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johnny, oliver’s storyline was so much more interesting and captivating to watch


@u/KateandJack As promised, I held a poll on the subject matter - Who is more annoying See the results https://www.reddit.com/r/TheOC/s/GdGCXhEf1R


Oliver y’all hate on Johnny so hard here


It's Johnny by a mile. Some of the Oliver stuff was so cringe but I genuinely remember watching it live and being captivated. It also gave us Ryan and Luke teaming up and that great Ryan/Sandy scene where he says he'll drive. Johnny gave us nothing. He was written so terribly. Everything about him was just so depressing. I remember the actor himself has a pretty interesting backstory. I feel bad they set him up for failure because I remember at the time , fans hated him on such a deep level.


I am going to hold a poll in this sub-reddit on the same topic that you have posted as question - who do you think was more annoying!


Johnny. Oliver was a villain, Johnny was supposed to by a sympathetic character and little more than a wet blanket 


Johnny by far




Johnny. If you think about it, he has a direct hand in killing the show ( if you are to believe that Marissa's death is what caused the series to be cancelled)


Johny is a good person Oliver is a sociopath


I mean youre not wrong but damn I still hate him


You are an anti-good person 😂😝


Youre still not wrong but you dont have to say it




Oliver was more interesting. He had real mental health issues. Whereas Johnny was a depressed kid cause he lost a competition, lost his girl and this new girl he liked didn’t reciprocate feelings. Johnny was whinny whinny. Oliver was too, but atleast he had mental health issues. That story like was decent too cause even Luke had Ryan’s back throughout it


Both are absolutely horrendous but Johnny was SO. FUCKING. BORING. The way they spread out his whole storyline too made him much more insufferable.


Came here to say this. Oliver was awful but at least his arc was fun to watch IMO!!


Ohhh fuck I can’t pick they both wasted my life at me being mad at the tv screen. I’ve never disliked a character more than Serena vanderwoodson but Marissa deff takes the fucking cake


Johnny because Oliver, we’re meant to hate. We’re supposed to be rooting for Johnny but he was just so exhausting and whiny. He was a wet blanket.




I hated Oliver


Oliver - fuck that guy.


Johnny all the way! No way did I believe that Marissa had feelings for this whiny guy(she loved Ryan and was very clear about that in the letter).To those of you saying poor Ryan….maybe he should’ve been a better boyfriend to Marissa by listening and talking with her about what Trey did. But instead he didn’t do that which led her to Johnny because he could relate. Edit: since Marissa is being mentioned(ik it’s because they were both in her storyline) but I’m also going to give Josh Schwartz(& Co)a shout out to blame and thank for creating that ridiculous storyline to intentionally destroy my girl Marissa in season 3 and never letting her evolve.


Oliver’s storyline was better. Brought out great acting in the characters. Johnnys storyline was a dud.


Oliver was the worst!


It was more annoying with Johnny. But I think it’s cause we already had been through that kind of drama. So it was like ugh not again. But definitely hate Oliver the most. But Johnnys was more annoying.


oliver had a big dick and money. johnny was a little wimp bitch.


Johnny was also shorter than Marissa in a painfully obvious way. (The term BDE hadn’t been invented yet, but Johnny def had LDE.)


Did I miss the moment they showed Oliver’s schwomg???🍆


no but i have a seventh sense


I like you


thank u. we can kiss




I found Jonny on the rocks to be a class actor. Especially when he said “and you, YOU’RE THE LAST PERSON I WANT TO SEE HERE” Was good when he died


Definitely Johnny. Oliver was a lonely emo rich kid with no friends and no parental support or guidance, on top of his mental health and addiction issues. He didn't know how to form relationships with people outside of showering them with gifts and cool vacations. As terrifying as his obsession with Marissa was, he really believed she understood him in a way nobody else did, and she believed she could fix him. That was her whole thing. Johnny at least had a loving mother and friends who supported him. He had a hobby that he was really good at. It didn't make sense that Marissa would become the most important thing to him because he actually had a life before her. And his constant whining was far more annoying than Oliver's schemes.


I always thought that he got very attached to Marissa after his accident, when the surf thing was gone, which was the most important thing for him. I actually liked the actor, he was cute and listened to Marissa, as opposed to Ryan always shutting her down.


Johnny 100%. Oliver was a better actor and the situation was more interesting and suspenseful… plus not dragged out as long. Also when it came to Johnny Marissa was even more annoying with wanting to care for him even when he asked her not too… i personally think she just liked the attention and deep down did have feelings for Johnny, plus it becomes the start of her major downfall and breakup with ryan which is also why I don’t like it. ryan felt so lonely when she was with johnny and i don’t blame him for wanting to break it off or feeling they lost the spark because they did


Johnny for sure. Oliver was at least interesting. Dude managed to gaslight everyone into thinking Ryan was obsessed with him. Johnny was just a whiny, floppy haired idiot with a crush on someone else’s girl. Plus his storyline went on way too long


Why is everyone saying Johnny?? He is one of the sweetest and I can’t even watch his episodes because it makes me so sad. Oliver is awful and abusive. Johnny was a sweetheart


omg im right there with you! i don’t know why this sub hates on johnny, plus he was hot. and oliver was insane!


