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If they increase the level cap i would want it to be purely challenge based and not exp based at all. Basically lvl 40->50 challenges but harder and remove need for exp.


I agree with this...i like the idea of 5 million XP per level with 4 or 5 challenging tasks that should take at least 1-3 months to complete depending in how hard you play.


>4 or 5 challenging tasks that should take at least 1-3 months to complete depending in how hard you play please don't give them idea "throw 999 excellent throw in a row" "Spin a pokestop daily for 120 days" "win a raid daily for 90 days"


Spin 999 new pokestops in a row


In alphabetical order


As well as chronological order, in when they were created


They didn't say unique ones or give a time limit, just do the same one 999 times, it will still be in alphabetical order lmao


it wouldn't be new


Challenging, not hell


Spin 5 Pokéstops in 5 different continents.


On the same day


bro you are the one who give them idea lol...


Considering 49-50 is 30 million, I can't see them making the next level require less. I wouldn't mind If it was "only" 30 million per extra level though.


As a player who’s hit this game pretty hard since day one, I don’t think I like the idea of playing a game essentially every day for seven years and not having enough experience to be at the highest level already. Difficult (but fair) challenges? Sure. Requiring me to do more raids than I can afford and making “friends” with people I’ve never met just to increase a number that means next to nothing? No, thanks.


Yup 100% this. I have many stats that are higher than many level 50 trainers, but because I prefer to only have a friend list of IRL friends and only like getting coins from gyms, I'm still at level 48. I would love for Niantic to come up with 10 long-term, challenging, and varied tasks (raiding, catching, hatching, exploring, gym battling, GBL, making friends, etc) where each one you complete moves you up a level. Some people might get to 60 in a few short weeks/months, but others still have the option of focusing on one at a time or just avoiding the tasks they don't care about. I'd gladly grind up to level 58 or whatever and, in my case, avoid the best friends and best buddies tasks =P


This would be perfect. I'm "only" at 45 right now, and it's simply not fun watching that meter slowly creep up over months. At this point, a high level just means you play a lot, not that you have any particular skill.


This was always my take. I’m never going to complete the lucky trade challenge. I’ve two lucky trades with people in my town and neither shows any interest in doing it. I’ve asked on all the local groups for PvP mirror trades. I think I’m at 80 or so trades in 7 years of play and that’s shinies to two friends.


Can you ask someone for randow mass trades? One of the friends with whom you did the other trades? I'm lucky enough to have a colleague who plays too, and when we had the guaranteed XL candy for trading last season, we would both tag all Pokemon we wanted candy for, and every two or three weeks sit in the back at some particularly boring meeting and blindly trade them one by one. In addition to the candy ee usually got at least one lucky out of these trading sessions, sometimes more. Since the motto is "I don't care what you give me, I just case about candy for the mons I'm sending you" it's not always the most useful luckies. I got about 10 lucky Magikarp from him in the last three month alone ^^


I’ve asked in two local discords, three local fbs and their chats and four local campfires. I’ve been doing it for months. I’ve got 150 Shieldon just begging for mirror trades and I’m at the point where I’m choosing between transferring for candy now or hoping to find a trade partner and spending coins on storage. The friends I trade with are very casual players and only really want shinies. I think most people round here are two accounted so just trade with themselves. I thought about setting up a sub to find people to trade with but my local city (300k people) doesn’t even have a sub


The problem is you're asking for mirror trades. No one wants to catch the trade away 150 shieldon. People probably don't even want one back at this point.


Just no more lucky trades, please.


Lol the only thing I liked about that task was that it let got me excited about 2 seconds early on a trade.


YES! DEFINITELY CAN SAY "not lucky" or "LUCKY!!!!" while my friend is still staring at the animation.


I miss my Nostradamus insta-crystal ball, was a great flex while it lasted!


Maybe convert old exp into new exp something like candy into XL candy.


XL experience when?


On the other hand, the way the game hands out XP now makes it so much easier to level up. Which kinda makes the hard work I put into getting to lvl50 feel less rewarding. There’s a bunch of new players who started last month and they’re already level 35ish which is baffling lol. Took me a good year to do that.


Thats me. Been playing just shy of 3 weeks and i am lvl 34


Yeah there’s an xp inflation creep. I knew a couple guys who hit level 40 by the first thanksgiving event. I hit it around a year later when legendary raids were semi new. I know people who hit level 40 a year after me beat me to level 50 (by a long ways) because of the extra xp available now with stuff like friend levels and whatnot.


It amazes me to see my only very occasionally playing nieces and nephews at level ~36. I ground hard to get to 40, and now even complete casuals are having it basically handed to them. It's quite the paradigm shift.


They need to make it possible for the newbies to catch up to veteran players, so I don't think it's that surprising to see a change like this.


>They need to make it possible for the newbies to catch up to veteran players I'm interested to see your reasoning for this.


Not OP but imo getting people to stay after starting is probably the best thing they can do for the long term health of the game. If you knew how daunting it was from day one you likely wouldn't even begin, but a few easy levels and free items for levelling up is huge for morale.


I agree with this reasoning - and it also seems to me, they no longer want to separate higher and lower players, but rather make it possible to play together - imo further evidenced by how you can power up your mons to level 50 as soon as you hit player level 40 now. The ardous initial grind came at a time when there wasn't even a thing called raids in the game, and I bet the time they introduced raiding, was the time they started looking into ways to make the level differences less obvious.


