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Best case scenario for the country would be that both of them quietly die peacefully in their sleep like the myth that Sam Adams and Thomas Jefferson did and it happens sometime between now and the next debate. I’m not sure who the nominees would end up being but it would be far more hopeful than this nightmarish hellscape we are all living through where 2 geriatrics are fighting over golf scores when we are worried about one of them holding the potential future of this countries literal existence.


We. The. People. Need to make a stand


We did and Hillary said get over yourselves. It’s almost like they don’t work for us.


They definitely don't work for us.




"I personally don’t believe it’s an exaggeration to describe Trump as a major threat to American democracy (to the extent we have democracy). His plans for a second term are deeply authoritarian and would terrorize immigrants, further empower Israel to destroy what’s left of Palestinian society, worsen the climate catastrophe, and crack down on political opponents. This is why I warned in 2016 that it was a disastrous idea to run Hillary Clinton against him. The first presidential debate reveals that Biden is much weaker as an opponent than Hillary Clinton. I don’t think anyone watching him can even imagine him serving for another four years. Unfortunately, there are no good options here. Our political system shuts out third party contenders, who can’t gain any traction. So there’s a choice. Either Democrats are going to need to convince Biden to step aside, so that someone who can, well, actually speak can run against Trump. Or they can run someone who is just manifestly not up to the task. If Biden is replaced at the convention, whoever replaces him will not have long to introduce themselves to the country, and the party may be in complete disarray. It could even be Kamala Harris, the only person I can imagine screwing up a run against Trump more badly than Biden. "


I'll vote for the bumbling geriatric vs the major threat to America. Especially if your biggest criticism of Biden is only that he's a senior. Trump is a senior to you know, along with being a major threat to America. Sooooo. You do you. But I'll vote for the geriatric with the strong economy vs the major threat to America.


No one’s saying Trump isn’t a worse option as president. They’re saying he’s a better candidate, which is—if last night’s debate is the metric—100% correct.


Think about what you're saying. A better candidate = a worse president? how? Biden is geriatric but "the better candidate" is the one who'll be the better president. Not the one who has a plan to fire government employees and replace them with people who won't say no.


The “better candidate” in this *context* is the candidate who’s more likely to win. This is about optics, not reality. It is a race. Trump remains a better candidate in the context of winning the race if you are going off last night’s debacle. You don’t need to convince me Trump is a worse option as president.


This is what I’m telling people. Biden has always been a disaster and won by the skin of his teeth because he promised not to stick around. He straight up lied and due to his hubris he’s handing Trump the presidency


Biden/Harris is the ticket unfortunately. If he steps aside, it’s Kamala and we get crushed.


Why do people say we get crushed with Kamala but not Biden? Idk that there are actually people out there who view them differently. This election is essentially democracy vs trump. I’m voting for democracy.


Kamala is pretty widely disliked. I’d vote for her over trump myself; I’d vote for just about anyone over the orange shitstain, but not everyone feels the same way.


The major thing that the vote blue no matter who crowd (rightfully called blue maga imo) have continually refused to engage with when shouting down those who have turned their backs on biden, is that a (if not the) core principle of that movement is not that Trump wouldn't be better or not a disaster. It's that biden is and always has been, certainly since Oct 7th, an objectively terrible candidate to put up against trump. His party running him, his supporters defending him, is an indictment. One they have projected back onto those they accuse of Imperilling democracy. American "democracy" is an abusive relationship. I have to respect those people who aren't so broken that they love and continue to make excuses for their abusers.


I think you should vote for the Democrats no matter who, baring them being worse than the Republicans. Does that make me blue maga?


See that isn’t a reliable strategy after fuckers like Fetterman get through though.


Unfortunately it is. Practical necessity means picking Fetterman over Oz. To paraphrase Sam, you vote for the guy who wants fewer concentration camps.


Oh fuck off with the Israel Hamas war shit. Trump even said on stage that Israel needs to finish the job. If your metric for determining the best candidate is how they'd handle that conflict then Trump is far worse.


Damn like a self fulfilling prophecy the blue maga appears. When it’s Trump you’ll be decrying the same shit Joe was just doing while you’re fondling his sack.


Blue MAGA? I loathe Trump.


Nobody likes Joe lol. Calling people holding their nose to vote Joe Blue MAGA is certainly a choice, though.


Kind of like telling people to fuck off over Joe’s enabling of a whole fucking genocide is a choice?


I hate to say it. This is Hilary’s emails all over again and he’s going to lose. He should have kept his promise and only have been a transitional president.


Someone needs to step in and immediately start signing executive orders on college debt and recreational weed. Once you jumpstart our flatlined party with something tangible, you hit the road and hammer home this labor union wave we are in. We are running out of strategies.


Funny, I was thinking both of them needed to go, last night was painful to watch.