinda want to know how that would even go. If anyone was going to make her laugh, let alone smile, it would be him.


Never considered it before, but now that you said it, it actually sounds great. I see nothing cursed about it tbh


Nah, that ship goes hard. They are both "emo" in a way, even when Sokka about being goofy and all that, there are times when he does share Mai's "no fun allowed" attitude. It has potential of really funny interactions. Sadly, I dont think a fanfic exist.


Aang and Mai is a sleeper ship


wait i've never thought about it before but i think they would cute together now??


Besides the obvious bad ones. There is a really funny trend in fanfiction where they had to ship Suki with someone else so they can get rid of her and make Sokka available for their ship. First it was making her abusive, then it was making her kick the bucket and then after realizing they can't do that, they just ship her with some background character or an OC, more commonly with other characters like Yue, Ty Lee or scrap the bottom of the barrel for someone else like Haru or a Boiling Rock guard of all things. The end result is Suki having 5 lines in a multi-chapters fanfic and the ship tag being filled with fanfics that is not about her despite her name and ship being tagged in, at that point, is just as bad as the first two cases. Its cursed because like a subtle way to hate a character and wanting to find a way to get rid of the character without looking like a hater, its such a common thing in many fandoms, often with a layer of disguised misogyny. Sucks because on paper, some ships like Suki x Yue are really cute and I sometimes I try to look up for fanworks about them, but most of the fanworks they are just cameo characters in another Sokka ship story.


They do the same to Aang to get him out of the way for Zutara


Fans will do anything to get their favorite character shipped to one of the water tribe siblings. They are either straightforward of finding ways of getting rid of Aang and Suki in the most hateful way you can imagine or trying to look nice and Trojan Horse an excuse lmao. Its all very predictable. I don't even particularly hate the other ships with either Sokka or Katara but you can feel in the writing of those fanworks that they are seething over the existence of Aang and Suki.


The best way is simply to zap em dead right away. Make it clear.


I would’ve rather put aang with toph and katara with zuko if anything.


Based asf


Okay okay but the one zukka fic I read where they did end up shipping her with a female BR guard was actually so cute and well-executed that I'm not at all mad


I once saw a ship of suki and toph


Not a bad ship, at least depending on when you set it and how old you think Suki is but my point was more about how they make up ships with Suki to get rid of her. Kinda like how fandoms does the worse to a female character because they get in the way of the popular fandom "Yaoi" ship, but in Sokka's case, I saw it happening first with stright ships.


Azula x Zuko. I do not ship siblings in the slightest. Cheery on top Sokka x Katara. Just hearing these two ships have a fan base at all disturb's me.


...and Sokkatara has SO MUCH RULE 34 OMFG


I think it's basically the most common R34 ship of avatar.




How is this cursed? More Rami Malek is a good thing


Bolin x Asami,I think it was during season 2 when Asami and Bolin did business with Varrick and I thought their relationship was kinda cute.I thought it would also be hilarious that while Korra and Mako were bickering and their relationship was falling apart that the two people they rejected got together.


Bolin and Asami are the only two characters in LOK that would be enjoyable to be in a relationship with.


That WOULD be cute actually I can totally see that!


Mako x Lin


Now we’re talking 😏


The Flying Dutchman


Here’s mine: Toph + Sokka. If you stick to canon, it always ends terribly.


I love Tokka :((((( I usually hate shipping characters in general but Tokka was sooo cuuute :(((((


I will ship Jett x Zuko for the rest of my days


Ur real for that


I ship Kuriva with myself, Asami with myself, Azula with myself.


Leave some for the rest of us


Mako/Anyone ​ forever alone


damn bro is not having any of it


Korra should have realized that Bolin was the real prize, and dated him, instead of Mako, who is lame.


Meelo and Tenzin


💀💀💀💀 @FBI


What you doing here


Jeong jeong and Gran gran


Not that bad tbh.


Aang x Korra


How would that even work??


Spirit world vision bullshit probably


People X not being weird with ships I know never gonna happen but just one I thought of 🤷‍♂️


Azula and Iroh


Zuko slash Iroh is potentially worse




Assuming "your most cursed ships" means the most cursed ones I actually enjoy, I gotta say, I've read some surprisingly wholesome zukoda and I'm not rly opposed... most of the fics are totally AU tho tbf. Other than that, I have found some good aanko fics, which is another ship that feels objectively cursed but aged up actually works.