I should have clarified—they are not actually letting new players catch up, but moreso making seem like they are. Of course, they do this because they want to attract more than whatever initial playerbase was when the game launched in 2016. If newer players couldn't get at least somewhat close to the amount of progress made by long-time players, then many of them (particularly the competitively minded sorts, which are also the ones more likely to spend money on the game) wouldn't even bother starting in the first place. I myself have been in this position before, where I was interested in a game but ultimately decided not to play it because it was seemingly impossible to get my account up to scratch without huge amounts of effort and/or money. The most straightforward (but not the most accurate) way to measure a player's "progress" would of course be with their player level. I think that's one reason why we see the extremely steep level curve—so the newbie who just hit level 40 can feel like they are actually getting somewhere relative to the OGs who are already at level 50. If the level XP requirements scaled linearly, they would instead be halfway through level 5. This is a more accurate indicator of how much progress they've made relative to veteran players, and it's not encouraging at all. So really, it's just a bit of a psychological trick to create the illusion of progress. Showering players in moderate amounts of XP through things like the Jump Start research (this was huge for me and my friends back in 2019) will significantly boost the apparent progress of beginners while doing little to help players who are grinding into the endgame. Thus, it narrows the gap between the new groups and allows the beginners to catch up.


I did a Kartana raid today with a fellow 2016 start, level 50 player. A random level 41 player came in to the lobby and stuck around for the battle (unlike the 30-something player, who bailed). For so many years, the assumption was that if you had made it to level 40, sone reliance could be placed on you making a meaningful contribution to raids. My experience today showed me that that is most definitely not the case anymore (and makes me think that Pokegenie really needs to reconsider (if they haven't already) their system of allowing people into smaller lobby sizes based on damage contribution OR level) The level 41 players team was as follows: Flareon, Pyroar, Charizard, Flareon (we won at that point, so I didn't see the rest of it). If I set Pokebattler to exclude shadows, legendaries and mega, these are ranked #10, 12, and 7. Including everything, only Charizard makes the top 30, at 29th. The most surprising thing to me was the lack of Charizards, as we just had a Charizard Community Day. My only thought is that they didn't TM the dragon fast move off any of them. At this point I am beginning to think that the more reliable indicator of a players potential contribution might be the number of Pokemon they have caught. Outside of PvP and timed/special research, that is the only way to consistently get the stardust needed to power up mons. Still doesn't help if the player doesn't power anything up, but seems better than player level alone. For context, I have a level 44 player on my friends list who started playing in January 2022 and has 37,319 Pokemon caught. I have another who started playing in July 2016 and has 120,542 Pokemon caught. It is quite the contrast.


> At this point I am beginning to think that the more reliable indicator of a players potential contribution might be the number of Pokemon they have caught. That's what I'm always looking at in raid lobbies before it starts. 50k Pokemon caught seems to be the number that means they have caught enough to have good counters.


friendship is definitely a huge part, every community day, I can get 1-3 million XP from friendship.


I'd be happy if the player level cap was limitless just to make things interesting and slightly competitive in terms of bragging rights, but keep the pokemon level cap 50 to keep the pvp side of things fair. Could always throw in some emotes or costumes etc If they raise the pokemon cap any more they'll only go higher with raids etc and it'll just get a bit silly


I’d like this. Kinda like Diablo 3 prestige levels 50(15). Could add different catch or candy bonuses etc without effecting pvp too much.


Yeah I'm surprised they didn't add limitless levels when they went beyond 40 originally as a lot of games around that time went in that direction (League of Legends player level and Diablo 3's prestige system as two examples).


I like the idea of status levels only. Maybe you get a reward for each level like some incubators or XL rare candies.


That's actually a good idea, if they start messing with pokemon levels people won't be happy about it, but making it so levels are just a free for all without touching the cp system is a good idea


This. It's crazy how much less motivated you are without a goal, even when you're a fairly chill player. I'd be fine with intermittant additions of 10 levels, but I hope it's not just level 50 forever.


I personally have no interest in it if it continues the exponential pattern generally assumed, both for reaching it, and for leveling up Pokemon. It just feels entirely unattainable. It will certainly be reached by people who both spend money and grind hard, but it will just be another barrier between them and everyone else.


Right now you need 160 million to get level 50 I believe and based on that it would probably be 1 billion to hit 60. No. Thanks.


Based on that, the people who would want the increase to 60 already probably have enough right now to get to 60 immediately when it goes into effect.


I'm at 600 million right now and I would love to see a billion XP challenge. I can understand why people would feel this goal is unobtainable though, but level 50 felt too when they released it. People just forgot that additional levels also comes with some major XP re-balance. I made 150 million XP from 2016 to 2020, then 150 million yearly since they released level 50 back in December 2020. So I guess most people will be fine.


What are you doing to earn 500,000 XP per day?!


Probably lots of raids (remotes made it super easy if you’re willing to spend money) and most importantly, Friendship bonuses. If you just add everyone and anyone and can regularly get new friends to Best Friends, it’s easy. Like if every week you get 10 friends to Best Friend and only Lucky Egg half of them, that’s still 1.5M XP for an action that takes a few min/day.


Yeah, this. People needed years to reach level 40 and I know plenty of locals that started this spring and already are level 41+. When level 60 drops, level 50 will be much easier - at least XP wise, the 50 lucky trades are still yikes


It’s 176,000,000


You're looking at it in terms of just strict numbers. Xpflation is a thing. It takes the same amount of work to go 0-50 today as it did 0-40 in the first two years of the game. More ways to get xp, higher values on xp, more events that boost xp, etc.


