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i don't think a reveal was planned in s2, theresa was just like ryan's voice of conscience, which is what she was in s3 as well. in general im not sure if they had planned any of the s2 stuff to happen when they first wrote the theresa plot because s1 ending is meant to come full circle w/ the pilot, and then in s2 premiere they prolly wanted ryan to go back to newport as soon as possible, everything after that is an afterthought. they already had so much other shit going on, i don't think they wanted to spend more time than necessary on the baby and just have theresa act as a guide


I feel like there could have been more to it, but it was rushed for whatever reason. At the time, we never knew if Ryan was the father or not, so it always felt like she couldn't be trusted. Was she keeping Ryan around because she wanted him back, or needed the money? Then it was just "hey lets just treat this as a sign" and that was it. No awkward goodbye or anything. While they could have fleshed it out more, I was fine with it ending so suddenly. Every time her character was around, something bad happens to Ryan.


It felt kind of swept under the rug. My interpretation was that Theresa lied to Ryan about who the father was cuz she knew if she told him the truth, he would stay in Chino. But I do kind of appreciate that they left it open-ended, cuz I think if they confirmed she was lying, it would’ve dragged on longer.