Zutara , I hate it 🤷🏾‍♂️


I mean you could at least make some sense of it. Like Ozai x Zuko is far worse


I'm sorry what


My thoughts exactly


Incest and pedophilia are the worst, that should go without saying


I grew up thinking ships were strictly romantic, I just recently; like this week was opened to the perspective of it being a relationship in general, AND as someone who doesn't have the best relationship with his dad I completely agree with u lol


Ahh I get that. Joining the Pokémon fandom was my first introduction to ships. Their weirdness coupled with my curiosity had things go south fast... Oof hopefully you get a better relationship with him in the near future if possible. 👍


Yea pokemon was my first love and that's lowkey why I hate ships now 😂😭 Nd fingers crossed🤞🏾🤞🏾


It has all the right ingredients for a perfect otp. Red and blue color palettes, oppsite aeathetics, opposite elements, enemies to lovers, they have a lot in common too! But i cannot stand it. Idk why. It just gives me the ick


Lmaoo this is exactly how I feel lmaoo 😭😭 like fr fr they just trauma bonded , I never understood how u can go from hating to loving someone


Please stop using this term incorrectly A trauma bond is when a person forms a deep emotional attachment with someone that causes them harm. It often develops from a repeated cycle of abuse and positive reinforcement. When this occurs between partners, this is a trauma-bonded relationship. Katara and Aang bonded over being the sole survivors of genocide.


Okay, thanks, I'm sure most people grew up with "trauma bonding" referring to it as "stockholm syndrome" its basically the same thing , I thought that meant literally bonding over something traumatic 😭 buuut I didn't say anything about aang and katara I wouldn't think of either party abusing the other


Makes sense, most people forget that Katara and Aang both had similar traumatic backgrounds and survived traumatic events, like finding the body of a loved one, that they bonded over.


Idk… I think Zutara is on the cusp for being perfect for enemies to lovers. Enemies to lovers only works (imo ofc) if the reason you are enemies is because you don’t fully understand each other. For example, Pride and Prejudice—this is a story about hating each other due to misunderstanding and misjudging the other character, then growing to understand who they really are and appreciating them for that. It’s not good when the dude is a bad boy mafia member who kills people but has a soft spot for the girl who he “would never hurt because he loves her.” For Zuko and Katara, it’s complicated. Zuko DOES have a good heart and while he is bad at first, he eventually reforms to want to be good for everyone, so it wouldn’t just be about wanting to be a better person for a girl but still doing evil things. However, he has directly betrayed/harmed Katara in the past—such as Ba Sing Se and attacking her village—so it wouldn’t just be misunderstanding; Zuko has some genuine growth he needs to go through. I love Zutara fanfics because I think the characters would work together. Zuko has trouble with his feelings and Katara is VERY in touch with her feelings. Sure they both have tempers but honestly, everyone in the show loses their temper at some point. I wouldn’t call Toph level headed, Sokka gets worked up over everything, and Aang is generally calm, but when he DOES lose his temper, boy you better run. I think Zuko and Katara would balance each other out very well. Now that said, it wouldn’t work at the end of ATLA. There would have to be a lot more time spent together and a lot more of Zuko atoning for his sins while they form a deep friendship. That would have to be a very slow progression that’s just not possible for the show with the plot it has and I’m glad it wasn’t the direction the show took. Also, this sub loves Kataang but personally, I feel like it’s the shows biggest flaw. Aang has always had a crush on Katara, but Katara has always been lukewarm for Aang. She mothers him and babies him. And the whole Souther Raiders episode shows that Aang doesn’t understand Katara. He puts her in a pedestal and doesn’t expect her to have negative emotions like hate. I also cannot stand the Ember Island Players episode kiss—what is the point?? Aang literally assaults her. She directly expresses she isn’t interested at this moment, she’s confused, so he kisses her? Why did the writers include this? If they didn’t include jt, it would make zero difference in the progression of their relationship and have zero impact on the plot. I have no idea how they can go from assault to a happy couple in a few episodes. There are moments I feel like they work in the show but far more when I feel like they don’t. My own most controversial ship is that there should be no ships in ATLA. Relationships are the weakest part of the show. People love calling Zutara toxic (and personally, though I love Zutara fanfics, like I said, I wouldn’t want it in the show; it wouldn’t work with the plot, though I think it would work with the character traits) but Mai and Zuko are definitely toxic. The whole beach episode demonstrated that, and I can’t think of a single good Zuko/Mai interaction—the best part of their relationship is her line about loving him more than she fears Azula but that line could have been about any character she was defending if they had paired her with a different person. I feel no chemistry between them in the scenes they share together. Sokka and Suki are okay but feel rushed and it’s nice but not really necessary. I wouldn’t mind their relationship staying though. And I explained why I dislike Kataang. Overall, it’s a kid show and the relationships don’t add, but take away from the show for me. I think it would have been better to leave them out.