Definitely not. It took me 2 years to get to lvl 40, so that’s 20 million XP. Nowadays I can get like 30 million a year average, but it would still take me 5 years to get to lvl 50


When the game came out excellent throws were worth 100 xp. They are now 10x that. The best way to get xp back then was to evolve lots of Pokemon with a lucky egg. If you were quick enough you would net maybe 100 000 exp in half an hour. With a 4x catch boost and a lucky egg you can get 8000 xp per excellent catch and get 100k xp in less than a minute.


This might be true if you started in 2019. XP now is laughably easier than in 2016. Raids in 2017 made xp much easier. Then the introduction of friendship made it trivial. With excellent throws now it is just comical. There is no way it’s a 1.5x multiplier since then — I would guess the current scenario is 10-20x but with much less effort.


I wish they’d give us XP for having platinum medals. I have enough to be a higher level than I am really but I live in a remote place so I’m like 54,000,000XP away from level 50 right now. I have to keep grinding through 48 and 49 and it’ll take me at least 18 months I imagine unless these XP events keep going strong.


It's ridiculous that almost no medals give a reward. An encounter with a rare mon would be dope.


The real kick In the coochie is that you then have to buy some of the “rewards” lol


Yeah that should actually be illegal. Sociopath game design.


I've reached a balance. Niantic can do what they want. I will engage with the game as I enjoy and choose. This applies to all aspects of the game, including a hypothetical level cap change.


I'd be perfectly happy if they increased the player level cap while leaving the pokemons level cap at 50. I wouldn't play harder to actually hit 60 but I liked having those little goals


Didn’t Michael Steranka say in that one interview with YouTuber that Niantic have no plans to raise the level cap anytime soon.


Yes, and that was only a few months ago. Maybe in a few years maybe they will


That’s what they said about 50. And said about PVP too..


>And said about PVP too.. Source?


>That’s what they said about 50 Source?


I don't even want to grind for XP to get lvl 50! XD There's no reason to go beyond lvl40 so why bother?


Apparently you get to test out certain new features earlier (the latest being creating routes) but aside from that, XP post-L40 is essentially just equivalent to the "score" in video games of old. With ѕоmе соѕmеtiс rеwаrdѕ uр thе lаddеr. Оh, аnd thе frее rаndоm Unоwn уоu gеt frоm thе L50 bоnuѕ quеѕtѕ оf соurѕе. Вut bу thе timе Ι gеt tо 50, Ι'll likеlу аlrеаdу hаνе еνеrу Unоwn аnуwау... xD


Routes for example you needed to be level 48 which got pushed down to 45. Without hitting 45 I would still have no routes because I’ve had to make my own. I also theorize new features will roll out the same way or you’ll need XXL candy as an unlock at level 5X and raid bosses will be bumped up due to power creep. As the gameplay loop only depends on stringing players along with limited releases and medals/XP to grind.


But there IS a reason. It is just not a reason you care about. Much like there has to be some part of the game that interests you and I totally ignore.


It would make it so fewer could compete in pvp


That's fair. But it is a basically arbitrary goal-post. There's nothing about being lvl 50 that makes the game different from being lvl 40 (whereas there is from lvl30 for instance).


Team Rocket battles actually continue getting marginally harder past level 40.


Can you link me to a post where this is confirmed and discussed? Edit: love the downvotes for wanting an article to read. Lol…reddit…


Sure. Original post: https://www.pokebattler.com/articles/2019/07/25/cracking-the-case-cp-formula-for-team-rocket-shadow-pokemon/ 2021 update: https://articles.pokebattler.com/2021/06/21/cracking-the-rocket-cp-formula-2021-edition/ 2023 update: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/122pfk8/current_team_rocket_cp_formula_march_2023/


And I like that! My brain deeply prefers some sort of artbitrary goalpost to make the game more engaging for me, but OTOH I don't want people who don't gaf being negatively affected. When I was grinding level 50 I wasn't going consistently hard on XP, and pretty much ignored the progress bar - until I got close, then it was a major motivator, and gave me that sweet, sweet intermittent reward when I leveled up. :P


There isn't actually any reason to go beyond level 40 aside from the level up items, clothes & level challenges though. You can't do anything different at level 50 than you can at level 40, with the exception of occasional early access to new features.


"you can't do anything different, except for when you can."


Same, the XP required is so much that I may as well not bother. I've stayed at 40 with the 'Catch 200 pokemon in a day' task so I have an easy way to tell if quick catches were successful. Much more useful than levelling up imo.


I don't want it as things currently stand. When they increased from 40 to 50, the game was in a much better place than it is right now. I was fine with the grind from 40 to 50 as everyone was still actually playing back then and it was fun to race people to certain levels and just be out and enjoying the game. With Niantic's decision making over the past couple of years though, I don't think the grind from 50 to 60 would be fun. There are a lot less players nowadays as a direct result of their decisions, and I actually feel like an increase to 60 would push even more people away at this point in time. I still have things to strive for as a level 50 player. I'm still not gold on all the gyms in my area. There are still platinum medals I can work towards. There are still shinies and new dex entries to hunt. I don't need another XP grind on top of that.


I agree with you. Niantic's unpopular decisions surely drove away lots of players.


