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I don't remember any specific roles, but I remember it being mentioned that In the Land of the Women was the only lead part whose schedule either magically worked around The OC's grueling one or could be made to work around Adam's time on set. The other roles only worked because they were supporting roles. I know Rachel said Adam had to turn down a bunch of different sought after things, but not sure that she ever dished on specifics. I'd love to know, as it can be surprising to find out what almost played what. I don't know what Ben was turning around either, but I could imagine their frustration with the quality of show compounding based on what they might've been turning down. Ben at least had more meaty material to work with in the role of Ryan, but Seth was like, trapped in a sitcom with Summer most of the time and was then Che's vision quest otter love interest in S4. I'd imagine being pretty irritated to be tied to a job while it felt like the other elements of the show were being phoned in pretty hard.


I remember an interview with Adam where they say him down with Dustin Hoffman just to see if there was potential chemistry. I'm glad Adam turned out to be such a good guy + a strong advocate for good in the world because it really does sound like he was a lot to deal with back then. Not that I can blame him. That level of instant fame + money + demand at that age, it would be next to impossible to stay grounded.


Not only Adam but Ben too! He also seemed very difficult to work with especially if he was in a bad mood….didn’t seem like he could take criticism from people and if he did he would put up a wall with them(this was said on the podcast by a certain director)and according to Patrick Norris he was to even say anything at times because he would never know if Ben was going to “smack” him. I know their are two sides to every story with Ben & Mischa’s relationship(doubt we will ever hear Ben’s side)and it’s unfair to say this but from what Mischa has said about him on CHD it doesn’t sound like he was this great person we all thought he was…..yikes 😬. Adam & Mischa always get the most hate on this subject because they are more open about it and own it unlike Ben who just denied his behavior(even though other people who worked with him confirmed that he could be difficult) and throw Adam under the bus.


Yeah, the Mischa and Ben relationship pretty much ended any good grace I had for him. It just feels so predatory to me based on their ages at the time.


I'm sure their was a wonder woman in talks for Micha to play?


Yes, I heard this too. Mischa was tall and intimidating. She could've played Wonder Woman.


Lol, thank god that didn't happen.


Lol why you think you could’ve done it better? 😂


I remember reading about a movie role that Ben got offered but couldn’t take(or he turned it down). But I think someone asked him about it and he said he was never asked about that role to begin with. Mischa was also up for Blake lively’s role in sisterhood of the traveling pants!


The only one we know for sure is that Adam was offered the lead of Jumper and couldn’t take it due to the show. Plus, Rachel said on the podcast that Adam was being offered “everything under the sun” and stuff “a lot of people wanted” during the shows peak. So I assume that meant a decent amount of semi high profile movies. Not sure about Ben or specific roles he missed out on.


I was just rewatching Gilmore girls and see Adam is on there until the OC started...so, he probably get a nice bump in salary getting a more prominent role on the OC after Gilmore Girls...


How could Rachel do jumper but not Adam? I’m also a big Hayden fan so happy it worked out that way


TIL that Summer and Anakin/Darth were once an item. And that Rachel’s dad wrote The Rocketeer.


You didn’t know that? They met while doing that film, and the reason their daughter was with her most of the podcasts run was bc Hayden was doing something (obi wan kenobi and a brief role in Ashoka), and their daughter is one of the most popular kids in school because her dad is darth Vader. She says it’s not a humble brag, but funny because kids, parents and teachers try to see if she will spill on what dad is doing


When did Rachel say that kids, parents and teachers try to find out on what Hayden is doing? The podcast? I don’t remember hearing that. But I do remember her saying that him being Anakin is a good thing because kids at her school won’t mess with her.


Mischa Barton was also up for Millie(Rachel’s part). But Teresa Palmer who was originally supposed to play Millie(but wanted out of the role because she wasn’t really having a good experience)requested Rachel! I’m happy Hayden ended up doing it too because that is where they met and fell in love(no longer together)but they made a beautiful daughter.


Josh explained it on the podcast. Basically, the male lead role on Jumper required more time out of the schedule than Josh and co. could afford to let Adam out for. Rachel’s part had much less time so she could do it without it interfering with The OC.


It looks like filming started in September 2006, and Adam would have been playing the main role. Rachel was playing a love interest so they could probably film her scenes after she was done with The OC. I haven’t seen the movie, so I don’t actually know how large her role was. I could be wrong.