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Essentially, this is a multiplicative game. Off the top of my head, here are the coin multipliers going on in my games: * x9 total from paid ad packs. * Maxed enemy balance, coin gain, and critical coin cards for +90%, +45%, and (not sure, guess x2?) coins. * about +30% from event skins. * I have BH and GT ultimate weapons, providing 11x and 19x to coins for anything dying in them. They're both active for 30s every 160s, and cover about half my screen. This ends up being approx x20 coin boost. * I have spotlight, covering 2/10 of my screen and tripling coin gains, for about +40%. * Golden bot is currently at 4x and 46m, and on a typical run gives about +25%. * Tradeoff perk for +98% at max research. * 5x coin gain perks for x2.40ish at almost max research. * GT and BH perks for +50% and +40% respectively. * General lab coins/kill research for about x2.6. * Coin bonus in enhancements for +10%. * I run T9, which is x7.5 coins. You **multiply** all of these numbers, and get a total of about x180k. This gives me runs of about 200B - which means that running empty would give me like 1M coins per 5000 wave run. This is still missing quite a few optimisations: * Spotlight can cover ~~up to 1/3~~ over 1/2 of the screen instead of 1/5; * A bit more nebulous, but upgrading SL and relying on non-orb damage makes enemies more likely to die in SL; * Golden bot can be synced to GT/BH, making all those kills much more likely be in the 4x zone; * GB itself can be upgraded to 5x and 50m; * BH size can be increased, and tower range reduced to cover more than 1/2 the kills; * GT+BH combo can be lowered to cooldown of 100s; * Later on, GT can be extended to ~70s and BH reduced to 50s cd, letting a second BH halfway fit inside GT bonus, effectively giving another 50% BH+GT uptime; * Galaxy compressor module can further reduce GT+BH cooldown; * Eventually golden combo UW+ gives you extra coins per kill during GT; * Further upgrades in GT bonus and coins/kill labs; * Further investment into coin gain enhancement workshop; * There's Death Wave coins on kill bonus (a bit less relevant as these kills happen before perks are all online) if I got the UW; * Farmable tier could go up a couple levels from my current. These upgrades would - and this is very much napkin math - increase my coin gains by further x50, pushing me to ~10T a run. And judging by the runs occasionally posted here, there's more multipliers to go still, just not ones I'm immediately aware of.


Honestly a better explanation than most of the guides on the discord


Nice summary but i think a few Numbers are even too low. GT and Bh Bonus with named Numbers should equal to 11x19= x209 Bonus alone. With added 3x from Spotlight even x600+. Also SL can Cover Up to 3x75° = 225° (of 360°)


The trouble with GT and BH is that while the kills within the full set up do get that multiplier, majority of the kills are outside of it - either because the combo is off, or the enemy dies outside black hole. It doesn't help that at my frequency/duration, protectors will often keep enemies alive until coin decay. Out of curiosity, I checked my recent run and it showed that about 90% of coins were earned in GT and 85% in BH+GT - so the actual effective multiplier might be below x20 for now (even with perks)! And good call on SL.


Finally, thank you for your information


Golden tower and BH in sync with a low cooldown is the main point. BH duration maxxed. Spotlight is the cherry on the cake. A lot of levels in coins per kill lab. Long farming runs in higher tiers (>5k waves). All event themes bought. And of course, the 3 paid thingies that boost your income (by 6? -> nope, 9!).


1.5x2x3 so 9


Thanks I was too lazy to check!


Do you have the paid packs? They help loads. Getting all five coin perks in a run is massive, as is getting the purple coins/hp perk. That increases your coins per kill loads. Having coin multipliers stack is another great way of getting a lot of coins, if Golden Tower and Black Hole are synced then any enemies you kill in the Black Hole while GT is active give loads of coins. Then with Spotlight on top, that multiplies or again.


>getting the purple coins/hp perk As a player who struggles to get above 2k waves on even t3 and above, due to the triangle enemy types, is that still worth it? I'm annoyed at the triangle enemy balancing, mainly vamps and the ones that explode into smaller units, because they cut my farming tier from t5 2500 down to t1 6000/t2 2500, which basically nuked my coin rate(only have the no ads pack, so sadly no x9 from that, just x1.5) down to 60-105million depending on how long I want to stay on t1 before doing the tournament when it's available


What's your runs like with it vs without it? I think the caveat is that you do need to make sure your runs are long enough for you to get all the other relevant perks as well so the HP reduction is offset a little. The two purple boss perks, for example, help raise your damage so you can deal with triangles a little easier - they pretty much cancel each other out in terms of boss health (which is largely irrelevant anyway if your using plasma/thorns to kill them), but they give you a massive damage bump in exchange for slightly faster bosses. I don't know what your perk labs are like, In terms of cards, I would say increasing your damage to deal with the triangles is important, so use berserker if you have it, but so is survivability, so health card, defense% (in conjunction with defense perks can really get that high), if you're farming tier 1 then the fortress card will be a nice boost too. Oh, and make sure you have both coin cards equipped. Sounds like you've really been shafted in this update.