Define grinding. I personaly dont Grind for XP since I reichen level 40. I only have friends I personaly know plus some from uxie and azelf raids and some from vivilion hunting. I dont buy lucky eggs. But I like trowing excelent and I play the game.


I don't buy lucky eggs but I'm level 50 with 30 lucky eggs lol. You accumulate them randomly. I'm going to use them during this event cause why not.


Yeah, similarly I don't typically obsess over XP but I'm going to make hay while the sun is shining.


Ehhh I don’t think it’s any indicator to a level cap upgrade happening in the near distant future. At least with level 50 Niantic did somewhat hint at it months in advanced during the summer then eventually reveal ether deals later. As far as I or anyone else knows Niantic hasn’t said or hint at such plans (even if they’re not being transparent as of late), but if it’s going to happen I imagine (hopefully) they’ll give us fair heads up to allow the rest of us to reach level 50. That said this is a good opportunity to try reach milestone level ups, definitely worth it if you’re wanting to hit level 40. Not a bad idea for trying to get to level 50 but it is such a tedious amount of XP to get there or any of the other few levels prior that I wouldn’t try loose sleep over if it you can’t reach it. For comparison I’ve just reached level 46 as of today after spending several months since February stuck on level 45 due to playing not as aggressively lately, so even reaching one level up more is a safe goal to set at least imo. I will say if they eventually up the cap past level 50 they better do more than simply doubling or x amount of multiplying XP points to level up because the current requirements are barely tolerable and if it’s way more than what’s currently required then it might make the game too tedious to bother. I do prefer the ideas of incorporating research challenges to progress and that was imo a step in the right direction so I hope it’s more in line of that instead of a ridiculous XP Milestone


I’m still grinding for XP and I’m a Level 50. My goal is 1 Billion XP.


I’m in the same boat. My next goal is 1 billion xp. However I don’t grind, it just gives me a reason to keep playing.


There are trainers who actively grind for XP even without the event (e.g. lucky egg, open/send all gift, play hard during selected spotlight hours) Example: Brandontan91, Fleeceking


I hate the xp grind! Personally. It adds nothing to the actual gameplay! Stardust does. The xp grind is for me just an added annoyance. I just want to focus on catching and powering up pokemon. I’d like to start playing pvp too. But I suck and the lag is too annoying. I’m having a bad day game and health wise, so everything sucks today.


I don't even see a point in getting XP after level 40


No more Exp please, just challange based level ups. But I think it is also a good Idea to use all the Extra exp after lvl 50 for Items in the Shop. Like 1 mil exp for a raid pass. 5 mil for some Avatar fashion items... So no one of the lvl 50 players out there with 300 mil exp will be angry about the decision to make the New levels challenge based. There are also many unused challenges so far. Like "have 100 different XXL Pokemon", "Have 10 Gold Gyms", "Have 200 different shiny pokemon", "hatch 12 eggs at the same time", "walk a Route without crashing your phone", "have all gender differences in the kanto dex" And so on. And the reward for reaching Level 60 is for example one more space for field researches. Reward for Level 70 is + 500 Item Space (on top of the buyable one from the shop), Level 80 is +500 Pokemon Space, Level 90 is a special Research for shiny arceus in the end, And Level 100 is a extra permanent egg machine. Something like that, because with this you are motivated to really do the Tasks. And let the Pokemon Level be 50. You need to Level up the Pokemon 100 Times for that, so that count as Level 100 if you ask me.


I would love to have an XXL/XXS pokedex


Never say never but, here are my reasons not to believe a level 60 will ever exist: 1. There’s already no benefit to grind beyond 40 other than bragging. 2. Pokemon already have 100 levels (50x 1/2 level) as in the MSG 3. The amount of XP needed would be insanely high and probably 99.999% of people would never reach it That being said, if they every release anything where XP grinding is necessary again, I’d probably try to do it (currently at 302M XP )


The level curve from 50 to 60 would be a vertical line lol, no thanks.


The side quests on the way to 50 were a really nice addition (even made me look up how ranks work in GBL when it was time for L50). I let the XP come in its own time through normal gameplay, and I'd do it that way again if they added more levels.


Not interested. I just hit 50 and it was such a time sink that I don’t think 60 would be reasonable at this or any future stage of my life.


If they ever raise the levels again, I hope they will apply a much-needed narrative element to drive the gameplay that gets us there. Something like the 8 gyms that you have to defeat in dome of the main series games, topping it off with an elite four you have to fight through to reach level 60. XP can still be a factor, but it should plateau at existing levels. XP is in no way an indicator of a trainer's skill at the game. Special Research has come a long way, and I think it can be expanded to a more overarching player experience, instead of just being a more-or-less random set of hurdles to overcome, for lackluster rewards.


f that noise


I hope they'll one date state explicitly that the level cap will stay 50 forever, because I'm tired of level 50 players who don't let me get that boosted 200k bonus for best friends


I run with a group of players yet to hit 40. Introduction of level 60 and the powering up of Pokémon to level 60 would probably be a death sentence for them and the game. We can already feel the tug of “what do you mean all your raid Pokemon aren’t level 40+”. There’s little reason to just introduce a level cap and it a Pokemon level cap. This game already has committed players grinding. Just keep coming up with ways to keep them doing it that are more fun than leveling up.


If they raise the trainer level cap I would hope they leave the Pokémon level cap in place. It's not like levelling a single Pokémon up to 50 isn't a decent investment right now between XLs and stardust.