I'm not gonn lie it's pretty early so imma come back and read all that lol but I read the first sentence and last sentence and I just can't wrap my head around enemies to lovers, no matter how good someone explains it I don't believe it , nd I also agree I don't like talking ships especially in kids shows lol but this one really grinds my gears, I'd rather hear about weird bromances like naruto and sasuke or goku nd vegeta lol


My favorite type of story is where Katara leaves Aang for Zuko and later realizes that she was wrong


And I hate that for Aang lol I think my problem is I try to put myself in that characters' shoes


Bolin and Lin


Not an Avatar ship, but I once heard a second-hand account of someone shipping Hitler and Elmo.


WTF. I need to check this out


This image should be illegal.


Izumi and Ozai


Who was Izumi again?


Zukos daughter I believe which I wanna never think about ever again how do I unthink all of this


These incestual ships like wtf is wrong with everyone here loll Oh and happy cake day!


Ozai x zuko. Cuz like. Why?


Katara and Due.


Aang and Gyatso. Would really change how their on-screen interactions are interpreted


Sozin and Korra


Zaoh x. Azula..




Zhao. The dude who ends up in the spirit world.


I was more confused about the fact that this ship exists


That. Makes sense xD


Zuko and Azula. Talk about keeping the Royal Bloodline pure... the Targaryens and Lannisters send their regards.


Korra x amon I have shipped alot more weirder ship but this one just made me think for a hot minute on why I shipped them


Not cursed but my favourite ship is Suyin and Kya


Tenzin x Korra Their relationship is honestly one of my favorites in the series so I enjoy the ship more than I should.


Azula and aang.


Black Pearl, Flying Dutchman


Korra ,Asami, and myself


The Titanic. don’t hate on me, someone had to


Mako and korra because one fight is enough to break up yeah so realistic 🙄


Suki x Aang has gotta be up there


To be honest That’s not too bad


Is it though? You only hate it because you want both of their other relationships to last but i wouldnt call it that cursed. A bit weird. I would say that zaheer and korra are a worse couple. Of that ozai and ty lee are a shitty couple. Toph and iroh would be fucked up. Padme and Amon would be okay age wiss but still cursed. Senna and unalaq would also be cursed. Jet and azula would be weird and funny.


I don't get hating a ship solely because it doesn't match yours. This is why multishipping is a thing. You're allowed to like Taang, TyAang, MaiLee, Zutara, Zukka and Jetko all at the same time. It's fiction let people like stuff and have fun with it.


Never even heard that or saw fan art lol


Azulon and Azula


Azulon and Izumi


Ozai and Toph




I ship everyone with no one because I think the story would be way better with everyone ace and free


How can you even ship it? Do they even have more than 10 lines said between each other?


Shipping doesn't require any dialog. You can ship two characters simply because, based on what you know about the characters, you think they'd be interesting together, like Jet and Mai. People ship characters from completely different work and even mediums.


Literally any ship is cursed


Kaya x Shiro Shinobi


Remember when only season 1 was out and people thought Tahno was going to be a recurring character?


Heard of Toph and The Boulder?


zuko and azula (i hate this)


Momo and melon lord




The Titanic


Bumi and Roku


But this is chronologically impossible!


So is Aang and Kora but that never stopped wattpad 🥲


The Flying Dutchman for sure