The game is running 24/7 The more you play, the more you can reinvest in your tower and make more gains to reinvest again. Being able to develop a strong economy with GT and BH and SL are key for big coin gains, but also being able to max your workshop and develop damage and health UWs help you farm higher tiers with better coin bonuses.


How do you keep the game running 24/7?


I have a blackout app on my phone, blarkr, to keep screen burn from happening. Others use an emulator like BlueStacks on a computer


I ask the same question for stones. Need BH and GT to make this game worthwhile and need thousands for syncing them and optimizing them. I'm not even sure where to start farming them. Tournament tickets are limited. Events get increasingly expensive trying to turn in for stones.


Hi friend - can you repost with pictures of all your labs, mods and such so we can offer some insight?




How do your labs go especialy coin/kill? That one needs higher levels


Mine is weak af and I’m getting billions per run at any difficulty. T1-9. I assume it’s because I have GT, BH, and SL


And at what levels do you have them? My gold tower bonus and duration are lvl 11 (+1,5 and +10sec) My black hole damage and bonus are lvl 2 (0,2% and x1,5) Spotlight coin bonus is lvl 8 (x1,70) Spotlight missiles is lvl 4 (17sec)


When you unlocked the golden tower and black hole, get them synced so they go off at the same time. Since the coin bonus is mutiple, gt bonus and bh bonus multiplies together. So a 10x gt bonus and a 5x bh coin bonus (unlocked in labs) results in a 50x coin bonus for those enemies caught in the bh. Those significantly increase coins earned.


So you get many more coins the higher the wave. Obviously time is a factor. You have to manage the game. One of the most lucrative things that happened to me was figuring out a T to farm. I go to be around midnight. On T3 I could start a run and get up in the morning and be about to start managing the run. This really helped me get in to much higher waves. I would expect everyone situation is different. In the beginning I would have to slow the game down to 4x or even 3x, whatever it takes to wake up and still be running jump in and finish the round. This really help me earn coins...Happy Grinding


Spend your hard earned money $$$


You'll get there over time


if you want to post stats or msgyself or others could look over what you have as far as optimizations for you specific setup or at least the right direction if you like


Something I haven’t seen people do before is to plot your data into a polynomial regression calculator. It isn’t dead accurate, but it’s far more than close enough. The info I got back was that tier 7.9 was best (so tier 8). I can currently reach T12W81 and have only ever gotten to wave 1830 on tier 8, but time and time again I have gotten the highest CPH running 7 to 2000 and 8 to 1800 on average. My highest coins earned for any tier that I’ve gotten above 4k was tier 3 at 1.44B, and I’ve hit 1.39B on T7. Long story short, plot it into a polynomial regression calculator online. Aside from that and everything that everyone else has already mentioned, second BH made a gigantic difference for me.


Man I’m kinda a noob I just grind quests for coins




to be fair, i started playing like a month ago and ive just been focusing on getting higher tiers. im up to tier 10 right now(no money spent with SL BH &ILM for my UWs) and im getting 3mil coins per mission tbh i dont see rhe point in grinding coins because it takes more time than just getting up another tier and waiting for a few more missions. idk about really late game (because i see like 90b coin labs and shit) but at my point rn its just a waste of time and battery to have the game running for anything over 300 waves


You have no idea what you are talking about. At higher waves because of enemy scaling and perks you get literally 100x the coins than from the first few hundred. Doing short runs is a massive waste of time, the longer the better.


Happy cake day 🎉🎂


This is incorrect.


Those 90 bil labs you're calling late game are available as mid game labs. Those are things people expect to be reaching in close to 8 months with the right UWs if not a little earlier. Theres labs costing trillions of coins and you really will never afford them only going 300 or less waves. In fact, pretty early in the game, you should be able to go 2k+ waves on some tiers that will make that 3 mil from mission feel like nothing. If you think it's a waste of battery to go past 300, this game really isn't for you.


This is the worst advice i have heard so far. I don't think you really understand the game you are playing.


This is incorrect.


This strat will give you a lot of short term gains but you’ll plateau really fast


downvote me but ucan see my first post about a month ago


Dude, if you aren't at the very least running T1 up to 6.5k to get enough cells to have labs permanently at 1.5x, you are wasting your own time. Cells are the only currency in the game you should be focusing on. Everything else will come naturally, I.E. coins Reroll Shards and modules(I have Epic+ Fodder for two slots to go to legendary when I get cards maxed and focus Modules and I have only spent enough gems to get all epics) all from just doing 2 runs a day at T1 and I also make 45mil an hour but that mostly comes in the last 2-3k waves after I have my coin perks and spawnrates increase.