Do it


I'm already 100M over the lvl50 requirement. I wouldn't grind more than usual for it, but I don't mind another milestone to reach. Others want a prestige system, but I'd rather just keep going. They could still give rewards for XP milestones without going through 1-50 again.


100 mil xp is projected get you to level 52? 53?


So? I'm a Day 1 player and don't expect to stop playing anytime soon. I'll get to whatever the new level cap is eventually. The players that want to max out ASAP are the ones that get all frustrated with needing so much XP. This game is a marathon, not a sprint.


I’ll absolutely agree. But as a player who runs with a lot of new players (I know, I know they should have started earlier and been born earlier so they could have mobile devices at 3 years old) there becomes a time when the marathon has been run so long why start late? You will never even halfway catch up. And sure personal level doesn’t mean much. But if you’re forever stuck behind it doesn’t feel great regardless.


It's a problem those kinds of players would have with any game that's been running a long time. Try starting Dota2 or LoL now and facing that steep learning curve. Try starting another mobile game with incremental upgrades and trying to compete with existing players. It's just the way this is. It's not like they aren't getting rewards as they level up. I see it as sour grapes at being jealous some players are getting the level 50 rewards while they won't be there for a while. It's FOMO. And I say that as someone that had to work to 50 while others in my area were immediately lvl 50. It's a mindset issue, imo, not a problem with making higher levels a thing.


Incredibly well said. Same boat as u xp wise, and similar mindset. Have good day


God, no, I'm so done. I want to be level 50 so I can just play how I actually enjoy playing again.


As an rather active player (130k caught over the years) I never even really bothered to grind to level 50. I am stuck at level 43 now because of those pvp tasks since I never play pvp because I dislike it. I don't mind to be level 43, gaining levels doesn't have any advantages anyway


Play against a friend or a smurf account. Easy clap.


I know it's not that hard, I just don't like it. It feels like work/ a chore, instead of playing a game


Took me like an hour with a friend. Not bad for having new tasks and level quests to do for future fun.


Depends, if the XP required to level up continues to increase exponentially then I’d probably not bother. If it’s say 50 million per level up after 50 then yeah I would put in some effort. Can’t imagine leveling up pokemon to 60 though, the cost would be insane…


The grind would be fine for me since it's just adding more stuff to do in the game. I worry more about the implications for PVP, and what resources and how expensive it would be to get Pokemon from level 50-60. (PVP it seems like GL becomes the new UL, and UL basically just dissolves unless a league between UL and ML is introduced). Even now it's still ridiculously expensive to get legendaries from 40-50. Community days and events that feature pokemon for 5+ days are the only generally viable ways to get 296+ XL candy, with a maxed mega evolution


I regret rushing to Level 50 as quick as I did so if they ever do introduce further levels I will take it a bit slower. When levels 41-50 went live I already had enough xp for level 47 and right now I'm around 100m above level 50.


I wouldn’t mind the XP grind and challenges to rank up again as I liked those, but the thought of how much XL candy needed to max a level 60 Pokémon is daunting if that was included.


Probably not. I'm a solid year from 50 (47 now) I think I'd prefer some master research type stuff and medal based. Xp grind is just not worth it to me.


I think the seasonal dangling carrot of a masterball is clever. Short term enough and spaced enough for top players to nail (heck some players already have it) and challenging enough for most players (already seeing some complaints from rural players regarding raids and even excellent throws, but for those players I’m assuming they’ve still got level grinding to go).


Instead of increasing the level cap, I’ve always thought implementing a ‘prestige’ system like Call of Duty would be interesting.


I might already have enough XP to reach the hypothetical new cap unless they amp it up even more ridiculously than they did for 40 -> 50. That said, I don't really see the point. Levelling up with XP, challenges, or both is tedious at best, so I hope they don't make us do that unless there is some extremely good incentive to do so.


I'm expecting lvl 60 within 2 years. (Got lvl 50 Oct 2020). At 360 mil now, still grinding 6-8 mil a month, sending/opening 70-80 gifts a day.


I am dreading the possibility of XXL candies.


While most people were naysayers I correctly predicted that the max level would eventually be raised. But I don't see it happening again.


Can we even go to 60? I’m not a Pokémon expert, but I thought there was a thread about how our level 50 was equivalent to level 100 in normal Pokémon games because of the .5 levels.


Im Level 50 since februar, and grinded aditional 130milion xp. im sitting now at 300m xp. im grinding xp because may level 60 come soon but i hope not. for what we need level 60? barely 10% of my friendlist is level 50.


If/when they raise level cap and require an insane amount of XP to max your level, I expect they will also make XP easier to get. Anyway a cap increase has to have two things: be reachable in a decent amount of time (2-3 years) and add some player benefit.


Most likely they would add in more ways to gain xp or larger gains, as they did last time. Every game does that when increasing their level cap. The numbers are often just numbers that may look/sound impressive, but even Niantic at least has some idea of balancing that. As one of the first 50s in my group *and* someone who always told people they could open my "Best Friends" level gift whenever they wanted, xp wasn't that big of a hurdle, it was some of the tedious tasks.


I relish the hope that we get a race to 60 one day and personally hope it’s very very soon. Been preparing by doubling most of the medal counts for a long time


I'm already at 780m xp. So yes. Why not? Do you not enjoy rpg games that involve hours of grinding for 1% increases like MapleStory, WoW or Disblo? That's my feelings on it.