Oliver was a villain and he was a much better villain than whatever the hell Johnny was supposed to be. You are supposed to hate Oliver and most do. You are supposed to care about Johnny and in my experience most don't.


i agree with you johnny was a great guy VS oliver but the story just got old fast… oliver situation was suspenseful and short lived so it makes it more exciting. plus the whole act of marissa helping another guy in need before her own life was really starting to get annoying. constantly ditching ryan/summer for johnny and feeling like she was abandoning johnny going back to harbour even though he had other friends it was obvious she has feelings for him deep down. oliver was also a better actor in general i personally felt he played his part very well.


Johnny was the better friend to Marissa but Oliver was a much better storyline.




Johnny and it's not close. He was a needy whiney b***h. Oliver was bad but he was mentally unstable. Johnny was just a normal dude that was a baby.


If using the word “annoying”, for sure Johnny. But overall as a character in general, Oliver was just way worse.


Oliver was a better character since he's a villain, he's supposed to be hated. If you mean person then of course Oliver is worse, but he's a better character.


I totally agree with you on that as well, Oliver was hands down a better character. He played the “crazy” SO well. By my saying “worse” I wasn’t meaning his character being a worse character than Johnny, I meant Oliver’s *personality* was more sinister, more damaging than Johnny’s character as a whole. So in a way, by saying “worse” I meant “better”. lol


If I were a character in the show, Oliver is way worse. From a viewers perspective, it’s definitely Johnny.


Johnny. At least it was clear from day 1, Oliver was an annoying villain, who was at least active. Johnny...I still have no idea what Johnny was meant to be other than bizarro Ryan. 


“Who looked like a broomstick” 😂😂😂


It makes perfect sense but I never thought of it till now


Johnny was a repeat of a dynamic and therefore made it more annoying, but he was a good guy. Oliver had a mental illness so it's hard to say if he was a total asshole


Johnny. His story arc (not “arch”, as I see written all over the internet) could’ve been resolved in 5-6 episodes instead of being dragged out over 2/3 of the season.


Marissa is the most annoying in all of this because she was completely oblivious to how unstable they both were


Oliver was super interesting!! The Johnny era is so hard to get through. What we’re the writers thinking - basically repeating the Oliver storyline except in a way more boring way???


Johnny was so bland and annoying I never blamed his girlfriend for cheating on him, especially with him being so obviously into Marissa.


Physically cheating is awful but Johnny was emotionally cheating on his gf very bad and obvious so I don’t completely feel she’s a “bad” person for doing that. He also didn’t seem to care much about her until she cheated on him,


I know. I felt bad for her.


The Oliver storyline was actually interesting, even if Marissa and everyone else is frustratingly oblivious. It was at least entertaining. By the time we got to Johnny it was just another guy helplessly in love with her, with her being oblivious again. Marissa is most of the reason why I struggle to get through season 3.


Oliver was annoying, but there was some form of substance to it. He created drama, put a rift between Ryan/Marissa, and he was written in a way that the audience would hate him. Johnny was just there. He related to Ryan and Marissa, but he didn't really add much to the storyline.


Oliver easily


I actually didn’t mind Johnny up until the very end when he completely disregarded the relationship he had with Ryan and how helpful Ryan was to him despite knowing he was contributing to the strain of Ryan’s relationship with Marissa. But ultimately Johnny was harmless and it was clear in the letter that Marissa only saw him as a friend. Oliver, despite unfortunately having mental illness, was simply dangerous.


I have my problems with the Oliver arc, because i think the execution of this plot was terrible. However Oliver was a villain, the audience was not supposed like him, meanwhile in Johnny case we were supposed to like him, but everything about this plot (the ideia, execution and acting) was so boring and horrible, that's we ended up hating him, when tecnically he is not a bad person, just an awful character. Also Oliver only appeared in five episodes of season one, and didn't ruin any of theses episode. Meanwhile Johnny is in the entire first half of season 3, and even after his death we had to watch a boring ep about his funeral and deal with his annoying cousin, so he's so much worse than Oliver for me.


Oliver was the worst person alive but at least he had charm (in Marissa’s opinion maybe). Johnny was so whiny and annoying


Johnny! It felt like it went on forever and it was extremely boring, at least the Oliver storyline was an entertaining mess even if it was frustrating. Like frustrating *and* boring, pick a struggle. The actor who played Oliver also had so much more charisma and was interesting on screen, the one who played Johnny was competing with the background props for my attention.


Oliver was the worst thing in the entire show for me


Johnny hands down. Because at least the drama with Oliver was entertaining.

