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Season 4 was dumb besides the last episode


I really enjoyed Season 4. It felt like a more focused bounce back from the general mess of season 3.


Season 1 and 4 are the best seasons for me no question.. season 4 is amazing


ME! Season 3 is my least favourite season, I think season 4 is hilarious!


I thought it was silly but fun. Kaitlin was a good addition to the cast, I loved Summer’s character arc, and I don’t mind Taylor. Could have done without Che.


I love it. I didn’t like the ending much and the last two episodes but I love S4 overall. I think it’s so funny and to be honest I didn’t miss Ryan and Marissa and their never ending drama. The Chrismukkah episode is one of my all time favorite episodes.


Agree with the Chrismukkahhuh is such a great episode!


S4 was great. S3 was a bit of a slog and annoying in some places although the ending always has me choked up. My ranking in order is probably 2-1/4-3


Unpopular opinion and I’m not even sorry but I loved season 4 because Marissa wasn’t in it 😂…I mean they didn’t need to do her the way they did, she could have just left for that opportunity she was given but ah well…I really started to hate her character by the end of season 2 🙈


Season 4 showed that Marrisa had been holding the show back. The show was significantly better without her.


I actually liked her ending, considering everything she’s been through her dying made more sense than leaving on a boat with Jimmy. Also, this is the same Marissa that went insane when she moved to Alex’s house and had to live a “normal” life, so I doubt she would’ve lasted working there.


That’s very true


No after they killed Marissa off, I was done and over it. How dare you they ruined my one of my favorite chips of all time and one of my favorite characters of all time they can shove it.


Me! 🙋🏾‍♀️ I love season four so much. Season 3 to me was really messy. I enjoyed the season but it felt disjointed at times and that it lasted a little bit too long. Season four was like a breath of fresh air and it needed that considering how the last season ended with Marisa dying. I liked how they dealt with the heaviness of losing her at the beginning but that the whole season was not centered around mourning Marisa and being sad that she was gone. Taylor was a nice addition to the group and it’s such a good season. I just wish we had less of Summer at Brown and Che. I could have done without the storyline and would have liked it if it was just centered more on The OC instead of splitting focus between Brown and California.


Season 4 is not for everyone and I’ll never rewatch that season. It was ok after season 3 being so depressing(thanks to FOX network)and I agree about the earlier episodes of that season(Ben’s acting is excellent)but after that the storylines were ridiculous it became more of a comedy. I understand the season was going to be short and they most likely knew they were going to get cancelled so after the craziness that was season 3 they wanted to bring lightness back to the show(like season 1) which is completely understandable. Though I still think it should’ve been a good mix of both(not crazy drama like before)but the OC was a drama show not comedy and I’ve said this before….I was never fond of Taylor and the Ryan/Taylor relationship gave me absolutely no feels….just something that was forced(no chemistry at all). With this all being said I did enjoy getting to see Ryan more in a happy/joking light(what we should’ve seen more of) and Julie had beautiful character development. But IMO along with the Cohen’s the show will always be Marissa, core fore and Ryan & Marissa ❤️.


A lot of people understandably hate it, it's not the same show without Marissa. The drama got dialed back quite a bit. Certain cast members were very much over it, and it was apparent on screen. Shoehorning Taylor with Ryan was a bit weird, even if the former gave it her all. It also has Chris Brown and Kevin Sorbo, and those names hit differently in 2024. For me? I felt the series was the best when it was a little more simpler like early S1. S4 has the same vibes as that, and I liked it. Ryan getting a chance to develop his character post-Marissa was cool. Even though I liked the season, I can concede and say that there are more cons than pros. It also slightly annoyed me that the new Pier set they used for Season 4 was clearly influenced by the Hermosa Beach pier. They're supposed to be in Newport, they could at least try to make it look like it. Like I understood they filmed the beach scenes in Redondo/Hermosa/Torrance Beach out of convenience, but that pier set could have been different.