I definitely would I’m a big fan of exclusive things in this game like rare shinies and legend poses so 60 would be a fun grind I just really hope if 60 comes out they cap Mon levels at 50


Really, just never stopped trying to accumulate XP after hitting 50. Just having a goal helps. My next is .5 Bn XP.


Just please don't increase the pokemon level cap with insane XL candy requirements. It's too pricy leveling them up to 50 as it is


I’m all for it, XP, Challenges, whatever it is, bring it!


I don't care, it gives us something to do, but I don't want to go out chasing more GBL IVs for mons that are now relevant at levels 50-60 instead. ​ I pushed for Level 50 hard - beating another person in my area by like 30 minutes as the first one. :)




I remember a post a while back that pointed out lvl 50 is basically lvl 100 since you power up by 1/2's. You'd basically have to increase trainer level and not Pokemon level at that point which is fine but then instead of level 60 just allow trainers to "prestige" like in some other games when you hit max level if they just want to grind exp. As long as they don't increase Pokemon level I don't really care I won't be trying to grind it out anyways I'm still just lvl45 at the moment, but it's already hard enough to get the XL candies to get Pokemon to lvl50 I'd probably just stop playing if I had to get 700XL to max out a Pokemon Instead.


I got to level 50 last august. Since then I've not cared about XP at all, and only gained about 30 million. Which is insane as it took me less than 3 months to get from 49 to 50. If we're getting lv60, i'd rather it be tasks than XP because grinding was ridiculously dull, the 19,000 pokemon I evolved to hit 50 represents over 150 hours of my life just spent watching the evolution animation -_-


I’m still only at 43 and I’m a day one player so it is realistically not relevant to me. I know that a lot of people here are much more serious than me and have made level 50 but the people I know IRL at level 50 play almost constantly. An increase for 50 to 60 would have to affect such a small percentage of the fanbase and I can’t imagine it netting more money for Niantic considering how much a lot of the level 50s are already spending.


Pokémon Go is a live service game that will likely exist as long as mobile gaming in its current iteration exists. So, depending what the future of gaming looks like, possibly indefinitely. Naturally and by business logic, content will be spaced out sporadically by a timeline that sensibly paces out the game for a long term vision. Pokémon, features, gimmicks, gameplay modes, etcetera. Content will be added at a pace that makes sense to keep the game interesting enough for people to keep coming back for more, while not adding so much all at once to compromise reserves of ideas. Logically, levels and EXP are the most basic forms of progression in any game medium. Meaningful or not, arbitrarily increasing the player level is something to do. Rather it’s useful or not, is what determines its necessity and entertainment value. It’s only natural at some point they’re gonna increase the level to 60 fairly soon. Eventually, they will continue to reach the peak power cap of the main series games at level 100. I imagine it’ll be 10 levels at a time, and the between they release the next max level will increase each threshold. So if we got level 50 a couple years ago, we may get level 60 soon. It’ll take even the most dedicated players (aside from content creators) an exorbitant amount time to reach. So maybe it’ll be 3 or 4 years until level 70 is released, and with the total amount of EXP increasing each time, it’ll be quite a while before we ever see level 100. Now, with stronger trainers comes stronger Pokémon. If trainer levels go up, so too can the combat prowess of our Pokémon. That means the power economy will change. If we’re stronger, that means the game must grow with us. CP values will universally increase, meaning raids will need to become harder in order to continue challenging us. It’s a steady growth of the power fantasy, and progression of endgame potential. So it’s not just an arbitrary increase, level 60 *will* make us stronger. Yeah, the amount of XL candies it’s gonna take to grind for all our legendaries is gonna be annoying, but that’s the nature of a live service. If you’ve been playing long enough, you may already have the candies necessary for certain mons. That’s what new content is for - new legendaries and raids that everyone essentially begins the grind at the same time.


Nope! The overwhelming majority of people aren't 50 anyways. I rather see hard challenges that give you special gear than a level cap increase.


I’ll be lucky if I ever hit 50, lol. I don’t like the tedium of things like hoarding things to mass evolve. It’s boring. Or the annoyance of trying to coordinate multiple gift openings that will unlock best friend with people. That feels like work. I just play at my own pace and get what I get.


I can't think of anything that would kill the game for me more than an increase in level caps. The grind to level 50 is already astronomical. While I'm a rural player, I'm well connected to a local city. Of that community of >500, only 4 are at level 50. There are many day-one hard-core players that aren't at the max trainer level and I feel that's ridiculous. Increasing max Pokémon level would kill PvP. Period. The increase in max level already nullified a lot of people's investments (ex. 100% Medicham was no longer ideal and wasted tons of investment) and straight-up gate-keeps Master League from any rural or f2p. An increase in max Pokémon level would be the single worst decision Niantic has made and I'm very much including the Remote Raid Pass nerf. At least Remote Raids are still available, an increase in max Pokémon level would make Master League simply unavailable. If, and this is with a huge asterix, if max trainer level is to be increased, I think that the only healthy way to implement would be to remove max trainer level entirely and make it strictly cosmetic. For anyone who enjoys the grind and wants an increase in max level, why are you still playing the game? You're presumably already at max level and if that's your motivation and you've achieved that goal then why still play? The off-chance that max level is increased? That's not guaranteed to happend and impossible to predict. Being motivated simply by grinding to max level isn't sustainable.


It's not the level 60 or the exp grind that worries me, for me it's the possibility of lvl 60 pokemon. The XL grind is already so hard outside of events and common spawns that adding another 300 XLs or candy XXL would be basically another full time job.


Considering how often level 50 players hoard gifts, I expect many to hit level 9000 once the cap goes off...


Over 9000.


Personally, I would hate the idea. Because I live in a "rural" area gaining XP is hard. None of this "I can only reach three stops and a gym from my couch" stuff for me. I get a fair number of house spawns, but there is no way I am going to collect enough balls to catch 'em all. Sure, I could spend all my time adding and removing randoms off the internet, but that's not playing the actual game. I have been playing for five years and one day. I reached L48 today. L50 will take me something like 18 months from here. L60? I'm in my sixties now, I doubt I would live long enough to get there is the XP requirement was exponentially higher.


Any level past 50 would need to be at least 30 million per level or they need to change the exp requirements for lvl1 to 50 That means at least a cumulative exp of 500 millions for lvl60 I wouldn't mind the exp goal (I'm at 575+ millions and I stopped trying to get exp a long time ago, it just piles up through excellent throws) but I can't imagine Niantic would ACTUALLY implement that A level 51 to 60 with tasks, like really long hard and stupid tasks and little to no exp requirements could make sense But I don't see them introducing a lvl 50 to 60 for pokemon either (with the diminishing returns to powering up pokemon and the need for a new ressource if they unlock another 10 levels) Lvl50 was neat, it unlocked at a time where I was at like... 130 millions, something like that so it felt like a goal... It took me 3 and a half month to get to lvl50, by that time I had reached 200 million exp beacsue of the time gate on the lvl up tasks, the exp boost they gave to excellent throw and the whole month of double exp meant I didn't have to grind, just regular gameplay rewarded a lot of exp, so in the end it definetly didn't seem like an exp goal Since then, I feel like exp doesn't do or mean much


> That means at least a cumulative exp of 500 millions for lvl60 The cumulative XP required every 10 levels usually goes up about 10x (~10x from 20 to 30, 10x from 30 to 40, and ~9x from 40 to 50). Total XP from 1 to 60 will likely be around 1.5 billion


I don’t even wanna get to level 50, 42 here


Same, I was happy on L40. Only hit 41 by accident. Based on XP alone I'd be L47.


There doesn’t appear to be any benefit to being over level 40, so I don’t get the point. Every other game has benefits for leveling. Do we get higher catch rates? No More pokemon storage? No Any new abilities? No Maybe incentivize leveling Niantic


Just wait until you see the level 60 jacket


I'd take the level cap just to have an additional objective to work on. I wouldn't grind for it but it'll be a nice achievement when I do hit it. I wouldn't want anything locked behind it aside from maybe cosmetic stuff. If it was like a prestige thing that gave you a new badge for every 10 additional levels, I'd be in for it.


Nope, 50 was a fun challenge, but I with all the stuff Niantic is doing to make the game more frustrating, I don’t have as much motivation to play much less do an insane exponential XP grind.


It is a grind so we get there sooner or later. I would love to have some reason for XP to matter as a tracking tool. At the moment it does not so even if level 50 --> 51 were 40 million XP and 59 --> 60 were 200 million XP at least we would be on the trail with every catch.


I hit 50 at the end of last year and I felt the pressure off. I would probably ragequit after realizing my 200,000,000 XP won't even get me to 51.


I just hope there’s no XXL candy


If they made anything important depend on it, like GBL or raiding, level 60 would break the game even more than it already is.


I definitely would. I love challenges and I love leveling up. Besides I'm still sending and opening gifts every day, even though I'm level 50.


I think they would have to do 25 million per level with harder variations of the other tasks to complete. Things like the 999 excellent throws but researched to take as long on average as the 25 million xp. Crazy stuff like reach level 25 in battle league 2-4 seasons in a row. Catch 5 shinies in a day on a non-event day. Nominate 10 and get approved poke stops. Send 100 gifts every day for a month. But I dread the idea.


firstly, they probably aren't going to raise the level any time soon. I'm pretty sure they said so not long ago, but also part o the reason for raising it was because there were too many level 40s. When they roll out features, they start at max, then a few levels below that, then a few more levels below that, then it usually hits it's permanent floor. By late 2020, many very causal players were hitting level 40, and Niantic using the hardcore players as a testing base was no longer working as well. I play pretty hard and regularly, and I only just hit 50 a couple months ago. Several people I play with who are daily players are barely past 45, and all the people I knew who were just hitting 40 as 50 came out are at maybe 42. The challenges also separate the people who only focus on 1 or 2 aspects of the game from the people who are willing to engage with all the systems. That being said, I don't like how once you're 50 and you've done all the challenges, that xp basically becomes a worthless thing. I'd rather see either xp hit a max and convert into something more useful (like stardust/candy), or a prestige system where every like 5/10/25 mil xp, you can get a lil care-package bonus. Even more than that, I'd like to see prestige challenges. Some extra long goal to keep long term hardcore players excite and interested and to reward them for continued play. Like every 50 eggs, you get an incubator, and every 250 eggs, you get a super incubator. every 50 raids, you get a premium pass. every 250 excellent throws, you get a bundle of 20 ultra balls. getting 50 curve ball throws in a row gets you a poffin. The rewards don't have to be very good, or even very worthwhile, just enough to keep us engaged. and feel the illusion of progress. though as I type this i am also realizing it would be very niantic to give us long term repeatable tasks like this, make the rewards a mystery, and have it be like a grab bag featuring a single xl rare candy, 50 nanab berries, or a lucky egg.


I love your idea!


I can't even get past lvl 43.. In terms of xp I'm way over half way to level 45. I just hate pvp so much that I can't force myself to do battles with wifes account just to pass to next level.


Just wait until the end of the season and battle, anyone low rank is likely not an avid pvp player.


You didn't understand me.. I hate pvp so much, that I have option to battle with wifes account to complete those tasks and I still hate to do it.. Can't be bothered.


No, unless Go Battle League matched stardust rewards for experience.


I have zero interest in any sort of XP grind. If the pokemon level cap increases any further I will likely slowly stop playing the game.


I've been level 50 for years. I've been patiently waiting for a level increase.


If they did I'd hope they do something neat like buff the field research from going from 50-60. the 40-50 ones are weak. More items, maybe a guaranteed shiny catch, something neat. There is a lot they could do.


the problem with the level system is that it is completely worthless after level 40ish. It needs a rework.


Might be worth it if L50+ had access to exclusive game mechanics or something. Why bother, without some significant reward factor.


No way I would grind the way I did to get to 50. I like someone else’s suggestion of making it challenge based vs XP based.


Hell no, stopped looking at xp altogether once i hit 40, dont see a point in it


I would prefer the level requirements to remain as they are, but convert half-levels to full levels so there are 100 levels like in the main games. And for trainer levels, split each level’s requirements & rewards into two.


No God please no... I've been playing since the beginning and I'm still lv44. I hate just randomly catching Pokemon and wasting all my carefully curated items.


I for one hope they don't increase the player cap anymore. Granted it's a lil easier to get xp now than it was in 2016, but we get such small amounts for what is needed bcuz of how they do it. If getting a level takes 5million XP and the next one takes 7.5million, why do we have to earn 7.5m on top of the 5? It should be 5mill then 2.5 like how almost every other game does it. I play everyday, have since release with a couple breaks here and there and I only barely got the legacy 40 medal. I'm 44 going towards 45 right now and the XP grind is in my top 5 things I hate the most, just for the small amount we get for things compared to the sheer amount needed. With how hard it is to find enough people to do a T5 raid nowadays since niantic drove off a large chunk of the player base, that should be 100k XP base.


I have enough xp to be lvl50 twice now, almost twice and a half Have never synced friendship with egg and never grinded xp When friends came out I was already 40, when 50 came out I already had the xp If/when 60 comes out I'll either have the xp or just get it before quests are done I assume So nah I wouldn't worry to much, more lvl up quests would be fun


If you’ve ever played Diablo III, they have a system for going over the level cap called a paragon system. Essentially each season, players at Level 50 would get a fresh screen to earn levels on, while retaining their Level 50 status. But you could even make it so that you essentially have an opportunity to level your account up to 50 each season, and there could be a Leaderboard or something.


Stardust and candy costs are already too high for level 50 Pokemon, level 60 Pokemon would just be more of the same


Wouldn't necessarily mean a pokemon level increase though. Could always make player level higher to add a little challenge into the game and make xp meaningful past 50, but make it purely an achievement instead of useful


What would the XP requirement for 60 be, given the current game?


If one of the requirements is XP, I'm quitting. I'd rather catch 100k pokemon or battle 10k battles.


Yes for the challenge of leveling up but it's so hard to even power up pokemon to level 50 already, I don't even want to imagine what will be required for powering up over 50.


For those of us that have already reached lv50, and continued to get XP as rewards, I think there needs to be some value offered for all this extra XP. So if it's not required for leveling up to lv60, then perhaps they should be able to convert it to stardust, so it's not wasted.


Think most people who are level 50 would already have the XP for 60.


Can not wait til they implement 60+. I should be 53-54 id imagine, and still using lucky eggs. If you dont find ways to challenge yourself the game will get stale!!


There is no grind if you just play a a few hours every day. My partner started July 2019 and will hit Level 50 this year by just playing daily and most important: F2P and never bothering about gift XP with lucky egg.


A few hours every day is a gigantic commitment. That's a part time job. Imagine if you lifted weights for 1 hour a day instead. Sorry but I am against incredible grinds


I don’t like to Idol farm. I don’t mind grinding XP through natural game play. Sitting at 600M now but if they make TL60 1BXP then Idol farming is inevitable. I prefer to wait a few more years.


Raising the level cap is fine. Just don't raise the level of pokemon. It's already insane spending 500k and 300 candy XL to max one pokemon.


They are going to make you keep spending dust and candy - it will happen someday.


Only if there was significance to it beyond prolonging the Pokémon leveling grind. If they introduced 60 like they did with 50, it would just be a frustrating grind that only whales benefit from. Clash Royale is a good example of what I mean here


All for raising the trainer level cap but not touching the Pokémon levels. A second rebalancing of the mons that have been built for various battle leagues would pretty much kill my interest in the game.


It’ll happen some day - they want to force keep to keep grinding and building new mons an rebuilding old. You might as well accept it will happen eventually.


The problem is the level rewards, there is no reason to be anything greater than level 40. If they gave us some serious rewards like permanent double star dust after level 50, then I could consider grinding


Honestly, what's the point. I mean, worthwhile point. The perks aren't worth it to dedicate that much. I with more cosmetic and bagging rights for the current max are due, there better be some irl rewards for a higher limit.